1 #! /usr/bin/env python |
2 |
3 # A Python function that generates dialog boxes with a text message, |
4 # optional bitmap, and any number of buttons. |
5 # Cf. Ousterhout, Tcl and the Tk Toolkit, Figs. 27.2-3, pp. 269-270. |
6 |
7 from Tkinter import * |
8 |
9 mainWidget = None |
10 |
11 def dialog(master, title, text, bitmap, default, *args): |
12 |
13 # 1. Create the top-level window and divide it into top |
14 # and bottom parts. |
15 |
16 w = Toplevel(master, {'class': 'Dialog'}) |
17 w.title(title) |
18 w.iconname('Dialog') |
19 |
20 top = Frame(w, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 1, |
21 Pack: {'side': 'top', 'fill': 'both'}}) |
22 bot = Frame(w, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 1, |
23 Pack: {'side': 'bottom', 'fill': 'both'}}) |
24 |
25 # 2. Fill the top part with the bitmap and message. |
26 |
27 msg = Message(top, |
28 {'width': '3i', |
29 'text': text, |
30 'font': '-Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-180-*', |
31 Pack: {'side': 'right', 'expand': 1, |
32 'fill': 'both', |
33 'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}}) |
34 if bitmap: |
35 bm = Label(top, {'bitmap': bitmap, |
36 Pack: {'side': 'left', |
37 'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}}) |
38 |
39 # 3. Create a row of buttons at the bottom of the dialog. |
40 |
41 buttons = [] |
42 i = 0 |
43 for but in args: |
44 b = Button(bot, {'text': but, |
45 'command': ('set', 'button', i)}) |
46 buttons.append(b) |
47 if i == default: |
48 bd = Frame(bot, {'relief': 'sunken', 'bd': 1, |
49 Pack: {'side': 'left', 'expand': 1, |
50 'padx': '3m', 'pady': '2m'}}) |
51 b.lift() |
52 b.pack ({'in': bd, 'side': 'left', |
53 'padx': '2m', 'pady': '2m', |
54 'ipadx': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'}) |
55 else: |
56 b.pack ({'side': 'left', 'expand': 1, |
57 'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m', |
58 'ipady': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'}) |
59 i = i+1 |
60 |
61 # 4. Set up a binding for <Return>, if there's a default, |
62 # set a grab, and claim the focus too. |
63 |
64 if default >= 0: |
65 w.bind('<Return>', |
66 lambda e, b=buttons[default], i=default: |
67 (b.flash(), |
68 b.setvar('button', i))) |
69 |
70 oldFocus = w.tk.call('focus') # XXX |
71 w.grab_set() |
72 w.focus() |
73 |
74 # 5. Wait for the user to respond, then restore the focus |
75 # and return the index of the selected button. |
76 |
77 w.waitvar('button') |
78 w.destroy() |
79 w.tk.call('focus', oldFocus) # XXX |
80 return w.getint(w.getvar('button')) |
81 |
82 def strdialog(master, title, text, bitmap, default, *args): |
83 |
84 # 1. Create the top-level window and divide it into top |
85 # and bottom parts. |
86 |
87 w = Toplevel(master, {'class': 'Dialog'}) |
88 w.title(title) |
89 w.iconname('Dialog') |
90 |
91 top = Frame(w, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 1, |
92 Pack: {'side': 'top', 'fill': 'both'}}) |
93 if args: |
94 bot = Frame(w, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 1, |
95 Pack: {'side': 'bottom', 'fill': 'both'}}) |
96 |
97 # 2. Fill the top part with the bitmap, message and input field. |
98 |
99 if bitmap: |
100 bm = Label(top, {'bitmap': bitmap, |
101 Pack: {'side': 'left', |
102 'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}}) |
103 |
104 msg = Message(top, |
105 {'width': '3i', |
106 'text': text, |
107 'font': '-Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-180-*', |
108 Pack: {'side': 'left', |
109 'fill': 'both', |
110 'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}}) |
111 |
112 field = Entry(top, |
113 {'relief':'sunken', |
114 Pack:{'side':'left', |
115 'fill':'x', |
116 'expand':1, |
117 'padx':'3m', 'pady':'3m'}}) |
118 # 3. Create a row of buttons at the bottom of the dialog. |
119 |
120 buttons = [] |
121 i = 0 |
122 for but in args: |
123 b = Button(bot, {'text': but, |
124 'command': ('set', 'button', i)}) |
125 buttons.append(b) |
126 if i == default: |
127 bd = Frame(bot, {'relief': 'sunken', 'bd': 1, |
128 Pack: {'side': 'left', 'expand': 1, |
129 'padx': '3m', 'pady': '2m'}}) |
130 b.lift() |
131 b.pack ({'in': bd, 'side': 'left', |
132 'padx': '2m', 'pady': '2m', |
133 'ipadx': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'}) |
134 else: |
135 b.pack ({'side': 'left', 'expand': 1, |
136 'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m', |
137 'ipady': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'}) |
138 i = i+1 |
139 |
140 # 4. Set up a binding for <Return>, if there's a default, |
141 # set a grab, and claim the focus too. |
142 |
143 if not args: |
144 w.bind('<Return>', lambda arg, top=top: top.setvar('button', 0)) |
145 field.bind('<Return>', lambda arg, top=top: top.setvar('button', 0)) |
146 elif default >= 0: |
147 w.bind('<Return>', |
148 lambda e, b=buttons[default], i=default: |
149 (b.flash(), |
150 b.setvar('button', i))) |
151 field.bind('<Return>', |
152 lambda e, b=buttons[default], i=default: |
153 (b.flash(), |
154 b.setvar('button', i))) |
155 |
156 oldFocus = w.tk.call('focus') # XXX |
157 w.grab_set() |
158 field.focus() |
159 |
160 # 5. Wait for the user to respond, then restore the focus |
161 # and return the index of the selected button. |
162 |
163 w.waitvar('button') |
164 v = field.get() |
165 w.destroy() |
166 w.tk.call('focus', oldFocus) # XXX |
167 if args: |
168 return v, w.getint(w.getvar('button')) |
169 else: |
170 return v |
171 |
172 def message(str): |
173 i = dialog(mainWidget, 'Message', str, '', 0, 'OK') |
174 |
175 def askyn(str): |
176 i = dialog(mainWidget, 'Question', str, '', 0, 'No', 'Yes') |
177 return i |
178 |
179 def askync(str): |
180 i = dialog(mainWidget, 'Question', str, '', 0, 'Cancel', 'No', 'Yes') |
181 return i-1 |
182 |
183 def askstr(str): |
184 i = strdialog(mainWidget, 'Question', str, '', 0) |
185 return i |
186 |
187 def askfile(str): # XXXX For now... |
188 i = strdialog(mainWidget, 'Question', str, '', 0) |
189 return i |
190 |
191 # The rest is the test program. |
192 |
193 def _go(): |
194 i = dialog(mainWidget, |
195 'Not Responding', |
196 "The file server isn't responding right now; " |
197 "I'll keep trying.", |
198 '', |
199 -1, |
200 'OK') |
201 print 'pressed button', i |
202 i = dialog(mainWidget, |
203 'File Modified', |
204 'File "tcl.h" has been modified since ' |
205 'the last time it was saved. ' |
206 'Do you want to save it before exiting the application?', |
207 'warning', |
208 0, |
209 'Save File', |
210 'Discard Changes', |
211 'Return To Editor') |
212 print 'pressed button', i |
213 print message('Test of message') |
214 print askyn('Test of yes/no') |
215 print askync('Test of yes/no/cancel') |
216 print askstr('Type a string:') |
217 print strdialog(mainWidget, 'Question', 'Another string:', '', |
218 0, 'Save', 'Save as text') |
219 |
220 def _test(): |
221 global mainWidget |
222 mainWidget = Frame() |
223 Pack.config(mainWidget) |
224 start = Button(mainWidget, |
225 {'text': 'Press Here To Start', 'command': _go}) |
226 start.pack() |
227 endit = Button(mainWidget, |
228 {'text': 'Exit', |
229 'command': 'exit', |
230 Pack: {'fill' : 'both'}}) |
231 mainWidget.mainloop() |
232 |
233 if __name__ == '__main__': |
234 _test() |