changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:ffa851df0825 1:2fb8b9db1c86
     1 """
     2 Test script for doctest.
     3 """
     5 from test import test_support
     6 import doctest
     7 import warnings
     9 ######################################################################
    10 ## Sample Objects (used by test cases)
    11 ######################################################################
    13 def sample_func(v):
    14     """
    15     Blah blah
    17     >>> print sample_func(22)
    18     44
    20     Yee ha!
    21     """
    22     return v+v
    24 class SampleClass:
    25     """
    26     >>> print 1
    27     1
    29     >>> # comments get ignored.  so are empty PS1 and PS2 prompts:
    30     >>>
    31     ...
    33     Multiline example:
    34     >>> sc = SampleClass(3)
    35     >>> for i in range(10):
    36     ...     sc = sc.double()
    37     ...     print sc.get(),
    38     6 12 24 48 96 192 384 768 1536 3072
    39     """
    40     def __init__(self, val):
    41         """
    42         >>> print SampleClass(12).get()
    43         12
    44         """
    45         self.val = val
    47     def double(self):
    48         """
    49         >>> print SampleClass(12).double().get()
    50         24
    51         """
    52         return SampleClass(self.val + self.val)
    54     def get(self):
    55         """
    56         >>> print SampleClass(-5).get()
    57         -5
    58         """
    59         return self.val
    61     def a_staticmethod(v):
    62         """
    63         >>> print SampleClass.a_staticmethod(10)
    64         11
    65         """
    66         return v+1
    67     a_staticmethod = staticmethod(a_staticmethod)
    69     def a_classmethod(cls, v):
    70         """
    71         >>> print SampleClass.a_classmethod(10)
    72         12
    73         >>> print SampleClass(0).a_classmethod(10)
    74         12
    75         """
    76         return v+2
    77     a_classmethod = classmethod(a_classmethod)
    79     a_property = property(get, doc="""
    80         >>> print SampleClass(22).a_property
    81         22
    82         """)
    84     class NestedClass:
    85         """
    86         >>> x = SampleClass.NestedClass(5)
    87         >>> y = x.square()
    88         >>> print y.get()
    89         25
    90         """
    91         def __init__(self, val=0):
    92             """
    93             >>> print SampleClass.NestedClass().get()
    94             0
    95             """
    96             self.val = val
    97         def square(self):
    98             return SampleClass.NestedClass(self.val*self.val)
    99         def get(self):
   100             return self.val
   102 class SampleNewStyleClass(object):
   103     r"""
   104     >>> print '1\n2\n3'
   105     1
   106     2
   107     3
   108     """
   109     def __init__(self, val):
   110         """
   111         >>> print SampleNewStyleClass(12).get()
   112         12
   113         """
   114         self.val = val
   116     def double(self):
   117         """
   118         >>> print SampleNewStyleClass(12).double().get()
   119         24
   120         """
   121         return SampleNewStyleClass(self.val + self.val)
   123     def get(self):
   124         """
   125         >>> print SampleNewStyleClass(-5).get()
   126         -5
   127         """
   128         return self.val
   130 ######################################################################
   131 ## Fake stdin (for testing interactive debugging)
   132 ######################################################################
   134 class _FakeInput:
   135     """
   136     A fake input stream for pdb's interactive debugger.  Whenever a
   137     line is read, print it (to simulate the user typing it), and then
   138     return it.  The set of lines to return is specified in the
   139     constructor; they should not have trailing newlines.
   140     """
   141     def __init__(self, lines):
   142         self.lines = lines
   144     def readline(self):
   145         line = self.lines.pop(0)
   146         print line
   147         return line+'\n'
   149 ######################################################################
   150 ## Test Cases
   151 ######################################################################
   153 def test_Example(): r"""
   154 Unit tests for the `Example` class.
   156 Example is a simple container class that holds:
   157   - `source`: A source string.
   158   - `want`: An expected output string.
   159   - `exc_msg`: An expected exception message string (or None if no
   160     exception is expected).
   161   - `lineno`: A line number (within the docstring).
   162   - `indent`: The example's indentation in the input string.
   163   - `options`: An option dictionary, mapping option flags to True or
   164     False.
   166 These attributes are set by the constructor.  `source` and `want` are
   167 required; the other attributes all have default values:
   169     >>> example = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n')
   170     >>> (example.source, example.want, example.exc_msg,
   171     ...  example.lineno, example.indent, example.options)
   172     ('print 1\n', '1\n', None, 0, 0, {})
   174 The first three attributes (`source`, `want`, and `exc_msg`) may be
   175 specified positionally; the remaining arguments should be specified as
   176 keyword arguments:
   178     >>> exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list'
   179     >>> example = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg,
   180     ...                           lineno=5, indent=4,
   181     ...                           options={doctest.ELLIPSIS: True})
   182     >>> (example.source, example.want, example.exc_msg,
   183     ...  example.lineno, example.indent, example.options)
   184     ('[].pop()\n', '', 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n', 5, 4, {8: True})
   186 The constructor normalizes the `source` string to end in a newline:
   188     Source spans a single line: no terminating newline.
   189     >>> e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n')
   190     >>> e.source, e.want
   191     ('print 1\n', '1\n')
   193     >>> e = doctest.Example('print 1\n', '1\n')
   194     >>> e.source, e.want
   195     ('print 1\n', '1\n')
   197     Source spans multiple lines: require terminating newline.
   198     >>> e = doctest.Example('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n')
   199     >>> e.source, e.want
   200     ('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n')
   202     >>> e = doctest.Example('print 1;\nprint 2', '1\n2\n')
   203     >>> e.source, e.want
   204     ('print 1;\nprint 2\n', '1\n2\n')
   206     Empty source string (which should never appear in real examples)
   207     >>> e = doctest.Example('', '')
   208     >>> e.source, e.want
   209     ('\n', '')
   211 The constructor normalizes the `want` string to end in a newline,
   212 unless it's the empty string:
   214     >>> e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1\n')
   215     >>> e.source, e.want
   216     ('print 1\n', '1\n')
   218     >>> e = doctest.Example('print 1', '1')
   219     >>> e.source, e.want
   220     ('print 1\n', '1\n')
   222     >>> e = doctest.Example('print', '')
   223     >>> e.source, e.want
   224     ('print\n', '')
   226 The constructor normalizes the `exc_msg` string to end in a newline,
   227 unless it's `None`:
   229     Message spans one line
   230     >>> exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list'
   231     >>> e = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg)
   232     >>> e.exc_msg
   233     'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n'
   235     >>> exc_msg = 'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n'
   236     >>> e = doctest.Example('[].pop()', '', exc_msg)
   237     >>> e.exc_msg
   238     'IndexError: pop from an empty list\n'
   240     Message spans multiple lines
   241     >>> exc_msg = 'ValueError: 1\n  2'
   242     >>> e = doctest.Example('raise ValueError("1\n  2")', '', exc_msg)
   243     >>> e.exc_msg
   244     'ValueError: 1\n  2\n'
   246     >>> exc_msg = 'ValueError: 1\n  2\n'
   247     >>> e = doctest.Example('raise ValueError("1\n  2")', '', exc_msg)
   248     >>> e.exc_msg
   249     'ValueError: 1\n  2\n'
   251     Empty (but non-None) exception message (which should never appear
   252     in real examples)
   253     >>> exc_msg = ''
   254     >>> e = doctest.Example('raise X()', '', exc_msg)
   255     >>> e.exc_msg
   256     '\n'
   257 """
   259 def test_DocTest(): r"""
   260 Unit tests for the `DocTest` class.
   262 DocTest is a collection of examples, extracted from a docstring, along
   263 with information about where the docstring comes from (a name,
   264 filename, and line number).  The docstring is parsed by the `DocTest`
   265 constructor:
   267     >>> docstring = '''
   268     ...     >>> print 12
   269     ...     12
   270     ...
   271     ... Non-example text.
   272     ...
   273     ...     >>> print 'another\example'
   274     ...     another
   275     ...     example
   276     ... '''
   277     >>> globs = {} # globals to run the test in.
   278     >>> parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
   279     >>> test = parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test',
   280     ...                           'some_file', 20)
   281     >>> print test
   282     <DocTest some_test from some_file:20 (2 examples)>
   283     >>> len(test.examples)
   284     2
   285     >>> e1, e2 = test.examples
   286     >>> (e1.source, e1.want, e1.lineno)
   287     ('print 12\n', '12\n', 1)
   288     >>> (e2.source, e2.want, e2.lineno)
   289     ("print 'another\\example'\n", 'another\nexample\n', 6)
   291 Source information (name, filename, and line number) is available as
   292 attributes on the doctest object:
   294     >>> (, test.filename, test.lineno)
   295     ('some_test', 'some_file', 20)
   297 The line number of an example within its containing file is found by
   298 adding the line number of the example and the line number of its
   299 containing test:
   301     >>> test.lineno + e1.lineno
   302     21
   303     >>> test.lineno + e2.lineno
   304     26
   306 If the docstring contains inconsistant leading whitespace in the
   307 expected output of an example, then `DocTest` will raise a ValueError:
   309     >>> docstring = r'''
   310     ...       >>> print 'bad\nindentation'
   311     ...       bad
   312     ...     indentation
   313     ...     '''
   314     >>> parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0)
   315     Traceback (most recent call last):
   316     ValueError: line 4 of the docstring for some_test has inconsistent leading whitespace: 'indentation'
   318 If the docstring contains inconsistent leading whitespace on
   319 continuation lines, then `DocTest` will raise a ValueError:
   321     >>> docstring = r'''
   322     ...       >>> print ('bad indentation',
   323     ...     ...          2)
   324     ...       ('bad', 'indentation')
   325     ...     '''
   326     >>> parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0)
   327     Traceback (most recent call last):
   328     ValueError: line 2 of the docstring for some_test has inconsistent leading whitespace: '...          2)'
   330 If there's no blank space after a PS1 prompt ('>>>'), then `DocTest`
   331 will raise a ValueError:
   333     >>> docstring = '>>>print 1\n1'
   334     >>> parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0)
   335     Traceback (most recent call last):
   336     ValueError: line 1 of the docstring for some_test lacks blank after >>>: '>>>print 1'
   338 If there's no blank space after a PS2 prompt ('...'), then `DocTest`
   339 will raise a ValueError:
   341     >>> docstring = '>>> if 1:\n...print 1\n1'
   342     >>> parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, 'some_test', 'filename', 0)
   343     Traceback (most recent call last):
   344     ValueError: line 2 of the docstring for some_test lacks blank after ...: '...print 1'
   346 """
   348 def test_DocTestFinder(): r"""
   349 Unit tests for the `DocTestFinder` class.
   351 DocTestFinder is used to extract DocTests from an object's docstring
   352 and the docstrings of its contained objects.  It can be used with
   353 modules, functions, classes, methods, staticmethods, classmethods, and
   354 properties.
   356 Finding Tests in Functions
   357 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   358 For a function whose docstring contains examples, DocTestFinder.find()
   359 will return a single test (for that function's docstring):
   361     >>> finder = doctest.DocTestFinder()
   363 We'll simulate a __file__ attr that ends in pyc:
   365     >>> import test.test_doctest
   366     >>> old = test.test_doctest.__file__
   367     >>> test.test_doctest.__file__ = 'test_doctest.pyc'
   369     >>> tests = finder.find(sample_func)
   371     >>> print tests  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   372     [<DocTest sample_func from ...:13 (1 example)>]
   374 The exact name depends on how test_doctest was invoked, so allow for
   375 leading path components.
   377     >>> tests[0].filename # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   378     ''
   380     >>> test.test_doctest.__file__ = old
   383     >>> e = tests[0].examples[0]
   384     >>> (e.source, e.want, e.lineno)
   385     ('print sample_func(22)\n', '44\n', 3)
   387 By default, tests are created for objects with no docstring:
   389     >>> def no_docstring(v):
   390     ...     pass
   391     >>> finder.find(no_docstring)
   392     []
   394 However, the optional argument `exclude_empty` to the DocTestFinder
   395 constructor can be used to exclude tests for objects with empty
   396 docstrings:
   398     >>> def no_docstring(v):
   399     ...     pass
   400     >>> excl_empty_finder = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=True)
   401     >>> excl_empty_finder.find(no_docstring)
   402     []
   404 If the function has a docstring with no examples, then a test with no
   405 examples is returned.  (This lets `DocTestRunner` collect statistics
   406 about which functions have no tests -- but is that useful?  And should
   407 an empty test also be created when there's no docstring?)
   409     >>> def no_examples(v):
   410     ...     ''' no doctest examples '''
   411     >>> finder.find(no_examples) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   412     [<DocTest no_examples from ...:1 (no examples)>]
   414 Finding Tests in Classes
   415 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   416 For a class, DocTestFinder will create a test for the class's
   417 docstring, and will recursively explore its contents, including
   418 methods, classmethods, staticmethods, properties, and nested classes.
   420     >>> finder = doctest.DocTestFinder()
   421     >>> tests = finder.find(SampleClass)
   422     >>> for t in tests:
   423     ...     print '%2s  %s' % (len(t.examples),
   424      3  SampleClass
   425      3  SampleClass.NestedClass
   426      1  SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__
   427      1  SampleClass.__init__
   428      2  SampleClass.a_classmethod
   429      1  SampleClass.a_property
   430      1  SampleClass.a_staticmethod
   431      1  SampleClass.double
   432      1  SampleClass.get
   434 New-style classes are also supported:
   436     >>> tests = finder.find(SampleNewStyleClass)
   437     >>> for t in tests:
   438     ...     print '%2s  %s' % (len(t.examples),
   439      1  SampleNewStyleClass
   440      1  SampleNewStyleClass.__init__
   441      1  SampleNewStyleClass.double
   442      1  SampleNewStyleClass.get
   444 Finding Tests in Modules
   445 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   446 For a module, DocTestFinder will create a test for the class's
   447 docstring, and will recursively explore its contents, including
   448 functions, classes, and the `__test__` dictionary, if it exists:
   450     >>> # A module
   451     >>> import types
   452     >>> m = types.ModuleType('some_module')
   453     >>> def triple(val):
   454     ...     '''
   455     ...     >>> print triple(11)
   456     ...     33
   457     ...     '''
   458     ...     return val*3
   459     >>> m.__dict__.update({
   460     ...     'sample_func': sample_func,
   461     ...     'SampleClass': SampleClass,
   462     ...     '__doc__': '''
   463     ...         Module docstring.
   464     ...             >>> print 'module'
   465     ...             module
   466     ...         ''',
   467     ...     '__test__': {
   468     ...         'd': '>>> print 6\n6\n>>> print 7\n7\n',
   469     ...         'c': triple}})
   471     >>> finder = doctest.DocTestFinder()
   472     >>> # Use module=test.test_doctest, to prevent doctest from
   473     >>> # ignoring the objects since they weren't defined in m.
   474     >>> import test.test_doctest
   475     >>> tests = finder.find(m, module=test.test_doctest)
   476     >>> for t in tests:
   477     ...     print '%2s  %s' % (len(t.examples),
   478      1  some_module
   479      3  some_module.SampleClass
   480      3  some_module.SampleClass.NestedClass
   481      1  some_module.SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__
   482      1  some_module.SampleClass.__init__
   483      2  some_module.SampleClass.a_classmethod
   484      1  some_module.SampleClass.a_property
   485      1  some_module.SampleClass.a_staticmethod
   486      1  some_module.SampleClass.double
   487      1  some_module.SampleClass.get
   488      1  some_module.__test__.c
   489      2  some_module.__test__.d
   490      1  some_module.sample_func
   492 Duplicate Removal
   493 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   494 If a single object is listed twice (under different names), then tests
   495 will only be generated for it once:
   497     >>> from test import doctest_aliases
   498     >>> tests = excl_empty_finder.find(doctest_aliases)
   499     >>> print len(tests)
   500     2
   501     >>> print tests[0].name
   502     test.doctest_aliases.TwoNames
   504     TwoNames.f and TwoNames.g are bound to the same object.
   505     We can't guess which will be found in doctest's traversal of
   506     TwoNames.__dict__ first, so we have to allow for either.
   508     >>> tests[1].name.split('.')[-1] in ['f', 'g']
   509     True
   511 Empty Tests
   512 ~~~~~~~~~~~
   513 By default, an object with no doctests doesn't create any tests:
   515     >>> tests = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(SampleClass)
   516     >>> for t in tests:
   517     ...     print '%2s  %s' % (len(t.examples),
   518      3  SampleClass
   519      3  SampleClass.NestedClass
   520      1  SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__
   521      1  SampleClass.__init__
   522      2  SampleClass.a_classmethod
   523      1  SampleClass.a_property
   524      1  SampleClass.a_staticmethod
   525      1  SampleClass.double
   526      1  SampleClass.get
   528 By default, that excluded objects with no doctests.  exclude_empty=False
   529 tells it to include (empty) tests for objects with no doctests.  This feature
   530 is really to support backward compatibility in what doctest.master.summarize()
   531 displays.
   533     >>> tests = doctest.DocTestFinder(exclude_empty=False).find(SampleClass)
   534     >>> for t in tests:
   535     ...     print '%2s  %s' % (len(t.examples),
   536      3  SampleClass
   537      3  SampleClass.NestedClass
   538      1  SampleClass.NestedClass.__init__
   539      0  SampleClass.NestedClass.get
   540      0  SampleClass.NestedClass.square
   541      1  SampleClass.__init__
   542      2  SampleClass.a_classmethod
   543      1  SampleClass.a_property
   544      1  SampleClass.a_staticmethod
   545      1  SampleClass.double
   546      1  SampleClass.get
   548 Turning off Recursion
   549 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   550 DocTestFinder can be told not to look for tests in contained objects
   551 using the `recurse` flag:
   553     >>> tests = doctest.DocTestFinder(recurse=False).find(SampleClass)
   554     >>> for t in tests:
   555     ...     print '%2s  %s' % (len(t.examples),
   556      3  SampleClass
   558 Line numbers
   559 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
   560 DocTestFinder finds the line number of each example:
   562     >>> def f(x):
   563     ...     '''
   564     ...     >>> x = 12
   565     ...
   566     ...     some text
   567     ...
   568     ...     >>> # examples are not created for comments & bare prompts.
   569     ...     >>>
   570     ...     ...
   571     ...
   572     ...     >>> for x in range(10):
   573     ...     ...     print x,
   574     ...     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
   575     ...     >>> x//2
   576     ...     6
   577     ...     '''
   578     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   579     >>> [e.lineno for e in test.examples]
   580     [1, 9, 12]
   581 """
   583 def test_DocTestParser(): r"""
   584 Unit tests for the `DocTestParser` class.
   586 DocTestParser is used to parse docstrings containing doctest examples.
   588 The `parse` method divides a docstring into examples and intervening
   589 text:
   591     >>> s = '''
   592     ...     >>> x, y = 2, 3  # no output expected
   593     ...     >>> if 1:
   594     ...     ...     print x
   595     ...     ...     print y
   596     ...     2
   597     ...     3
   598     ...
   599     ...     Some text.
   600     ...     >>> x+y
   601     ...     5
   602     ...     '''
   603     >>> parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
   604     >>> for piece in parser.parse(s):
   605     ...     if isinstance(piece, doctest.Example):
   606     ...         print 'Example:', (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno)
   607     ...     else:
   608     ...         print '   Text:', `piece`
   609        Text: '\n'
   610     Example: ('x, y = 2, 3  # no output expected\n', '', 1)
   611        Text: ''
   612     Example: ('if 1:\n    print x\n    print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2)
   613        Text: '\nSome text.\n'
   614     Example: ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9)
   615        Text: ''
   617 The `get_examples` method returns just the examples:
   619     >>> for piece in parser.get_examples(s):
   620     ...     print (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno)
   621     ('x, y = 2, 3  # no output expected\n', '', 1)
   622     ('if 1:\n    print x\n    print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2)
   623     ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9)
   625 The `get_doctest` method creates a Test from the examples, along with the
   626 given arguments:
   628     >>> test = parser.get_doctest(s, {}, 'name', 'filename', lineno=5)
   629     >>> (, test.filename, test.lineno)
   630     ('name', 'filename', 5)
   631     >>> for piece in test.examples:
   632     ...     print (piece.source, piece.want, piece.lineno)
   633     ('x, y = 2, 3  # no output expected\n', '', 1)
   634     ('if 1:\n    print x\n    print y\n', '2\n3\n', 2)
   635     ('x+y\n', '5\n', 9)
   636 """
   638 class test_DocTestRunner:
   639     def basics(): r"""
   640 Unit tests for the `DocTestRunner` class.
   642 DocTestRunner is used to run DocTest test cases, and to accumulate
   643 statistics.  Here's a simple DocTest case we can use:
   645     >>> def f(x):
   646     ...     '''
   647     ...     >>> x = 12
   648     ...     >>> print x
   649     ...     12
   650     ...     >>> x//2
   651     ...     6
   652     ...     '''
   653     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   655 The main DocTestRunner interface is the `run` method, which runs a
   656 given DocTest case in a given namespace (globs).  It returns a tuple
   657 `(f,t)`, where `f` is the number of failed tests and `t` is the number
   658 of tried tests.
   660     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
   661     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3)
   663 If any example produces incorrect output, then the test runner reports
   664 the failure and proceeds to the next example:
   666     >>> def f(x):
   667     ...     '''
   668     ...     >>> x = 12
   669     ...     >>> print x
   670     ...     14
   671     ...     >>> x//2
   672     ...     6
   673     ...     '''
   674     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   675     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True).run(test)
   676     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   677     Trying:
   678         x = 12
   679     Expecting nothing
   680     ok
   681     Trying:
   682         print x
   683     Expecting:
   684         14
   685     **********************************************************************
   686     File ..., line 4, in f
   687     Failed example:
   688         print x
   689     Expected:
   690         14
   691     Got:
   692         12
   693     Trying:
   694         x//2
   695     Expecting:
   696         6
   697     ok
   698     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=3)
   699 """
   700     def verbose_flag(): r"""
   701 The `verbose` flag makes the test runner generate more detailed
   702 output:
   704     >>> def f(x):
   705     ...     '''
   706     ...     >>> x = 12
   707     ...     >>> print x
   708     ...     12
   709     ...     >>> x//2
   710     ...     6
   711     ...     '''
   712     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   714     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True).run(test)
   715     Trying:
   716         x = 12
   717     Expecting nothing
   718     ok
   719     Trying:
   720         print x
   721     Expecting:
   722         12
   723     ok
   724     Trying:
   725         x//2
   726     Expecting:
   727         6
   728     ok
   729     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3)
   731 If the `verbose` flag is unspecified, then the output will be verbose
   732 iff `-v` appears in sys.argv:
   734     >>> # Save the real sys.argv list.
   735     >>> old_argv = sys.argv
   737     >>> # If -v does not appear in sys.argv, then output isn't verbose.
   738     >>> sys.argv = ['test']
   739     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner().run(test)
   740     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3)
   742     >>> # If -v does appear in sys.argv, then output is verbose.
   743     >>> sys.argv = ['test', '-v']
   744     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner().run(test)
   745     Trying:
   746         x = 12
   747     Expecting nothing
   748     ok
   749     Trying:
   750         print x
   751     Expecting:
   752         12
   753     ok
   754     Trying:
   755         x//2
   756     Expecting:
   757         6
   758     ok
   759     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=3)
   761     >>> # Restore sys.argv
   762     >>> sys.argv = old_argv
   764 In the remaining examples, the test runner's verbosity will be
   765 explicitly set, to ensure that the test behavior is consistent.
   766     """
   767     def exceptions(): r"""
   768 Tests of `DocTestRunner`'s exception handling.
   770 An expected exception is specified with a traceback message.  The
   771 lines between the first line and the type/value may be omitted or
   772 replaced with any other string:
   774     >>> def f(x):
   775     ...     '''
   776     ...     >>> x = 12
   777     ...     >>> print x//0
   778     ...     Traceback (most recent call last):
   779     ...     ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
   780     ...     '''
   781     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   782     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
   783     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
   785 An example may not generate output before it raises an exception; if
   786 it does, then the traceback message will not be recognized as
   787 signaling an expected exception, so the example will be reported as an
   788 unexpected exception:
   790     >>> def f(x):
   791     ...     '''
   792     ...     >>> x = 12
   793     ...     >>> print 'pre-exception output', x//0
   794     ...     pre-exception output
   795     ...     Traceback (most recent call last):
   796     ...     ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
   797     ...     '''
   798     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   799     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
   800     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   801     **********************************************************************
   802     File ..., line 4, in f
   803     Failed example:
   804         print 'pre-exception output', x//0
   805     Exception raised:
   806         ...
   807         ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
   808     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2)
   810 Exception messages may contain newlines:
   812     >>> def f(x):
   813     ...     r'''
   814     ...     >>> raise ValueError, 'multi\nline\nmessage'
   815     ...     Traceback (most recent call last):
   816     ...     ValueError: multi
   817     ...     line
   818     ...     message
   819     ...     '''
   820     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   821     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
   822     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1)
   824 If an exception is expected, but an exception with the wrong type or
   825 message is raised, then it is reported as a failure:
   827     >>> def f(x):
   828     ...     r'''
   829     ...     >>> raise ValueError, 'message'
   830     ...     Traceback (most recent call last):
   831     ...     ValueError: wrong message
   832     ...     '''
   833     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   834     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
   835     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   836     **********************************************************************
   837     File ..., line 3, in f
   838     Failed example:
   839         raise ValueError, 'message'
   840     Expected:
   841         Traceback (most recent call last):
   842         ValueError: wrong message
   843     Got:
   844         Traceback (most recent call last):
   845         ...
   846         ValueError: message
   847     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)
   849 However, IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL can be used to allow a mismatch in the
   850 detail:
   852     >>> def f(x):
   853     ...     r'''
   854     ...     >>> raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
   855     ...     Traceback (most recent call last):
   856     ...     ValueError: wrong message
   857     ...     '''
   858     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   859     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
   860     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1)
   862 But IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL does not allow a mismatch in the exception type:
   864     >>> def f(x):
   865     ...     r'''
   866     ...     >>> raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
   867     ...     Traceback (most recent call last):
   868     ...     TypeError: wrong type
   869     ...     '''
   870     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   871     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
   872     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   873     **********************************************************************
   874     File ..., line 3, in f
   875     Failed example:
   876         raise ValueError, 'message' #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
   877     Expected:
   878         Traceback (most recent call last):
   879         TypeError: wrong type
   880     Got:
   881         Traceback (most recent call last):
   882         ...
   883         ValueError: message
   884     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)
   886 If an exception is raised but not expected, then it is reported as an
   887 unexpected exception:
   889     >>> def f(x):
   890     ...     r'''
   891     ...     >>> 1//0
   892     ...     0
   893     ...     '''
   894     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   895     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
   896     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   897     **********************************************************************
   898     File ..., line 3, in f
   899     Failed example:
   900         1//0
   901     Exception raised:
   902         Traceback (most recent call last):
   903         ...
   904         ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
   905     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)
   906 """
   907     def optionflags(): r"""
   908 Tests of `DocTestRunner`'s option flag handling.
   910 Several option flags can be used to customize the behavior of the test
   911 runner.  These are defined as module constants in doctest, and passed
   912 to the DocTestRunner constructor (multiple constants should be ORed
   913 together).
   915 The DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 flag disables matches between True/False
   916 and 1/0:
   918     >>> def f(x):
   919     ...     '>>> True\n1\n'
   921     >>> # Without the flag:
   922     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   923     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
   924     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1)
   926     >>> # With the flag:
   927     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   928     >>> flags = doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1
   929     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test)
   930     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   931     **********************************************************************
   932     File ..., line 2, in f
   933     Failed example:
   934         True
   935     Expected:
   936         1
   937     Got:
   938         True
   939     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)
   941 The DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE flag disables the match between blank lines
   942 and the '<BLANKLINE>' marker:
   944     >>> def f(x):
   945     ...     '>>> print "a\\n\\nb"\na\n<BLANKLINE>\nb\n'
   947     >>> # Without the flag:
   948     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   949     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
   950     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1)
   952     >>> # With the flag:
   953     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   954     >>> flags = doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE
   955     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test)
   956     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   957     **********************************************************************
   958     File ..., line 2, in f
   959     Failed example:
   960         print "a\n\nb"
   961     Expected:
   962         a
   963         <BLANKLINE>
   964         b
   965     Got:
   966         a
   967     <BLANKLINE>
   968         b
   969     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)
   971 The NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE flag causes all sequences of whitespace to be
   972 treated as equal:
   974     >>> def f(x):
   975     ...     '>>> print 1, 2, 3\n  1   2\n 3'
   977     >>> # Without the flag:
   978     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   979     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
   980     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   981     **********************************************************************
   982     File ..., line 2, in f
   983     Failed example:
   984         print 1, 2, 3
   985     Expected:
   986           1   2
   987          3
   988     Got:
   989         1 2 3
   990     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)
   992     >>> # With the flag:
   993     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
   994     >>> flags = doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
   995     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test)
   996     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1)
   998     An example from the docs:
   999     >>> print range(20) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
  1000     [0,   1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,
  1001     10,  11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
  1003 The ELLIPSIS flag causes ellipsis marker ("...") in the expected
  1004 output to match any substring in the actual output:
  1006     >>> def f(x):
  1007     ...     '>>> print range(15)\n[0, 1, 2, ..., 14]\n'
  1009     >>> # Without the flag:
  1010     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1011     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
  1012     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1013     **********************************************************************
  1014     File ..., line 2, in f
  1015     Failed example:
  1016         print range(15)
  1017     Expected:
  1018         [0, 1, 2, ..., 14]
  1019     Got:
  1020         [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
  1021     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)
  1023     >>> # With the flag:
  1024     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1025     >>> flags = doctest.ELLIPSIS
  1026     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test)
  1027     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1)
  1029     ... also matches nothing:
  1031     >>> for i in range(100):
  1032     ...     print i**2, #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1033     0 1...4...9 16 ... 36 49 64 ... 9801
  1035     ... can be surprising; e.g., this test passes:
  1037     >>> for i in range(21): #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1038     ...     print i,
  1039     0 1 2 ...1...2...0
  1041     Examples from the docs:
  1043     >>> print range(20) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
  1044     [0, 1, ..., 18, 19]
  1046     >>> print range(20) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1047     ...                 # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
  1048     [0,    1, ...,   18,    19]
  1050 The SKIP flag causes an example to be skipped entirely.  I.e., the
  1051 example is not run.  It can be useful in contexts where doctest
  1052 examples serve as both documentation and test cases, and an example
  1053 should be included for documentation purposes, but should not be
  1054 checked (e.g., because its output is random, or depends on resources
  1055 which would be unavailable.)  The SKIP flag can also be used for
  1056 'commenting out' broken examples.
  1058     >>> import unavailable_resource           # doctest: +SKIP
  1059     >>> unavailable_resource.do_something()   # doctest: +SKIP
  1060     >>> unavailable_resource.blow_up()        # doctest: +SKIP
  1061     Traceback (most recent call last):
  1062         ...
  1063     UncheckedBlowUpError:  Nobody checks me.
  1065     >>> import random
  1066     >>> print random.random() # doctest: +SKIP
  1067     0.721216923889
  1069 The REPORT_UDIFF flag causes failures that involve multi-line expected
  1070 and actual outputs to be displayed using a unified diff:
  1072     >>> def f(x):
  1073     ...     r'''
  1074     ...     >>> print '\n'.join('abcdefg')
  1075     ...     a
  1076     ...     B
  1077     ...     c
  1078     ...     d
  1079     ...     f
  1080     ...     g
  1081     ...     h
  1082     ...     '''
  1084     >>> # Without the flag:
  1085     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1086     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
  1087     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1088     **********************************************************************
  1089     File ..., line 3, in f
  1090     Failed example:
  1091         print '\n'.join('abcdefg')
  1092     Expected:
  1093         a
  1094         B
  1095         c
  1096         d
  1097         f
  1098         g
  1099         h
  1100     Got:
  1101         a
  1102         b
  1103         c
  1104         d
  1105         e
  1106         f
  1107         g
  1108     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)
  1110     >>> # With the flag:
  1111     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1112     >>> flags = doctest.REPORT_UDIFF
  1113     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test)
  1114     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1115     **********************************************************************
  1116     File ..., line 3, in f
  1117     Failed example:
  1118         print '\n'.join('abcdefg')
  1119     Differences (unified diff with -expected +actual):
  1120         @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  1121          a
  1122         -B
  1123         +b
  1124          c
  1125          d
  1126         +e
  1127          f
  1128          g
  1129         -h
  1130     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)
  1132 The REPORT_CDIFF flag causes failures that involve multi-line expected
  1133 and actual outputs to be displayed using a context diff:
  1135     >>> # Reuse f() from the REPORT_UDIFF example, above.
  1136     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1137     >>> flags = doctest.REPORT_CDIFF
  1138     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test)
  1139     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1140     **********************************************************************
  1141     File ..., line 3, in f
  1142     Failed example:
  1143         print '\n'.join('abcdefg')
  1144     Differences (context diff with expected followed by actual):
  1145         ***************
  1146         *** 1,7 ****
  1147           a
  1148         ! B
  1149           c
  1150           d
  1151           f
  1152           g
  1153         - h
  1154         --- 1,7 ----
  1155           a
  1156         ! b
  1157           c
  1158           d
  1159         + e
  1160           f
  1161           g
  1162     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)
  1165 The REPORT_NDIFF flag causes failures to use the difflib.Differ algorithm
  1166 used by the popular utility.  This does intraline difference
  1167 marking, as well as interline differences.
  1169     >>> def f(x):
  1170     ...     r'''
  1171     ...     >>> print "a b  c d e f g h i   j k l m"
  1172     ...     a b c d e f g h i j k 1 m
  1173     ...     '''
  1174     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1175     >>> flags = doctest.REPORT_NDIFF
  1176     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test)
  1177     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1178     **********************************************************************
  1179     File ..., line 3, in f
  1180     Failed example:
  1181         print "a b  c d e f g h i   j k l m"
  1182     Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual):
  1183         - a b c d e f g h i j k 1 m
  1184         ?                       ^
  1185         + a b  c d e f g h i   j k l m
  1186         ?     +              ++    ^
  1187     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)
  1189 The REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE supresses result output after the first
  1190 failing example:
  1192     >>> def f(x):
  1193     ...     r'''
  1194     ...     >>> print 1 # first success
  1195     ...     1
  1196     ...     >>> print 2 # first failure
  1197     ...     200
  1198     ...     >>> print 3 # second failure
  1199     ...     300
  1200     ...     >>> print 4 # second success
  1201     ...     4
  1202     ...     >>> print 5 # third failure
  1203     ...     500
  1204     ...     '''
  1205     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1206     >>> flags = doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE
  1207     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test)
  1208     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1209     **********************************************************************
  1210     File ..., line 5, in f
  1211     Failed example:
  1212         print 2 # first failure
  1213     Expected:
  1214         200
  1215     Got:
  1216         2
  1217     TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5)
  1219 However, output from `report_start` is not supressed:
  1221     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True, optionflags=flags).run(test)
  1222     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1223     Trying:
  1224         print 1 # first success
  1225     Expecting:
  1226         1
  1227     ok
  1228     Trying:
  1229         print 2 # first failure
  1230     Expecting:
  1231         200
  1232     **********************************************************************
  1233     File ..., line 5, in f
  1234     Failed example:
  1235         print 2 # first failure
  1236     Expected:
  1237         200
  1238     Got:
  1239         2
  1240     TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5)
  1242 For the purposes of REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE, unexpected exceptions
  1243 count as failures:
  1245     >>> def f(x):
  1246     ...     r'''
  1247     ...     >>> print 1 # first success
  1248     ...     1
  1249     ...     >>> raise ValueError(2) # first failure
  1250     ...     200
  1251     ...     >>> print 3 # second failure
  1252     ...     300
  1253     ...     >>> print 4 # second success
  1254     ...     4
  1255     ...     >>> print 5 # third failure
  1256     ...     500
  1257     ...     '''
  1258     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1259     >>> flags = doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE
  1260     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=flags).run(test)
  1261     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1262     **********************************************************************
  1263     File ..., line 5, in f
  1264     Failed example:
  1265         raise ValueError(2) # first failure
  1266     Exception raised:
  1267         ...
  1268         ValueError: 2
  1269     TestResults(failed=3, attempted=5)
  1271 New option flags can also be registered, via register_optionflag().  Here
  1272 we reach into doctest's internals a bit.
  1274     >>> unlikely = "UNLIKELY_OPTION_NAME"
  1275     >>> unlikely in doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME
  1276     False
  1277     >>> new_flag_value = doctest.register_optionflag(unlikely)
  1278     >>> unlikely in doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME
  1279     True
  1281 Before 2.4.4/2.5, registering a name more than once erroneously created
  1282 more than one flag value.  Here we verify that's fixed:
  1284     >>> redundant_flag_value = doctest.register_optionflag(unlikely)
  1285     >>> redundant_flag_value == new_flag_value
  1286     True
  1288 Clean up.
  1289     >>> del doctest.OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME[unlikely]
  1291     """
  1293     def option_directives(): r"""
  1294 Tests of `DocTestRunner`'s option directive mechanism.
  1296 Option directives can be used to turn option flags on or off for a
  1297 single example.  To turn an option on for an example, follow that
  1298 example with a comment of the form ``# doctest: +OPTION``:
  1300     >>> def f(x): r'''
  1301     ...     >>> print range(10)       # should fail: no ellipsis
  1302     ...     [0, 1, ..., 9]
  1303     ...
  1304     ...     >>> print range(10)       # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1305     ...     [0, 1, ..., 9]
  1306     ...     '''
  1307     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1308     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
  1309     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1310     **********************************************************************
  1311     File ..., line 2, in f
  1312     Failed example:
  1313         print range(10)       # should fail: no ellipsis
  1314     Expected:
  1315         [0, 1, ..., 9]
  1316     Got:
  1317         [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
  1318     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2)
  1320 To turn an option off for an example, follow that example with a
  1321 comment of the form ``# doctest: -OPTION``:
  1323     >>> def f(x): r'''
  1324     ...     >>> print range(10)
  1325     ...     [0, 1, ..., 9]
  1326     ...
  1327     ...     >>> # should fail: no ellipsis
  1328     ...     >>> print range(10)       # doctest: -ELLIPSIS
  1329     ...     [0, 1, ..., 9]
  1330     ...     '''
  1331     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1332     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False,
  1333     ...                       optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS).run(test)
  1334     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1335     **********************************************************************
  1336     File ..., line 6, in f
  1337     Failed example:
  1338         print range(10)       # doctest: -ELLIPSIS
  1339     Expected:
  1340         [0, 1, ..., 9]
  1341     Got:
  1342         [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
  1343     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2)
  1345 Option directives affect only the example that they appear with; they
  1346 do not change the options for surrounding examples:
  1348     >>> def f(x): r'''
  1349     ...     >>> print range(10)       # Should fail: no ellipsis
  1350     ...     [0, 1, ..., 9]
  1351     ...
  1352     ...     >>> print range(10)       # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1353     ...     [0, 1, ..., 9]
  1354     ...
  1355     ...     >>> print range(10)       # Should fail: no ellipsis
  1356     ...     [0, 1, ..., 9]
  1357     ...     '''
  1358     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1359     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
  1360     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1361     **********************************************************************
  1362     File ..., line 2, in f
  1363     Failed example:
  1364         print range(10)       # Should fail: no ellipsis
  1365     Expected:
  1366         [0, 1, ..., 9]
  1367     Got:
  1368         [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
  1369     **********************************************************************
  1370     File ..., line 8, in f
  1371     Failed example:
  1372         print range(10)       # Should fail: no ellipsis
  1373     Expected:
  1374         [0, 1, ..., 9]
  1375     Got:
  1376         [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
  1377     TestResults(failed=2, attempted=3)
  1379 Multiple options may be modified by a single option directive.  They
  1380 may be separated by whitespace, commas, or both:
  1382     >>> def f(x): r'''
  1383     ...     >>> print range(10)       # Should fail
  1384     ...     [0, 1,  ...,   9]
  1385     ...     >>> print range(10)       # Should succeed
  1386     ...     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
  1387     ...     [0, 1,  ...,   9]
  1388     ...     '''
  1389     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1390     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
  1391     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1392     **********************************************************************
  1393     File ..., line 2, in f
  1394     Failed example:
  1395         print range(10)       # Should fail
  1396     Expected:
  1397         [0, 1,  ...,   9]
  1398     Got:
  1399         [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
  1400     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2)
  1402     >>> def f(x): r'''
  1403     ...     >>> print range(10)       # Should fail
  1404     ...     [0, 1,  ...,   9]
  1405     ...     >>> print range(10)       # Should succeed
  1406     ...     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS,+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
  1407     ...     [0, 1,  ...,   9]
  1408     ...     '''
  1409     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1410     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
  1411     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1412     **********************************************************************
  1413     File ..., line 2, in f
  1414     Failed example:
  1415         print range(10)       # Should fail
  1416     Expected:
  1417         [0, 1,  ...,   9]
  1418     Got:
  1419         [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
  1420     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2)
  1422     >>> def f(x): r'''
  1423     ...     >>> print range(10)       # Should fail
  1424     ...     [0, 1,  ...,   9]
  1425     ...     >>> print range(10)       # Should succeed
  1426     ...     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
  1427     ...     [0, 1,  ...,   9]
  1428     ...     '''
  1429     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1430     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
  1431     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1432     **********************************************************************
  1433     File ..., line 2, in f
  1434     Failed example:
  1435         print range(10)       # Should fail
  1436     Expected:
  1437         [0, 1,  ...,   9]
  1438     Got:
  1439         [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
  1440     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2)
  1442 The option directive may be put on the line following the source, as
  1443 long as a continuation prompt is used:
  1445     >>> def f(x): r'''
  1446     ...     >>> print range(10)
  1447     ...     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1448     ...     [0, 1, ..., 9]
  1449     ...     '''
  1450     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1451     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
  1452     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1)
  1454 For examples with multi-line source, the option directive may appear
  1455 at the end of any line:
  1457     >>> def f(x): r'''
  1458     ...     >>> for x in range(10): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1459     ...     ...     print x,
  1460     ...     0 1 2 ... 9
  1461     ...
  1462     ...     >>> for x in range(10):
  1463     ...     ...     print x,        # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1464     ...     0 1 2 ... 9
  1465     ...     '''
  1466     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1467     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
  1468     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
  1470 If more than one line of an example with multi-line source has an
  1471 option directive, then they are combined:
  1473     >>> def f(x): r'''
  1474     ...     Should fail (option directive not on the last line):
  1475     ...         >>> for x in range(10): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  1476     ...         ...     print x,        # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
  1477     ...         0  1    2...9
  1478     ...     '''
  1479     >>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
  1480     >>> doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False).run(test)
  1481     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1)
  1483 It is an error to have a comment of the form ``# doctest:`` that is
  1484 *not* followed by words of the form ``+OPTION`` or ``-OPTION``, where
  1485 ``OPTION`` is an option that has been registered with
  1486 `register_option`:
  1488     >>> # Error: Option not registered
  1489     >>> s = '>>> print 12   #doctest: +BADOPTION'
  1490     >>> test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0)
  1491     Traceback (most recent call last):
  1492     ValueError: line 1 of the doctest for s has an invalid option: '+BADOPTION'
  1494     >>> # Error: No + or - prefix
  1495     >>> s = '>>> print 12   #doctest: ELLIPSIS'
  1496     >>> test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0)
  1497     Traceback (most recent call last):
  1498     ValueError: line 1 of the doctest for s has an invalid option: 'ELLIPSIS'
  1500 It is an error to use an option directive on a line that contains no
  1501 source:
  1503     >>> s = '>>> # doctest: +ELLIPSIS'
  1504     >>> test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(s, {}, 's', '', 0)
  1505     Traceback (most recent call last):
  1506     ValueError: line 0 of the doctest for s has an option directive on a line with no example: '# doctest: +ELLIPSIS'
  1507 """
  1509 def test_testsource(): r"""
  1510 Unit tests for `testsource()`.
  1512 The testsource() function takes a module and a name, finds the (first)
  1513 test with that name in that module, and converts it to a script. The
  1514 example code is converted to regular Python code.  The surrounding
  1515 words and expected output are converted to comments:
  1517     >>> import test.test_doctest
  1518     >>> name = 'test.test_doctest.sample_func'
  1519     >>> print doctest.testsource(test.test_doctest, name)
  1520     # Blah blah
  1521     #
  1522     print sample_func(22)
  1523     # Expected:
  1524     ## 44
  1525     #
  1526     # Yee ha!
  1527     <BLANKLINE>
  1529     >>> name = 'test.test_doctest.SampleNewStyleClass'
  1530     >>> print doctest.testsource(test.test_doctest, name)
  1531     print '1\n2\n3'
  1532     # Expected:
  1533     ## 1
  1534     ## 2
  1535     ## 3
  1536     <BLANKLINE>
  1538     >>> name = 'test.test_doctest.SampleClass.a_classmethod'
  1539     >>> print doctest.testsource(test.test_doctest, name)
  1540     print SampleClass.a_classmethod(10)
  1541     # Expected:
  1542     ## 12
  1543     print SampleClass(0).a_classmethod(10)
  1544     # Expected:
  1545     ## 12
  1546     <BLANKLINE>
  1547 """
  1549 def test_debug(): r"""
  1551 Create a docstring that we want to debug:
  1553     >>> s = '''
  1554     ...     >>> x = 12
  1555     ...     >>> print x
  1556     ...     12
  1557     ...     '''
  1559 Create some fake stdin input, to feed to the debugger:
  1561     >>> import tempfile
  1562     >>> real_stdin = sys.stdin
  1563     >>> sys.stdin = _FakeInput(['next', 'print x', 'continue'])
  1565 Run the debugger on the docstring, and then restore sys.stdin.
  1567     >>> try: doctest.debug_src(s)
  1568     ... finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin
  1569     > <string>(1)<module>()
  1570     (Pdb) next
  1571     12
  1572     --Return--
  1573     > <string>(1)<module>()->None
  1574     (Pdb) print x
  1575     12
  1576     (Pdb) continue
  1578 """
  1580 def test_pdb_set_trace():
  1581     """Using pdb.set_trace from a doctest.
  1583     You can use pdb.set_trace from a doctest.  To do so, you must
  1584     retrieve the set_trace function from the pdb module at the time
  1585     you use it.  The doctest module changes sys.stdout so that it can
  1586     capture program output.  It also temporarily replaces pdb.set_trace
  1587     with a version that restores stdout.  This is necessary for you to
  1588     see debugger output.
  1590       >>> doc = '''
  1591       ... >>> x = 42
  1592       ... >>> import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
  1593       ... '''
  1594       >>> parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
  1595       >>> test = parser.get_doctest(doc, {}, "foo", "", 0)
  1596       >>> runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False)
  1598     To demonstrate this, we'll create a fake standard input that
  1599     captures our debugger input:
  1601       >>> import tempfile
  1602       >>> real_stdin = sys.stdin
  1603       >>> sys.stdin = _FakeInput([
  1604       ...    'print x',  # print data defined by the example
  1605       ...    'continue', # stop debugging
  1606       ...    ''])
  1608       >>> try:
  1609       ... finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin
  1610       --Return--
  1611       > <doctest foo[1]>(1)<module>()->None
  1612       -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
  1613       (Pdb) print x
  1614       42
  1615       (Pdb) continue
  1616       TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
  1618       You can also put pdb.set_trace in a function called from a test:
  1620       >>> def calls_set_trace():
  1621       ...    y=2
  1622       ...    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
  1624       >>> doc = '''
  1625       ... >>> x=1
  1626       ... >>> calls_set_trace()
  1627       ... '''
  1628       >>> test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo", "", 0)
  1629       >>> real_stdin = sys.stdin
  1630       >>> sys.stdin = _FakeInput([
  1631       ...    'print y',  # print data defined in the function
  1632       ...    'up',       # out of function
  1633       ...    'print x',  # print data defined by the example
  1634       ...    'continue', # stop debugging
  1635       ...    ''])
  1637       >>> try:
  1638       ...
  1639       ... finally:
  1640       ...     sys.stdin = real_stdin
  1641       --Return--
  1642       > <doctest test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace[8]>(3)calls_set_trace()->None
  1643       -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
  1644       (Pdb) print y
  1645       2
  1646       (Pdb) up
  1647       > <doctest foo[1]>(1)<module>()
  1648       -> calls_set_trace()
  1649       (Pdb) print x
  1650       1
  1651       (Pdb) continue
  1652       TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
  1654     During interactive debugging, source code is shown, even for
  1655     doctest examples:
  1657       >>> doc = '''
  1658       ... >>> def f(x):
  1659       ... ...     g(x*2)
  1660       ... >>> def g(x):
  1661       ... ...     print x+3
  1662       ... ...     import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
  1663       ... >>> f(3)
  1664       ... '''
  1665       >>> test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo", "", 0)
  1666       >>> real_stdin = sys.stdin
  1667       >>> sys.stdin = _FakeInput([
  1668       ...    'list',     # list source from example 2
  1669       ...    'next',     # return from g()
  1670       ...    'list',     # list source from example 1
  1671       ...    'next',     # return from f()
  1672       ...    'list',     # list source from example 3
  1673       ...    'continue', # stop debugging
  1674       ...    ''])
  1675       >>> try:
  1676       ... finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin
  1677       ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
  1678       --Return--
  1679       > <doctest foo[1]>(3)g()->None
  1680       -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
  1681       (Pdb) list
  1682         1     def g(x):
  1683         2         print x+3
  1684         3  ->     import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
  1685       [EOF]
  1686       (Pdb) next
  1687       --Return--
  1688       > <doctest foo[0]>(2)f()->None
  1689       -> g(x*2)
  1690       (Pdb) list
  1691         1     def f(x):
  1692         2  ->     g(x*2)
  1693       [EOF]
  1694       (Pdb) next
  1695       --Return--
  1696       > <doctest foo[2]>(1)<module>()->None
  1697       -> f(3)
  1698       (Pdb) list
  1699         1  -> f(3)
  1700       [EOF]
  1701       (Pdb) continue
  1702       **********************************************************************
  1703       File "", line 7, in foo
  1704       Failed example:
  1705           f(3)
  1706       Expected nothing
  1707       Got:
  1708           9
  1709       TestResults(failed=1, attempted=3)
  1710       """
  1712 def test_pdb_set_trace_nested():
  1713     """This illustrates more-demanding use of set_trace with nested functions.
  1715     >>> class C(object):
  1716     ...     def calls_set_trace(self):
  1717     ...         y = 1
  1718     ...         import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
  1719     ...         self.f1()
  1720     ...         y = 2
  1721     ...     def f1(self):
  1722     ...         x = 1
  1723     ...         self.f2()
  1724     ...         x = 2
  1725     ...     def f2(self):
  1726     ...         z = 1
  1727     ...         z = 2
  1729     >>> calls_set_trace = C().calls_set_trace
  1731     >>> doc = '''
  1732     ... >>> a = 1
  1733     ... >>> calls_set_trace()
  1734     ... '''
  1735     >>> parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
  1736     >>> runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=False)
  1737     >>> test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globals(), "foo", "", 0)
  1738     >>> real_stdin = sys.stdin
  1739     >>> sys.stdin = _FakeInput([
  1740     ...    'print y',  # print data defined in the function
  1741     ...    'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'step', 'print z',
  1742     ...    'up', 'print x',
  1743     ...    'up', 'print y',
  1744     ...    'up', 'print foo',
  1745     ...    'continue', # stop debugging
  1746     ...    ''])
  1748     >>> try:
  1749     ...
  1750     ... finally:
  1751     ...     sys.stdin = real_stdin
  1752     > <doctest test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace_nested[0]>(5)calls_set_trace()
  1753     -> self.f1()
  1754     (Pdb) print y
  1755     1
  1756     (Pdb) step
  1757     --Call--
  1758     > <doctest test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace_nested[0]>(7)f1()
  1759     -> def f1(self):
  1760     (Pdb) step
  1761     > <doctest test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace_nested[0]>(8)f1()
  1762     -> x = 1
  1763     (Pdb) step
  1764     > <doctest test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace_nested[0]>(9)f1()
  1765     -> self.f2()
  1766     (Pdb) step
  1767     --Call--
  1768     > <doctest test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace_nested[0]>(11)f2()
  1769     -> def f2(self):
  1770     (Pdb) step
  1771     > <doctest test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace_nested[0]>(12)f2()
  1772     -> z = 1
  1773     (Pdb) step
  1774     > <doctest test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace_nested[0]>(13)f2()
  1775     -> z = 2
  1776     (Pdb) print z
  1777     1
  1778     (Pdb) up
  1779     > <doctest test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace_nested[0]>(9)f1()
  1780     -> self.f2()
  1781     (Pdb) print x
  1782     1
  1783     (Pdb) up
  1784     > <doctest test.test_doctest.test_pdb_set_trace_nested[0]>(5)calls_set_trace()
  1785     -> self.f1()
  1786     (Pdb) print y
  1787     1
  1788     (Pdb) up
  1789     > <doctest foo[1]>(1)<module>()
  1790     -> calls_set_trace()
  1791     (Pdb) print foo
  1792     *** NameError: name 'foo' is not defined
  1793     (Pdb) continue
  1794     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
  1795 """
  1797 def test_DocTestSuite():
  1798     """DocTestSuite creates a unittest test suite from a doctest.
  1800        We create a Suite by providing a module.  A module can be provided
  1801        by passing a module object:
  1803          >>> import unittest
  1804          >>> import test.sample_doctest
  1805          >>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite(test.sample_doctest)
  1806          >>>
  1807          <unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=4>
  1809        We can also supply the module by name:
  1811          >>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest')
  1812          >>>
  1813          <unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=4>
  1815        We can use the current module:
  1817          >>> suite = test.sample_doctest.test_suite()
  1818          >>>
  1819          <unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=4>
  1821        We can supply global variables.  If we pass globs, they will be
  1822        used instead of the module globals.  Here we'll pass an empty
  1823        globals, triggering an extra error:
  1825          >>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest', globs={})
  1826          >>>
  1827          <unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=5>
  1829        Alternatively, we can provide extra globals.  Here we'll make an
  1830        error go away by providing an extra global variable:
  1832          >>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest',
  1833          ...                              extraglobs={'y': 1})
  1834          >>>
  1835          <unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=3>
  1837        You can pass option flags.  Here we'll cause an extra error
  1838        by disabling the blank-line feature:
  1840          >>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest',
  1841          ...                      optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE)
  1842          >>>
  1843          <unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=5>
  1845        You can supply setUp and tearDown functions:
  1847          >>> def setUp(t):
  1848          ...     import test.test_doctest
  1849          ...     test.test_doctest.sillySetup = True
  1851          >>> def tearDown(t):
  1852          ...     import test.test_doctest
  1853          ...     del test.test_doctest.sillySetup
  1855        Here, we installed a silly variable that the test expects:
  1857          >>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest',
  1858          ...      setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown)
  1859          >>>
  1860          <unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=3>
  1862        But the tearDown restores sanity:
  1864          >>> import test.test_doctest
  1865          >>> test.test_doctest.sillySetup
  1866          Traceback (most recent call last):
  1867          ...
  1868          AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sillySetup'
  1870        The setUp and tearDown funtions are passed test objects. Here
  1871        we'll use the setUp function to supply the missing variable y:
  1873          >>> def setUp(test):
  1874          ...     test.globs['y'] = 1
  1876          >>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest', setUp=setUp)
  1877          >>>
  1878          <unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=3>
  1880        Here, we didn't need to use a tearDown function because we
  1881        modified the test globals, which are a copy of the
  1882        sample_doctest module dictionary.  The test globals are
  1883        automatically cleared for us after a test.
  1884        """
  1886 def test_DocFileSuite():
  1887     """We can test tests found in text files using a DocFileSuite.
  1889        We create a suite by providing the names of one or more text
  1890        files that include examples:
  1892          >>> import unittest
  1893          >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt',
  1894          ...                              'test_doctest2.txt',
  1895          ...                              'test_doctest4.txt')
  1896          >>>
  1897          <unittest.TestResult run=3 errors=0 failures=3>
  1899        The test files are looked for in the directory containing the
  1900        calling module.  A package keyword argument can be provided to
  1901        specify a different relative location.
  1903          >>> import unittest
  1904          >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt',
  1905          ...                              'test_doctest2.txt',
  1906          ...                              'test_doctest4.txt',
  1907          ...                              package='test')
  1908          >>>
  1909          <unittest.TestResult run=3 errors=0 failures=3>
  1911        Support for using a package's __loader__.get_data() is also
  1912        provided.
  1914          >>> import unittest, pkgutil, test
  1915          >>> added_loader = False
  1916          >>> if not hasattr(test, '__loader__'):
  1917          ...     test.__loader__ = pkgutil.get_loader(test)
  1918          ...     added_loader = True
  1919          >>> try:
  1920          ...     suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt',
  1921          ...                                  'test_doctest2.txt',
  1922          ...                                  'test_doctest4.txt',
  1923          ...                                  package='test')
  1924          ...
  1925          ... finally:
  1926          ...     if added_loader:
  1927          ...         del test.__loader__
  1928          <unittest.TestResult run=3 errors=0 failures=3>
  1930        '/' should be used as a path separator.  It will be converted
  1931        to a native separator at run time:
  1933          >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('../test/test_doctest.txt')
  1934          >>>
  1935          <unittest.TestResult run=1 errors=0 failures=1>
  1937        If DocFileSuite is used from an interactive session, then files
  1938        are resolved relative to the directory of sys.argv[0]:
  1940          >>> import types, os.path, test.test_doctest
  1941          >>> save_argv = sys.argv
  1942          >>> sys.argv = [test.test_doctest.__file__]
  1943          >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt',
  1944          ...                              package=types.ModuleType('__main__'))
  1945          >>> sys.argv = save_argv
  1947        By setting `module_relative=False`, os-specific paths may be
  1948        used (including absolute paths and paths relative to the
  1949        working directory):
  1951          >>> # Get the absolute path of the test package.
  1952          >>> test_doctest_path = os.path.abspath(test.test_doctest.__file__)
  1953          >>> test_pkg_path = os.path.split(test_doctest_path)[0]
  1955          >>> # Use it to find the absolute path of test_doctest.txt.
  1956          >>> test_file = os.path.join(test_pkg_path, 'test_doctest.txt')
  1958          >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite(test_file, module_relative=False)
  1959          >>>
  1960          <unittest.TestResult run=1 errors=0 failures=1>
  1962        It is an error to specify `package` when `module_relative=False`:
  1964          >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite(test_file, module_relative=False,
  1965          ...                              package='test')
  1966          Traceback (most recent call last):
  1967          ValueError: Package may only be specified for module-relative paths.
  1969        You can specify initial global variables:
  1971          >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt',
  1972          ...                              'test_doctest2.txt',
  1973          ...                              'test_doctest4.txt',
  1974          ...                              globs={'favorite_color': 'blue'})
  1975          >>>
  1976          <unittest.TestResult run=3 errors=0 failures=2>
  1978        In this case, we supplied a missing favorite color. You can
  1979        provide doctest options:
  1981          >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt',
  1982          ...                              'test_doctest2.txt',
  1983          ...                              'test_doctest4.txt',
  1984          ...                         optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE,
  1985          ...                              globs={'favorite_color': 'blue'})
  1986          >>>
  1987          <unittest.TestResult run=3 errors=0 failures=3>
  1989        And, you can provide setUp and tearDown functions:
  1991          >>> def setUp(t):
  1992          ...     import test.test_doctest
  1993          ...     test.test_doctest.sillySetup = True
  1995          >>> def tearDown(t):
  1996          ...     import test.test_doctest
  1997          ...     del test.test_doctest.sillySetup
  1999        Here, we installed a silly variable that the test expects:
  2001          >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt',
  2002          ...                              'test_doctest2.txt',
  2003          ...                              'test_doctest4.txt',
  2004          ...                              setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown)
  2005          >>>
  2006          <unittest.TestResult run=3 errors=0 failures=2>
  2008        But the tearDown restores sanity:
  2010          >>> import test.test_doctest
  2011          >>> test.test_doctest.sillySetup
  2012          Traceback (most recent call last):
  2013          ...
  2014          AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sillySetup'
  2016        The setUp and tearDown funtions are passed test objects.
  2017        Here, we'll use a setUp function to set the favorite color in
  2018        test_doctest.txt:
  2020          >>> def setUp(test):
  2021          ...     test.globs['favorite_color'] = 'blue'
  2023          >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt', setUp=setUp)
  2024          >>>
  2025          <unittest.TestResult run=1 errors=0 failures=0>
  2027        Here, we didn't need to use a tearDown function because we
  2028        modified the test globals.  The test globals are
  2029        automatically cleared for us after a test.
  2031        Tests in a file run using `DocFileSuite` can also access the
  2032        `__file__` global, which is set to the name of the file
  2033        containing the tests:
  2035          >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest3.txt')
  2036          >>>
  2037          <unittest.TestResult run=1 errors=0 failures=0>
  2039        If the tests contain non-ASCII characters, we have to specify which
  2040        encoding the file is encoded with. We do so by using the `encoding`
  2041        parameter:
  2043          >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt',
  2044          ...                              'test_doctest2.txt',
  2045          ...                              'test_doctest4.txt',
  2046          ...                              encoding='utf-8')
  2047          >>>
  2048          <unittest.TestResult run=3 errors=0 failures=2>
  2050        """
  2052 def test_trailing_space_in_test():
  2053     """
  2054     Trailing spaces in expected output are significant:
  2056       >>> x, y = 'foo', ''
  2057       >>> print x, y
  2058       foo \n
  2059     """
  2062 def test_unittest_reportflags():
  2063     """Default unittest reporting flags can be set to control reporting
  2065     Here, we'll set the REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE option so we see
  2066     only the first failure of each test.  First, we'll look at the
  2067     output without the flag.  The file test_doctest.txt file has two
  2068     tests. They both fail if blank lines are disabled:
  2070       >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt',
  2071       ...                          optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE)
  2072       >>> import unittest
  2073       >>> result =
  2074       >>> print result.failures[0][1] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  2075       Traceback ...
  2076       Failed example:
  2077           favorite_color
  2078       ...
  2079       Failed example:
  2080           if 1:
  2081       ...
  2083     Note that we see both failures displayed.
  2085       >>> old = doctest.set_unittest_reportflags(
  2086       ...    doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE)
  2088     Now, when we run the test:
  2090       >>> result =
  2091       >>> print result.failures[0][1] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  2092       Traceback ...
  2093       Failed example:
  2094           favorite_color
  2095       Exception raised:
  2096           ...
  2097           NameError: name 'favorite_color' is not defined
  2098       <BLANKLINE>
  2099       <BLANKLINE>
  2101     We get only the first failure.
  2103     If we give any reporting options when we set up the tests,
  2104     however:
  2106       >>> suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('test_doctest.txt',
  2107       ...     optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE | doctest.REPORT_NDIFF)
  2109     Then the default eporting options are ignored:
  2111       >>> result =
  2112       >>> print result.failures[0][1] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  2113       Traceback ...
  2114       Failed example:
  2115           favorite_color
  2116       ...
  2117       Failed example:
  2118           if 1:
  2119              print 'a'
  2120              print
  2121              print 'b'
  2122       Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual):
  2123             a
  2124           - <BLANKLINE>
  2125           +
  2126             b
  2127       <BLANKLINE>
  2128       <BLANKLINE>
  2131     Test runners can restore the formatting flags after they run:
  2133       >>> ignored = doctest.set_unittest_reportflags(old)
  2135     """
  2137 def test_testfile(): r"""
  2138 Tests for the `testfile()` function.  This function runs all the
  2139 doctest examples in a given file.  In its simple invokation, it is
  2140 called with the name of a file, which is taken to be relative to the
  2141 calling module.  The return value is (#failures, #tests).
  2143     >>> doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  2144     **********************************************************************
  2145     File "...", line 6, in test_doctest.txt
  2146     Failed example:
  2147         favorite_color
  2148     Exception raised:
  2149         ...
  2150         NameError: name 'favorite_color' is not defined
  2151     **********************************************************************
  2152     1 items had failures:
  2153        1 of   2 in test_doctest.txt
  2154     ***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
  2155     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2)
  2156     >>> doctest.master = None  # Reset master.
  2158 (Note: we'll be clearing doctest.master after each call to
  2159 `doctest.testfile`, to supress warnings about multiple tests with the
  2160 same name.)
  2162 Globals may be specified with the `globs` and `extraglobs` parameters:
  2164     >>> globs = {'favorite_color': 'blue'}
  2165     >>> doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', globs=globs)
  2166     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
  2167     >>> doctest.master = None  # Reset master.
  2169     >>> extraglobs = {'favorite_color': 'red'}
  2170     >>> doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', globs=globs,
  2171     ...                  extraglobs=extraglobs) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  2172     **********************************************************************
  2173     File "...", line 6, in test_doctest.txt
  2174     Failed example:
  2175         favorite_color
  2176     Expected:
  2177         'blue'
  2178     Got:
  2179         'red'
  2180     **********************************************************************
  2181     1 items had failures:
  2182        1 of   2 in test_doctest.txt
  2183     ***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
  2184     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2)
  2185     >>> doctest.master = None  # Reset master.
  2187 The file may be made relative to a given module or package, using the
  2188 optional `module_relative` parameter:
  2190     >>> doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', globs=globs,
  2191     ...                  module_relative='test')
  2192     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
  2193     >>> doctest.master = None  # Reset master.
  2195 Verbosity can be increased with the optional `verbose` paremter:
  2197     >>> doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', globs=globs, verbose=True)
  2198     Trying:
  2199         favorite_color
  2200     Expecting:
  2201         'blue'
  2202     ok
  2203     Trying:
  2204         if 1:
  2205            print 'a'
  2206            print
  2207            print 'b'
  2208     Expecting:
  2209         a
  2210         <BLANKLINE>
  2211         b
  2212     ok
  2213     1 items passed all tests:
  2214        2 tests in test_doctest.txt
  2215     2 tests in 1 items.
  2216     2 passed and 0 failed.
  2217     Test passed.
  2218     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
  2219     >>> doctest.master = None  # Reset master.
  2221 The name of the test may be specified with the optional `name`
  2222 parameter:
  2224     >>> doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', name='newname')
  2225     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  2226     **********************************************************************
  2227     File "...", line 6, in newname
  2228     ...
  2229     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2)
  2230     >>> doctest.master = None  # Reset master.
  2232 The summary report may be supressed with the optional `report`
  2233 parameter:
  2235     >>> doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', report=False)
  2236     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  2237     **********************************************************************
  2238     File "...", line 6, in test_doctest.txt
  2239     Failed example:
  2240         favorite_color
  2241     Exception raised:
  2242         ...
  2243         NameError: name 'favorite_color' is not defined
  2244     TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2)
  2245     >>> doctest.master = None  # Reset master.
  2247 The optional keyword argument `raise_on_error` can be used to raise an
  2248 exception on the first error (which may be useful for postmortem
  2249 debugging):
  2251     >>> doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt', raise_on_error=True)
  2252     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  2253     Traceback (most recent call last):
  2254     UnexpectedException: ...
  2255     >>> doctest.master = None  # Reset master.
  2257 If the tests contain non-ASCII characters, the tests might fail, since
  2258 it's unknown which encoding is used. The encoding can be specified
  2259 using the optional keyword argument `encoding`:
  2261     >>> doctest.testfile('test_doctest4.txt') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  2262     **********************************************************************
  2263     File "...", line 7, in test_doctest4.txt
  2264     Failed example:
  2265         u'...'
  2266     Expected:
  2267         u'f\xf6\xf6'
  2268     Got:
  2269         u'f\xc3\xb6\xc3\xb6'
  2270     **********************************************************************
  2271     ...
  2272     **********************************************************************
  2273     1 items had failures:
  2274        2 of   4 in test_doctest4.txt
  2275     ***Test Failed*** 2 failures.
  2276     TestResults(failed=2, attempted=4)
  2277     >>> doctest.master = None  # Reset master.
  2279     >>> doctest.testfile('test_doctest4.txt', encoding='utf-8')
  2280     TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4)
  2281     >>> doctest.master = None  # Reset master.
  2282 """
  2284 # old_test1, ... used to live in, but cluttered it.  Note
  2285 # that these use the deprecated doctest.Tester, so should go away (or
  2286 # be rewritten) someday.
  2288 # Ignore all warnings about the use of class Tester in this module.
  2289 # Note that the name of this module may differ depending on how it's
  2290 # imported, so the use of __name__ is important.
  2291 warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "class Tester", DeprecationWarning,
  2292                         __name__, 0)
  2294 def old_test1(): r"""
  2295 >>> from doctest import Tester
  2296 >>> t = Tester(globs={'x': 42}, verbose=0)
  2297 >>> t.runstring(r'''
  2298 ...      >>> x = x * 2
  2299 ...      >>> print x
  2300 ...      42
  2301 ... ''', 'XYZ')
  2302 **********************************************************************
  2303 Line 3, in XYZ
  2304 Failed example:
  2305     print x
  2306 Expected:
  2307     42
  2308 Got:
  2309     84
  2310 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2)
  2311 >>> t.runstring(">>> x = x * 2\n>>> print x\n84\n", 'example2')
  2312 TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
  2313 >>> t.summarize()
  2314 **********************************************************************
  2315 1 items had failures:
  2316    1 of   2 in XYZ
  2317 ***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
  2318 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=4)
  2319 >>> t.summarize(verbose=1)
  2320 1 items passed all tests:
  2321    2 tests in example2
  2322 **********************************************************************
  2323 1 items had failures:
  2324    1 of   2 in XYZ
  2325 4 tests in 2 items.
  2326 3 passed and 1 failed.
  2327 ***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
  2328 TestResults(failed=1, attempted=4)
  2329 """
  2331 def old_test2(): r"""
  2332         >>> from doctest import Tester
  2333         >>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=1)
  2334         >>> test = r'''
  2335         ...    # just an example
  2336         ...    >>> x = 1 + 2
  2337         ...    >>> x
  2338         ...    3
  2339         ... '''
  2340         >>> t.runstring(test, "Example")
  2341         Running string Example
  2342         Trying:
  2343             x = 1 + 2
  2344         Expecting nothing
  2345         ok
  2346         Trying:
  2347             x
  2348         Expecting:
  2349             3
  2350         ok
  2351         0 of 2 examples failed in string Example
  2352         TestResults(failed=0, attempted=2)
  2353 """
  2355 def old_test3(): r"""
  2356         >>> from doctest import Tester
  2357         >>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)
  2358         >>> def _f():
  2359         ...     '''Trivial docstring example.
  2360         ...     >>> assert 2 == 2
  2361         ...     '''
  2362         ...     return 32
  2363         ...
  2364         >>> t.rundoc(_f)  # expect 0 failures in 1 example
  2365         TestResults(failed=0, attempted=1)
  2366 """
  2368 def old_test4(): """
  2369         >>> import types
  2370         >>> m1 = types.ModuleType('_m1')
  2371         >>> m2 = types.ModuleType('_m2')
  2372         >>> test_data = \"""
  2373         ... def _f():
  2374         ...     '''>>> assert 1 == 1
  2375         ...     '''
  2376         ... def g():
  2377         ...    '''>>> assert 2 != 1
  2378         ...    '''
  2379         ... class H:
  2380         ...    '''>>> assert 2 > 1
  2381         ...    '''
  2382         ...    def bar(self):
  2383         ...        '''>>> assert 1 < 2
  2384         ...        '''
  2385         ... \"""
  2386         >>> exec test_data in m1.__dict__
  2387         >>> exec test_data in m2.__dict__
  2388         >>> m1.__dict__.update({"f2": m2._f, "g2": m2.g, "h2": m2.H})
  2390         Tests that objects outside m1 are excluded:
  2392         >>> from doctest import Tester
  2393         >>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)
  2394         >>> t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test", m1)  # f2 and g2 and h2 skipped
  2395         TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4)
  2397         Once more, not excluding stuff outside m1:
  2399         >>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)
  2400         >>> t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test_pvt")  # None are skipped.
  2401         TestResults(failed=0, attempted=8)
  2403         The exclusion of objects from outside the designated module is
  2404         meant to be invoked automagically by testmod.
  2406         >>> doctest.testmod(m1, verbose=False)
  2407         TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4)
  2408 """
  2410 ######################################################################
  2411 ## Main
  2412 ######################################################################
  2414 def test_main():
  2415     # Check the doctest cases in doctest itself:
  2416     test_support.run_doctest(doctest, verbosity=True)
  2417     # Check the doctest cases defined here:
  2418     from test import test_doctest
  2419     test_support.run_doctest(test_doctest, verbosity=True)
  2421 import trace, sys
  2422 def test_coverage(coverdir):
  2423     tracer = trace.Trace(ignoredirs=[sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix,],
  2424                          trace=0, count=1)
  2425'reload(doctest); test_main()')
  2426     r = tracer.results()
  2427     print 'Writing coverage results...'
  2428     r.write_results(show_missing=True, summary=True,
  2429                     coverdir=coverdir)
  2431 if __name__ == '__main__':
  2432     if '-c' in sys.argv:
  2433         test_coverage('/tmp/doctest.cover')
  2434     else:
  2435         test_main()