author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:27:01 +0100
changeset 3 e1b950c65cb4
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Attempt to represent the S^2->S^3 header reorganisation as a series of "hg rename" operations

// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

#ifndef __EIKDGFTY_H__
#define __EIKDGFTY_H__

#include <badesca.h>

class MEikFindAndReplaceDlgObserver;
class CCoeControl;
class CEikEmbeddableAppList;
class CGraphicsDevice;
class CApaDoor;
class CApaDocument;
class TCharFormat;
class TCharFormatMask;
class TRgb;
class CEikGlobalTextEditor;
struct SEdwinFindModel;
class CParaFormat;
class TParaFormatMask;
class CPrintSetup;

class MEikCDlgDialogFactory
	// These functions are wrappers around the constructors of each dialog
	// so parameters mirror those of the constructor
	// Return value is from dialog's ExecuteLD function
	virtual TBool RunCharMapDlgLD(CCoeControl* aControl) = 0;
	virtual TBool RunFontDlgLD(	TCharFormat& aFormat,
								TCharFormatMask& aAttribChangedMask,
								TCharFormatMask& aUndeterminedMask,
								TDesC& aTextSelection,
								TInt aFonts,
								CGraphicsDevice* aGraphicsDevice, 
								TInt aFontControlFlags,
								const TRgb aBackGroundColor) = 0;

	virtual TBool RunInsertObjectDlgLD(	CEikEmbeddableAppList*	aList,
										TInt&					aChoice) = 0;

	virtual TBool RunObjectInfoDlgLD(const TDesC& aCaption) = 0;

	virtual TBool RunFormatObjectDlgLD(	CApaDoor&		aDoor,
										CApaDocument&	aDoc,
										const TSize&	aDefaultIconSize) = 0;

	virtual TBool RunEdwinFindDlgLD(SEdwinFindModel* aModel,
									CDesCArray* aFindList) = 0;

	virtual TBool RunEdwinReplaceDlgLD(	SEdwinFindModel* aModel,
										CDesCArray*		aFindList,
										CDesCArray*		aReplaceList) = 0;

	virtual void RunEdwinFindAndReplaceDlgLD(MEikFindAndReplaceDlgObserver& aObserver,
		SEdwinFindModel& aModel, TBool aFindOnly, TRect aEdwinRect)=0;

	virtual TBool RunEdwinReplaceOptionDlgLD(	CEikGlobalTextEditor*	aEdwin,
												SEdwinFindModel*		aModel) = 0;

	virtual TBool RunAlignDlgLD( CParaFormat*		aFormat, 
								TParaFormatMask&	aAttribChangedMask, 
								TParaFormatMask&	aUndeterminedMask) = 0;

	virtual TBool RunBorderDlgLD( CParaFormat*		aFormat, 
								TParaFormatMask&	aAttribChangedMask, 
								TParaFormatMask&	aUndeterminedMask) = 0;

	virtual TBool RunSpaceDlgLD( CParaFormat*		aFormat, 
								TParaFormatMask&	aAttribChangedMask, 
								TParaFormatMask&	aUndeterminedMask) = 0;

	virtual TBool RunTabsDlgLD(	CParaFormat*		aFormat, 
								TParaFormatMask&	aAttribChangedMask, 
								TParaFormatMask&	aUndeterminedMask,
								const TInt			aPageWidth) = 0;

	virtual TBool RunIndentDlgLD(	CParaFormat*		aFormat, 
									TParaFormatMask&	aAttribChangedMask, 
									TParaFormatMask&	aUndeterminedMask,
									const TInt			aPageWidth) = 0;
	IMPORT_C MEikCDlgDialogFactory();
	IMPORT_C virtual void MEikCDlgDialogFactory_Reserved1();
	IMPORT_C virtual void MEikCDlgDialogFactory_Reserved2();
	TInt iMEikCDlgDialogFactory_Spare;

class MEikPrintDialogFactory
	// The print observer requires the global text editor to break the 
	// dependency of the control on the print library
	virtual TBool RunPaginateDlgLD(	CEikGlobalTextEditor*	aEditor,
									CPrintSetup*			aPrintSetup,
									CArrayFix<TInt>*		aCharsPerPage) = 0;

	virtual CPrintSetup* NewDefaultPrintSetupL() = 0;
	IMPORT_C MEikPrintDialogFactory();
	IMPORT_C virtual void MEikPrintDialogFactory_Reserved1();
	IMPORT_C virtual void MEikPrintDialogFactory_Reserved2();
	TInt iMEikPrintDialogFactory_Spare;

class MEikFileDialogFactory
	// These functions are wrappers around the constructors of each dialog
	// so parameters mirror those of the constructor
	// Return value is from dialog's ExecuteLD function
	virtual TBool RunFileSaveAsDlgLD(	TDes*	aFileName,
										TBool*	aUseNewFile,
										TInt	aTitleId,
										TBool	aAppendExtension) = 0;

	virtual TBool RunScreenCaptureDlgLD(TDes*	aFileName,
										TBool&	aSaveAsMonochromeImage,
										TInt	aTitleId) = 0;
	IMPORT_C MEikFileDialogFactory();
	IMPORT_C virtual void MEikFileDialogFactory_Reserved1();
	IMPORT_C virtual void MEikFileDialogFactory_Reserved2();
	TInt iMEikFileDialogFactory_Spare;

#endif	// __EIKDGFTY_H__