changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:ffa851df0825 1:2fb8b9db1c86
     2 /* Simple program:  Fill a colormap with gray and stripe it down the screen */
     4 #include <stdio.h>
     5 #include <stdlib.h>
     6 #include <string.h>
     7 #include <time.h>
     9 #include "SDL.h"
    11 #ifdef TEST_VGA16 /* Define this if you want to test VGA 16-color video modes */
    12 #define NUM_COLORS	16
    13 #else
    14 #define NUM_COLORS	256
    15 #endif
    17 /* Draw a randomly sized and colored box centered about (X,Y) */
    18 void DrawBox(SDL_Surface *screen, int X, int Y, int width, int height)
    19 {
    20 	static unsigned int seeded = 0;
    21 	SDL_Rect area;
    22 	Uint32 color;
    23         Uint32 randc;
    25 	/* Seed the random number generator */
    26 	if ( seeded == 0 ) {
    27 		srand(time(NULL));
    28 		seeded = 1;
    29 	}
    31 	/* Get the bounds of the rectangle */
    32 	area.w = (rand()%width);
    33 	area.h = (rand()%height);
    34 	area.x = X-(area.w/2);
    35 	area.y = Y-(area.h/2);
    36         randc = (rand()%NUM_COLORS);
    38         if (screen->format->BytesPerPixel==1)
    39         {
    40             color = randc;
    41         }
    42         else
    43         {
    44             color = SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, randc, randc, randc);
    45         }
    47 	/* Do it! */
    48 	SDL_FillRect(screen, &area, color);
    49 	if ( screen->flags & SDL_DOUBLEBUF ) {
    50 		SDL_Flip(screen);
    51 	} else {
    52 		SDL_UpdateRects(screen, 1, &area);
    53 	}
    54 }
    56 void DrawBackground(SDL_Surface *screen)
    57 {
    58 	int i, j, k;
    59 	Uint8  *buffer;
    60 	Uint16 *buffer16;
    61         Uint16 color;
    62         Uint8  gradient;
    64 	/* Set the surface pixels and refresh! */
    65 	/* Use two loops in case the surface is double-buffered (both sides) */
    67 	for ( j=0; j<2; ++j ) {
    68 		if ( SDL_LockSurface(screen) < 0 ) {
    69 			fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't lock display surface: %s\n",
    70 								SDL_GetError());
    71 			return;
    72 		}
    73 		buffer = (Uint8 *)screen->pixels;
    75 		if (screen->format->BytesPerPixel!=2) {
    76 			for ( i=0; i<screen->h; ++i ) {
    77 				memset(buffer,(i*(NUM_COLORS-1))/screen->h, screen->w * screen->format->BytesPerPixel);
    78 				buffer += screen->pitch;
    79 			}
    80 		}
    81                 else
    82                 {
    83 			for ( i=0; i<screen->h; ++i ) {
    84 				gradient=((i*(NUM_COLORS-1))/screen->h);
    85                                 color = SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, gradient, gradient, gradient);
    86                                 buffer16=(Uint16*)buffer;
    87                                 for (k=0; k<screen->w; k++)
    88                                 {
    89                                    *(buffer16+k)=color;
    90                                 }
    91 				buffer += screen->pitch;
    92 			}
    93                 }
    95 		SDL_UnlockSurface(screen);
    96 		if ( screen->flags & SDL_DOUBLEBUF ) {
    97 			SDL_Flip(screen);
    98 		} else {
    99 			SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0);
   100                         break;
   101 		}
   102 	}
   103 }
   105 SDL_Surface *CreateScreen(Uint16 w, Uint16 h, Uint8 bpp, Uint32 flags)
   106 {
   107 	SDL_Surface *screen;
   108 	int i;
   109 	SDL_Color palette[NUM_COLORS];
   111 	/* Set the video mode */
   112 	screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, bpp, flags);
   113 	if ( screen == NULL ) {
   114 		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set display mode: %s\n",
   115 							SDL_GetError());
   116 		return(NULL);
   117 	}
   118 	fprintf(stderr, "Screen is in %s mode\n",
   119 		(screen->flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN) ? "fullscreen" : "windowed");
   121 	if (bpp==8) {
   122 		/* Set a gray colormap, reverse order from white to black */
   123 		for ( i=0; i<NUM_COLORS; ++i ) {
   124 			palette[i].r = (NUM_COLORS-1)-i * (256 / NUM_COLORS);
   125 			palette[i].g = (NUM_COLORS-1)-i * (256 / NUM_COLORS);
   126 			palette[i].b = (NUM_COLORS-1)-i * (256 / NUM_COLORS);
   127 		}
   128 		SDL_SetColors(screen, palette, 0, NUM_COLORS);
   129 	}
   131 	return(screen);
   132 }
   134 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   135 {
   136 	SDL_Surface *screen;
   137 	Uint32 videoflags;
   138 	int    done;
   139 	SDL_Event event;
   140 	int width, height, bpp;
   142 	/* Initialize SDL */
   143 	if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0 ) {
   144 		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n",SDL_GetError());
   145 		exit(1);
   146 	}
   148 	/* See if we try to get a hardware colormap */
   149 	width = 640;
   150 	height = 480;
   151 	bpp = 8;
   152 	videoflags = SDL_SWSURFACE;
   153 	while ( argc > 1 ) {
   154 		--argc;
   155 		if ( argv[argc-1] && (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-width") == 0) ) {
   156 			width = atoi(argv[argc]);
   157 			--argc;
   158 		} else
   159 		if ( argv[argc-1] && (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-height") == 0) ) {
   160 			height = atoi(argv[argc]);
   161 			--argc;
   162 		} else
   163 		if ( argv[argc-1] && (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-bpp") == 0) ) {
   164 			bpp = atoi(argv[argc]);
   165 			--argc;
   166 		} else
   167 		if ( argv[argc] && (strcmp(argv[argc], "-hw") == 0) ) {
   168 			videoflags |= SDL_HWSURFACE;
   169 		} else
   170 		if ( argv[argc] && (strcmp(argv[argc], "-hwpalette") == 0) ) {
   171 			videoflags |= SDL_HWPALETTE;
   172 		} else
   173 		if ( argv[argc] && (strcmp(argv[argc], "-flip") == 0) ) {
   174 			videoflags |= SDL_DOUBLEBUF;
   175 		} else
   176 		if ( argv[argc] && (strcmp(argv[argc], "-noframe") == 0) ) {
   177 			videoflags |= SDL_NOFRAME;
   178 		} else
   179 		if ( argv[argc] && (strcmp(argv[argc], "-resize") == 0) ) {
   180 			videoflags |= SDL_RESIZABLE;
   181 		} else
   182 		if ( argv[argc] && (strcmp(argv[argc], "-fullscreen") == 0) ) {
   183 			videoflags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
   184 		} else {
   185 			fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-width] [-height] [-bpp] [-hw] [-hwpalette] [-flip] [-noframe] [-fullscreen] [-resize]\n",
   186 								argv[0]);
   187 			exit(1);
   188 		}
   189 	}
   191 	/* Set a video mode */
   192 	screen = CreateScreen(width, height, bpp, videoflags);
   193 	if ( screen == NULL ) {
   194 		exit(2);
   195 	}
   197         DrawBackground(screen);
   199 	/* Wait for a keystroke */
   200 	done = 0;
   201 	while ( !done && SDL_WaitEvent(&event) ) {
   202 		switch (event.type) {
   204 				DrawBox(screen, event.button.x, event.button.y, width, height);
   205 				break;
   206 			case SDL_KEYDOWN:
   207 				/* Ignore ALT-TAB for windows */
   208 				if ( (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_LALT) ||
   209 				     (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_TAB) ) {
   210 					break;
   211 				}
   212 				/* Center the mouse on <SPACE> */
   213 				if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE ) {
   214 					SDL_WarpMouse(width/2, height/2);
   215 					break;
   216 				}
   217 				/* Toggle fullscreen mode on <RETURN> */
   218 				if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN ) {
   219 					videoflags ^= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
   220 					screen = CreateScreen(
   221 						screen->w, screen->h,
   222 						screen->format->BitsPerPixel,
   223 								videoflags);
   224 					if ( screen == NULL ) {
   225 						fprintf(stderr,
   226 					"Couldn't toggle fullscreen mode\n");
   227 						done = 1;
   228 					}
   229                                         DrawBackground(screen);
   230 					break;
   231 				}
   232 				/* Any other key quits the application... */
   233 			case SDL_QUIT:
   234 				done = 1;
   235 				break;
   236 			case SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE:
   237 				DrawBackground(screen);
   238 				break;
   239 			case SDL_VIDEORESIZE:
   240 					screen = CreateScreen(
   241 						event.resize.w, event.resize.h,
   242 						screen->format->BitsPerPixel,
   243 								videoflags);
   244 					if ( screen == NULL ) {
   245 						fprintf(stderr,
   246 					"Couldn't resize video mode\n");
   247 						done = 1;
   248 					}
   249 					DrawBackground(screen);
   250 				break;
   251 			default:
   252 				break;
   253 		}
   254 	}
   255 	SDL_Quit();
   256 	return(0);
   257 }