changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:ffa851df0825 1:2fb8b9db1c86
     1 ########################################################################
     2 # Copyright (c) 2000,
     3 # Copyright (c) 1995-2000, Corporation for National Research Initiatives.
     4 # Copyright (c) 1990-1995, Stichting Mathematisch Centrum.
     5 # All rights reserved.
     6 #
     7 # See the file "Misc/COPYRIGHT" for information on usage and
     8 # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
     9 ########################################################################
    11 # Python script to parse cstubs file for gl and generate C stubs.
    12 # usage: python <cstubs >glmodule.c
    13 #
    14 # NOTE: You  must first make a python binary without the "GL" option
    15 #       before you can run this, when building Python for the first time.
    16 #       See comments in the Makefile.
    17 #
    18 # XXX BUG return arrays generate wrong code
    19 # XXX need to change error returns into gotos to free mallocked arrays
    20 from warnings import warnpy3k
    21 warnpy3k("the cgen module has been removed in Python 3.0", stacklevel=2)
    22 del warnpy3k
    25 import string
    26 import sys
    29 # Function to print to stderr
    30 #
    31 def err(*args):
    32     savestdout = sys.stdout
    33     try:
    34         sys.stdout = sys.stderr
    35         for i in args:
    36             print i,
    37         print
    38     finally:
    39         sys.stdout = savestdout
    42 # The set of digits that form a number
    43 #
    44 digits = '0123456789'
    47 # Function to extract a string of digits from the front of the string.
    48 # Returns the leading string of digits and the remaining string.
    49 # If no number is found, returns '' and the original string.
    50 #
    51 def getnum(s):
    52     n = ''
    53     while s and s[0] in digits:
    54         n = n + s[0]
    55         s = s[1:]
    56     return n, s
    59 # Function to check if a string is a number
    60 #
    61 def isnum(s):
    62     if not s: return False
    63     for c in s:
    64         if not c in digits: return False
    65     return True
    68 # Allowed function return types
    69 #
    70 return_types = ['void', 'short', 'long']
    73 # Allowed function argument types
    74 #
    75 arg_types = ['char', 'string', 'short', 'u_short', 'float', 'long', 'double']
    78 # Need to classify arguments as follows
    79 #       simple input variable
    80 #       simple output variable
    81 #       input array
    82 #       output array
    83 #       input giving size of some array
    84 #
    85 # Array dimensions can be specified as follows
    86 #       constant
    87 #       argN
    88 #       constant * argN
    89 #       retval
    90 #       constant * retval
    91 #
    92 # The dimensions given as constants * something are really
    93 # arrays of points where points are 2- 3- or 4-tuples
    94 #
    95 # We have to consider three lists:
    96 #       python input arguments
    97 #       C stub arguments (in & out)
    98 #       python output arguments (really return values)
    99 #
   100 # There is a mapping from python input arguments to the input arguments
   101 # of the C stub, and a further mapping from C stub arguments to the
   102 # python return values
   105 # Exception raised by checkarg() and generate()
   106 #
   107 arg_error = 'bad arg'
   110 # Function to check one argument.
   111 # Arguments: the type and the arg "name" (really mode plus subscript).
   112 # Raises arg_error if something's wrong.
   113 # Return type, mode, factor, rest of subscript; factor and rest may be empty.
   114 #
   115 def checkarg(type, arg):
   116     #
   117     # Turn "char *x" into "string x".
   118     #
   119     if type == 'char' and arg[0] == '*':
   120         type = 'string'
   121         arg = arg[1:]
   122     #
   123     # Check that the type is supported.
   124     #
   125     if type not in arg_types:
   126         raise arg_error, ('bad type', type)
   127     if type[:2] == 'u_':
   128         type = 'unsigned ' + type[2:]
   129     #
   130     # Split it in the mode (first character) and the rest.
   131     #
   132     mode, rest = arg[:1], arg[1:]
   133     #
   134     # The mode must be 's' for send (= input) or 'r' for return argument.
   135     #
   136     if mode not in ('r', 's'):
   137         raise arg_error, ('bad arg mode', mode)
   138     #
   139     # Is it a simple argument: if so, we are done.
   140     #
   141     if not rest:
   142         return type, mode, '', ''
   143     #
   144     # Not a simple argument; must be an array.
   145     # The 'rest' must be a subscript enclosed in [ and ].
   146     # The subscript must be one of the following forms,
   147     # otherwise we don't handle it (where N is a number):
   148     #       N
   149     #       argN
   150     #       retval
   151     #       N*argN
   152     #       N*retval
   153     #
   154     if rest[:1] <> '[' or rest[-1:] <> ']':
   155         raise arg_error, ('subscript expected', rest)
   156     sub = rest[1:-1]
   157     #
   158     # Is there a leading number?
   159     #
   160     num, sub = getnum(sub)
   161     if num:
   162         # There is a leading number
   163         if not sub:
   164             # The subscript is just a number
   165             return type, mode, num, ''
   166         if sub[:1] == '*':
   167             # There is a factor prefix
   168             sub = sub[1:]
   169         else:
   170             raise arg_error, ('\'*\' expected', sub)
   171     if sub == 'retval':
   172         # size is retval -- must be a reply argument
   173         if mode <> 'r':
   174             raise arg_error, ('non-r mode with [retval]', mode)
   175     elif not isnum(sub) and (sub[:3] <> 'arg' or not isnum(sub[3:])):
   176         raise arg_error, ('bad subscript', sub)
   177     #
   178     return type, mode, num, sub
   181 # List of functions for which we have generated stubs
   182 #
   183 functions = []
   186 # Generate the stub for the given function, using the database of argument
   187 # information build by successive calls to checkarg()
   188 #
   189 def generate(type, func, database):
   190     #
   191     # Check that we can handle this case:
   192     # no variable size reply arrays yet
   193     #
   194     n_in_args = 0
   195     n_out_args = 0
   196     #
   197     for a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub in database:
   198         if a_mode == 's':
   199             n_in_args = n_in_args + 1
   200         elif a_mode == 'r':
   201             n_out_args = n_out_args + 1
   202         else:
   203             # Can't happen
   204             raise arg_error, ('bad a_mode', a_mode)
   205         if (a_mode == 'r' and a_sub) or a_sub == 'retval':
   206             err('Function', func, 'too complicated:',
   207                 a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub)
   208             print '/* XXX Too complicated to generate code for */'
   209             return
   210     #
   211     functions.append(func)
   212     #
   213     # Stub header
   214     #
   215     print
   216     print 'static PyObject *'
   217     print 'gl_' + func + '(self, args)'
   218     print '\tPyObject *self;'
   219     print '\tPyObject *args;'
   220     print '{'
   221     #
   222     # Declare return value if any
   223     #
   224     if type <> 'void':
   225         print '\t' + type, 'retval;'
   226     #
   227     # Declare arguments
   228     #
   229     for i in range(len(database)):
   230         a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
   231         print '\t' + a_type,
   232         brac = ket = ''
   233         if a_sub and not isnum(a_sub):
   234             if a_factor:
   235                 brac = '('
   236                 ket = ')'
   237             print brac + '*',
   238         print 'arg' + repr(i+1) + ket,
   239         if a_sub and isnum(a_sub):
   240             print '[', a_sub, ']',
   241         if a_factor:
   242             print '[', a_factor, ']',
   243         print ';'
   244     #
   245     # Find input arguments derived from array sizes
   246     #
   247     for i in range(len(database)):
   248         a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
   249         if a_mode == 's' and a_sub[:3] == 'arg' and isnum(a_sub[3:]):
   250             # Sending a variable-length array
   251             n = eval(a_sub[3:])
   252             if 1 <= n <= len(database):
   253                 b_type, b_mode, b_factor, b_sub = database[n-1]
   254                 if b_mode == 's':
   255                     database[n-1] = b_type, 'i', a_factor, repr(i)
   256                     n_in_args = n_in_args - 1
   257     #
   258     # Assign argument positions in the Python argument list
   259     #
   260     in_pos = []
   261     i_in = 0
   262     for i in range(len(database)):
   263         a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
   264         if a_mode == 's':
   265             in_pos.append(i_in)
   266             i_in = i_in + 1
   267         else:
   268             in_pos.append(-1)
   269     #
   270     # Get input arguments
   271     #
   272     for i in range(len(database)):
   273         a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
   274         if a_type[:9] == 'unsigned ':
   275             xtype = a_type[9:]
   276         else:
   277             xtype = a_type
   278         if a_mode == 'i':
   279             #
   280             # Implicit argument;
   281             # a_factor is divisor if present,
   282             # a_sub indicates which arg (`database index`)
   283             #
   284             j = eval(a_sub)
   285             print '\tif',
   286             print '(!geti' + xtype + 'arraysize(args,',
   287             print repr(n_in_args) + ',',
   288             print repr(in_pos[j]) + ',',
   289             if xtype <> a_type:
   290                 print '('+xtype+' *)',
   291             print '&arg' + repr(i+1) + '))'
   292             print '\t\treturn NULL;'
   293             if a_factor:
   294                 print '\targ' + repr(i+1),
   295                 print '= arg' + repr(i+1),
   296                 print '/', a_factor + ';'
   297         elif a_mode == 's':
   298             if a_sub and not isnum(a_sub):
   299                 # Allocate memory for varsize array
   300                 print '\tif ((arg' + repr(i+1), '=',
   301                 if a_factor:
   302                     print '('+a_type+'(*)['+a_factor+'])',
   303                 print 'PyMem_NEW(' + a_type, ',',
   304                 if a_factor:
   305                     print a_factor, '*',
   306                 print a_sub, ')) == NULL)'
   307                 print '\t\treturn PyErr_NoMemory();'
   308             print '\tif',
   309             if a_factor or a_sub: # Get a fixed-size array array
   310                 print '(!geti' + xtype + 'array(args,',
   311                 print repr(n_in_args) + ',',
   312                 print repr(in_pos[i]) + ',',
   313                 if a_factor: print a_factor,
   314                 if a_factor and a_sub: print '*',
   315                 if a_sub: print a_sub,
   316                 print ',',
   317                 if (a_sub and a_factor) or xtype <> a_type:
   318                     print '('+xtype+' *)',
   319                 print 'arg' + repr(i+1) + '))'
   320             else: # Get a simple variable
   321                 print '(!geti' + xtype + 'arg(args,',
   322                 print repr(n_in_args) + ',',
   323                 print repr(in_pos[i]) + ',',
   324                 if xtype <> a_type:
   325                     print '('+xtype+' *)',
   326                 print '&arg' + repr(i+1) + '))'
   327             print '\t\treturn NULL;'
   328     #
   329     # Begin of function call
   330     #
   331     if type <> 'void':
   332         print '\tretval =', func + '(',
   333     else:
   334         print '\t' + func + '(',
   335     #
   336     # Argument list
   337     #
   338     for i in range(len(database)):
   339         if i > 0: print ',',
   340         a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
   341         if a_mode == 'r' and not a_factor:
   342             print '&',
   343         print 'arg' + repr(i+1),
   344     #
   345     # End of function call
   346     #
   347     print ');'
   348     #
   349     # Free varsize arrays
   350     #
   351     for i in range(len(database)):
   352         a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
   353         if a_mode == 's' and a_sub and not isnum(a_sub):
   354             print '\tPyMem_DEL(arg' + repr(i+1) + ');'
   355     #
   356     # Return
   357     #
   358     if n_out_args:
   359         #
   360         # Multiple return values -- construct a tuple
   361         #
   362         if type <> 'void':
   363             n_out_args = n_out_args + 1
   364         if n_out_args == 1:
   365             for i in range(len(database)):
   366                 a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
   367                 if a_mode == 'r':
   368                     break
   369             else:
   370                 raise arg_error, 'expected r arg not found'
   371             print '\treturn',
   372             print mkobject(a_type, 'arg' + repr(i+1)) + ';'
   373         else:
   374             print '\t{ PyObject *v = PyTuple_New(',
   375             print n_out_args, ');'
   376             print '\t  if (v == NULL) return NULL;'
   377             i_out = 0
   378             if type <> 'void':
   379                 print '\t  PyTuple_SetItem(v,',
   380                 print repr(i_out) + ',',
   381                 print mkobject(type, 'retval') + ');'
   382                 i_out = i_out + 1
   383             for i in range(len(database)):
   384                 a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
   385                 if a_mode == 'r':
   386                     print '\t  PyTuple_SetItem(v,',
   387                     print repr(i_out) + ',',
   388                     s = mkobject(a_type, 'arg' + repr(i+1))
   389                     print s + ');'
   390                     i_out = i_out + 1
   391             print '\t  return v;'
   392             print '\t}'
   393     else:
   394         #
   395         # Simple function return
   396         # Return None or return value
   397         #
   398         if type == 'void':
   399             print '\tPy_INCREF(Py_None);'
   400             print '\treturn Py_None;'
   401         else:
   402             print '\treturn', mkobject(type, 'retval') + ';'
   403     #
   404     # Stub body closing brace
   405     #
   406     print '}'
   409 # Subroutine to return a function call to mknew<type>object(<arg>)
   410 #
   411 def mkobject(type, arg):
   412     if type[:9] == 'unsigned ':
   413         type = type[9:]
   414         return 'mknew' + type + 'object((' + type + ') ' + arg + ')'
   415     return 'mknew' + type + 'object(' + arg + ')'
   418 defined_archs = []
   420 # usage: cgen [ -Dmach ... ] [ file ]
   421 for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
   422     if arg[:2] == '-D':
   423         defined_archs.append(arg[2:])
   424     else:
   425         # Open optional file argument
   426         sys.stdin = open(arg, 'r')
   429 # Input line number
   430 lno = 0
   433 # Input is divided in two parts, separated by a line containing '%%'.
   434 #       <part1>         -- literally copied to stdout
   435 #       <part2>         -- stub definitions
   437 # Variable indicating the current input part.
   438 #
   439 part = 1
   441 # Main loop over the input
   442 #
   443 while 1:
   444     try:
   445         line = raw_input()
   446     except EOFError:
   447         break
   448     #
   449     lno = lno+1
   450     words = string.split(line)
   451     #
   452     if part == 1:
   453         #
   454         # In part 1, copy everything literally
   455         # except look for a line of just '%%'
   456         #
   457         if words == ['%%']:
   458             part = part + 1
   459         else:
   460             #
   461             # Look for names of manually written
   462             # stubs: a single percent followed by the name
   463             # of the function in Python.
   464             # The stub name is derived by prefixing 'gl_'.
   465             #
   466             if words and words[0][0] == '%':
   467                 func = words[0][1:]
   468                 if (not func) and words[1:]:
   469                     func = words[1]
   470                 if func:
   471                     functions.append(func)
   472             else:
   473                 print line
   474         continue
   475     if not words:
   476         continue                # skip empty line
   477     elif words[0] == 'if':
   478         # if XXX rest
   479         # if !XXX rest
   480         if words[1][0] == '!':
   481             if words[1][1:] in defined_archs:
   482                 continue
   483         elif words[1] not in defined_archs:
   484             continue
   485         words = words[2:]
   486     if words[0] == '#include':
   487         print line
   488     elif words[0][:1] == '#':
   489         pass                    # ignore comment
   490     elif words[0] not in return_types:
   491         err('Line', lno, ': bad return type :', words[0])
   492     elif len(words) < 2:
   493         err('Line', lno, ': no funcname :', line)
   494     else:
   495         if len(words) % 2 <> 0:
   496             err('Line', lno, ': odd argument list :', words[2:])
   497         else:
   498             database = []
   499             try:
   500                 for i in range(2, len(words), 2):
   501                     x = checkarg(words[i], words[i+1])
   502                     database.append(x)
   503                 print
   504                 print '/*',
   505                 for w in words: print w,
   506                 print '*/'
   507                 generate(words[0], words[1], database)
   508             except arg_error, msg:
   509                 err('Line', lno, ':', msg)
   512 print
   513 print 'static struct PyMethodDef gl_methods[] = {'
   514 for func in functions:
   515     print '\t{"' + func + '", gl_' + func + '},'
   516 print '\t{NULL, NULL} /* Sentinel */'
   517 print '};'
   518 print
   519 print 'void'
   520 print 'initgl()'
   521 print '{'
   522 print '\t(void) Py_InitModule("gl", gl_methods);'
   523 print '}'