changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:ffa851df0825 1:2fb8b9db1c86
     1 """macresource - Locate and open the resources needed for a script."""
     3 from warnings import warnpy3k
     4 warnpy3k("In 3.x, the macresource module is removed.", stacklevel=2)
     6 from Carbon import Res
     7 import os
     8 import sys
     9 import MacOS
    10 import macostools
    12 class ArgumentError(TypeError): pass
    13 class ResourceFileNotFoundError(ImportError): pass
    15 def need(restype, resid, filename=None, modname=None):
    16     """Open a resource file, if needed. restype and resid
    17     are required parameters, and identify the resource for which to test. If it
    18     is available we are done. If it is not available we look for a file filename
    19     (default: modname with .rsrc appended) either in the same folder as
    20     where modname was loaded from, or otherwise across sys.path.
    22     Returns the refno of the resource file opened (or None)"""
    24     if modname is None and filename is None:
    25         raise ArgumentError, "Either filename or modname argument (or both) must be given"
    27     if type(resid) is type(1):
    28         try:
    29             h = Res.GetResource(restype, resid)
    30         except Res.Error:
    31             pass
    32         else:
    33             return None
    34     else:
    35         try:
    36             h = Res.GetNamedResource(restype, resid)
    37         except Res.Error:
    38             pass
    39         else:
    40             return None
    42     # Construct a filename if we don't have one
    43     if not filename:
    44         if '.' in modname:
    45             filename = modname.split('.')[-1] + '.rsrc'
    46         else:
    47             filename = modname + '.rsrc'
    49     # Now create a list of folders to search
    50     searchdirs = []
    51     if modname == '__main__':
    52         # If we're main we look in the current directory
    53         searchdirs = [os.curdir]
    54     if sys.modules.has_key(modname):
    55         mod = sys.modules[modname]
    56         if hasattr(mod, '__file__'):
    57             searchdirs = [os.path.dirname(mod.__file__)]
    58     searchdirs.extend(sys.path)
    60     # And look for the file
    61     for dir in searchdirs:
    62         pathname = os.path.join(dir, filename)
    63         if os.path.exists(pathname):
    64             break
    65     else:
    66         raise ResourceFileNotFoundError, filename
    68     refno = open_pathname(pathname)
    70     # And check that the resource exists now
    71     if type(resid) is type(1):
    72         h = Res.GetResource(restype, resid)
    73     else:
    74         h = Res.GetNamedResource(restype, resid)
    75     return refno
    77 def open_pathname(pathname, verbose=0):
    78     """Open a resource file given by pathname, possibly decoding an
    79     AppleSingle file"""
    80     try:
    81         refno = Res.FSpOpenResFile(pathname, 1)
    82     except Res.Error, arg:
    83         if arg[0] in (-37, -39):
    84             # No resource fork. We may be on OSX, and this may be either
    85             # a data-fork based resource file or a AppleSingle file
    86             # from the CVS repository.
    87             try:
    88                 refno = Res.FSOpenResourceFile(pathname, u'', 1)
    89             except Res.Error, arg:
    90                 if arg[0] != -199:
    91                     # -199 is "bad resource map"
    92                     raise
    93             else:
    94                 return refno
    95             # Finally try decoding an AppleSingle file
    96             pathname = _decode(pathname, verbose=verbose)
    97             refno = Res.FSOpenResourceFile(pathname, u'', 1)
    98         else:
    99             raise
   100     return refno
   102 def resource_pathname(pathname, verbose=0):
   103     """Return the pathname for a resource file (either DF or RF based).
   104     If the pathname given already refers to such a file simply return it,
   105     otherwise first decode it."""
   106     try:
   107         refno = Res.FSpOpenResFile(pathname, 1)
   108         Res.CloseResFile(refno)
   109     except Res.Error, arg:
   110         if arg[0] in (-37, -39):
   111             # No resource fork. We may be on OSX, and this may be either
   112             # a data-fork based resource file or a AppleSingle file
   113             # from the CVS repository.
   114             try:
   115                 refno = Res.FSOpenResourceFile(pathname, u'', 1)
   116             except Res.Error, arg:
   117                 if arg[0] != -199:
   118                     # -199 is "bad resource map"
   119                     raise
   120             else:
   121                 return refno
   122             # Finally try decoding an AppleSingle file
   123             pathname = _decode(pathname, verbose=verbose)
   124         else:
   125             raise
   126     return pathname
   128 def open_error_resource():
   129     """Open the resource file containing the error code to error message
   130     mapping."""
   131     need('Estr', 1, filename="errors.rsrc", modname=__name__)
   133 def _decode(pathname, verbose=0):
   134     # Decode an AppleSingle resource file, return the new pathname.
   135     newpathname = pathname + '.df.rsrc'
   136     if os.path.exists(newpathname) and \
   137         os.stat(newpathname).st_mtime >= os.stat(pathname).st_mtime:
   138         return newpathname
   139     if hasattr(os, 'access') and not \
   140         os.access(os.path.dirname(pathname), os.W_OK|os.X_OK):
   141         # The destination directory isn't writeable. Create the file in
   142         # a temporary directory
   143         import tempfile
   144         fd, newpathname = tempfile.mkstemp(".rsrc")
   145     if verbose:
   146         print 'Decoding', pathname, 'to', newpathname
   147     import applesingle
   148     applesingle.decode(pathname, newpathname, resonly=1)
   149     return newpathname