* JavaScript file
function init()
// Call this function to add a callback that will be notified of orientation changes
function watchSensorNotifications() {
var sensors = device.getServiceObject("Service.Sensor", "ISensor");
var SensorParams = {
SearchCriterion : "Orientation" // TODO Possible values (one of):
// SearchCriterion : "All"
// SearchCriterion : "AccelerometerAxis"
// SearchCriterion : "AccelerometerDoubleTapping"
// SearchCriterion : "Rotation"
var result = sensors.ISensor.FindSensorChannel(SensorParams);
if (result.ErrorCode != 0) {
var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
// TODO Handle error
return null;
// TODO Function named "sensorCallback" will be called when device orientation changes. This function should be created.
var result2 = sensors.ISensor.RegisterForNotification(
{ ChannelInfoMap : result.ReturnValue[0],
ListeningType : "ChannelData" }, sensorCallback);
if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
var transactionId = result.TransactionID;
// TODO Use this transaction ID to cancel notifications when watching orientation is no longer needed
return transactionId;
} else {
var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
// TODO Handle error
return null;
// This function can be passed as callback to
// sensors.ISensor.RegisterForNotification method
function sensorCallback(transactionId, code, result) {
if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
// TODO Process notification
var dataType = result.ReturnValue.DataType; // One of: "AxisData", "DoubleTappingData", "OrientationData" or "RotationData"
var orientation = result.ReturnValue.DeviceOrientation; // Orientation
// var xAxis = result.ReturnValue.XAxisData; // Accelerometer
// var yAxis = result.ReturnValue.YAxisData; // Accelerometer
// var zAxis = result.ReturnValue.ZAxisData; // Accelerometer
// var direction = result.ReturnValue.DeviceDirection; // Accelerometer double tapping
// var xRotation = result.ReturnValue.XRotation; // Rotation
// var yRotation = result.ReturnValue.YRotation; // Rotation
// var zRotation = result.ReturnValue.ZRotation; // Rotation
} else {
var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
// TODO Handle error
function setVisibleDiv(orientation) {
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
for ( var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var el = elements[i];
el.style.display = el.id == orientation ? "inherit" : "none";
document.getElementById("orientation").innerHTML = orientation;