changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Lib/plat-os2emx/	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# this module is an OS/2 oriented replacement for the pwd standard
+# extension module.
+# written by Andrew MacIntyre, April 2001.
+# updated July 2003, adding field accessor support
+# note that this implementation checks whether ":" or ";" as used as
+# the field separator character.  Path conversions are are applied when
+# the database uses ":" as the field separator character.
+"""Replacement for pwd standard extension module, intended for use on
+OS/2 and similar systems which don't normally have an /etc/passwd file.
+The standard Unix password database is an ASCII text file with 7 fields
+per record (line), separated by a colon:
+  - user name (string)
+  - password (encrypted string, or "*" or "")
+  - user id (integer)
+  - group id (integer)
+  - description (usually user's name)
+  - home directory (path to user's home directory)
+  - shell (path to the user's login shell)
+(see the section 8.1 of the Python Library Reference)
+This implementation differs from the standard Unix implementation by
+allowing use of the platform's native path separator character - ';' on OS/2,
+DOS and MS-Windows - as the field separator in addition to the Unix
+standard ":".  Additionally, when ":" is the separator path conversions
+are applied to deal with any munging of the drive letter reference.
+The module looks for the password database at the following locations
+(in order first to last):
+  - ${ETC_PASSWD}             (or %ETC_PASSWD%)
+  - ${ETC}/passwd             (or %ETC%/passwd)
+  - ${PYTHONHOME}/Etc/passwd  (or %PYTHONHOME%/Etc/passwd)
+getpwuid(uid) -  return the record for user-id uid as a 7-tuple
+getpwnam(name) - return the record for user 'name' as a 7-tuple
+getpwall() -     return a list of 7-tuples, each tuple being one record
+                 (NOTE: the order is arbitrary)
+passwd_file -    the path of the password database file
+import os
+# try and find the passwd file
+__passwd_path = []
+if os.environ.has_key('ETC_PASSWD'):
+    __passwd_path.append(os.environ['ETC_PASSWD'])
+if os.environ.has_key('ETC'):
+    __passwd_path.append('%s/passwd' % os.environ['ETC'])
+if os.environ.has_key('PYTHONHOME'):
+    __passwd_path.append('%s/Etc/passwd' % os.environ['PYTHONHOME'])
+passwd_file = None
+for __i in __passwd_path:
+    try:
+        __f = open(__i, 'r')
+        __f.close()
+        passwd_file = __i
+        break
+    except:
+        pass
+# path conversion handlers
+def __nullpathconv(path):
+    return path.replace(os.altsep, os.sep)
+def __unixpathconv(path):
+    # two known drive letter variations: "x;" and "$x"
+    if path[0] == '$':
+        conv = path[1] + ':' + path[2:]
+    elif path[1] == ';':
+        conv = path[0] + ':' + path[2:]
+    else:
+        conv = path
+    return conv.replace(os.altsep, os.sep)
+# decide what field separator we can try to use - Unix standard, with
+# the platform's path separator as an option.  No special field conversion
+# handler is required when using the platform's path separator as field
+# separator, but are required for the home directory and shell fields when
+# using the standard Unix (":") field separator.
+__field_sep = {':': __unixpathconv}
+if os.pathsep:
+    if os.pathsep != ':':
+        __field_sep[os.pathsep] = __nullpathconv
+# helper routine to identify which separator character is in use
+def __get_field_sep(record):
+    fs = None
+    for c in __field_sep.keys():
+        # there should be 6 delimiter characters (for 7 fields)
+        if record.count(c) == 6:
+            fs = c
+            break
+    if fs:
+        return fs
+    else:
+        raise KeyError, '>> passwd database fields not delimited <<'
+# class to match the new record field name accessors.
+# the resulting object is intended to behave like a read-only tuple,
+# with each member also accessible by a field name.
+class Passwd:
+    def __init__(self, name, passwd, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell):
+        self.__dict__['pw_name'] = name
+        self.__dict__['pw_passwd'] = passwd
+        self.__dict__['pw_uid'] = uid
+        self.__dict__['pw_gid'] = gid
+        self.__dict__['pw_gecos'] = gecos
+        self.__dict__['pw_dir'] = dir
+        self.__dict__['pw_shell'] = shell
+        self.__dict__['_record'] = (self.pw_name, self.pw_passwd,
+                                    self.pw_uid, self.pw_gid,
+                                    self.pw_gecos, self.pw_dir,
+                                    self.pw_shell)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return 7
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self._record[key]
+    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+        raise AttributeError('attribute read-only: %s' % name)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(self._record)
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        this = str(self._record)
+        if this == other:
+            return 0
+        elif this < other:
+            return -1
+        else:
+            return 1
+# read the whole file, parsing each entry into tuple form
+# with dictionaries to speed recall by UID or passwd name
+def __read_passwd_file():
+    if passwd_file:
+        passwd = open(passwd_file, 'r')
+    else:
+        raise KeyError, '>> no password database <<'
+    uidx = {}
+    namx = {}
+    sep = None
+    while 1:
+        entry = passwd.readline().strip()
+        if len(entry) > 6:
+            if sep is None:
+                sep = __get_field_sep(entry)
+            fields = entry.split(sep)
+            for i in (2, 3):
+                fields[i] = int(fields[i])
+            for i in (5, 6):
+                fields[i] = __field_sep[sep](fields[i])
+            record = Passwd(*fields)
+            if not uidx.has_key(fields[2]):
+                uidx[fields[2]] = record
+            if not namx.has_key(fields[0]):
+                namx[fields[0]] = record
+        elif len(entry) > 0:
+            pass                         # skip empty or malformed records
+        else:
+            break
+    passwd.close()
+    if len(uidx) == 0:
+        raise KeyError
+    return (uidx, namx)
+# return the passwd database entry by UID
+def getpwuid(uid):
+    u, n = __read_passwd_file()
+    return u[uid]
+# return the passwd database entry by passwd name
+def getpwnam(name):
+    u, n = __read_passwd_file()
+    return n[name]
+# return all the passwd database entries
+def getpwall():
+    u, n = __read_passwd_file()
+    return n.values()
+# test harness
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    getpwall()