changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/libsdl-trunk/test/testsprite.c	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+/* Simple program:  Move N sprites around on the screen as fast as possible */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "SDL.h"
+#define NUM_SPRITES	100
+#define MAX_SPEED 	1
+SDL_Surface *sprite;
+int numsprites;
+SDL_Rect *sprite_rects;
+SDL_Rect *positions;
+SDL_Rect *velocities;
+int sprites_visible;
+int debug_flip;
+Uint16 sprite_w, sprite_h;
+/* Call this instead of exit(), so we can clean up SDL: atexit() is evil. */
+static void quit(int rc)
+	SDL_Quit();
+	exit(rc);
+int LoadSprite(char *file)
+	SDL_Surface *temp;
+	/* Load the sprite image */
+	sprite = SDL_LoadBMP(file);
+	if ( sprite == NULL ) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load %s: %s", file, SDL_GetError());
+		return(-1);
+	}
+	/* Set transparent pixel as the pixel at (0,0) */
+	if ( sprite->format->palette ) {
+						*(Uint8 *)sprite->pixels);
+	}
+	/* Convert sprite to video format */
+	temp = SDL_DisplayFormat(sprite);
+	SDL_FreeSurface(sprite);
+	if ( temp == NULL ) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't convert background: %s\n",
+							SDL_GetError());
+		return(-1);
+	}
+	sprite = temp;
+	/* We're ready to roll. :) */
+	return(0);
+void MoveSprites(SDL_Surface *screen, Uint32 background)
+	int i, nupdates;
+	SDL_Rect area, *position, *velocity;
+	nupdates = 0;
+	/* Erase all the sprites if necessary */
+	if ( sprites_visible ) {
+		SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, background);
+	}
+	/* Move the sprite, bounce at the wall, and draw */
+	for ( i=0; i<numsprites; ++i ) {
+		position = &positions[i];
+		velocity = &velocities[i];
+		position->x += velocity->x;
+		if ( (position->x < 0) || (position->x >= (screen->w - sprite_w)) ) {
+			velocity->x = -velocity->x;
+			position->x += velocity->x;
+		}
+		position->y += velocity->y;
+		if ( (position->y < 0) || (position->y >= (screen->h - sprite_w)) ) {
+			velocity->y = -velocity->y;
+			position->y += velocity->y;
+		}
+		/* Blit the sprite onto the screen */
+		area = *position;
+		SDL_BlitSurface(sprite, NULL, screen, &area);
+		sprite_rects[nupdates++] = area;
+	}
+	if (debug_flip) {
+		if ( (screen->flags & SDL_DOUBLEBUF) == SDL_DOUBLEBUF ) {
+			static int t = 0;
+			Uint32 color = SDL_MapRGB (screen->format, 255, 0, 0);
+			SDL_Rect r;
+			r.x = (sin((float)t * 2 * 3.1459) + 1.0) / 2.0 * (screen->w-20);
+			r.y = 0;
+			r.w = 20;
+			r.h = screen->h;
+			SDL_FillRect (screen, &r, color);
+			t+=2;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Update the screen! */
+	if ( (screen->flags & SDL_DOUBLEBUF) == SDL_DOUBLEBUF ) {
+		SDL_Flip(screen);
+	} else {
+		SDL_UpdateRects(screen, nupdates, sprite_rects);
+	}
+	sprites_visible = 1;
+/* This is a way of telling whether or not to use hardware surfaces */
+Uint32 FastestFlags(Uint32 flags, int width, int height, int bpp)
+	const SDL_VideoInfo *info;
+	/* Hardware acceleration is only used in fullscreen mode */
+	flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
+	/* Check for various video capabilities */
+	info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
+	if ( info->blit_hw_CC && info->blit_fill ) {
+		/* We use accelerated colorkeying and color filling */
+		flags |= SDL_HWSURFACE;
+	}
+	/* If we have enough video memory, and will use accelerated
+	   blits directly to it, then use page flipping.
+	 */
+	if ( (flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == SDL_HWSURFACE ) {
+		/* Direct hardware blitting without double-buffering
+		   causes really bad flickering.
+		 */
+		if ( info->video_mem*1024 > (height*width*bpp/8) ) {
+			flags |= SDL_DOUBLEBUF;
+		} else {
+			flags &= ~SDL_HWSURFACE;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Return the flags */
+	return(flags);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+	SDL_Surface *screen;
+	Uint8 *mem;
+	int width, height;
+	Uint8  video_bpp;
+	Uint32 videoflags;
+	Uint32 background;
+	int    i, done;
+	SDL_Event event;
+	Uint32 then, now, frames;
+	/* Initialize SDL */
+	if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0 ) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n",SDL_GetError());
+		return(1);
+	}
+	numsprites = NUM_SPRITES;
+	width = 640;
+	height = 480;
+	video_bpp = 8;
+	debug_flip = 0;
+	while ( argc > 1 ) {
+		--argc;
+		if ( strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-width") == 0 ) {
+			width = atoi(argv[argc]);
+			--argc;
+		} else
+		if ( strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-height") == 0 ) {
+			height = atoi(argv[argc]);
+			--argc;
+		} else
+		if ( strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-bpp") == 0 ) {
+			video_bpp = atoi(argv[argc]);
+			videoflags &= ~SDL_ANYFORMAT;
+			--argc;
+		} else
+		if ( strcmp(argv[argc], "-fast") == 0 ) {
+			videoflags = FastestFlags(videoflags, width, height, video_bpp);
+		} else
+		if ( strcmp(argv[argc], "-hw") == 0 ) {
+			videoflags ^= SDL_HWSURFACE;
+		} else
+		if ( strcmp(argv[argc], "-flip") == 0 ) {
+			videoflags ^= SDL_DOUBLEBUF;
+		} else
+		if ( strcmp(argv[argc], "-debugflip") == 0 ) {
+			debug_flip ^= 1;
+		} else
+		if ( strcmp(argv[argc], "-fullscreen") == 0 ) {
+			videoflags ^= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
+		} else
+		if ( isdigit(argv[argc][0]) ) {
+			numsprites = atoi(argv[argc]);
+		} else {
+			fprintf(stderr, 
+	"Usage: %s [-bpp N] [-hw] [-flip] [-fast] [-fullscreen] [numsprites]\n",
+								argv[0]);
+			quit(1);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Set video mode */
+	screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, video_bpp, videoflags);
+	if ( ! screen ) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set %dx%d video mode: %s\n",
+					width, height, SDL_GetError());
+		quit(2);
+	}
+	/* Load the sprite */
+	if ( LoadSprite("icon.bmp") < 0 ) {
+		quit(1);
+	}
+	/* Allocate memory for the sprite info */
+	mem = (Uint8 *)malloc(4*sizeof(SDL_Rect)*numsprites);
+	if ( mem == NULL ) {
+		SDL_FreeSurface(sprite);
+		fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");
+		quit(2);
+	}
+	sprite_rects = (SDL_Rect *)mem;
+	positions = sprite_rects;
+	sprite_rects += numsprites;
+	velocities = sprite_rects;
+	sprite_rects += numsprites;
+	sprite_w = sprite->w;
+	sprite_h = sprite->h;
+	srand(time(NULL));
+	for ( i=0; i<numsprites; ++i ) {
+		positions[i].x = rand()%(screen->w - sprite_w);
+		positions[i].y = rand()%(screen->h - sprite_h);
+		positions[i].w = sprite->w;
+		positions[i].h = sprite->h;
+		velocities[i].x = 0;
+		velocities[i].y = 0;
+		while ( ! velocities[i].x && ! velocities[i].y ) {
+			velocities[i].x = (rand()%(MAX_SPEED*2+1))-MAX_SPEED;
+			velocities[i].y = (rand()%(MAX_SPEED*2+1))-MAX_SPEED;
+		}
+	}
+	background = SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
+	/* Print out information about our surfaces */
+	printf("Screen is at %d bits per pixel\n",screen->format->BitsPerPixel);
+	if ( (screen->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == SDL_HWSURFACE ) {
+		printf("Screen is in video memory\n");
+	} else {
+		printf("Screen is in system memory\n");
+	}
+	if ( (screen->flags & SDL_DOUBLEBUF) == SDL_DOUBLEBUF ) {
+		printf("Screen has double-buffering enabled\n");
+	}
+	if ( (sprite->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == SDL_HWSURFACE ) {
+		printf("Sprite is in video memory\n");
+	} else {
+		printf("Sprite is in system memory\n");
+	}
+	/* Run a sample blit to trigger blit acceleration */
+	{ SDL_Rect dst;
+		dst.x = 0;
+		dst.y = 0;
+		dst.w = sprite->w;
+		dst.h = sprite->h;
+		SDL_BlitSurface(sprite, NULL, screen, &dst);
+		SDL_FillRect(screen, &dst, background);
+	}
+	if ( (sprite->flags & SDL_HWACCEL) == SDL_HWACCEL ) {
+		printf("Sprite blit uses hardware acceleration\n");
+	}
+	if ( (sprite->flags & SDL_RLEACCEL) == SDL_RLEACCEL ) {
+		printf("Sprite blit uses RLE acceleration\n");
+	}
+	/* Loop, blitting sprites and waiting for a keystroke */
+	frames = 0;
+	then = SDL_GetTicks();
+	done = 0;
+	sprites_visible = 0;
+	while ( !done ) {
+		/* Check for events */
+		++frames;
+		while ( SDL_PollEvent(&event) ) {
+			switch (event.type) {
+					SDL_WarpMouse(screen->w/2, screen->h/2);
+					break;
+				case SDL_KEYDOWN:
+					/* Any keypress quits the app... */
+				case SDL_QUIT:
+					done = 1;
+					break;
+				default:
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+		MoveSprites(screen, background);
+	}
+	SDL_FreeSurface(sprite);
+	free(mem);
+	/* Print out some timing information */
+	now = SDL_GetTicks();
+	if ( now > then ) {
+		printf("%2.2f frames per second\n",
+					((double)frames*1000)/(now-then));
+	}
+	SDL_Quit();
+	return(0);