author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Tue, 16 Mar 2010 16:12:26 +0000
changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
parent 1 666f914201fb
child 4 837f303aceeb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Final list of Symbian^2 public API header files

* Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:

#if !defined(__EIKLBD_H__)
#define __EIKLBD_H__

#include <e32base.h>
#include <gdi.h>
#include <w32std.h>
#include <eiklbx.h>

class TListItemProperties;
class CListBoxDataExtension;
class MAknsControlContext;

 * The data container class @c TListFontBoundValues class holds size
 * properties of the fonts used in list boxes.
 * @since ER5U
class TListFontBoundValues
public:  // Constructors and destructor

        * Default C++ constructor
        IMPORT_C TListFontBoundValues();

public:     // Data

         * The maximum permitted width of list box characters in pixels.
        TInt iMaxNormalCharWidthInPixels;

         * The list box height in pixels.
        TInt iHeightInPixels;

 * The @c CListBoxData class is the base class for list box data classes.
 * It stores one or more instances of fonts in normal, bold and italic styles.
 * @since ER5U
class CListBoxData : public CBase

    // friend classes
    friend class CListItemDrawer;

public:  // Constructors and destructor

     * C++ default constructor.
    IMPORT_C CListBoxData();
     * Destructor
    IMPORT_C ~CListBoxData();

public: // New functions

     * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private. 
     * This one is public.
     * @param aBaseFont Parameter not used in the code.
    IMPORT_C void ConstructL(const CFont* aBaseFont);
     * Returns a pointer to the type of font wanted.
     * @param aItemProperties Definition of font type wanted.
     * @return CFont* Handle to the font or NULL.
     IMPORT_C virtual CFont* 
            Font(const TListItemProperties& aItemProperties) const;

     * Sets properties (underlining on / off, pen colorm and font) of
     * graphical context.
     * @param aItemProperties Contains properties to set.
     * @param aGc Target of settings.
    IMPORT_C void SetupGc(const TListItemProperties& aItemProperties,
                          CWindowGc& aGc) const;

     * Queries boundary values of font size.
     * @retun TListFontBoundValues& Reference to boundary value object.
    IMPORT_C const TListFontBoundValues& FontBoundValues() const;

     * Sets a new height of fonts
     * @param aFontHeightInTwips New height for fonts.
     * @return TInt Symbian error code, @c KErrNone if success.
     IMPORT_C TInt SetFontHeight(TInt aFontHeightInTwips);

     * Setter for a search string used for viewing search results
     * @param aSearchString The search string.
    IMPORT_C void SetSearchStringL(const TDesC* aSearchString);

     * Query is search string set
     * @return TBool @c ETrue if search string set and has non zero length.
     *         @c EFalse if no search string set or length is 0.
    IMPORT_C TBool IsSearchString() const;
     * Draws list item text. Supports different drawing for the search string.
     * @param aGc Graphics context used.
     * @param aItemTextRect The item's text rectangle.
     * @param aItemText Text of the item.
     * @param aItemFont Used font.
     * @param aBaseLineOffset Item's base line offset.
     * @param aAlign Text alignment. 
     *        Default alignment is @c CGraphicsContext::ELeft
    IMPORT_C void DrawItem(CWindowGc& aGc,
                           const TRect& aItemTextRect,
                           const TDesC& aItemText,
                           const CFont& aItemFont,
                           const TInt aBaseLineOffset,
                           const CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlign = 
                                 CGraphicsContext::ELeft) const;

     * Sets list item's text alignment.
     * @param aAlign Text alignment to use.
    inline void SetAlignmentL(CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlign);

     * Queries used text alignment.
     * @return CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign The text alignment.
    inline CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign Alignment() const;

     * Access to skin contexts from plain listboxes.
     * @since Series 60 2.0
     * @return MAknsControlContext* Used skin context
    IMPORT_C MAknsControlContext* SkinBackgroundControlContext() const;


     * Sets a background skinning context. Set @c NULL to disable background
     * skinning.
     * @since Series 60 2.0
     * @param aContext Background skinning context.
    IMPORT_C void 
        SetSkinBackgroundControlContextL(MAknsControlContext* aContext);
     * Sets whether skins are enabled.
     * @param aEnabled @c EFalse disable skinning, @c ETrue enable
	IMPORT_C void SetSkinEnabledL(TBool aEnabled);


    NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CFontsWithStyle) : public CBase

    public:  // Constructors and destructor
         * C++ default constructor.
         * Destructor.

	public: // new functions

         * Releases fonts when they are no longer required.
		IMPORT_C void ReleaseFonts();

         * Getter for used font style
         * @return TFontStyle Used font style
		IMPORT_C TFontStyle FontStyle();

         * Setter for used font style
         * @return aFontStyle Font style to use.
		IMPORT_C void SetFontStyle(TFontStyle aFontStyle);

    public: // data 

         * @c CArrayPtrFlat<CFont> is used instead of @c CFont*,
         * because in some subclasses this structure
         * can contain more than 1 font.
        CArrayPtrFlat<CFont>* iFonts;

    private: // data

         * Font style in use
        TFontStyle iFontStyle;

     * Constructs a new font based on the base font and font style given.
     * Constructed font is added to @c CFontsWithStyle.
     * @param aBaseFont Base fontused in construction
     * @param aFontStyle A new font's style
     * @param aFonts New font is added to this font container.
    IMPORT_C void ConstructFontL(const CFont* aBaseFont, 
                                 TFontStyle aFontStyle, 
                                 CFontsWithStyle& aFonts);

     * Updates width and heigh information. Used when font is changed. 
     * @param aFont A font from which bound values are taken.
    IMPORT_C void UpdateFontBoundValues(const CFont& aFont);
     * Changes fonts' height. Takes new height as argument and regenerates 
     * font set so that height is modified.
     * @param aFonts Font set to modify
     * @param aFontHeightInTwips New font height
    IMPORT_C TInt RegenerateFonts(CFontsWithStyle& aFonts,
                                  TInt aFontHeightInTwips);


     * Normal style font
    CFontsWithStyle iNormalFont;
     * Bold style font
    CFontsWithStyle iBoldFont;
     * Italic style font
    CFontsWithStyle iItalicFont;
     * Font with normal and italic styles
    CFontsWithStyle iBoldItalicFont;
     * String used in list box search field.
    HBufC* iSearchString;


    IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_1();
	IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_2();


    TListFontBoundValues iFontBoundValues;
	CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign iAlign;


    CListBoxDataExtension* iLBDExtension;

// Inline functions 
inline void CListBoxData::SetAlignmentL(CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlign)

inline CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign CListBoxData::Alignment() const
	{return iAlign;}


// End of File