changeset 0 bb4b476bbb96
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:bb4b476bbb96
     1 /*
     2   display_chipset_api.h
     4   Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     5   All rights reserved.
     7   This program and the accompanying materials are made available 
     8   under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies 
     9   this distribution, and is available at 
    10   http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
    12   Initial Contributors:
    13   Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    15   Contributors:
    16 */
    18 /**
    20   @mainpage
    21   @section intro_sec Introduction
    23   <p>This is the display chipset driver API document.</p>
    24   <p>This API hides HW differences from display (and other users) driver.
    25   API is not kept as binary compatible.</p>
    26   <p></p>
    27   <p>Multiclient:
    28   API is purposed for multiclient use. Same chipset driver should take care
    29   more than one client in same time. Common HW (bus) will be shared
    30   for two clients, that way that they cannot detect sharing.</p>
    31   <p></p>
    32   <p>Resource managing:
    33   Chipset driver is responsible to allocate needed power resources. Chipset driver
    34   should deallocate resources immediately when those are not needed. Display
    35   driver (top of chipset driver) does not need allocate any of power resources for
    36   chipset driver.</p>
    37   <p></p>
    38   <p>DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling):
    39   Chipset driver is responsible to allocate needed clock state and
    40   listening if clock will change. It is better if display driver does not
    41   listening (top of chipset driver) DVFS at all, for avoiding death locks.</p>
    42   <p></p>
    43   <p>Structs:
    44   Always when some of any struct is created, creator is responsible to fill it
    45   with zeroes, and should use sizeof() operator. </p>
    46   <p></p>
    47   <p>Identifier:
    48   Functions where is not IDENTIFIER given, and chipset driver still need to detect
    49   the client, it has to implement couple of methods for same function, to getting
    50   difference using different function pointer.
    51   <p></p>
    52   <p>Image processing stages:
    53   Image processing should happen in order (or output should look like this):
    54   [Source image] -> [Color space conversion] -> [InputScissor] -> [Mirror] ->
    55   [Rotate] -> [TargetArea(Scaling)] -> [Offset] -> [Blend] -> [Output]</p>
    56   <p></p>
    57 */
    58 /** @file
    60 Declaration of display chipset driver API
    62 @publishedDeviceAbstraction
    63 */
    65 #ifndef DISPLAY_CHIPSET_API_H
    66 #define DISPLAY_CHIPSET_API_H
    68 /*- Include Files  ----------------------------------------------------------*/
    70 #include "display_chipset_os.h" /* OS specific header file, typedef etc. */
    72 /*- Data Types --------------------------------------------------------------*/
    74 /*- Enumerations ------------------------------------------------------------*/
    76 /** Error codes */
    77 typedef enum  
    78     {
    79     DISP_ERROR_NONE,                    /**< OK */
    80     DISP_ERROR_FATAL,                   /**< Restart needed. Fatal error. */
    81     DISP_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,       /**< Given parameter is not ok */
    82     DISP_ERROR_BUS_TIMEOUT,             /**< Possible Hw jam */
    83     DISP_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER_FORMAT,   /**< Unknown buffer format */
    84     DISP_ERROR_BUFFER_FORMAT_MISMATCH,  /**< when target device has different format than the input hal_buffer and Hw is not capable to perform conversion */
    85     DISP_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,           /**< Chipset driver operation is not made, because out of memory */
    86     DISP_ERROR_NO_DEVICE,               /**< Device not found */
    87     DISP_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE,            /**< Given size parameters are too small or too big */
    88     DISP_ERROR_HW_IS_BUSY,              /**< Operation is not allowed, because Hw is reserved for another use */
    89     DISP_ERROR_USER_IS_NOT_RECOGNISED,  /**< User is not detected (parameter: identifier), or initialisiation is not done */
    90     DISP_ERROR_CANNOT_CLONE,            /**< If clone combination is impossible. @see dispCloneOutput() */
    91     DISP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED,           /**< Given operation is not supported by Hw */
    92     DISP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,         /**< Given operation is not supported by Sw */
    93     DISP_ERROR_INVALID_NAME,            /**< Invalid name */
    94     DISP_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS,          /**< E.g.: Set twice */
    95     DISP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND,               /**< Something missing */
    96     DISP_ERROR_ALIGNMENT,               /**< Data alignment error */
    97     DISP_ERROR_NOT_READY,               /**< Device is not ready for operation */
    98     DISP_ERROR_CANCELLED,               /**< Operation cancelled */
    99     DISP_ERROR_NO_CLOCK,                /**< Bad clock signal */
   100     DISP_ERROR_BLUE,                    /**< Blue color error */
   101     DISP_ERROR_GREEN,                   /**< Green color error */
   102     DISP_ERROR_RED,                     /**< Red color error */
   103     DISP_ERROR_NOT_IDENTIFIED,          /**< Cannot identify HW */
   104     DISP_ERROR_TE_MISSED,               /**< Tearing Effect line is not detected */
   105     DISP_ERROR_RESET,                   /**< Reset line error */
   106     DISP_ERROR_DATA_LINES,              /**< Data lines error */
   107     DISP_ERROR_AUDIO,                   /**< HDMI audio error */
   108     DISP_ERROR_CEC,                     /**< CEC error */
   109     DISP_ERROR_DDC,                     /**< DDC error */
   110     DISP_ERROR_HPD,                     /**< Hot Plug Detection */
   111     DISP_ERROR_NO_POWER,                /**< Not powered */
   112     DISP_ERROR_NACK,                    /**< Not acknowledged */
   113     DISP_ERROR_CRC,                     /**< CRC error */
   114     } DISPE_ERROR;
   116 /** Rotation and flipping */
   117 typedef enum
   118     {
   119     DISP_ROTATION_INVALID           = 0x0000,    /**< Initialisation value, don't use */
   120     DISP_ROTATION_0                 = ( 1 << 0 ),/**< No rotation      */
   121     DISP_ROTATION_90                = ( 1 << 1 ),/**< 90 degree        */
   122     DISP_ROTATION_180               = ( 1 << 2 ),/**< 180 degree       */
   123     DISP_ROTATION_270               = ( 1 << 3 ),/**< 270 degree       */
   124     DISP_ROTATION_MIRROR_VERTICAL   = ( 1 << 4 ),/**< Upside down/flip */
   125     DISP_ROTATION_MIRROR_HORIZONTAL = ( 1 << 5 ),/**< Mirrored         */
   126     } DISPE_ROTATION;
   128 /** Color format */
   129 const uint32 KLittleEndian = 0x0;
   130 const uint32 KBigEndian    = 0x1;
   131 typedef enum
   132     {
   133     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_INVALID      = 0,                          /**< Initialisation value, don't use */
   134     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_XRGB8888_LE  = ( 1 << 1 )  | KLittleEndian,
   135     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_XRGB8888_BE  = ( 1 << 1 )  | KBigEndian,
   136     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB8888_LE  = ( 1 << 2 )  | KLittleEndian,
   137     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB8888_BE  = ( 1 << 2 )  | KBigEndian,
   138     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB8888P_LE = ( 1 << 3 )  | KLittleEndian, /** Pre-multiplied */
   139     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB8888P_BE = ( 1 << 3 )  | KBigEndian,
   140     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB888_LE    = ( 1 << 4 )  | KLittleEndian,
   141     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB888_BE    = ( 1 << 4 )  | KBigEndian,
   142     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB565_LE    = ( 1 << 5 )  | KLittleEndian,
   143     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB565_BE    = ( 1 << 5 )  | KBigEndian,
   144     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB1555_LE  = ( 1 << 6 )  | KLittleEndian,
   145     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB1555_BE  = ( 1 << 6 )  | KBigEndian,
   146     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB1555P_LE = ( 1 << 7 )  | KLittleEndian, /** Pre-multiplied */
   147     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB1555P_BE = ( 1 << 7 )  | KBigEndian,
   148     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB4444_LE  = ( 1 << 8 )  | KLittleEndian,
   149     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB4444_BE  = ( 1 << 8 )  | KBigEndian,
   150     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB4444P_LE = ( 1 << 9 )  | KLittleEndian, /** Pre-multiplied */
   151     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB4444P_BE = ( 1 << 9 )  | KBigEndian,
   152     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_YCBCR422_LE  = ( 1 << 10 ) | KLittleEndian,
   153     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_YCBCR422_BE  = ( 1 << 10 ) | KBigEndian,
   154     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_YCBCR420_LE  = ( 1 << 11 ) | KLittleEndian,
   155     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_YCBCR420_BE  = ( 1 << 11 ) | KBigEndian,
   156     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_PLATFORM     = ( 1 << 12 ),                /**< Non standard, platform specific format */
   157     } DISPE_COLOR_FORMAT;
   159 /** YCbCr standard bit mask */
   160 typedef enum
   161     {
   162     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_YCBCR_INVALID  = 0x0000,    /**< Can be set when RGB */
   163     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_FULL_RANGE     = ( 1 << 0 ),/**< Full range 0-255 */
   164     DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_LIMITED_RANGE  = ( 1 << 1 ),/**< Limited range 16-235 */
   167 /** Colorspace - API supports one case-by-case fixed conversion matrix (FIXED) for one most used conversion */
   168 typedef enum
   169     {
   170     DISP_COLOR_SPACE_NONE              = 0x0000,     /**< Initialisation value, don't use */
   171     DISP_COLOR_SPACE_LINEAR_RGB        = ( 1 << 0 ), /**< Linear color space */
   172     DISP_COLOR_SPACE_STANDARD_RGB      = ( 1 << 1 ), /**< sRGB, Red[0.6400, 0.3300] Green[0.3000, 0.6000] Blue[0.1500, 0.0600] White[0.3127,0.3290] */
   173     DISP_COLOR_FIXED_DISPLAY_CS_LINEAR = ( 1 << 2 ), /**< Fixed display color space - Buffer pixels are linearised RGB for FIXED */
   174     DISP_COLOR_FIXED_DISPLAY_CS        = ( 1 << 3 ), /**< Fixed display color space */
   175     DISP_COLOR_COORDINATES             = ( 1 << 4 ), /**< With this, Chipset driver does the conversion, according to input and output coordinates */
   176     DISP_COLOR_MATRIX_CONV             = ( 1 << 5 ), /**< Free 3x3 matrix conversion. @see DISPS_COLOR_SPACE_CONV_MATRIX */
   177     } DISPE_COLOR_SPACE;
   179 /** Scaling */
   180 typedef enum
   181     {
   182     DISP_SCALING_NO                 = 0x0000,    /**< No HW support for scaling */
   183     DISP_SCALING_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR  = ( 1 << 0 ),/**< Style: Plain pixel copy */
   184     DISP_SCALING_BILINEAR_OR_BEST   = ( 1 << 1 ),/**< Style: Bilinear or better*/
   185     } DISPE_SCALING;
   187 /** Display Interface Types */
   188 const uint32 KMeSSIBus         = 0x1; /**< MIPI DBI-2 type B */
   189 const uint32 KLoSSIBus         = 0x2; /**< MIPI DBI-2 type C option 1 */
   190 const uint32 KViSSIBus         = 0x3; /**< MIPI DPI-2 */
   191 const uint32 KCDPBus           = 0x4; /**< CDP (HiSSI-V)=No corresponding MIPI standard. LoSSI works as control bus. */
   192 const uint32 KDSIVideoBus      = 0x5; /**< DSI (HiSSI-M)=MIPI DSI1.1, Videobus */
   193 const uint32 KDSICmdBus        = 0x6; /**< DSI (HiSSI-M)=MIPI DSI1.1, Commandbus */
   194 const uint32 KOffscreenDisplay = 0x7; /**< Offscreen display, for possible USB, WLAN, etc. purpose */
   195 const uint32 KCvbsBus          = 0x8;
   196 const uint32 KHdmiBus          = 0x9;
   197 const uint32 KDdcBus           = 0xA;
   198 const uint32 KCecBus           = 0xB;
   200 const uint32 KInterfaceNumberShift = 5;
   201 typedef enum
   202     {
   203     DISP_BUS_NONE   = 0,                                              /**< Initialisation value */
   205     DISP_BUS_MESSI0 = (  0 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KMeSSIBus,    /**< MeSSI bus ID:0 */
   206     DISP_BUS_MESSI1 = (  1 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KMeSSIBus,
   207     DISP_BUS_MESSI2 = (  2 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KMeSSIBus,
   208     DISP_BUS_MESSI3 = (  3 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KMeSSIBus,
   209     DISP_BUS_MESSI4 = (  4 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KMeSSIBus,
   211     DISP_BUS_LOSSI0 = (  0 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KLoSSIBus,    /**< LoSSI bus ID:0 */
   212     DISP_BUS_LOSSI1 = (  1 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KLoSSIBus,
   213     DISP_BUS_LOSSI2 = (  2 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KLoSSIBus,
   214     DISP_BUS_LOSSI3 = (  3 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KLoSSIBus,
   215     DISP_BUS_LOSSI4 = (  4 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KLoSSIBus,
   217     DISP_BUS_VISSI0 = (  0 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KViSSIBus,    /**< ViSSI ID:0 */
   218     DISP_BUS_VISSI1 = (  1 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KViSSIBus,
   219     DISP_BUS_VISSI2 = (  2 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KViSSIBus,
   220     DISP_BUS_VISSI3 = (  3 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KViSSIBus,
   221     DISP_BUS_VISSI4 = (  4 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KViSSIBus,
   223     DISP_BUS_CDP0   = (  0 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KCDPBus,      /**< CDP ID:0 */
   224     DISP_BUS_CDP1   = (  1 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KCDPBus,
   225     DISP_BUS_CDP2   = (  2 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KCDPBus,
   226     DISP_BUS_CDP3   = (  3 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KCDPBus,
   227     DISP_BUS_CDP4   = (  4 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KCDPBus,
   229     DISP_BUS_DSIV0  = (  0 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSIVideoBus, /**< HiSSI-M ID:0. ID maps to Virtual Channel */
   230     DISP_BUS_DSIV1  = (  1 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSIVideoBus,
   231     DISP_BUS_DSIV2  = (  2 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSIVideoBus,
   232     DISP_BUS_DSIV3  = (  3 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSIVideoBus,
   233     DISP_BUS_DSIV4  = (  4 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSIVideoBus, /**< ID:0 in second physical layer */
   234     DISP_BUS_DSIV5  = (  5 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSIVideoBus,
   235     DISP_BUS_DSIV6  = (  6 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSIVideoBus,
   236     DISP_BUS_DSIV7  = (  7 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSIVideoBus,
   237     DISP_BUS_DSIV8  = (  8 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSIVideoBus, /**< ID:0 in third physical layer */
   238     DISP_BUS_DSIV9  = (  9 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSIVideoBus,
   239     DISP_BUS_DSIV10 = ( 10 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSIVideoBus,
   240     DISP_BUS_DSIV11 = ( 11 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSIVideoBus,
   242     DISP_BUS_DSIC0  = (  0 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSICmdBus,   /**< HiSSI-M ID:0. ID maps to Virtual Channel */
   243     DISP_BUS_DSIC1  = (  1 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSICmdBus,
   244     DISP_BUS_DSIC2  = (  2 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSICmdBus,
   245     DISP_BUS_DSIC3  = (  3 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSICmdBus,
   246     DISP_BUS_DSIC4  = (  4 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSICmdBus,   /**< ID:0 in second physical layer */
   247     DISP_BUS_DSIC5  = (  5 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSICmdBus,
   248     DISP_BUS_DSIC6  = (  6 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSICmdBus,
   249     DISP_BUS_DSIC7  = (  7 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSICmdBus,
   250     DISP_BUS_DSIC8  = (  8 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSICmdBus,   /**< ID:0 in third physical layer */
   251     DISP_BUS_DSIC9  = (  9 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSICmdBus,
   252     DISP_BUS_DSIC10 = ( 10 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSICmdBus,
   253     DISP_BUS_DSIC11 = ( 11 << KInterfaceNumberShift ) | KDSICmdBus,
   255     DISP_BUS_OFFSCR = KOffscreenDisplay,                              /**< Offscreen display */
   257     DISP_BUS_CVBS   = KCvbsBus,                                       /**< Composite Tv-out */
   258     DISP_BUS_HDMI   = KHdmiBus,                                       /**< Hdmi Tv-out */
   259     DISP_BUS_DDC    = KDdcBus,                                        /**< DDC bus (HDMI and DVI) */
   260     DISP_BUS_CEC    = KCecBus,                                        /**< CEC bus (HDMI) */
   261     } DISPE_BUS;
   263 /** Transfer mode */
   264 typedef enum
   265     {
   266     DISP_BUS_0BIT  = 0x0000,    /**< Initialisation value, don't use */
   267     DISP_BUS_1BIT  = ( 1 << 0 ),/**< 1bit width bus, bidirectional LoSSI */
   268     DISP_BUS_2BIT  = ( 1 << 1 ),/**< LoSSI with separate read and write signals */
   269     DISP_BUS_3BIT  = ( 1 << 2 ),/**< E.g. DSI 3 lanes */
   270     DISP_BUS_4BIT  = ( 1 << 3 ),/**< E.g. DSI 4 lanes */
   271     DISP_BUS_8BIT  = ( 1 << 4 ),/**< E.g. MeSSI-8 */
   272     DISP_BUS_12BIT = ( 1 << 5 ),
   273     DISP_BUS_16BIT = ( 1 << 6 ),
   274     DISP_BUS_18BIT = ( 1 << 7 ),
   275     DISP_BUS_24BIT = ( 1 << 8 ),
   276     DISP_BUS_32BIT = ( 1 << 9 ),
   277     } DISPE_BUS_WIDTH;
   279 /** Power control */
   280 typedef enum
   281     {
   282     DISP_PWR_MODE_INVALID           = 0x0000,   /**< Initialisation value, don't use */
   283     DISP_PWR_MODE_ANALOG_POWER_ON   = 0x0011,   /**< External analogue voltages */
   284     DISP_PWR_MODE_ANALOG_POWER_OFF  = 0x0010,
   285     DISP_PWR_MODE_DIGITAL_POWER_ON  = 0x0021,   /**< External digital voltages */
   286     DISP_PWR_MODE_DIGITAL_POWER_OFF = 0x0020,
   287     DISP_PWR_MODE_RESET_ACTIVE      = 0x0041,   /**< Activate external reset signal. With DSI, RAR will be listened. */
   288     DISP_PWR_MODE_RESET_INACTIVE    = 0x0040,
   289     DISP_PWR_MODE_DISPLAY_ON        = 0x0081,   /**< Pixel clock for memoryless displays (ViSSI/HiSSI). LP/HS when DSI. */
   290     DISP_PWR_MODE_DISPLAY_OFF       = 0x0080,   /**< Ultra Low Power State (ULPS) mode when DSI */
   291     } DISPE_PWR_MODE;
   293 /** Driver messages - @see dispDriverMessage */
   294 typedef enum
   295     {
   296     DISP_MSG_PING      = 0x00000000,  /**< Ping for all drivers. All drivers forwards this msg and
   297                                            gives callback. Doesn't matter what is the 'receiver'-parameter. */
   298     DISP_MSG_SELFTEST  = 0x00000001,  /**< Selftest */
   299     DISP_MSG_PRODTEST  = 0x00000002,  /**< Production test */
   300     DISP_MSG_LAST      = 0xFFFFFFFF,  /**< Not in use */
   301     } DISPE_DRV_MSG;
   303 /** Colorkey handling */
   304 typedef enum
   305     {
   306     DISP_COLORKEYMODE_NONE       = 0x0000,      /**< No colorkey */
   307     DISP_COLORKEYMODE_SINGLE_KEY = ( 1 << 0 ),  /**< One color is colorkey (simplest) */
   308     DISP_COLORKEYMODE_KEY_MASK   = ( 1 << 1 ),  /**< Colorkey mask. If (pixel_color & mask) -> transparent pixel */
   309     DISP_COLORKEYMODE_ALPHA      = ( 1 << 2 ),  /**< To utilize alphachannel of source buffer for transparency, 
   310                                                      works with followings as ARGB : DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB8888, DISP_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB1555 */
   313 /** Tearing synchronisation type */
   314 typedef enum
   315     {
   316     DISP_TE_SYNC_NO              = 0x0000,    /**< No HW support for tearing synchronization */
   317     DISP_TE_SYNC_VS_RAISING_EDGE = ( 1 << 0 ),/**< Vertical synchronization when raising edge */
   318     DISP_TE_SYNC_VS_FALLING_EDGE = ( 1 << 1 ),/**< Vertical synchronization when falling edge */
   319     DISP_TE_SYNC_HS_VS           = ( 1 << 2 ),/**< Horisontal and vertical tearing synchronization */
   320     DISP_TE_SYNC_VS_BUS_TRIGGER  = ( 1 << 3 ),/**< In DSI mode only (TEE) */
   321     } DISPE_TE_SYNC;
   323 /** Advanced feature bit masks - Used for capability query */
   324 typedef enum
   325     {
   326     DISP_FEATURE_NONE        = 0x0000,     /**< Initialisation value */
   327     DISP_FEATURE_SCALING     = ( 1 << 0 ), /**< Scaling */
   328     DISP_FEATURE_ALL_CASES   = ( 1 << 1 ), /**< No matter what is the used feature */
   329     DISP_FEATURE_ROTATION    = ( 1 << 2 ), /**< 90, 180 or 270 rotation */
   330     DISP_FEATURE_OVERLAY     = ( 1 << 3 ), /**< Overlay without colorkey and alpha */
   331     DISP_FEATURE_COLOR_KEY   = ( 1 << 4 ), /**< Overlay with colorkey */
   332     DISP_FEATURE_ALPHA_BLEND = ( 1 << 5 ), /**< Overlay with alpha */
   333     DISP_FEATURE_YCBCR       = ( 1 << 6 ), /**< YCbCr support */
   334     } DISPE_FEATURE;
   336 /** Buffer's cache and MMU settings - Write buffers to be always enabled - Chipset driver is responsible to syncronise caches */
   337 typedef enum
   338     {
   339     DISP_CACHE_NOTHING                = 0x0000,     /**< Only writebuffers */
   340     DISP_CACHE_WRITE_THROUGH          = ( 1 << 0 ), /**< Write through caches (writes to cache (if hit) and to memory) */
   341     DISP_CACHE_WRITE_ALLOCATION_L1    = ( 1 << 1 ), /**< Cache level 1 -line will be allocated for write access */
   342     DISP_CACHE_WRITE_ALLOCATION_L2    = ( 1 << 2 ), /**< Cache level 2 -line will be allocated for write access */
   343     DISP_CACHE_READ_ALLOCATION_L1     = ( 1 << 3 ), /**< Cache level 1 -line will be allocated for read access */
   344     DISP_CACHE_READ_ALLOCATION_L2     = ( 1 << 4 ), /**< Cache level 2 -line will be allocated for read access */
   345     DISP_CACHE_USER_READ_PRIVILEGE    = ( 1 << 5 ), /**< User code (user mode) have read accesses to buffer */
   346     DISP_CACHE_USER_WRITE_PRIVILEGE   = ( 1 << 6 ), /**< User code (user mode) have write accesses to buffer */
   347     DISP_CACHE_KERNEL_READ_PRIVILEGE  = ( 1 << 7 ), /**< Kernel code (supervisor undefined mode) have read accesses to buffer */
   348     DISP_CACHE_KERNEL_WRITE_PRIVILEGE = ( 1 << 8 ), /**< Kernel code (supervisor undefined mode) have write accesses to buffer */
   349     DISP_CACHE_ARM_ACCESSIBLE         = ( 1 << 9 ), /**< To be always defined if ARM can see the buffer. Otherwise can be allocated only for HW. */
   352 /*- Data Structs ------------------------------------------------------------*/
   354 /** Color Space Converter 3x3 matrix. To be defined if DISP_COLOR_MATRIX_CONV is used.
   355     Output conversion formula:
   356     Red Out   = (red[0]   * Rin) + (red[1]   * Gin) + (red[2]   * Bin) + red[3]
   357     Green Out = (green[0] * Rin) + (green[1] * Gin) + (green[2] * Bin) + green[3]
   358     Blue Out  = (blue[0]  * Rin) + (blue[1]  * Gin) + (blue[2]  * Bin) + blue[3] */
   359 typedef struct
   360     {
   361     /** Fixed point position. E.g: value = ( red.cell1 >> fixedPoint ). E.g: fixedPoint=2 -> b0.00 */
   362     uint8 fixedPoint;
   363     /** Conversion matrixes per color component */
   364     int16 red[ 4 ];
   365     int16 green[ 4 ];
   366     int16 blue[ 4 ];
   369 /** CIE 1931 color space coordinates. To be defined if DISP_COLOR_COORDINATES is used.
   370     When chipset driver knows source and destination coordinates, it can operate
   371     conversion from source to destination. Fixed point is 10th bit.
   372     E.g. If redX=625, it should be divided by 1024 (2^10) for getting real value 0.61035... */
   373 typedef struct
   374     {
   375     /** Red chromaticity coordinates */
   376     uint16 redX;
   377     uint16 redY;
   378     /** Green chromaticity coordinates */
   379     uint16 greenX;
   380     uint16 greenY;
   381     /** Blue chromaticity coordinates */
   382     uint16 blueX;
   383     uint16 blueY;
   384     /** White chromaticity coordinates */
   385     uint16 whiteX;
   386     uint16 whiteY;
   389 /** Rectangle */
   390 typedef struct
   391     {
   392     /** Begin line (first line is 0) */
   393     uint16 startRow;
   394     /** Begin column (first column is 0) */
   395     uint16 startColumn;
   396     /** Rectangle height in pixels */
   397     uint16 rows;
   398     /** Rectangle width in pixels */
   399     uint16 columns;
   400     } DISPS_RECTANGLE;
   402 /** Source buffer dimensions and format */
   403 typedef struct
   404     {
   405     /** Local memory linear address */
   406     void* bufferLinearAddress;
   407     /** Local memory physical address */
   408     uint32 bufferPhysicalAddress;
   409     /** Can be zero. Required if not-local memory, then addresses can be NULL */
   410     uint32 bufferId;
   411     /** Physically linear */
   412     bool8 physicallyLinear;
   413     /** Cache/MMU features - bit mask */
   414     DISPE_CACHE_SETTINGS caches;
   415     /** Features what to be used for this buffer - This is like usage-hint for chipset driver, and can be ignored */
   416     DISPE_FEATURE bufferUseCases;
   418     /** Offset from bufferPhysicalAddress to Y-components (needed if planar, otherwise can be set 0) */
   419     uint32 offsetToY;
   420     /** Offset from bufferPhysicalAddress to Cb-components (needed if planar, otherwise can be set 0) */
   421     uint32 offsetToCb;
   422     /** Offset from bufferPhysicalAddress to Cr-components (needed if planar, otherwise can be set 0) */
   423     uint32 offsetToCr;
   425     /** Source buffer pixel format */
   426     DISPE_COLOR_FORMAT pixelFormat;
   427     /** Source buffer color space (normally = DISP_COLOR_SPACE_STANDARD_RGB) */
   428     DISPE_COLOR_SPACE sourceColorSpace;
   429     /** Source buffer color space (free) to be defined if sourceColorSpace=DISP_COLOR_COORDINATES */
   430     DISPS_COLOR_COORDINATES sourceColorCoordinates;
   431     /** Used if API user wants to use free conversion table, to be defined if sourceColorSpace=DISP_COLOR_MATRIX_CONV */
   432     DISPS_COLOR_SPACE_CONV_MATRIX colorSpaceConversion;
   433     /** Required if YCbCr format used */
   436     /** Buffer width in pixels */
   437     uint32 width;
   438     /** Buffer height in pixels */
   439     uint32 height;
   440     /** One line in bytes. With 420 planar, this tells one line Y-components stride. */
   441     uint32 stride;
   442     } DISPS_BUFFER;
   444 /** Colorkey - Makes hole to layer */
   445 typedef struct
   446     {
   447     /** Only one colorkeymode can be defined */
   448     DISPE_COLORKEYMODE mode;
   449     /** If DISP_COLORKEYMODE_SINGLE_KEY -> Defines transparency key when needed. Planar not supported.
   450         If DISP_COLORKEYMODE_KEY_MASK -> if (pixel_color & colorkey) -> transparent pixel. Then colorkey defines maskColor. */
   451     uint32 colorkey;
   452     } DISPS_COLORKEY;
   454 /** Layer - one visible layer information */
   455 typedef struct
   456     {
   457     /** True when this layer is enabled */
   458     bool8 enabled;
   459     /** True if forces transfer to display. Forcing means that chipset drv logic cannot do any own decisions
   460         (optimising/buffer changes/buffer manipulation) for the transfers. When this is true, buffer content must be
   461         visible on display panel after transfer. Normally can be false. */
   462     bool8 forceView;
   464     /** Source buffer struct */
   465     DISPS_BUFFER sourceBuffer;
   467     /** Input crop. Max size < sourceBuffer.width & height. */
   468     DISPS_RECTANGLE inputScissor;
   469     /** Target area coordinates. if source area is different size than target up/downscaling will need to be 
   470         performed  by HW. Return Error if scaling requested but no HW capability. */
   471     DISPS_RECTANGLE targetArea;
   472     /* If inputScissor!=targetArea sizes mismatch, then scaling method need to be defined here */
   473     DISPE_SCALING scalingMethod;
   475     /** Layer rotation information */
   476     DISPE_ROTATION rotate;
   478     /** Colorkey struct which is used in this buffer */
   479     DISPS_COLORKEY colorkey;
   481     /** Brightness value on screen, [-100,100]%, may be ignored by the driver.
   482         If chipset driver can control only one brightness (not for each layer),
   483         then first layer settings are used. */
   484     int16 brightness;
   485     /** Contrast value on screen, [-100,100]%
   486         If chipset driver can control only one contrast (not for each layer),
   487         then first layer settings are used. */
   488     int16 contrast;
   489     /** Gamma value on screen, e.g.: 1.00=100, 2.20=220.
   490         If chipset driver can control only one gamma (not for each layer),
   491         then DISPS_FINAL_VIEW::topLayer settings are used.
   493         Formula: output_signal = intensity^( 1 / gamma )
   495         In the C++ language this can be represented as follows:
   496          output_signal = pow( double( intensity ), double( 1.0 ) / ( double( gamma ) / 100 ) );
   498         Gamma-correction lookup table can be constructed like this:
   499          int32 lut[ 256 ];
   500          for ( int32 intensity = 0; intensity < 256; intensity++ )
   501              lut[ i ] = pow( double( intensity ), double( 1.0 ) / ( double( gamma ) / 100 ) );
   503         Loading this table into the hardware lookup table at the output side of
   504         framebuffer will cause RGB intensity values with integer components
   505         between 0 and 255 to be gamma-corrected by the hardware as if by the following code:
   506          red_signal   = lut[ r ];
   507          green_signal = lut[ g ];
   508          blue_signal  = lut[ b ]; */
   509     uint16 gamma;
   510     /** True when dithering is enabled (if HW does not support, then ignore this without error) */
   511     bool8 enableDithering;
   512     /** Per layer alpha if supported, 0x00-0xFF (if HW does not support, then ignore this without error) */
   513     uint8 perLayerAlphaValue;
   514     } DISPS_LAYER;
   516 /**
   517 Final view - composed view information
   519 @code
   520 __________________________ __________________________ __________________________
   521 |                        | |                        | |                        |
   522 |    DISPS_COLORKEY (1)  | |   DISPS_RECTANGLE (2)  | |     DISPS_BUFFER (1)   |
   523 |                        | |                        | |                        |
   524 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
   525             `--------------------------|--------------------------´
   526                            ____________|_____________
   527                            |                        |
   528                            |      DISPS_LAYER (5)   |
   529                            |                        |
   530                            ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
   531                            ____________|_____________
   532                            |                        |
   533                            |    DISPS_FINAL_VIEW    |
   534                            |                        |
   535                            ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
   536 @endcode
   537 */
   538 typedef struct /* TODO can be done for n-amount of layers somehow else - perhaps not needed */
   539     {
   540     DISPS_LAYER topLayer;    /**< top most layer (nearest), normally UI-layer and always defined (but not for pure control bus) */
   541     DISPS_LAYER secondLayer; /**< 2nd */
   542     DISPS_LAYER thirdLayer;  /**< 3rd */
   543     DISPS_LAYER fourthLayer; /**< 4th */
   544     DISPS_LAYER fifthLayer;  /**< 5th */
   545     uint32 backgroundColor;  /**< Latest layer (farthermost). Background color in URGB8888 format. */
   546     } DISPS_FINAL_VIEW;
   548 /**
   549 Update - Gives changed areas what to be updated. Chipset driver can ignore parameters, if hw cannot handle.
   551 @code
   552 __________________________
   553 |                        |
   554 |     DISPS_RECTANGLE    |
   555 |                        |
   556 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
   557 ____________|_____________
   558 |                        |
   559 |      DISPS_UPDATE      |
   560 |                        |
   561 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
   562 @endcode
   563 */
   564 typedef struct
   565     {
   566     /** Changed area of layers - Coordinate space in DISPS_LAYER::sourceBuffer - Shall be inside DISPS_LAYER::inputScissor */
   567     DISPS_RECTANGLE topLayerRect;
   568     DISPS_RECTANGLE secondLayerRect;
   569     DISPS_RECTANGLE thirdLayerRect;
   570     DISPS_RECTANGLE fourthLayerRect;
   571     DISPS_RECTANGLE fifthLayerRect;
   573     /** Tearing remove use */
   574     DISPE_TE_SYNC teSync;
   575     /** If DISP_TE_SYNC_HS_VS sync method chosen, the sync line needs to be defined here */
   576     uint32 hsSyncLine;
   577     } DISPS_UPDATE;
   579 /** Target device and bus definition */
   580 typedef struct
   581     {
   582     /** System display number. Normally primary display has 0, secondary 1, etc. Set to 0xFF if unknown. */
   583     uint8 systemDisplayNumber;
   585     /** Bus color format */
   586     DISPE_COLOR_FORMAT busColorFormat;
   587     /** Native resolution of display */
   588     uint16 panelHeight;
   589     /** Native resolution of display */
   590     uint16 panelWidth;
   591     /** Destination color space, HW converts space to another if this is not DISP_COLOR_SPACE_NONE 
   592         If DISPS_BUFFER.sourceColorSpace is same, then conversion is disabled.
   593         This operations can be defined platform specific, perhaps similar behavior is not possible for all platforms. */
   594     DISPE_COLOR_SPACE destinationColorSpace;
   595     /** Destination color coordinates. With this and sourceColorCoordinates chipset driver should do the conversion.
   596         to be defined if destinationColorSpace=DISP_COLOR_COORDINATES */
   597     DISPS_COLOR_COORDINATES destinationColorCoordinates;
   598     /** Used for DSI command packet mode. Continue command if pixel data to be splitted for several parts.
   599         (normally: Memory Write Continue = 0x3C) If not used at all, then this is 0. */
   600     uint8 memoryWriteContinueCmd;
   601     /** Used for DSI. Continue command if read data to be splitted for several parts.
   602         (normally: Memory Read Continue = 0x3E) If not used at all, then this is 0. */
   603     uint8 memoryReadContinueCmd;
   605     /* Timing and polarities -> */
   607     /** Used bus width. max is DISPS_CAPABILITIES.busWidth. E.g. with MeSSI-8 this is DISP_BUS_8BIT. */
   608     DISPE_BUS_WIDTH outputBusWidth;
   609     /** How many clock cycles are used per pixel. E.g. with MeSSI-8 and 24bpp, this is 30 (3 bytes per pixel).
   610         1 cycle = 10. 1.5 cycles = 15. 3 cycles = 30 */
   611     uint8 cyclesPerPixel;
   612     /** Specifies how many LSB bits will be taken from dispAppendCommand() 'command' -parameter. Normally byte alignment only 8/16/24/32 */
   613     uint8 bitsPerGivenCommand;
   614     /** Specifies how many LSB bits will be taken from dispAppendParameter() 'parameter' -parameter. Normally byte alignment only 8/16/24/32 */
   615     uint8 bitsPerGivenParameter;
   617     /** (Pixel data) Clock write cycle high time in ns -> chipset HW should adjust highest possible clockrate to meet the requirement.
   618         -In DSI case, chipset driver has to detect speed mode according to the timing parameters. High Speed (HS) >= 80Mb/s,
   619          Low Power mode (LP) 1Mb/s <= 10Mb/s. @see DISP_PWR_MODE_DISPLAY_OFF. These DSI timings are used for dispFlush() + combined commands.
   620         -In ViSSI/CDP-case, these tells max ViSSI/CDP pixel clock speed. */
   621     uint32 clockHighDataWriteNs;
   622     /** (Pixel data) Clock write cycle low time in ns -> chipset HW should adjust highest possible clockrate to meet the requirement */
   623     uint32 clockLowDataWriteNs;
   624     /** (Pixel data) Clock write cycle total time */
   625     uint32 clockCycleDataWriteNs;
   627     /** (Command data) Clock write cycle high time in ns -> chipset HW should adjust highest possible clockrate to meet the requirement.
   628         -In DSI case, chipset driver has to detect speed mode according to the timing parameters. High Speed (HS) >= 80Mb/s,
   629          Low Speed (LP) 1Mb/s <= 10Mb/s. @see DISP_PWR_MODE_DISPLAY_OFF. These DSI timings are used for dispProcessList().
   630         -In ViSSI/CDP-case, these tells max LoSSI write speed. */
   631     uint32 clockHighCmdWriteNs;
   632     /** (Command data) Clock write cycle low time in ns -> chipset HW should adjust highest possible clockrate to meet the requirement */
   633     uint32 clockLowCmdWriteNs;
   634     /** (Command data) Clock write cycle total time */
   635     uint32 clockCycleCmdWriteNs;
   637     /** Clock read cycle high time in ns -> chipset HW should adjust highest possible clockrate to meet the requirement.
   638         -In DSI case, chipset driver has to detect speed mode according to the timing parameters.
   639          According to DSI-specification, read is normally LP. These DSI timings are used when dispAppendRead()/dispAppendReadRaw().
   640         -In ViSSI/CDP-case, these tells max LoSSI read speed. */
   641     uint32 clockHighReadNs;
   642     /** Clock read cycle low time in ns -> chipset HW should adjust highest possible clockrate to meet the requirement */
   643     uint32 clockLowReadNs;
   644     /** Clock read cycle total time */
   645     uint32 clockCycleReadNs;
   647     /** Video display: vertical sync polarity */
   648     bool8 vSyncPolarityLow;
   649     /** Video display: horisontal sync polarity */
   650     bool8 hSyncPolarityLow;
   651     /** Video display: pixel clock polarity */
   652     bool8 pClkActiveFalling;
   653     /** Video display: in pixel clock cycles */
   654     uint16 hFrontPorch;
   655     /** Video display: in pixel clock cycles */
   656     uint16 hBackPorch;
   657     /** Video display: in pixel clock cycles */
   658     uint16 hPulseWidth;
   659     /** Video display: in horisontal clock cycles */
   660     uint16 vFrontPorch;
   661     /** Video display: in horisontal clock cycles */
   662     uint16 vBackPorch;
   663     /** Video display: in horisontal clock cycles */
   664     uint16 vPulseWidth;
   666     /** TE-signal GPIO line number. 0 means HW block controlled */
   667     int32 teSignalGpioNumber;
   669     /** Chip Select -signal GPIO line number. 0 means HW block controlled */
   670     int32 csSignalGpioNumber;
   672     /** Reset signal GPIO line number. 0 means HW block controlled */
   673     int32 resetSignalGpioNumber;
   674     /** True when target reset is active low */
   675     bool8 resetActiveLow;
   677     /** TE vertical pulse in microseconds (Needed for TE-line detection) */
   678     uint32 vsPulseUs;
   679     /** TE horizontal pulse in microseconds (Needed for TE-line detection) */
   680     uint32 hsPulseUs;
   681     } DISPS_HW_SETTINGS;
   683 /** Defines HW capabilities for one interface */
   684 typedef struct
   685     {
   686     /** For what interface the capability is defined */
   687     DISPE_BUS busInterface;
   689     /** Control bus width */
   690     DISPE_BUS_WIDTH controlBusWidth;
   691     /** Data (pxl) bus width */
   692     DISPE_BUS_WIDTH dataBusWidth;
   694     /** Scaling represents supported scaling capabilities of the HW interface.  
   695     --> if HW support for scaling is not available buffer transfer for different viewport dimensions should 
   696     return  DISP_ERROR_NO_HW_CAPABILITY */
   697     DISPE_SCALING scalingMethods;
   698     /** Minimum scaling factor.
   699         E.g. if 1/2x is min, then this is 200 (100 / scalingMinDenominator). 1x = 100. 0xFFFF = infinity. */
   700     uint16 scalingMinDenominator;
   701     /** Maximum scaling factor.
   702         E.g. if 2.5x is max, then this is 250 (scalingMaxNumerator / 100). 1x = 100. 0xFFFF = infinity. */
   703     uint16 scalingMaxNumerator;
   705     /** Source resolution parameters must be even, if following features are used (bit mask) */
   706     DISPE_FEATURE evenSourceResolution;
   707     /** Destination resolution parameters must be even, if following features are used (bit mask) */
   708     DISPE_FEATURE evenDestinationResolution;
   710     /** Supported color space conversions from sRGB to DISPE_COLOR_SPACE (bit mask) */
   711     DISPE_COLOR_SPACE supportedColorSpaceConversion;
   712     /** True when brightness tuning is supported */
   713     bool8 supportsBrightnessControl;
   714     /** True when contrast tuning is supported */
   715     bool8 supportsContrastControl;
   716     /** True when gamma tuning is supported */
   717     bool8 supportsGammaControl;
   718     /** True when (at least one layer) dithering is supported */
   719     bool8 supportsDithering;
   721     /** Rotation represents supported rotation capabilities of HW. */
   722     DISPE_ROTATION rotations;
   723     /** True if HW can rotate each layer separately. False if only whole view can be rotated.
   724         (Hopefully will not be needed in NGA) */
   725     bool8 separateRotationPerLayer;
   726     /** Bitmask for features which needs bound buffers. If 0, then can be done for any input buffer */
   727     DISPE_FEATURE featuresNeedsBindedBuffers;
   729     /** All the possible colorkey modes supported by the interface */
   730     DISPE_COLORKEYMODE colorKeyModes;
   732     /** How many layers supported, at least 1 */
   733     uint8 layers;
   734     /** True when per layer alpha supported */
   735     bool8 perLayerAlpha;
   737     /** Partial update can transfer separate rows */
   738     bool8 rowPartialUpdate;
   739     /** Partial update can transfer separate columns */
   740     bool8 columnPartialUpdate;
   742     /** Supported TE modes for the Hw-block controlled (e.g. DIF module TE capabilities) */
   743     DISPE_TE_SYNC teSyncMethodsHwBlock;
   744     /** Supported TE modes for the GPIO controlled (If TE line is connected to GPIO-pin) */
   745     DISPE_TE_SYNC teSyncMethodsGpio;
   747     /** Color buffer formats natively supported by HW */
   748     DISPE_COLOR_FORMAT pixelFormats;
   749     /** Bit mask for features, which works with 24bpp aligned color mode */
   750     DISPE_FEATURE packedPixelsSupported;
   752     /** True when given buffer(s) works as frame buffer (memoryless displays). False when buffer is free after transfer (MeSSI=False) */
   753     bool8 requiresFrameBuffer;
   755     /** Bit mask for features, which needs work buffer from host memory - TODO is needed to get sizes for those */
   756     DISPE_FEATURE requiresWorkBuffer;
   757     /** True if DMA buffers must be physically linear */
   758     bool8 requiresPhysicallyLinearBuffer;
   760     /** True when interface can carry pixel data */
   761     bool8 carryData;
   762     /** True when interface can carry control data. Typically this can be false if driver implements ViSSI only, but not LoSSI. */
   763     bool8 carryControl;
   766 /*- Constants ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
   768 /** API version number. @see dispApiVersion().
   769     7:  memoryReadContinueCmd added
   770     6:  systemDisplayNumber. ARGB4444. dispDriverMessage.
   771     5:  Pre-multiplied alpha modes
   772     4:  Free colorspace
   773     3:  Callback parameter for DISPT_READY_CB. fetchedArea added to dispGetWorkBuffer().
   774     2:  forceView and DISP_CACHE_ARM_ACCESSIBLE added
   775     1:  First version where dispApiVersion-method exists */
   776 const uint32 KApiVersionNumber = 7;
   778 /** Fixed Chipset driver name char array. Name ends to '0', so max name length is 9 + '\0'. */
   779 typedef char CHIPSET_DRV_NAME[ 10 ];
   781 /** Chipset driver calls this, when something is executed.
   782     Callback must not be called in the API user thread context.
   783     @see dispProcessList
   784     @param  error  An error code
   785     @param  parameter  Given parameter (@see dispBindDisplayNumber())
   786     @param  isrContext  True when callback is called in interrupt context */
   787 typedef void (*DISPT_READY_CB)(DISPE_ERROR error, void* parameter, bool8 isrContext);
   789 /** Chipset driver calls this, when message (dispDriverMessage) is sent and executed.
   790     Callback must not be called in the API user thread context.
   791     @see dispDriverMessage
   792     @param  error       An error code
   793     @param  parameter   Given parameter (@see dispBindDisplayNumber())
   794     @param  receiverForThisMsg  Driver name who responded for this message
   795     @param  responseForThisMsg  dispDriverMessage's 'message'-parameter for this message
   796     @param  value       Message specific return value, unique meaning per DISPE_DRV_MSG
   797     @param  isrContext  True when callback is called in interrupt context */
   798 typedef void (*DISPT_MSG_CB)(DISPE_ERROR error, void* parameter, CHIPSET_DRV_NAME receiverForThisMsg,
   799                              DISPE_DRV_MSG responseForThisMsg, uint32 value, bool8 isrContext);
   801 /** Chipset API interface type */
   802 typedef uint32* API_POINTER;
   804 /** Identifier type */
   805 typedef uint32 IDENTIFIER;
   807 /*- Macros ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   809 /*- External Data -----------------------------------------------------------*/
   811 /*- Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
   813 /*- Forward Declarations ----------------------------------------------------*/
   815 /*- Functional Prototypes ---------------------------------------------------*/
   817 /* VERSION -> */
   818 /** Gets implemented chipset API version. Verify the return value to KApiVersionNumber.
   819     @param  api  Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   820     @see KApiVersionNumber
   821     @return Implemented display chipset API version, KApiVersionNumber (should match to client version) */
   822 inline uint32 dispApiVersion(API_POINTER api);
   823 /* <- VERSION */
   825 /* CAPABILITY -> */
   826 /** Gets number of supported capabilities (DISPS_CAPABILITIES).
   827     @param  api  Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   828     @see dispGetCapabilities
   829     @return Max value for getCapabilities() */
   830 inline uint32 dispGetNumberOfCapabilities(API_POINTER api);
   832 /** Capability query. Capability list has struct for all the supported devices.
   833     @see dispGetNumberOfCapabilities
   834     @param  api               Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   835     @param  capabilityNumber  Capability number, max value is got from dispGetNumberOfCapabilities()
   836     @param  capability        Returned capability for user
   837     @return an error code */
   838 inline DISPE_ERROR dispGetCapabilities(API_POINTER api, uint32 capabilityNumber, DISPS_CAPABILITIES* capability);
   839 /* <- CAPABILITY */
   841 /* CONTROL -> */
   842 /** Binds display number to Hw (constructor). This method initialises and reserved this DISPE_BUS for this client.
   843     This method can be called if settings of bus are wanted to change, so can be called in any time.
   844     Settings will be take in use immediately.
   845     If client calls this method multiple times, chipset driver should return same identifier each time.
   846     @param  api              Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   847     @param  busInterface     Wanted busInterface, which to be initialised and reserved
   848     @param  cbParam          Callback parameter, returned in callbacks. Normally can be 'this' pointer in C++.
   849     @param  identifier       Method fills this for user, and user will be recognised with this parameter.
   850     @param  displaySettings  Target settings
   851     @return an error code */
   852 inline DISPE_ERROR dispBindDisplayNumber(API_POINTER api, DISPE_BUS busInterface, void* cbParam, IDENTIFIER* identifier, const DISPS_HW_SETTINGS* displaySettings);
   854 /** Unbinds and deallocates display Hw (destuctor). After this HW is free for another client use.
   855     After call identifier is undefined. Pending callbacks will be completed with DISP_ERROR_CANCELLED-error.
   856     @param  api         Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   857     @param  identifier  Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
   858     @return an error code */
   859 inline DISPE_ERROR dispUnbindDisplayNumber(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier);
   861 /** Sets all per layer settings for chipset driver. Settings will be used on next dispFlush()-call.
   862     In double buffered case, this method to be call every time before dispFlush, with different buffer
   863     addresses. Chipset driver is responsible to optimise unneeded reinitialisation. It should store
   864     previous settings and compare changed settings of DISPS_FINAL_VIEW, and use that result
   865     for HW reinitialisation.
   866     @see dispFlush
   867     @param  api         API interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   868     @param  identifier  Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
   869     @param  finalView   Source buffer and final composition settings
   870     @return an error code */
   871 inline DISPE_ERROR dispSetFinalView(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, const DISPS_FINAL_VIEW* finalView);
   873 /** Clones output (dispFlush()) to given destination bus.
   874     Source buffer information is fetched from (this client's) dispSetFinalView()-parameters.
   875     Bus speed settings are fetched from 'destinationBus' client's dispBindDisplayNumber()-parameters.
   876     Commands (control) are still coming from 'destinationBus' client.
   877     Stop cloning with DISP_BUS_NONE-parameter.
   878     @param  api              API interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   879     @param  identifier       Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client (source)
   880     @param  destinationBus   This client's source buffer is cloned to this bus (destination)
   881     @return an error code */
   882 inline DISPE_ERROR dispCloneOutput(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, DISPE_BUS destinationBus);
   884 /** Power control. Chipset API handles own resources, e.g. HW-block clock resources.
   885     @param  api         API interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   886     @param  identifier  Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
   887     @param  powerMode   New wanted power states
   888     @param  callback    To be called when power change is ready, even error occurred. (especially needed when pixelclock). Synchronic call if NULL.
   889     @return an error code */
   890 inline DISPE_ERROR dispPowerControl(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, DISPE_PWR_MODE powerMode, DISPT_READY_CB callback);
   892 /** This method makes possible to send some messages for whole chipset driver stack.
   893     When chipset drivers will get the message call and name does not match for that driver,
   894     then it has to forward message for next driver in same driver stack.
   896     If message==DISP_MSG_PING: Chipset driver will forward same message for
   897     next chipset drivers in the stack, then all drivers call 'callback' with
   898     their own name (CHIPSET_DRV_NAME) and got message (DISP_MSG_PING). With this, topmost
   899     driver can make query, what components stack has. Topmost caller sets param=0, when chipset
   900     driver calls this forward, it increases param by one (param=1). If chipset driver uses to
   901     separated chipset drivers, both will to be called with param=1. Then 'param' means stack level.
   902     In callback chipset drivers will set given param to DISPT_MSG_CB's 'value'-parameter.
   904     If message==DISP_MSG_SELFTEST: If given name (receiver) matches to driver name, then the
   905     driver will execute selftest. When selftest is ready, it reports test result with 'callback'
   906     for caller. Chipset drivers will forward the same message, if name (receiver) and their own
   907     name doesn't match. Doesn't care what is the 'param'-parameter with this message.
   909     @param  api         API interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   910     @param  identifier  Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
   911     @param  receiver    Message receiver name (same what is stored in Interface Storage)
   912     @param  message     Message identifier
   913     @param  param       Optional, has different meaning per 'message'
   914     @param  callback    Callback when message actions are executed. Cannot be NULL.
   915     @return an error code */
   916 inline DISPE_ERROR dispDriverMessage(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, CHIPSET_DRV_NAME receiver,
   917                                      DISPE_DRV_MSG message, uint32 param, DISPT_MSG_CB callback);
   918 /* <- CONTROL */
   921 /* DISPLAY UPDATE -> */
   922 /** Prepares DMA-transfer according to latest dispSetFinalView parameters.
   923     After this, if DISPS_CAPABILITIES.requiresWorkBuffer is true (some bit is set), work buffer is ready.
   924     This method can be called multiple times, before dispFlush().
   925     @see dispFlush
   926     @see dispSetFinalView
   927     @param  api         Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   928     @param  identifier  Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
   929     @param  changedArea Changed areas, rectangle per layer. Chipset driver can ignore and transfer bigger part.
   930     @param  callback    To be called when preparation is ready, even error occurred. Synchronic call if NULL.
   931     @return an error code */
   932 inline DISPE_ERROR dispPrepareFlush(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, const DISPS_UPDATE* changedArea, DISPT_READY_CB callback);
   933 /** Display flush (real DMA-transfer) according to latest not flushed dispPrepareFlush parameters.
   934     Special case if is wanted to flush once for ViSSI output. Keep DISP_PWR_MODE_DISPLAY_OFF always, so if
   935     power state DISP_PWR_MODE_DISPLAY_OFF is set, and Flush is called, then Hw flushes one frame through ViSSI.
   937     DISPS_CAPABILITIES.requiresFrameBuffer==false:
   938       callback will be called when display buffer is transferred to the display.
   939     DISPS_CAPABILITIES.requiresFrameBuffer==true:
   940       callback will be called when display buffer starting to be visible. So when callback is called
   941       any pixel of flush is not yet shown. And after that given buffer works as framebuffer
   942       until next's flush callback will be called. So caller should be aware of that
   943       to avoiding tearing (no draw to buffer if that is still work as framebuffer).
   945     If there is pending appended commands+parameters (e.g. dispAppendCommand) the list to be sent before
   946     actual image flush. With this method, only dispFlush() callback will be called after ready.
   948     If display has TE-line, and TE-line is enabled with DISPS_UPDATE::teSync, chipset driver
   949     shall avoid death lock with backup timer if TE will never detected (TE line may be broken).
   950     When TE-line is not detected and backup timer is triggered DMA, then DISP_ERROR_TE_MISSED error
   951     is reported in return value and/or with callback.
   953     @see dispSetFinalView
   954     @param  api         Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   955     @param  identifier  Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
   956     @param  callback    To be called when transfer (DMA) is ready, even error occurred. Synchronic call if NULL.
   957     @return an error code */
   958 inline DISPE_ERROR dispFlush(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, DISPT_READY_CB callback);
   959 /* <- DISPLAY UPDATE */
   963     Commands and parameters are collected to dynamic size table or array (linked list or compatible).
   964     List is collected with dispAppendXX()-methods, in that order what is called. When display driver
   965     is appended all needed commands and parameters, then it calls dispProcessList(), which sends appended data
   966     to display bus. After next use, display driver is responsible to clear previous list by dispClearList().
   967 */
   968 /** Clears/resets list. This to be called every time before new list will be collected for chipset driver.
   969     Don't ever call if callback waiting is ongoing (between dispProcessList->callback)
   970     @param  api         Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   971     @param  identifier  Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
   972     @return an error code */
   973 inline DISPE_ERROR dispClearList(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier);
   975 /** Appends command to the list.
   976     @param  api         Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   977     @param  identifier  Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
   978     @param  command     Command to be sent to display bus (LSB bits taken only, @see bitsPerGivenCommand)
   979     @return an error code */
   980 inline DISPE_ERROR dispAppendCommand(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, uint32 command);
   982 /** Appends parameter to the list.
   983     @param  api         Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   984     @param  identifier  Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
   985     @param  parameter   Parameter to be sent to display bus (LSB bits taken only, @see bitsPerGivenParameter)
   986                         If e.g. dispAppendParameter=16, at least with MeSSI-8 then MSB byte is sent before LSB-byte.
   987                         E.g. with MeSSI-16, some devices may require 16bit parameters, then dispAppendParameter=16. (See MIPI)
   988     @return an error code */
   989 inline DISPE_ERROR dispAppendParameter(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, uint32 parameter);
   991 /** Appends read data amount in bytes to given buffer.
   992     With DSI: Each read operation shall generate "Set Maximum Return Packet Size" (SMRPS)
   993     command for display (before last DCS command), according to lengthInBytes or max HW read fifo size.
   994     @param  api            Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
   995     @param  identifier     Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
   996     @param  lengthInBytes  How many bytes will be read from display bus
   997     @param  readBuffer     Destination where chipset driver writes data after read
   998     @return an error code */
   999 inline DISPE_ERROR dispAppendRead(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, uint32 lengthInBytes, void* readBuffer);
  1001 /** Reads raw data (e.g. pixels) to wanted place.
  1002     @see dispAppendRead
  1003     @param  api               Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
  1004     @param  identifier        Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
  1005     @param  lengthInBytes     How many bytes will be read from display bus
  1006     @param  readBuffer        Destination where chipset driver writes data after read
  1007     @param  readBufferOneLine Read buffer one line in bytes (after this will be skipped according to stride)
  1008     @param  readBufferStride  Read buffer stride in bytes. Must be => readBufferOneLine
  1009     @return an error code */
  1010 inline DISPE_ERROR dispAppendReadRaw(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, uint32 lengthInBytes, void* readBuffer, uint32 readBufferOneLine, uint32 readBufferStride);
  1012 /** Sends list. Send list in same order than it is filled. Can be skipped if next operation is dispFlush().
  1013     Then dispFlush() prepares flush with sending appended commands before flush.
  1014     @param  api         Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
  1015     @param  identifier  Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
  1016     @param  callback    To be called when the list is sent, even error occurred. Synchronic call if NULL.
  1017     @return an error code */
  1018 inline DISPE_ERROR dispProcessList(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, DISPT_READY_CB callback);
  1022 /** MEMORY MANAGING -> 
  1023     Memory allocation is needed for hiding all hardwares, and all special buffer modes, like tiled buffers.
  1024     Here is couple of use cases, and how they should be handled.
  1026     Use case #1 - Display driver allocated buffer from chipset driver (chipset driver allocates):
  1027     -Display driver fills all members, except addresses to bufferInfo.
  1028     -Display driver calls dispAllocateBuffer()
  1029     -Chipset driver fills allocatedBuffer-struct, and display driver uses that for work
  1031     Use case #2 - Display driver wants allocate buffers by itself:
  1032     -Display driver fills all members, except addresses to bufferInfo.
  1033     -Display driver calls dispCalculateMemorySize()
  1034     -Display driver allocates buffer using OS-services, according to returned neededMemorySize value
  1035     -Display driver binds allocated buffer to chipset driver, using dispInitialiseBuffer()-method
  1036     -Chipset driver fills allocatedBuffer-struct, and display driver uses that for work
  1038     Use case #3 - Display color mode changed dynamically:
  1039     -Display driver gets requirement to change ARGB8888 mode to RGB565
  1040     -Display driver waits that all DMA and other accesses to the buffer are ready (no accesses)
  1041     -Display driver calls dispInitialiseBuffer()
  1042     -Chipset driver fills allocatedBuffer-struct, and display driver uses that for work
  1044     Use case #4 - Free buffer:
  1045     -Display driver waits that all DMA and other accesses to the buffer are ready (no accesses)
  1046     -Display driver calls dispDeallocateBuffer()
  1047     -Chipset driver deallocates given buffer (buffer must be allocated or bound in chipset driver)
  1049     API client has to fill following parameters before give the buffer for dispAllocateBuffer(),
  1050     dispCalculateMemorySize() or dispInitialiseBuffer():
  1051     -At least one of these: bufferLinearAddress, bufferPhysicalAddress, bufferId
  1052     -physicallyLinear required or not
  1053     -caches
  1054     -bufferUseCases
  1055     -pixelFormat and yCbCrBitMask
  1056     -width and height
  1057     Chipset driver has to fill rest data members
  1059 */
  1060 /** Allocates buffer for user. This method makes allocation and display driver does not need do any buffer allocation anymore.
  1061     @param  api             Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
  1062     @param  identifier      Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
  1063     @param  bufferInfo      Display driver gives buffer size and format requirements to chipset driver (not all members filled)
  1064     @param  allocatedBuffer Chipset driver fills all data members for display driver use
  1065     @return an error code */
  1066 inline DISPE_ERROR dispAllocateBuffer(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, const DISPS_BUFFER* bufferInfo, DISPS_BUFFER* allocatedBuffer);
  1068 /** If display driver wants to allocate buffers itself, it can make query from chipset driver, that how much it requires memory
  1069     for doing memory allocation. This is needed e.g. if buffer must have some extra alignment for tiling.
  1070     After own allocation, display driver must to initialise buffer using dispInitialiseBuffer().
  1071     @see dispInitialiseBuffer()
  1072     @param  api              Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
  1073     @param  identifier       Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
  1074     @param  bufferInfo       Display driver gives new buffer information to chipset driver
  1075     @param  neededMemorySize Chipset driver fills needed buffer size to display driver (in bytes)
  1076     @return an error code */
  1077 inline DISPE_ERROR dispCalculateMemorySize(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, const DISPS_BUFFER* bufferInfo, uint32* neededMemorySize);
  1079 /** If user settings are changed, e.g. colormode or DISPS_BUFFER.bufferUseCases changed, chipset driver can do some changes to buffer settings.
  1080     It can change tile size, or re-allocate new version of buffer for user.
  1081     This to be called every time when some of bufferInfo or DISPS_BUFFER.bufferUseCases is changed.
  1082     Display driver should be aware that any transfer or access to old buffer is not ongoing when this method is called.
  1083     If display driver is allocated buffer by itself, it should give allocated buffer to chipset driver using this method. Then
  1084     returned buffer (allocatedBuffer) will be used for update and draw purpose (this method binds the buffer).
  1086     @note Any buffer can be tried to give directly to chipset driver (for flush), but if e.g. rotation
  1087     requires some special buffer type, chipset driver cannot do all operations for "not initalised" buffers.
  1088     So-called external buffers can be tried to flush directly without dispInitialiseBuffer, but then error may occur.
  1090     @see dispCalculateMemorySize()
  1091     @param  api             Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
  1092     @param  identifier      Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
  1093     @param  bufferInfo      Display driver gives new buffer information to chipset driver
  1094     @param  allocatedBuffer Chipset driver fills all data members for display driver use
  1095     @return an error code */
  1096 inline DISPE_ERROR dispInitialiseBuffer(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, const DISPS_BUFFER* bufferInfo, DISPS_BUFFER* allocatedBuffer);
  1098 /** Deallocates and unbinds the buffer. If display driver is allocated buffer itself, this must be done
  1099     before the real memory deallocation.
  1100     So-called external buffers will not be deallocated with this function.
  1101     @param  api               Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
  1102     @param  identifier        Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
  1103     @param  bufferToBeRemoved Display driver gives new buffer information to chipset driver
  1104     @return an error code */
  1105 inline DISPE_ERROR dispDeallocateBuffer(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, const DISPS_BUFFER* bufferToBeRemoved);
  1107 /** Fetchs chipset driver workbuffer (if exists, DISPS_CAPABILITIES.requiresWorkBuffer)
  1108     Work buffer is available when dispPrepareFlush() is called. To be called separately for each dispPrepareFlush() call.
  1109     Can fetch also partial buffer, and then can be faster operation, and peek memory consumption will be smaller.
  1110     @param  api               Api interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
  1111     @param  identifier        Chipset driver uses this parameter for detecting client
  1112     @param  fetchedArea       Rectangle which to be fetched
  1113     @param  fetchedWorkBuffer Chipset driver fills own work buffer information to this buffer (if in host memory)
  1114     @return an error code */
  1115 inline DISPE_ERROR dispGetWorkBuffer(API_POINTER api, IDENTIFIER identifier, const DISPS_RECTANGLE* fetchedArea, DISPS_BUFFER* fetchedWorkBuffer);
  1117 /* <- MEMORY MANAGING */
  1119 /*- Inline Functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
  1121 #include "display_chipset_api.inl"
  1123 #endif /* DISPLAY_CHIPSET_API_H */
  1125 /* End of File */