TV Out/ddc_chipset_api.h
author Daniel Rubio <>
Fri, 26 Jun 2009 15:44:04 +0100
changeset 0 bb4b476bbb96
permissions -rw-r--r--
Initial contribution of SHAI APIs from Nokia.


  Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
  All rights reserved.

  This program and the accompanying materials are made available 
  under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies 
  this distribution, and is available at

  Initial Contributors:
  Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.



  @section intro_sec Introduction

  <p>This is the tv chipset driver API document.</p>
  <p>This API hides HW differencies from display (and other users) driver.
  API is not kept as binary compatible.</p>
  <p>Get API pointer:
  API pointer (API_POINTER) will be found from Interface Storage.
  DDC is found from interface storage with bus name DISP_BUS_DDC.</p>

/** @file

Declaration of TV chipset driver API



/*- Include Files  ----------------------------------------------------------*/

#include "display_chipset_os.h"  /* OS specific header file, typedef etc. */
#include "display_chipset_api.h" /* Fetch enumeration etc */

/*- Namespace ---------------------------------------------------------------*/

/*- Enumerations ------------------------------------------------------------*/

/*- Data Structs ------------------------------------------------------------*/

/*- Constants ---------------------------------------------------------------*/

/** One DDC segment size. See that EDID block size is just 128 bytes,
    so base-EDID read might contain one EDID extension */
const uint32 KSegmentSize = 256;

/** One data block */
typedef uint8 DISPA_DDC_DATA_BLOCK[ KSegmentSize ];

/** API version number. @see dispDdcApiVersion().
    1:  First version */
const uint32 KApiDdcVersionNumber = 1;

/*- Macros ------------------------------------------------------------------*/

/*- External Data -----------------------------------------------------------*/

/*- Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------*/

/*- Forward Declarations ----------------------------------------------------*/

/*- Functional Prototypes ---------------------------------------------------*/

/* VERSION -> */

/** Gets implemented chipset API version. Verify the return value to KApiDdcVersionNumber.
    @param  api  API interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
    @see KApiDdcVersionNumber
    @return Implemented Tv chipset API version, KApiDdcVersionNumber (should match to client version) */
inline uint32 dispDdcApiVersion(API_POINTER api);

/* <- VERSION */

/* ACCESS -> */

/** Starts DDC read from wanted port.

    Method reads one DISPA_DDC_DATA_BLOCK, and it size is double of one EDID block,
    so the first EDID read might get base-EDID and first extension, if exists.
    With variable size of DisplayID, method reads anyway whole size of DISPA_DDC_DATA_BLOCK,
    even DisplayID section is smaller.

    @param  api               API interface pointer, fetched from dispGetInterface()
    @param  ddcPortAddress    DDC port which needs to be read
    @param  blockNumber       Datablock which needs to be read (parameter maps to segment-register 0x60)
    @param  dataBlock         Method fills this with read values. Ensure that this data exists all the time,
                              be careful if local variable.
    @param  callbackWhenRead  Will be called when ready, if no errors, then aDataBlock contains read values.
                              Call with NULL-callback cancels all read operations
                              (and ddc-driver calls pending callbacks).
    @return an error code */
inline DISPE_ERROR dispDdcRead(API_POINTER api, uint8 ddcPortAddress, uint32 blockNumber, DISPA_DDC_DATA_BLOCK* dataBlock, DISPT_READY_CB callbackWhenRead);

/* <- ACCESS */

/*- Inline Functions --------------------------------------------------------*/

#include "ddc_chipset_api.inl"

#endif /* DDC_CHIPSET_API_H */

/* End of File */