changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:ffa851df0825 1:2fb8b9db1c86
     1 """A flow graph representation for Python bytecode"""
     3 import dis
     4 import types
     5 import sys
     7 from compiler import misc
     8 from compiler.consts \
    11 class FlowGraph:
    12     def __init__(self):
    13         self.current = self.entry = Block()
    14         self.exit = Block("exit")
    15         self.blocks = misc.Set()
    16         self.blocks.add(self.entry)
    17         self.blocks.add(self.exit)
    19     def startBlock(self, block):
    20         if self._debug:
    21             if self.current:
    22                 print "end", repr(self.current)
    23                 print "    next",
    24                 print "   ", self.current.get_children()
    25             print repr(block)
    26         self.current = block
    28     def nextBlock(self, block=None):
    29         # XXX think we need to specify when there is implicit transfer
    30         # from one block to the next.  might be better to represent this
    31         # with explicit JUMP_ABSOLUTE instructions that are optimized
    32         # out when they are unnecessary.
    33         #
    34         # I think this strategy works: each block has a child
    35         # designated as "next" which is returned as the last of the
    36         # children.  because the nodes in a graph are emitted in
    37         # reverse post order, the "next" block will always be emitted
    38         # immediately after its parent.
    39         # Worry: maintaining this invariant could be tricky
    40         if block is None:
    41             block = self.newBlock()
    43         # Note: If the current block ends with an unconditional
    44         # control transfer, then it is incorrect to add an implicit
    45         # transfer to the block graph.  The current code requires
    46         # these edges to get the blocks emitted in the right order,
    47         # however. :-(  If a client needs to remove these edges, call
    48         # pruneEdges().
    50         self.current.addNext(block)
    51         self.startBlock(block)
    53     def newBlock(self):
    54         b = Block()
    55         self.blocks.add(b)
    56         return b
    58     def startExitBlock(self):
    59         self.startBlock(self.exit)
    61     _debug = 0
    63     def _enable_debug(self):
    64         self._debug = 1
    66     def _disable_debug(self):
    67         self._debug = 0
    69     def emit(self, *inst):
    70         if self._debug:
    71             print "\t", inst
    72         if inst[0] in ['RETURN_VALUE', 'YIELD_VALUE']:
    73             self.current.addOutEdge(self.exit)
    74         if len(inst) == 2 and isinstance(inst[1], Block):
    75             self.current.addOutEdge(inst[1])
    76         self.current.emit(inst)
    78     def getBlocksInOrder(self):
    79         """Return the blocks in reverse postorder
    81         i.e. each node appears before all of its successors
    82         """
    83         # XXX make sure every node that doesn't have an explicit next
    84         # is set so that next points to exit
    85         for b in self.blocks.elements():
    86             if b is self.exit:
    87                 continue
    88             if not
    89                 b.addNext(self.exit)
    90         order = dfs_postorder(self.entry, {})
    91         order.reverse()
    92         self.fixupOrder(order, self.exit)
    93         # hack alert
    94         if not self.exit in order:
    95             order.append(self.exit)
    97         return order
    99     def fixupOrder(self, blocks, default_next):
   100         """Fixup bad order introduced by DFS."""
   102         # XXX This is a total mess.  There must be a better way to get
   103         # the code blocks in the right order.
   105         self.fixupOrderHonorNext(blocks, default_next)
   106         self.fixupOrderForward(blocks, default_next)
   108     def fixupOrderHonorNext(self, blocks, default_next):
   109         """Fix one problem with DFS.
   111         The DFS uses child block, but doesn't know about the special
   112         "next" block.  As a result, the DFS can order blocks so that a
   113         block isn't next to the right block for implicit control
   114         transfers.
   115         """
   116         index = {}
   117         for i in range(len(blocks)):
   118             index[blocks[i]] = i
   120         for i in range(0, len(blocks) - 1):
   121             b = blocks[i]
   122             n = blocks[i + 1]
   123             if not or[0] == default_next or[0] == n:
   124                 continue
   125             # The blocks are in the wrong order.  Find the chain of
   126             # blocks to insert where they belong.
   127             cur = b
   128             chain = []
   129             elt = cur
   130             while and[0] != default_next:
   131                 chain.append([0])
   132                 elt =[0]
   133             # Now remove the blocks in the chain from the current
   134             # block list, so that they can be re-inserted.
   135             l = []
   136             for b in chain:
   137                 assert index[b] > i
   138                 l.append((index[b], b))
   139             l.sort()
   140             l.reverse()
   141             for j, b in l:
   142                 del blocks[index[b]]
   143             # Insert the chain in the proper location
   144             blocks[i:i + 1] = [cur] + chain
   145             # Finally, re-compute the block indexes
   146             for i in range(len(blocks)):
   147                 index[blocks[i]] = i
   149     def fixupOrderForward(self, blocks, default_next):
   150         """Make sure all JUMP_FORWARDs jump forward"""
   151         index = {}
   152         chains = []
   153         cur = []
   154         for b in blocks:
   155             index[b] = len(chains)
   156             cur.append(b)
   157             if and[0] == default_next:
   158                 chains.append(cur)
   159                 cur = []
   160         chains.append(cur)
   162         while 1:
   163             constraints = []
   165             for i in range(len(chains)):
   166                 l = chains[i]
   167                 for b in l:
   168                     for c in b.get_children():
   169                         if index[c] < i:
   170                             forward_p = 0
   171                             for inst in b.insts:
   172                                 if inst[0] == 'JUMP_FORWARD':
   173                                     if inst[1] == c:
   174                                         forward_p = 1
   175                             if not forward_p:
   176                                 continue
   177                             constraints.append((index[c], i))
   179             if not constraints:
   180                 break
   182             # XXX just do one for now
   183             # do swaps to get things in the right order
   184             goes_before, a_chain = constraints[0]
   185             assert a_chain > goes_before
   186             c = chains[a_chain]
   187             chains.remove(c)
   188             chains.insert(goes_before, c)
   190         del blocks[:]
   191         for c in chains:
   192             for b in c:
   193                 blocks.append(b)
   195     def getBlocks(self):
   196         return self.blocks.elements()
   198     def getRoot(self):
   199         """Return nodes appropriate for use with dominator"""
   200         return self.entry
   202     def getContainedGraphs(self):
   203         l = []
   204         for b in self.getBlocks():
   205             l.extend(b.getContainedGraphs())
   206         return l
   208 def dfs_postorder(b, seen):
   209     """Depth-first search of tree rooted at b, return in postorder"""
   210     order = []
   211     seen[b] = b
   212     for c in b.get_children():
   213         if seen.has_key(c):
   214             continue
   215         order = order + dfs_postorder(c, seen)
   216     order.append(b)
   217     return order
   219 class Block:
   220     _count = 0
   222     def __init__(self, label=''):
   223         self.insts = []
   224         self.inEdges = misc.Set()
   225         self.outEdges = misc.Set()
   226         self.label = label
   227 = Block._count
   228 = []
   229         Block._count = Block._count + 1
   231     def __repr__(self):
   232         if self.label:
   233             return "<block %s id=%d>" % (self.label,
   234         else:
   235             return "<block id=%d>" % (
   237     def __str__(self):
   238         insts = map(str, self.insts)
   239         return "<block %s %d:\n%s>" % (self.label,,
   240                                        '\n'.join(insts))
   242     def emit(self, inst):
   243         op = inst[0]
   244         if op[:4] == 'JUMP':
   245             self.outEdges.add(inst[1])
   246         self.insts.append(inst)
   248     def getInstructions(self):
   249         return self.insts
   251     def addInEdge(self, block):
   252         self.inEdges.add(block)
   254     def addOutEdge(self, block):
   255         self.outEdges.add(block)
   257     def addNext(self, block):
   259         assert len( == 1, map(str,
   261     _uncond_transfer = ('RETURN_VALUE', 'RAISE_VARARGS', 'YIELD_VALUE',
   262                         'JUMP_ABSOLUTE', 'JUMP_FORWARD', 'CONTINUE_LOOP')
   264     def pruneNext(self):
   265         """Remove bogus edge for unconditional transfers
   267         Each block has a next edge that accounts for implicit control
   268         transfers, e.g. from a JUMP_IF_FALSE to the block that will be
   269         executed if the test is true.
   271         These edges must remain for the current assembler code to
   272         work. If they are removed, the dfs_postorder gets things in
   273         weird orders.  However, they shouldn't be there for other
   274         purposes, e.g. conversion to SSA form.  This method will
   275         remove the next edge when it follows an unconditional control
   276         transfer.
   277         """
   278         try:
   279             op, arg = self.insts[-1]
   280         except (IndexError, ValueError):
   281             return
   282         if op in self._uncond_transfer:
   283    = []
   285     def get_children(self):
   286         if and[0] in self.outEdges:
   287             self.outEdges.remove([0])
   288         return self.outEdges.elements() +
   290     def getContainedGraphs(self):
   291         """Return all graphs contained within this block.
   293         For example, a MAKE_FUNCTION block will contain a reference to
   294         the graph for the function body.
   295         """
   296         contained = []
   297         for inst in self.insts:
   298             if len(inst) == 1:
   299                 continue
   300             op = inst[1]
   301             if hasattr(op, 'graph'):
   302                 contained.append(op.graph)
   303         return contained
   305 # flags for code objects
   307 # the FlowGraph is transformed in place; it exists in one of these states
   308 RAW = "RAW"
   309 FLAT = "FLAT"
   310 CONV = "CONV"
   311 DONE = "DONE"
   313 class PyFlowGraph(FlowGraph):
   314     super_init = FlowGraph.__init__
   316     def __init__(self, name, filename, args=(), optimized=0, klass=None):
   317         self.super_init()
   318 = name
   319         self.filename = filename
   320         self.docstring = None
   321         self.args = args # XXX
   322         self.argcount = getArgCount(args)
   323         self.klass = klass
   324         if optimized:
   325             self.flags = CO_OPTIMIZED | CO_NEWLOCALS
   326         else:
   327             self.flags = 0
   328         self.consts = []
   329         self.names = []
   330         # Free variables found by the symbol table scan, including
   331         # variables used only in nested scopes, are included here.
   332         self.freevars = []
   333         self.cellvars = []
   334         # The closure list is used to track the order of cell
   335         # variables and free variables in the resulting code object.
   336         # The offsets used by LOAD_CLOSURE/LOAD_DEREF refer to both
   337         # kinds of variables.
   338         self.closure = []
   339         self.varnames = list(args) or []
   340         for i in range(len(self.varnames)):
   341             var = self.varnames[i]
   342             if isinstance(var, TupleArg):
   343                 self.varnames[i] = var.getName()
   344         self.stage = RAW
   346     def setDocstring(self, doc):
   347         self.docstring = doc
   349     def setFlag(self, flag):
   350         self.flags = self.flags | flag
   351         if flag == CO_VARARGS:
   352             self.argcount = self.argcount - 1
   354     def checkFlag(self, flag):
   355         if self.flags & flag:
   356             return 1
   358     def setFreeVars(self, names):
   359         self.freevars = list(names)
   361     def setCellVars(self, names):
   362         self.cellvars = names
   364     def getCode(self):
   365         """Get a Python code object"""
   366         assert self.stage == RAW
   367         self.computeStackDepth()
   368         self.flattenGraph()
   369         assert self.stage == FLAT
   370         self.convertArgs()
   371         assert self.stage == CONV
   372         self.makeByteCode()
   373         assert self.stage == DONE
   374         return self.newCodeObject()
   376     def dump(self, io=None):
   377         if io:
   378             save = sys.stdout
   379             sys.stdout = io
   380         pc = 0
   381         for t in self.insts:
   382             opname = t[0]
   383             if opname == "SET_LINENO":
   384                 print
   385             if len(t) == 1:
   386                 print "\t", "%3d" % pc, opname
   387                 pc = pc + 1
   388             else:
   389                 print "\t", "%3d" % pc, opname, t[1]
   390                 pc = pc + 3
   391         if io:
   392             sys.stdout = save
   394     def computeStackDepth(self):
   395         """Compute the max stack depth.
   397         Approach is to compute the stack effect of each basic block.
   398         Then find the path through the code with the largest total
   399         effect.
   400         """
   401         depth = {}
   402         exit = None
   403         for b in self.getBlocks():
   404             depth[b] = findDepth(b.getInstructions())
   406         seen = {}
   408         def max_depth(b, d):
   409             if seen.has_key(b):
   410                 return d
   411             seen[b] = 1
   412             d = d + depth[b]
   413             children = b.get_children()
   414             if children:
   415                 return max([max_depth(c, d) for c in children])
   416             else:
   417                 if not b.label == "exit":
   418                     return max_depth(self.exit, d)
   419                 else:
   420                     return d
   422         self.stacksize = max_depth(self.entry, 0)
   424     def flattenGraph(self):
   425         """Arrange the blocks in order and resolve jumps"""
   426         assert self.stage == RAW
   427         self.insts = insts = []
   428         pc = 0
   429         begin = {}
   430         end = {}
   431         for b in self.getBlocksInOrder():
   432             begin[b] = pc
   433             for inst in b.getInstructions():
   434                 insts.append(inst)
   435                 if len(inst) == 1:
   436                     pc = pc + 1
   437                 elif inst[0] != "SET_LINENO":
   438                     # arg takes 2 bytes
   439                     pc = pc + 3
   440             end[b] = pc
   441         pc = 0
   442         for i in range(len(insts)):
   443             inst = insts[i]
   444             if len(inst) == 1:
   445                 pc = pc + 1
   446             elif inst[0] != "SET_LINENO":
   447                 pc = pc + 3
   448             opname = inst[0]
   449             if self.hasjrel.has_elt(opname):
   450                 oparg = inst[1]
   451                 offset = begin[oparg] - pc
   452                 insts[i] = opname, offset
   453             elif self.hasjabs.has_elt(opname):
   454                 insts[i] = opname, begin[inst[1]]
   455         self.stage = FLAT
   457     hasjrel = misc.Set()
   458     for i in dis.hasjrel:
   459         hasjrel.add(dis.opname[i])
   460     hasjabs = misc.Set()
   461     for i in dis.hasjabs:
   462         hasjabs.add(dis.opname[i])
   464     def convertArgs(self):
   465         """Convert arguments from symbolic to concrete form"""
   466         assert self.stage == FLAT
   467         self.consts.insert(0, self.docstring)
   468         self.sort_cellvars()
   469         for i in range(len(self.insts)):
   470             t = self.insts[i]
   471             if len(t) == 2:
   472                 opname, oparg = t
   473                 conv = self._converters.get(opname, None)
   474                 if conv:
   475                     self.insts[i] = opname, conv(self, oparg)
   476         self.stage = CONV
   478     def sort_cellvars(self):
   479         """Sort cellvars in the order of varnames and prune from freevars.
   480         """
   481         cells = {}
   482         for name in self.cellvars:
   483             cells[name] = 1
   484         self.cellvars = [name for name in self.varnames
   485                          if cells.has_key(name)]
   486         for name in self.cellvars:
   487             del cells[name]
   488         self.cellvars = self.cellvars + cells.keys()
   489         self.closure = self.cellvars + self.freevars
   491     def _lookupName(self, name, list):
   492         """Return index of name in list, appending if necessary
   494         This routine uses a list instead of a dictionary, because a
   495         dictionary can't store two different keys if the keys have the
   496         same value but different types, e.g. 2 and 2L.  The compiler
   497         must treat these two separately, so it does an explicit type
   498         comparison before comparing the values.
   499         """
   500         t = type(name)
   501         for i in range(len(list)):
   502             if t == type(list[i]) and list[i] == name:
   503                 return i
   504         end = len(list)
   505         list.append(name)
   506         return end
   508     _converters = {}
   509     def _convert_LOAD_CONST(self, arg):
   510         if hasattr(arg, 'getCode'):
   511             arg = arg.getCode()
   512         return self._lookupName(arg, self.consts)
   514     def _convert_LOAD_FAST(self, arg):
   515         self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
   516         return self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
   517     _convert_STORE_FAST = _convert_LOAD_FAST
   518     _convert_DELETE_FAST = _convert_LOAD_FAST
   520     def _convert_LOAD_NAME(self, arg):
   521         if self.klass is None:
   522             self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
   523         return self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
   525     def _convert_NAME(self, arg):
   526         if self.klass is None:
   527             self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
   528         return self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
   529     _convert_STORE_NAME = _convert_NAME
   530     _convert_DELETE_NAME = _convert_NAME
   531     _convert_IMPORT_NAME = _convert_NAME
   532     _convert_IMPORT_FROM = _convert_NAME
   533     _convert_STORE_ATTR = _convert_NAME
   534     _convert_LOAD_ATTR = _convert_NAME
   535     _convert_DELETE_ATTR = _convert_NAME
   536     _convert_LOAD_GLOBAL = _convert_NAME
   537     _convert_STORE_GLOBAL = _convert_NAME
   538     _convert_DELETE_GLOBAL = _convert_NAME
   540     def _convert_DEREF(self, arg):
   541         self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
   542         self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
   543         return self._lookupName(arg, self.closure)
   544     _convert_LOAD_DEREF = _convert_DEREF
   545     _convert_STORE_DEREF = _convert_DEREF
   547     def _convert_LOAD_CLOSURE(self, arg):
   548         self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
   549         return self._lookupName(arg, self.closure)
   551     _cmp = list(dis.cmp_op)
   552     def _convert_COMPARE_OP(self, arg):
   553         return self._cmp.index(arg)
   555     # similarly for other opcodes...
   557     for name, obj in locals().items():
   558         if name[:9] == "_convert_":
   559             opname = name[9:]
   560             _converters[opname] = obj
   561     del name, obj, opname
   563     def makeByteCode(self):
   564         assert self.stage == CONV
   565         self.lnotab = lnotab = LineAddrTable()
   566         for t in self.insts:
   567             opname = t[0]
   568             if len(t) == 1:
   569                 lnotab.addCode(self.opnum[opname])
   570             else:
   571                 oparg = t[1]
   572                 if opname == "SET_LINENO":
   573                     lnotab.nextLine(oparg)
   574                     continue
   575                 hi, lo = twobyte(oparg)
   576                 try:
   577                     lnotab.addCode(self.opnum[opname], lo, hi)
   578                 except ValueError:
   579                     print opname, oparg
   580                     print self.opnum[opname], lo, hi
   581                     raise
   582         self.stage = DONE
   584     opnum = {}
   585     for num in range(len(dis.opname)):
   586         opnum[dis.opname[num]] = num
   587     del num
   589     def newCodeObject(self):
   590         assert self.stage == DONE
   591         if (self.flags & CO_NEWLOCALS) == 0:
   592             nlocals = 0
   593         else:
   594             nlocals = len(self.varnames)
   595         argcount = self.argcount
   596         if self.flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS:
   597             argcount = argcount - 1
   598         return types.CodeType(argcount, nlocals, self.stacksize, self.flags,
   599                         self.lnotab.getCode(), self.getConsts(),
   600                         tuple(self.names), tuple(self.varnames),
   601                         self.filename,, self.lnotab.firstline,
   602                         self.lnotab.getTable(), tuple(self.freevars),
   603                         tuple(self.cellvars))
   605     def getConsts(self):
   606         """Return a tuple for the const slot of the code object
   608         Must convert references to code (MAKE_FUNCTION) to code
   609         objects recursively.
   610         """
   611         l = []
   612         for elt in self.consts:
   613             if isinstance(elt, PyFlowGraph):
   614                 elt = elt.getCode()
   615             l.append(elt)
   616         return tuple(l)
   618 def isJump(opname):
   619     if opname[:4] == 'JUMP':
   620         return 1
   622 class TupleArg:
   623     """Helper for marking func defs with nested tuples in arglist"""
   624     def __init__(self, count, names):
   625         self.count = count
   626         self.names = names
   627     def __repr__(self):
   628         return "TupleArg(%s, %s)" % (self.count, self.names)
   629     def getName(self):
   630         return ".%d" % self.count
   632 def getArgCount(args):
   633     argcount = len(args)
   634     if args:
   635         for arg in args:
   636             if isinstance(arg, TupleArg):
   637                 numNames = len(misc.flatten(arg.names))
   638                 argcount = argcount - numNames
   639     return argcount
   641 def twobyte(val):
   642     """Convert an int argument into high and low bytes"""
   643     assert isinstance(val, int)
   644     return divmod(val, 256)
   646 class LineAddrTable:
   647     """lnotab
   649     This class builds the lnotab, which is documented in compile.c.
   650     Here's a brief recap:
   652     For each SET_LINENO instruction after the first one, two bytes are
   653     added to lnotab.  (In some cases, multiple two-byte entries are
   654     added.)  The first byte is the distance in bytes between the
   655     instruction for the last SET_LINENO and the current SET_LINENO.
   656     The second byte is offset in line numbers.  If either offset is
   657     greater than 255, multiple two-byte entries are added -- see
   658     compile.c for the delicate details.
   659     """
   661     def __init__(self):
   662         self.code = []
   663         self.codeOffset = 0
   664         self.firstline = 0
   665         self.lastline = 0
   666         self.lastoff = 0
   667         self.lnotab = []
   669     def addCode(self, *args):
   670         for arg in args:
   671             self.code.append(chr(arg))
   672         self.codeOffset = self.codeOffset + len(args)
   674     def nextLine(self, lineno):
   675         if self.firstline == 0:
   676             self.firstline = lineno
   677             self.lastline = lineno
   678         else:
   679             # compute deltas
   680             addr = self.codeOffset - self.lastoff
   681             line = lineno - self.lastline
   682             # Python assumes that lineno always increases with
   683             # increasing bytecode address (lnotab is unsigned char).
   684             # Depending on when SET_LINENO instructions are emitted
   685             # this is not always true.  Consider the code:
   686             #     a = (1,
   687             #          b)
   688             # In the bytecode stream, the assignment to "a" occurs
   689             # after the loading of "b".  This works with the C Python
   690             # compiler because it only generates a SET_LINENO instruction
   691             # for the assignment.
   692             if line >= 0:
   693                 push = self.lnotab.append
   694                 while addr > 255:
   695                     push(255); push(0)
   696                     addr -= 255
   697                 while line > 255:
   698                     push(addr); push(255)
   699                     line -= 255
   700                     addr = 0
   701                 if addr > 0 or line > 0:
   702                     push(addr); push(line)
   703                 self.lastline = lineno
   704                 self.lastoff = self.codeOffset
   706     def getCode(self):
   707         return ''.join(self.code)
   709     def getTable(self):
   710         return ''.join(map(chr, self.lnotab))
   712 class StackDepthTracker:
   713     # XXX 1. need to keep track of stack depth on jumps
   714     # XXX 2. at least partly as a result, this code is broken
   716     def findDepth(self, insts, debug=0):
   717         depth = 0
   718         maxDepth = 0
   719         for i in insts:
   720             opname = i[0]
   721             if debug:
   722                 print i,
   723             delta = self.effect.get(opname, None)
   724             if delta is not None:
   725                 depth = depth + delta
   726             else:
   727                 # now check patterns
   728                 for pat, pat_delta in self.patterns:
   729                     if opname[:len(pat)] == pat:
   730                         delta = pat_delta
   731                         depth = depth + delta
   732                         break
   733                 # if we still haven't found a match
   734                 if delta is None:
   735                     meth = getattr(self, opname, None)
   736                     if meth is not None:
   737                         depth = depth + meth(i[1])
   738             if depth > maxDepth:
   739                 maxDepth = depth
   740             if debug:
   741                 print depth, maxDepth
   742         return maxDepth
   744     effect = {
   745         'POP_TOP': -1,
   746         'DUP_TOP': 1,
   747         'LIST_APPEND': -2,
   748         'SLICE+1': -1,
   749         'SLICE+2': -1,
   750         'SLICE+3': -2,
   751         'STORE_SLICE+0': -1,
   752         'STORE_SLICE+1': -2,
   753         'STORE_SLICE+2': -2,
   754         'STORE_SLICE+3': -3,
   755         'DELETE_SLICE+0': -1,
   756         'DELETE_SLICE+1': -2,
   757         'DELETE_SLICE+2': -2,
   758         'DELETE_SLICE+3': -3,
   759         'STORE_SUBSCR': -3,
   760         'DELETE_SUBSCR': -2,
   761         # PRINT_EXPR?
   762         'PRINT_ITEM': -1,
   763         'RETURN_VALUE': -1,
   764         'YIELD_VALUE': -1,
   765         'EXEC_STMT': -3,
   766         'BUILD_CLASS': -2,
   767         'STORE_NAME': -1,
   768         'STORE_ATTR': -2,
   769         'DELETE_ATTR': -1,
   770         'STORE_GLOBAL': -1,
   771         'BUILD_MAP': 1,
   772         'COMPARE_OP': -1,
   773         'STORE_FAST': -1,
   774         'IMPORT_STAR': -1,
   775         'IMPORT_NAME': -1,
   776         'IMPORT_FROM': 1,
   777         'LOAD_ATTR': 0, # unlike other loads
   778         # close enough...
   779         'SETUP_EXCEPT': 3,
   780         'SETUP_FINALLY': 3,
   781         'FOR_ITER': 1,
   782         'WITH_CLEANUP': -1,
   783         }
   784     # use pattern match
   785     patterns = [
   786         ('BINARY_', -1),
   787         ('LOAD_', 1),
   788         ]
   790     def UNPACK_SEQUENCE(self, count):
   791         return count-1
   792     def BUILD_TUPLE(self, count):
   793         return -count+1
   794     def BUILD_LIST(self, count):
   795         return -count+1
   796     def CALL_FUNCTION(self, argc):
   797         hi, lo = divmod(argc, 256)
   798         return -(lo + hi * 2)
   799     def CALL_FUNCTION_VAR(self, argc):
   800         return self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc)-1
   801     def CALL_FUNCTION_KW(self, argc):
   802         return self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc)-1
   803     def CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW(self, argc):
   804         return self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc)-2
   805     def MAKE_FUNCTION(self, argc):
   806         return -argc
   807     def MAKE_CLOSURE(self, argc):
   808         # XXX need to account for free variables too!
   809         return -argc
   810     def BUILD_SLICE(self, argc):
   811         if argc == 2:
   812             return -1
   813         elif argc == 3:
   814             return -2
   815     def DUP_TOPX(self, argc):
   816         return argc
   818 findDepth = StackDepthTracker().findDepth