changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:ffa851df0825 1:2fb8b9db1c86
     1 # As a test suite for the os module, this is woefully inadequate, but this
     2 # does add tests for a few functions which have been determined to be more
     3 # portable than they had been thought to be.
     5 import os
     6 import unittest
     7 import warnings
     8 import sys
     9 from test import test_support
    11 warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tempnam", RuntimeWarning, __name__)
    12 warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tmpnam", RuntimeWarning, __name__)
    14 # Tests creating TESTFN
    15 class FileTests(unittest.TestCase):
    16     def setUp(self):
    17         if os.path.exists(test_support.TESTFN):
    18             os.unlink(test_support.TESTFN)
    19     tearDown = setUp
    21     def test_access(self):
    22         f =, os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR)
    23         os.close(f)
    24         self.assert_(os.access(test_support.TESTFN, os.W_OK))
    26     def test_closerange(self):
    27         first =, os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR)
    28         # We must allocate two consecutive file descriptors, otherwise
    29         # it will mess up other file descriptors (perhaps even the three
    30         # standard ones).
    31         second = os.dup(first)
    32         try:
    33             retries = 0
    34             while second != first + 1:
    35                 os.close(first)
    36                 retries += 1
    37                 if retries > 10:
    38                     # XXX test skipped
    39                     print >> sys.stderr, (
    40                         "couldn't allocate two consecutive fds, "
    41                         "skipping test_closerange")
    42                     return
    43                 first, second = second, os.dup(second)
    44         finally:
    45             os.close(second)
    46         # close a fd that is open, and one that isn't
    47         os.closerange(first, first + 2)
    48         self.assertRaises(OSError, os.write, first, "a")
    50     def test_rename(self):
    51         path = unicode(test_support.TESTFN)
    52         old = sys.getrefcount(path)
    53         self.assertRaises(TypeError, os.rename, path, 0)
    54         new = sys.getrefcount(path)
    55         self.assertEqual(old, new)
    58 class TemporaryFileTests(unittest.TestCase):
    59     def setUp(self):
    60         self.files = []
    61         os.mkdir(test_support.TESTFN)
    63     def tearDown(self):
    64         for name in self.files:
    65             os.unlink(name)
    66         os.rmdir(test_support.TESTFN)
    68     def check_tempfile(self, name):
    69         # make sure it doesn't already exist:
    70         self.failIf(os.path.exists(name),
    71                     "file already exists for temporary file")
    72         # make sure we can create the file
    73         open(name, "w")
    74         self.files.append(name)
    76     def test_tempnam(self):
    77         if not hasattr(os, "tempnam"):
    78             return
    79         warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tempnam", RuntimeWarning,
    80                                 r"test_os$")
    81         self.check_tempfile(os.tempnam())
    83         name = os.tempnam(test_support.TESTFN)
    84         self.check_tempfile(name)
    86         name = os.tempnam(test_support.TESTFN, "pfx")
    87         self.assert_(os.path.basename(name)[:3] == "pfx")
    88         self.check_tempfile(name)
    90     def test_tmpfile(self):
    91         if not hasattr(os, "tmpfile"):
    92             return
    93         # As with test_tmpnam() below, the Windows implementation of tmpfile()
    94         # attempts to create a file in the root directory of the current drive.
    95         # On Vista and Server 2008, this test will always fail for normal users
    96         # as writing to the root directory requires elevated privileges.  With
    97         # XP and below, the semantics of tmpfile() are the same, but the user
    98         # running the test is more likely to have administrative privileges on
    99         # their account already.  If that's the case, then os.tmpfile() should
   100         # work.  In order to make this test as useful as possible, rather than
   101         # trying to detect Windows versions or whether or not the user has the
   102         # right permissions, just try and create a file in the root directory
   103         # and see if it raises a 'Permission denied' OSError.  If it does, then
   104         # test that a subsequent call to os.tmpfile() raises the same error. If
   105         # it doesn't, assume we're on XP or below and the user running the test
   106         # has administrative privileges, and proceed with the test as normal.
   107         if sys.platform == 'win32':
   108             name = '\\python_test_os_test_tmpfile.txt'
   109             if os.path.exists(name):
   110                 os.remove(name)
   111             try:
   112                 fp = open(name, 'w')
   113             except IOError, first:
   114                 # open() failed, assert tmpfile() fails in the same way.
   115                 # Although open() raises an IOError and os.tmpfile() raises an
   116                 # OSError(), 'args' will be (13, 'Permission denied') in both
   117                 # cases.
   118                 try:
   119                     fp = os.tmpfile()
   120                 except OSError, second:
   121                     self.assertEqual(first.args, second.args)
   122                 else:
   123           "expected os.tmpfile() to raise OSError")
   124                 return
   125             else:
   126                 # open() worked, therefore, tmpfile() should work.  Close our
   127                 # dummy file and proceed with the test as normal.
   128                 fp.close()
   129                 os.remove(name)
   131         fp = os.tmpfile()
   132         fp.write("foobar")
   134         s =
   135         fp.close()
   136         self.assert_(s == "foobar")
   138     def test_tmpnam(self):
   139         import sys
   140         if not hasattr(os, "tmpnam"):
   141             return
   142         warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tmpnam", RuntimeWarning,
   143                                 r"test_os$")
   144         name = os.tmpnam()
   145         if sys.platform in ("win32",):
   146             # The Windows tmpnam() seems useless.  From the MS docs:
   147             #
   148             #     The character string that tmpnam creates consists of
   149             #     the path prefix, defined by the entry P_tmpdir in the
   150             #     file STDIO.H, followed by a sequence consisting of the
   151             #     digit characters '0' through '9'; the numerical value
   152             #     of this string is in the range 1 - 65,535.  Changing the
   153             #     definitions of L_tmpnam or P_tmpdir in STDIO.H does not
   154             #     change the operation of tmpnam.
   155             #
   156             # The really bizarre part is that, at least under MSVC6,
   157             # P_tmpdir is "\\".  That is, the path returned refers to
   158             # the root of the current drive.  That's a terrible place to
   159             # put temp files, and, depending on privileges, the user
   160             # may not even be able to open a file in the root directory.
   161             self.failIf(os.path.exists(name),
   162                         "file already exists for temporary file")
   163         else:
   164             self.check_tempfile(name)
   166 # Test attributes on return values from os.*stat* family.
   167 class StatAttributeTests(unittest.TestCase):
   168     def setUp(self):
   169         os.mkdir(test_support.TESTFN)
   170         self.fname = os.path.join(test_support.TESTFN, "f1")
   171         f = open(self.fname, 'wb')
   172         f.write("ABC")
   173         f.close()
   175     def tearDown(self):
   176         os.unlink(self.fname)
   177         os.rmdir(test_support.TESTFN)
   179     def test_stat_attributes(self):
   180         if not hasattr(os, "stat"):
   181             return
   183         import stat
   184         result = os.stat(self.fname)
   186         # Make sure direct access works
   187         self.assertEquals(result[stat.ST_SIZE], 3)
   188         self.assertEquals(result.st_size, 3)
   190         import sys
   192         # Make sure all the attributes are there
   193         members = dir(result)
   194         for name in dir(stat):
   195             if name[:3] == 'ST_':
   196                 attr = name.lower()
   197                 if name.endswith("TIME"):
   198                     def trunc(x): return int(x)
   199                 else:
   200                     def trunc(x): return x
   201                 self.assertEquals(trunc(getattr(result, attr)),
   202                                   result[getattr(stat, name)])
   203                 self.assert_(attr in members)
   205         try:
   206             result[200]
   207   "No exception thrown")
   208         except IndexError:
   209             pass
   211         # Make sure that assignment fails
   212         try:
   213             result.st_mode = 1
   214   "No exception thrown")
   215         except TypeError:
   216             pass
   218         try:
   219             result.st_rdev = 1
   220   "No exception thrown")
   221         except (AttributeError, TypeError):
   222             pass
   224         try:
   225             result.parrot = 1
   226   "No exception thrown")
   227         except AttributeError:
   228             pass
   230         # Use the stat_result constructor with a too-short tuple.
   231         try:
   232             result2 = os.stat_result((10,))
   233   "No exception thrown")
   234         except TypeError:
   235             pass
   237         # Use the constructr with a too-long tuple.
   238         try:
   239             result2 = os.stat_result((0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14))
   240         except TypeError:
   241             pass
   244     def test_statvfs_attributes(self):
   245         if not hasattr(os, "statvfs"):
   246             return
   248         try:
   249             result = os.statvfs(self.fname)
   250         except OSError, e:
   251             # On AtheOS, glibc always returns ENOSYS
   252             import errno
   253             if e.errno == errno.ENOSYS:
   254                 return
   256         # Make sure direct access works
   257         self.assertEquals(result.f_bfree, result[3])
   259         # Make sure all the attributes are there.
   260         members = ('bsize', 'frsize', 'blocks', 'bfree', 'bavail', 'files',
   261                     'ffree', 'favail', 'flag', 'namemax')
   262         for value, member in enumerate(members):
   263             self.assertEquals(getattr(result, 'f_' + member), result[value])
   265         # Make sure that assignment really fails
   266         try:
   267             result.f_bfree = 1
   268   "No exception thrown")
   269         except TypeError:
   270             pass
   272         try:
   273             result.parrot = 1
   274   "No exception thrown")
   275         except AttributeError:
   276             pass
   278         # Use the constructor with a too-short tuple.
   279         try:
   280             result2 = os.statvfs_result((10,))
   281   "No exception thrown")
   282         except TypeError:
   283             pass
   285         # Use the constructr with a too-long tuple.
   286         try:
   287             result2 = os.statvfs_result((0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14))
   288         except TypeError:
   289             pass
   291     def test_utime_dir(self):
   292         delta = 1000000
   293         st = os.stat(test_support.TESTFN)
   294         # round to int, because some systems may support sub-second
   295         # time stamps in stat, but not in utime.
   296         os.utime(test_support.TESTFN, (st.st_atime, int(st.st_mtime-delta)))
   297         st2 = os.stat(test_support.TESTFN)
   298         self.assertEquals(st2.st_mtime, int(st.st_mtime-delta))
   300     # Restrict test to Win32, since there is no guarantee other
   301     # systems support centiseconds
   302     if sys.platform == 'win32':
   303         def get_file_system(path):
   304             root = os.path.splitdrive(os.path.abspath(path))[0] + '\\'
   305             import ctypes
   306             kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
   307             buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer("", 100)
   308             if kernel32.GetVolumeInformationA(root, None, 0, None, None, None, buf, len(buf)):
   309                 return buf.value
   311         if get_file_system(test_support.TESTFN) == "NTFS":
   312             def test_1565150(self):
   313                 t1 = 1159195039.25
   314                 os.utime(self.fname, (t1, t1))
   315                 self.assertEquals(os.stat(self.fname).st_mtime, t1)
   317         def test_1686475(self):
   318             # Verify that an open file can be stat'ed
   319             try:
   320                 os.stat(r"c:\pagefile.sys")
   321             except WindowsError, e:
   322                 if e.errno == 2: # file does not exist; cannot run test
   323                     return
   324       "Could not stat pagefile.sys")
   326 from test import mapping_tests
   328 class EnvironTests(mapping_tests.BasicTestMappingProtocol):
   329     """check that os.environ object conform to mapping protocol"""
   330     type2test = None
   331     def _reference(self):
   332         return {"KEY1":"VALUE1", "KEY2":"VALUE2", "KEY3":"VALUE3"}
   333     def _empty_mapping(self):
   334         os.environ.clear()
   335         return os.environ
   336     def setUp(self):
   337         self.__save = dict(os.environ)
   338         os.environ.clear()
   339     def tearDown(self):
   340         os.environ.clear()
   341         os.environ.update(self.__save)
   343     # Bug 1110478
   344     def test_update2(self):
   345         if os.path.exists("/bin/sh"):
   346             os.environ.update(HELLO="World")
   347             value = os.popen("/bin/sh -c 'echo $HELLO'").read().strip()
   348             self.assertEquals(value, "World")
   350 class WalkTests(unittest.TestCase):
   351     """Tests for os.walk()."""
   353     def test_traversal(self):
   354         import os
   355         from os.path import join
   357         # Build:
   358         #     TESTFN/
   359         #       TEST1/              a file kid and two directory kids
   360         #         tmp1
   361         #         SUB1/             a file kid and a directory kid
   362         #           tmp2
   363         #           SUB11/          no kids
   364         #         SUB2/             a file kid and a dirsymlink kid
   365         #           tmp3
   366         #           link/           a symlink to TESTFN.2
   367         #       TEST2/
   368         #         tmp4              a lone file
   369         walk_path = join(test_support.TESTFN, "TEST1")
   370         sub1_path = join(walk_path, "SUB1")
   371         sub11_path = join(sub1_path, "SUB11")
   372         sub2_path = join(walk_path, "SUB2")
   373         tmp1_path = join(walk_path, "tmp1")
   374         tmp2_path = join(sub1_path, "tmp2")
   375         tmp3_path = join(sub2_path, "tmp3")
   376         link_path = join(sub2_path, "link")
   377         t2_path = join(test_support.TESTFN, "TEST2")
   378         tmp4_path = join(test_support.TESTFN, "TEST2", "tmp4")
   380         # Create stuff.
   381         os.makedirs(sub11_path)
   382         os.makedirs(sub2_path)
   383         os.makedirs(t2_path)
   384         for path in tmp1_path, tmp2_path, tmp3_path, tmp4_path:
   385             f = file(path, "w")
   386             f.write("I'm " + path + " and proud of it.  Blame test_os.\n")
   387             f.close()
   388         if hasattr(os, "symlink"):
   389             os.symlink(os.path.abspath(t2_path), link_path)
   390             sub2_tree = (sub2_path, ["link"], ["tmp3"])
   391         else:
   392             sub2_tree = (sub2_path, [], ["tmp3"])
   394         # Walk top-down.
   395         all = list(os.walk(walk_path))
   396         self.assertEqual(len(all), 4)
   397         # We can't know which order SUB1 and SUB2 will appear in.
   398         # Not flipped:  TESTFN, SUB1, SUB11, SUB2
   399         #     flipped:  TESTFN, SUB2, SUB1, SUB11
   400         flipped = all[0][1][0] != "SUB1"
   401         all[0][1].sort()
   402         self.assertEqual(all[0], (walk_path, ["SUB1", "SUB2"], ["tmp1"]))
   403         self.assertEqual(all[1 + flipped], (sub1_path, ["SUB11"], ["tmp2"]))
   404         self.assertEqual(all[2 + flipped], (sub11_path, [], []))
   405         self.assertEqual(all[3 - 2 * flipped], sub2_tree)
   407         # Prune the search.
   408         all = []
   409         for root, dirs, files in os.walk(walk_path):
   410             all.append((root, dirs, files))
   411             # Don't descend into SUB1.
   412             if 'SUB1' in dirs:
   413                 # Note that this also mutates the dirs we appended to all!
   414                 dirs.remove('SUB1')
   415         self.assertEqual(len(all), 2)
   416         self.assertEqual(all[0], (walk_path, ["SUB2"], ["tmp1"]))
   417         self.assertEqual(all[1], sub2_tree)
   419         # Walk bottom-up.
   420         all = list(os.walk(walk_path, topdown=False))
   421         self.assertEqual(len(all), 4)
   422         # We can't know which order SUB1 and SUB2 will appear in.
   423         # Not flipped:  SUB11, SUB1, SUB2, TESTFN
   424         #     flipped:  SUB2, SUB11, SUB1, TESTFN
   425         flipped = all[3][1][0] != "SUB1"
   426         all[3][1].sort()
   427         self.assertEqual(all[3], (walk_path, ["SUB1", "SUB2"], ["tmp1"]))
   428         self.assertEqual(all[flipped], (sub11_path, [], []))
   429         self.assertEqual(all[flipped + 1], (sub1_path, ["SUB11"], ["tmp2"]))
   430         self.assertEqual(all[2 - 2 * flipped], sub2_tree)
   432         if hasattr(os, "symlink"):
   433             # Walk, following symlinks.
   434             for root, dirs, files in os.walk(walk_path, followlinks=True):
   435                 if root == link_path:
   436                     self.assertEqual(dirs, [])
   437                     self.assertEqual(files, ["tmp4"])
   438                     break
   439             else:
   440       "Didn't follow symlink with followlinks=True")
   442     def tearDown(self):
   443         # Tear everything down.  This is a decent use for bottom-up on
   444         # Windows, which doesn't have a recursive delete command.  The
   445         # (not so) subtlety is that rmdir will fail unless the dir's
   446         # kids are removed first, so bottom up is essential.
   447         for root, dirs, files in os.walk(test_support.TESTFN, topdown=False):
   448             for name in files:
   449                 os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
   450             for name in dirs:
   451                 dirname = os.path.join(root, name)
   452                 if not os.path.islink(dirname):
   453                     os.rmdir(dirname)
   454                 else:
   455                     os.remove(dirname)
   456         os.rmdir(test_support.TESTFN)
   458 class MakedirTests (unittest.TestCase):
   459     def setUp(self):
   460         os.mkdir(test_support.TESTFN)
   462     def test_makedir(self):
   463         base = test_support.TESTFN
   464         path = os.path.join(base, 'dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3')
   465         os.makedirs(path)             # Should work
   466         path = os.path.join(base, 'dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'dir4')
   467         os.makedirs(path)
   469         # Try paths with a '.' in them
   470         self.failUnlessRaises(OSError, os.makedirs, os.curdir)
   471         path = os.path.join(base, 'dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'dir4', 'dir5', os.curdir)
   472         os.makedirs(path)
   473         path = os.path.join(base, 'dir1', os.curdir, 'dir2', 'dir3', 'dir4',
   474                             'dir5', 'dir6')
   475         os.makedirs(path)
   480     def tearDown(self):
   481         path = os.path.join(test_support.TESTFN, 'dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3',
   482                             'dir4', 'dir5', 'dir6')
   483         # If the tests failed, the bottom-most directory ('../dir6')
   484         # may not have been created, so we look for the outermost directory
   485         # that exists.
   486         while not os.path.exists(path) and path != test_support.TESTFN:
   487             path = os.path.dirname(path)
   489         os.removedirs(path)
   491 class DevNullTests (unittest.TestCase):
   492     def test_devnull(self):
   493         f = file(os.devnull, 'w')
   494         f.write('hello')
   495         f.close()
   496         f = file(os.devnull, 'r')
   497         self.assertEqual(, '')
   498         f.close()
   500 class URandomTests (unittest.TestCase):
   501     def test_urandom(self):
   502         try:
   503             self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(1)), 1)
   504             self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(10)), 10)
   505             self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(100)), 100)
   506             self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(1000)), 1000)
   507             # see
   508             self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(0.9)), 0)
   509             self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(1.1)), 1)
   510             self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(2.0)), 2)
   511         except NotImplementedError:
   512             pass
   514 class Win32ErrorTests(unittest.TestCase):
   515     def test_rename(self):
   516         self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.rename, test_support.TESTFN, test_support.TESTFN+".bak")
   518     def test_remove(self):
   519         self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.remove, test_support.TESTFN)
   521     def test_chdir(self):
   522         self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.chdir, test_support.TESTFN)
   524     def test_mkdir(self):
   525         self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.chdir, test_support.TESTFN)
   527     def test_utime(self):
   528         self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.utime, test_support.TESTFN, None)
   530     def test_access(self):
   531         self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.utime, test_support.TESTFN, 0)
   533     def test_chmod(self):
   534         self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.utime, test_support.TESTFN, 0)
   536 if sys.platform != 'win32':
   537     class Win32ErrorTests(unittest.TestCase):
   538         pass
   540 def test_main():
   541     test_support.run_unittest(
   542         FileTests,
   543         TemporaryFileTests,
   544         StatAttributeTests,
   545         EnvironTests,
   546         WalkTests,
   547         MakedirTests,
   548         DevNullTests,
   549         URandomTests,
   550         Win32ErrorTests
   551     )
   553 if __name__ == "__main__":
   554     test_main()