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     1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     2 Writing Python Regression Tests
     3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     5 :Author: Skip Montanaro
     6 :Contact:
     8 Introduction
     9 ============
    11 If you add a new module to Python or modify the functionality of an existing
    12 module, you should write one or more test cases to exercise that new
    13 functionality.  There are different ways to do this within the regression
    14 testing facility provided with Python; any particular test should use only
    15 one of these options.  Each option requires writing a test module using the
    16 conventions of the selected option:
    18     - unittest_ based tests
    19     - doctest_ based tests
    20     - "traditional" Python test modules
    22 Regardless of the mechanics of the testing approach you choose,
    23 you will be writing unit tests (isolated tests of functions and objects
    24 defined by the module) using white box techniques.  Unlike black box
    25 testing, where you only have the external interfaces to guide your test case
    26 writing, in white box testing you can see the code being tested and tailor
    27 your test cases to exercise it more completely.  In particular, you will be
    28 able to refer to the C and Python code in the CVS repository when writing
    29 your regression test cases.
    31 .. _unittest:
    32 .. _doctest:
    34 unittest-based tests
    35 ------------------
    36 The unittest_ framework is based on the ideas of unit testing as espoused
    37 by Kent Beck and the `Extreme Programming`_ (XP) movement.  The specific
    38 interface provided by the framework is tightly based on the JUnit_
    39 Java implementation of Beck's original SmallTalk test framework.  Please
    40 see the documentation of the unittest_ module for detailed information on
    41 the interface and general guidelines on writing unittest-based tests.
    43 The test_support helper module provides a function for use by
    44 unittest-based tests in the Python regression testing framework,
    45 ``run_unittest()``. This is the primary way of running tests in the
    46 standard library. You can pass it any number of the following:
    48 - classes derived from or instances of ``unittest.TestCase`` or
    49   ``unittest.TestSuite``. These will be handed off to unittest for
    50   converting into a proper TestSuite instance.
    52 - a string; this must be a key in sys.modules. The module associated with
    53   that string will be scanned by ``unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule``.
    54   This is usually seen as ``test_support.run_unittest(__name__)`` in a test
    55   module's ``test_main()`` function. This has the advantage of picking up
    56   new tests automatically, without you having to add each new test case
    57   manually.
    59 All test methods in the Python regression framework have names that
    60 start with "``test_``" and use lower-case names with words separated with
    61 underscores.
    63 Test methods should *not* have docstrings!  The unittest module prints
    64 the docstring if there is one, but otherwise prints the function name
    65 and the full class name.  When there's a problem with a test, the
    66 latter information makes it easier to find the source for the test
    67 than the docstring.
    69 All unittest-based tests in the Python test suite use boilerplate that
    70 looks like this (with minor variations)::
    72     import unittest
    73     from test import test_support
    75     class MyTestCase1(unittest.TestCase):
    77         # Define setUp and tearDown only if needed
    79         def setUp(self):
    80             unittest.TestCase.setUp(self)
    81             ... additional initialization...
    83         def tearDown(self):
    84             ... additional finalization...
    85             unittest.TestCase.tearDown(self)
    87         def test_feature_one(self):
    88             # Testing feature one
    89             ...unit test for feature one...
    91         def test_feature_two(self):
    92             # Testing feature two
    93             ...unit test for feature two...
    95         ...etc...
    97     class MyTestCase2(unittest.TestCase):
    98         ...same structure as MyTestCase1...
   100     ...etc...
   102     def test_main():
   103         test_support.run_unittest(__name__)
   105     if __name__ == "__main__":
   106         test_main()
   108 This has the advantage that it allows the unittest module to be used
   109 as a script to run individual tests as well as working well with the
   110 regrtest framework.
   112 .. _Extreme Programming:
   113 .. _JUnit:
   115 doctest based tests
   116 -------------------
   117 Tests written to use doctest_ are actually part of the docstrings for
   118 the module being tested.  Each test is written as a display of an
   119 interactive session, including the Python prompts, statements that would
   120 be typed by the user, and the output of those statements (including
   121 tracebacks, although only the exception msg needs to be retained then).
   122 The module in the test package is simply a wrapper that causes doctest
   123 to run over the tests in the module.  The test for the difflib module
   124 provides a convenient example::
   126     import difflib
   127     from test import test_support
   128     test_support.run_doctest(difflib)
   130 If the test is successful, nothing is written to stdout (so you should not
   131 create a corresponding output/test_difflib file), but running regrtest
   132 with -v will give a detailed report, the same as if passing -v to doctest.
   134 A second argument can be passed to run_doctest to tell doctest to search
   135 ``sys.argv`` for -v instead of using test_support's idea of verbosity.  This
   136 is useful for writing doctest-based tests that aren't simply running a
   137 doctest'ed Lib module, but contain the doctests themselves.  Then at
   138 times you may want to run such a test directly as a doctest, independent
   139 of the regrtest framework.  The tail end of is a good
   140 example::
   142     def test_main(verbose=None):
   143         from test import test_support, test_descrtut
   144         test_support.run_doctest(test_descrtut, verbose)
   146     if __name__ == "__main__":
   147         test_main(1)
   149 If run via regrtest, ``test_main()`` is called (by regrtest) without
   150 specifying verbose, and then test_support's idea of verbosity is used.  But
   151 when run directly, ``test_main(1)`` is called, and then doctest's idea of
   152 verbosity is used.
   154 See the documentation for the doctest module for information on
   155 writing tests using the doctest framework.
   157 "traditional" Python test modules
   158 ---------------------------------
   159 The mechanics of how the "traditional" test system operates are fairly
   160 straightforward.  When a test case is run, the output is compared with the
   161 expected output that is stored in .../Lib/test/output.  If the test runs to
   162 completion and the actual and expected outputs match, the test succeeds, if
   163 not, it fails.  If an ``ImportError`` or ``test_support.TestSkipped`` error
   164 is raised, the test is not run.
   166 Executing Test Cases
   167 ====================
   168 If you are writing test cases for module spam, you need to create a file
   169 in .../Lib/test named  In addition, if the tests are expected
   170 to write to stdout during a successful run, you also need to create an
   171 expected output file in .../Lib/test/output named test_spam ("..."
   172 represents the top-level directory in the Python source tree, the directory
   173 containing the configure script).  If needed, generate the initial version
   174 of the test output file by executing::
   176     ./python Lib/test/ -g
   178 from the top-level directory.
   180 Any time you modify you need to generate a new expected
   181 output file.  Don't forget to desk check the generated output to make sure
   182 it's really what you expected to find!  All in all it's usually better
   183 not to have an expected-out file (note that doctest- and unittest-based
   184 tests do not).
   186 To run a single test after modifying a module, simply run
   187 without the -g flag::
   189     ./python Lib/test/
   191 While debugging a regression test, you can of course execute it
   192 independently of the regression testing framework and see what it prints::
   194     ./python Lib/test/
   196 To run the entire test suite:
   198 - [UNIX, + other platforms where "make" works] Make the "test" target at the
   199   top level::
   201     make test
   203 - [WINDOWS] Run rt.bat from your PCBuild directory.  Read the comments at
   204   the top of rt.bat for the use of special -d, -O and -q options processed
   205   by rt.bat.
   207 - [OTHER] You can simply execute the two runs of regrtest (optimized and
   208   non-optimized) directly::
   210     ./python Lib/test/
   211     ./python -O Lib/test/
   213 But note that this way picks up whatever .pyc and .pyo files happen to be
   214 around.  The makefile and rt.bat ways run the tests twice, the first time
   215 removing all .pyc and .pyo files from the subtree rooted at Lib/.
   217 Test cases generate output based upon values computed by the test code.
   218 When executed, compares the actual output generated by executing
   219 the test case with the expected output and reports success or failure.  It
   220 stands to reason that if the actual and expected outputs are to match, they
   221 must not contain any machine dependencies.  This means your test cases
   222 should not print out absolute machine addresses (e.g. the return value of
   223 the id() builtin function) or floating point numbers with large numbers of
   224 significant digits (unless you understand what you are doing!).
   227 Test Case Writing Tips
   228 ======================
   229 Writing good test cases is a skilled task and is too complex to discuss in
   230 detail in this short document.  Many books have been written on the subject.
   231 I'll show my age by suggesting that Glenford Myers' `"The Art of Software
   232 Testing"`_, published in 1979, is still the best introduction to the subject
   233 available.  It is short (177 pages), easy to read, and discusses the major
   234 elements of software testing, though its publication predates the
   235 object-oriented software revolution, so doesn't cover that subject at all.
   236 Unfortunately, it is very expensive (about $100 new).  If you can borrow it
   237 or find it used (around $20), I strongly urge you to pick up a copy.
   239 The most important goal when writing test cases is to break things.  A test
   240 case that doesn't uncover a bug is much less valuable than one that does.
   241 In designing test cases you should pay attention to the following:
   243     * Your test cases should exercise all the functions and objects defined
   244       in the module, not just the ones meant to be called by users of your
   245       module.  This may require you to write test code that uses the module
   246       in ways you don't expect (explicitly calling internal functions, for
   247       example - see
   249     * You should consider any boundary values that may tickle exceptional
   250       conditions (e.g. if you were writing regression tests for division,
   251       you might well want to generate tests with numerators and denominators
   252       at the limits of floating point and integer numbers on the machine
   253       performing the tests as well as a denominator of zero).
   255     * You should exercise as many paths through the code as possible.  This
   256       may not always be possible, but is a goal to strive for.  In
   257       particular, when considering if statements (or their equivalent), you
   258       want to create test cases that exercise both the true and false
   259       branches.  For loops, you should create test cases that exercise the
   260       loop zero, one and multiple times.
   262     * You should test with obviously invalid input.  If you know that a
   263       function requires an integer input, try calling it with other types of
   264       objects to see how it responds.
   266     * You should test with obviously out-of-range input.  If the domain of a
   267       function is only defined for positive integers, try calling it with a
   268       negative integer.
   270     * If you are going to fix a bug that wasn't uncovered by an existing
   271       test, try to write a test case that exposes the bug (preferably before
   272       fixing it).
   274     * If you need to create a temporary file, you can use the filename in
   275       ``test_support.TESTFN`` to do so.  It is important to remove the file
   276       when done; other tests should be able to use the name without cleaning
   277       up after your test.
   279 .. _"The Art of Software Testing": 
   282 Regression Test Writing Rules
   283 =============================
   284 Each test case is different.  There is no "standard" form for a Python
   285 regression test case, though there are some general rules (note that
   286 these mostly apply only to the "classic" tests; unittest_- and doctest_-
   287 based tests should follow the conventions natural to those frameworks)::
   289     * If your test case detects a failure, raise ``TestFailed`` (found in
   290       ``test.test_support``).
   292     * Import everything you'll need as early as possible.
   294     * If you'll be importing objects from a module that is at least
   295       partially platform-dependent, only import those objects you need for
   296       the current test case to avoid spurious ``ImportError`` exceptions
   297       that prevent the test from running to completion.
   299     * Print all your test case results using the ``print`` statement.  For
   300       non-fatal errors, print an error message (or omit a successful
   301       completion print) to indicate the failure, but proceed instead of
   302       raising ``TestFailed``.
   304     * Use ``assert`` sparingly, if at all.  It's usually better to just print
   305       what you got, and rely on regrtest's got-vs-expected comparison to
   306       catch deviations from what you expect.  ``assert`` statements aren't
   307       executed at all when regrtest is run in -O mode; and, because they
   308       cause the test to stop immediately, can lead to a long & tedious
   309       test-fix, test-fix, test-fix, ... cycle when things are badly broken
   310       (and note that "badly broken" often includes running the test suite
   311       for the first time on new platforms or under new implementations of
   312       the language).
   314 Miscellaneous
   315 =============
   316 There is a test_support module in the test package you can import for
   317 your test case.  Import this module using either::
   319     import test.test_support
   321 or::
   323     from test import test_support
   325 test_support provides the following useful objects:
   327     * ``TestFailed`` - raise this exception when your regression test detects
   328       a failure.
   330     * ``TestSkipped`` - raise this if the test could not be run because the
   331       platform doesn't offer all the required facilities (like large
   332       file support), even if all the required modules are available.
   334     * ``ResourceDenied`` - this is raised when a test requires a resource that
   335       is not available.  Primarily used by 'requires'.
   337     * ``verbose`` - you can use this variable to control print output.  Many
   338       modules use it.  Search for "verbose" in the test_*.py files to see
   339       lots of examples.
   341     * ``forget(module_name)`` - attempts to cause Python to "forget" that it
   342       loaded a module and erase any PYC files.
   344     * ``is_resource_enabled(resource)`` - Returns a boolean based on whether
   345       the resource is enabled or not.
   347     * ``requires(resource [, msg])`` - if the required resource is not
   348       available the ResourceDenied exception is raised.
   350     * ``verify(condition, reason='test failed')``.  Use this instead of::
   352           assert condition[, reason]
   354       ``verify()`` has two advantages over ``assert``:  it works even in -O
   355       mode, and it raises ``TestFailed`` on failure instead of
   356       ``AssertionError``.
   358     * ``have_unicode`` - true if Unicode is available, false otherwise.
   360     * ``is_jython`` - true if the interpreter is Jython, false otherwise.
   362     * ``TESTFN`` - a string that should always be used as the filename when
   363       you need to create a temp file.  Also use ``try``/``finally`` to
   364       ensure that your temp files are deleted before your test completes.
   365       Note that you cannot unlink an open file on all operating systems, so
   366       also be sure to close temp files before trying to unlink them.
   368     * ``sortdict(dict)`` - acts like ``repr(dict.items())``, but sorts the
   369       items first.  This is important when printing a dict value, because
   370       the order of items produced by ``dict.items()`` is not defined by the
   371       language.
   373     * ``findfile(file)`` - you can call this function to locate a file
   374       somewhere along sys.path or in the Lib/test tree - see
   375 for an example of its use.
   377     * ``fcmp(x,y)`` - you can call this function to compare two floating
   378       point numbers when you expect them to only be approximately equal
   379       withing a fuzz factor (``test_support.FUZZ``, which defaults to 1e-6).
   381     * ``check_syntax_error(testcase, statement)`` - make sure that the
   382       statement is *not* correct Python syntax.
   385 Some Non-Obvious regrtest Features
   386 ==================================
   387     * Automagic test detection:  When you create a new test file
   388, you do not need to modify regrtest (or anything else)
   389       to advertise its existence.  regrtest searches for and runs all
   390       modules in the test directory with names of the form
   392     * Miranda output:  If, when running, regrtest does not
   393       find an expected-output file test/output/test_spam, regrtest
   394       pretends that it did find one, containing the single line
   396       test_spam
   398       This allows new tests that don't expect to print anything to stdout
   399       to not bother creating expected-output files.
   401     * Two-stage testing:  To run, regrtest imports test_spam
   402       as a module.  Most tests run to completion as a side-effect of
   403       getting imported.  After importing test_spam, regrtest also executes
   404       ``test_spam.test_main()``, if test_spam has a ``test_main`` attribute.
   405       This is rarely required with the "traditional" Python tests, and
   406       you shouldn't create a module global with name test_main unless
   407       you're specifically exploiting this gimmick.  This usage does
   408       prove useful with unittest-based tests as well, however; defining
   409       a ``test_main()`` which is run by regrtest and a script-stub in the
   410       test module ("``if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()``") allows
   411       the test to be used like any other Python test and also work
   412       with the approach, allowing a developer
   413       to run specific tests from the command line.