changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Lib/test/	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1326 @@
+# test for xml.dom.minidom
+import os
+import sys
+import pickle
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from test.test_support import verbose, run_unittest, TestSkipped
+import unittest
+import xml.dom
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import xml.parsers.expat
+from xml.dom.minidom import parse, Node, Document, parseString
+from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    base = sys.argv[0]
+    base = __file__
+tstfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(base), "test"+os.extsep+"xml")
+del base
+# The tests of DocumentType importing use these helpers to construct
+# the documents to work with, since not all DOM builders actually
+# create the DocumentType nodes.
+def create_doc_without_doctype(doctype=None):
+    return getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "doc", doctype)
+def create_nonempty_doctype():
+    doctype = getDOMImplementation().createDocumentType("doc", None, None)
+    doctype.entities._seq = []
+    doctype.notations._seq = []
+    notation = xml.dom.minidom.Notation("my-notation", None,
+                                        "")
+    doctype.notations._seq.append(notation)
+    entity = xml.dom.minidom.Entity("my-entity", None,
+                                    "",
+                                    "my-notation")
+    entity.version = "1.0"
+    entity.encoding = "utf-8"
+    entity.actualEncoding = "us-ascii"
+    doctype.entities._seq.append(entity)
+    return doctype
+def create_doc_with_doctype():
+    doctype = create_nonempty_doctype()
+    doc = create_doc_without_doctype(doctype)
+    doctype.entities.item(0).ownerDocument = doc
+    doctype.notations.item(0).ownerDocument = doc
+    return doc
+class MinidomTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        try:
+            Node.allnodes
+        except AttributeError:
+            # We don't actually have the minidom from the standard library,
+            # but are picking up the PyXML version from site-packages.
+            pass
+        else:
+            self.confirm(len(Node.allnodes) == 0,
+                    "assertion: len(Node.allnodes) == 0")
+            if len(Node.allnodes):
+                print "Garbage left over:"
+                if verbose:
+                    print Node.allnodes.items()[0:10]
+                else:
+                    # Don't print specific nodes if repeatable results
+                    # are needed
+                    print len(Node.allnodes)
+            Node.allnodes = {}
+    def confirm(self, test, testname = "Test"):
+        self.assertTrue(test, testname)
+    def checkWholeText(self, node, s):
+        t = node.wholeText
+        self.confirm(t == s, "looking for %s, found %s" % (repr(s), repr(t)))
+    def testParseFromFile(self):
+        dom = parse(StringIO(open(tstfile).read()))
+        dom.unlink()
+        self.confirm(isinstance(dom,Document))
+    def testGetElementsByTagName(self):
+        dom = parse(tstfile)
+        self.confirm(dom.getElementsByTagName("LI") == \
+                dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("LI"))
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testInsertBefore(self):
+        dom = parseString("<doc><foo/></doc>")
+        root = dom.documentElement
+        elem = root.childNodes[0]
+        nelem = dom.createElement("element")
+        root.insertBefore(nelem, elem)
+        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 2
+                and root.childNodes.length == 2
+                and root.childNodes[0] is nelem
+                and root.childNodes.item(0) is nelem
+                and root.childNodes[1] is elem
+                and root.childNodes.item(1) is elem
+                and root.firstChild is nelem
+                and root.lastChild is elem
+                and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/></doc>"
+                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
+        nelem = dom.createElement("element")
+        root.insertBefore(nelem, None)
+        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 3
+                and root.childNodes.length == 3
+                and root.childNodes[1] is elem
+                and root.childNodes.item(1) is elem
+                and root.childNodes[2] is nelem
+                and root.childNodes.item(2) is nelem
+                and root.lastChild is nelem
+                and nelem.previousSibling is elem
+                and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/><element/></doc>"
+                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
+        nelem2 = dom.createElement("bar")
+        root.insertBefore(nelem2, nelem)
+        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 4
+                and root.childNodes.length == 4
+                and root.childNodes[2] is nelem2
+                and root.childNodes.item(2) is nelem2
+                and root.childNodes[3] is nelem
+                and root.childNodes.item(3) is nelem
+                and nelem2.nextSibling is nelem
+                and nelem.previousSibling is nelem2
+                and root.toxml() ==
+                "<doc><element/><foo/><bar/><element/></doc>"
+                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
+        dom.unlink()
+    def _create_fragment_test_nodes(self):
+        dom = parseString("<doc/>")
+        orig = dom.createTextNode("original")
+        c1 = dom.createTextNode("foo")
+        c2 = dom.createTextNode("bar")
+        c3 = dom.createTextNode("bat")
+        dom.documentElement.appendChild(orig)
+        frag = dom.createDocumentFragment()
+        frag.appendChild(c1)
+        frag.appendChild(c2)
+        frag.appendChild(c3)
+        return dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag
+    def testInsertBeforeFragment(self):
+        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
+        dom.documentElement.insertBefore(frag, None)
+        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) ==
+                     (orig, c1, c2, c3),
+                     "insertBefore(<fragment>, None)")
+        frag.unlink()
+        dom.unlink()
+        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
+        dom.documentElement.insertBefore(frag, orig)
+        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) ==
+                     (c1, c2, c3, orig),
+                     "insertBefore(<fragment>, orig)")
+        frag.unlink()
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testAppendChild(self):
+        dom = parse(tstfile)
+        dom.documentElement.appendChild(dom.createComment(u"Hello"))
+        self.confirm(dom.documentElement.childNodes[-1].nodeName == "#comment")
+        self.confirm(dom.documentElement.childNodes[-1].data == "Hello")
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testAppendChildFragment(self):
+        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
+        dom.documentElement.appendChild(frag)
+        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) ==
+                     (orig, c1, c2, c3),
+                     "appendChild(<fragment>)")
+        frag.unlink()
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testReplaceChildFragment(self):
+        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
+        dom.documentElement.replaceChild(frag, orig)
+        orig.unlink()
+        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) == (c1, c2, c3),
+                "replaceChild(<fragment>)")
+        frag.unlink()
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testLegalChildren(self):
+        dom = Document()
+        elem = dom.createElement('element')
+        text = dom.createTextNode('text')
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.appendChild, text)
+        dom.appendChild(elem)
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.insertBefore, text,
+                          elem)
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.replaceChild, text,
+                          elem)
+        nodemap = elem.attributes
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, nodemap.setNamedItem,
+                          text)
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, nodemap.setNamedItemNS,
+                          text)
+        elem.appendChild(text)
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testNamedNodeMapSetItem(self):
+        dom = Document()
+        elem = dom.createElement('element')
+        attrs = elem.attributes
+        attrs["foo"] = "bar"
+        a = attrs.item(0)
+        self.confirm(a.ownerDocument is dom,
+                "NamedNodeMap.__setitem__() sets ownerDocument")
+        self.confirm(a.ownerElement is elem,
+                "NamedNodeMap.__setitem__() sets ownerElement")
+        self.confirm(a.value == "bar",
+                "NamedNodeMap.__setitem__() sets value")
+        self.confirm(a.nodeValue == "bar",
+                "NamedNodeMap.__setitem__() sets nodeValue")
+        elem.unlink()
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testNonZero(self):
+        dom = parse(tstfile)
+        self.confirm(dom)# should not be zero
+        dom.appendChild(dom.createComment("foo"))
+        self.confirm(not dom.childNodes[-1].childNodes)
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testUnlink(self):
+        dom = parse(tstfile)
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testElement(self):
+        dom = Document()
+        dom.appendChild(dom.createElement("abc"))
+        self.confirm(dom.documentElement)
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testAAA(self):
+        dom = parseString("<abc/>")
+        el = dom.documentElement
+        el.setAttribute("spam", "jam2")
+        self.confirm(el.toxml() == '<abc spam="jam2"/>', "testAAA")
+        a = el.getAttributeNode("spam")
+        self.confirm(a.ownerDocument is dom,
+                "setAttribute() sets ownerDocument")
+        self.confirm(a.ownerElement is dom.documentElement,
+                "setAttribute() sets ownerElement")
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testAAB(self):
+        dom = parseString("<abc/>")
+        el = dom.documentElement
+        el.setAttribute("spam", "jam")
+        el.setAttribute("spam", "jam2")
+        self.confirm(el.toxml() == '<abc spam="jam2"/>', "testAAB")
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testAddAttr(self):
+        dom = Document()
+        child = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement("abc"))
+        child.setAttribute("def", "ghi")
+        self.confirm(child.getAttribute("def") == "ghi")
+        self.confirm(child.attributes["def"].value == "ghi")
+        child.setAttribute("jkl", "mno")
+        self.confirm(child.getAttribute("jkl") == "mno")
+        self.confirm(child.attributes["jkl"].value == "mno")
+        self.confirm(len(child.attributes) == 2)
+        child.setAttribute("def", "newval")
+        self.confirm(child.getAttribute("def") == "newval")
+        self.confirm(child.attributes["def"].value == "newval")
+        self.confirm(len(child.attributes) == 2)
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testDeleteAttr(self):
+        dom = Document()
+        child = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement("abc"))
+        self.confirm(len(child.attributes) == 0)
+        child.setAttribute("def", "ghi")
+        self.confirm(len(child.attributes) == 1)
+        del child.attributes["def"]
+        self.confirm(len(child.attributes) == 0)
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testRemoveAttr(self):
+        dom = Document()
+        child = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement("abc"))
+        child.setAttribute("def", "ghi")
+        self.confirm(len(child.attributes) == 1)
+        child.removeAttribute("def")
+        self.confirm(len(child.attributes) == 0)
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testRemoveAttrNS(self):
+        dom = Document()
+        child = dom.appendChild(
+                dom.createElementNS("", "python:abc"))
+        child.setAttributeNS("", "xmlns:python",
+                                                "")
+        child.setAttributeNS("", "python:abcattr", "foo")
+        self.confirm(len(child.attributes) == 2)
+        child.removeAttributeNS("", "abcattr")
+        self.confirm(len(child.attributes) == 1)
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testRemoveAttributeNode(self):
+        dom = Document()
+        child = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement("foo"))
+        child.setAttribute("spam", "jam")
+        self.confirm(len(child.attributes) == 1)
+        node = child.getAttributeNode("spam")
+        child.removeAttributeNode(node)
+        self.confirm(len(child.attributes) == 0
+                and child.getAttributeNode("spam") is None)
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testChangeAttr(self):
+        dom = parseString("<abc/>")
+        el = dom.documentElement
+        el.setAttribute("spam", "jam")
+        self.confirm(len(el.attributes) == 1)
+        el.setAttribute("spam", "bam")
+        # Set this attribute to be an ID and make sure that doesn't change
+        # when changing the value:
+        el.setIdAttribute("spam")
+        self.confirm(len(el.attributes) == 1
+                and el.attributes["spam"].value == "bam"
+                and el.attributes["spam"].nodeValue == "bam"
+                and el.getAttribute("spam") == "bam"
+                and el.getAttributeNode("spam").isId)
+        el.attributes["spam"] = "ham"
+        self.confirm(len(el.attributes) == 1
+                and el.attributes["spam"].value == "ham"
+                and el.attributes["spam"].nodeValue == "ham"
+                and el.getAttribute("spam") == "ham"
+                and el.attributes["spam"].isId)
+        el.setAttribute("spam2", "bam")
+        self.confirm(len(el.attributes) == 2
+                and el.attributes["spam"].value == "ham"
+                and el.attributes["spam"].nodeValue == "ham"
+                and el.getAttribute("spam") == "ham"
+                and el.attributes["spam2"].value == "bam"
+                and el.attributes["spam2"].nodeValue == "bam"
+                and el.getAttribute("spam2") == "bam")
+        el.attributes["spam2"] = "bam2"
+        self.confirm(len(el.attributes) == 2
+                and el.attributes["spam"].value == "ham"
+                and el.attributes["spam"].nodeValue == "ham"
+                and el.getAttribute("spam") == "ham"
+                and el.attributes["spam2"].value == "bam2"
+                and el.attributes["spam2"].nodeValue == "bam2"
+                and el.getAttribute("spam2") == "bam2")
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testGetAttrList(self):
+        pass
+    def testGetAttrValues(self): pass
+    def testGetAttrLength(self): pass
+    def testGetAttribute(self): pass
+    def testGetAttributeNS(self): pass
+    def testGetAttributeNode(self): pass
+    def testGetElementsByTagNameNS(self):
+        d="""<foo xmlns:minidom=''>
+        <minidom:myelem/>
+        </foo>"""
+        dom = parseString(d)
+        elems = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS("",
+                                           "myelem")
+        self.confirm(len(elems) == 1
+                and elems[0].namespaceURI == ""
+                and elems[0].localName == "myelem"
+                and elems[0].prefix == "minidom"
+                and elems[0].tagName == "minidom:myelem"
+                and elems[0].nodeName == "minidom:myelem")
+        dom.unlink()
+    def get_empty_nodelist_from_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(self, doc, nsuri,
+                                                              lname):
+        nodelist = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS(nsuri, lname)
+        self.confirm(len(nodelist) == 0)
+    def testGetEmptyNodeListFromElementsByTagNameNS(self):
+        doc = parseString('<doc/>')
+        self.get_empty_nodelist_from_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(
+            doc, '', 'localname')
+        self.get_empty_nodelist_from_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(
+            doc, '*', 'splat')
+        self.get_empty_nodelist_from_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(
+            doc, '', '*')
+        doc = parseString('<doc xmlns=""><e/></doc>')
+        self.get_empty_nodelist_from_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(
+            doc, "", "not-there")
+        self.get_empty_nodelist_from_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(
+            doc, "*", "not-there")
+        self.get_empty_nodelist_from_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(
+            doc, "", "e")
+    def testElementReprAndStr(self):
+        dom = Document()
+        el = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement("abc"))
+        string1 = repr(el)
+        string2 = str(el)
+        self.confirm(string1 == string2)
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testElementReprAndStrUnicode(self):
+        dom = Document()
+        el = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement(u"abc"))
+        string1 = repr(el)
+        string2 = str(el)
+        self.confirm(string1 == string2)
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testElementReprAndStrUnicodeNS(self):
+        dom = Document()
+        el = dom.appendChild(
+            dom.createElementNS(u"", u"slash:abc"))
+        string1 = repr(el)
+        string2 = str(el)
+        self.confirm(string1 == string2)
+        self.confirm(string1.find("slash:abc") != -1)
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testAttributeRepr(self):
+        dom = Document()
+        el = dom.appendChild(dom.createElement(u"abc"))
+        node = el.setAttribute("abc", "def")
+        self.confirm(str(node) == repr(node))
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testTextNodeRepr(self): pass
+    def testWriteXML(self):
+        str = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><a b="c"/>'
+        dom = parseString(str)
+        domstr = dom.toxml()
+        dom.unlink()
+        self.confirm(str == domstr)
+    def testAltNewline(self):
+        str = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n<a b="c"/>\n'
+        dom = parseString(str)
+        domstr = dom.toprettyxml(newl="\r\n")
+        dom.unlink()
+        self.confirm(domstr == str.replace("\n", "\r\n"))
+    def testProcessingInstruction(self):
+        dom = parseString('<e><?mypi \t\n data \t\n ?></e>')
+        pi = dom.documentElement.firstChild
+        self.confirm( == "mypi"
+                and == "data \t\n "
+                and pi.nodeName == "mypi"
+                and pi.nodeType == Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE
+                and pi.attributes is None
+                and not pi.hasChildNodes()
+                and len(pi.childNodes) == 0
+                and pi.firstChild is None
+                and pi.lastChild is None
+                and pi.localName is None
+                and pi.namespaceURI == xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE)
+    def testProcessingInstructionRepr(self): pass
+    def testTextRepr(self): pass
+    def testWriteText(self): pass
+    def testDocumentElement(self): pass
+    def testTooManyDocumentElements(self):
+        doc = parseString("<doc/>")
+        elem = doc.createElement("extra")
+        # Should raise an exception when adding an extra document element.
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, doc.appendChild, elem)
+        elem.unlink()
+        doc.unlink()
+    def testCreateElementNS(self): pass
+    def testCreateAttributeNS(self): pass
+    def testParse(self): pass
+    def testParseString(self): pass
+    def testComment(self): pass
+    def testAttrListItem(self): pass
+    def testAttrListItems(self): pass
+    def testAttrListItemNS(self): pass
+    def testAttrListKeys(self): pass
+    def testAttrListKeysNS(self): pass
+    def testRemoveNamedItem(self):
+        doc = parseString("<doc a=''/>")
+        e = doc.documentElement
+        attrs = e.attributes
+        a1 = e.getAttributeNode("a")
+        a2 = attrs.removeNamedItem("a")
+        self.confirm(a1.isSameNode(a2))
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.NotFoundErr, attrs.removeNamedItem, "a")
+    def testRemoveNamedItemNS(self):
+        doc = parseString("<doc xmlns:a='' a:b=''/>")
+        e = doc.documentElement
+        attrs = e.attributes
+        a1 = e.getAttributeNodeNS("", "b")
+        a2 = attrs.removeNamedItemNS("", "b")
+        self.confirm(a1.isSameNode(a2))
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.NotFoundErr, attrs.removeNamedItemNS,
+                          "", "b")
+    def testAttrListValues(self): pass
+    def testAttrListLength(self): pass
+    def testAttrList__getitem__(self): pass
+    def testAttrList__setitem__(self): pass
+    def testSetAttrValueandNodeValue(self): pass
+    def testParseElement(self): pass
+    def testParseAttributes(self): pass
+    def testParseElementNamespaces(self): pass
+    def testParseAttributeNamespaces(self): pass
+    def testParseProcessingInstructions(self): pass
+    def testChildNodes(self): pass
+    def testFirstChild(self): pass
+    def testHasChildNodes(self): pass
+    def _testCloneElementCopiesAttributes(self, e1, e2, test):
+        attrs1 = e1.attributes
+        attrs2 = e2.attributes
+        keys1 = attrs1.keys()
+        keys2 = attrs2.keys()
+        keys1.sort()
+        keys2.sort()
+        self.confirm(keys1 == keys2, "clone of element has same attribute keys")
+        for i in range(len(keys1)):
+            a1 = attrs1.item(i)
+            a2 = attrs2.item(i)
+            self.confirm(a1 is not a2
+                    and a1.value == a2.value
+                    and a1.nodeValue == a2.nodeValue
+                    and a1.namespaceURI == a2.namespaceURI
+                    and a1.localName == a2.localName
+                    , "clone of attribute node has proper attribute values")
+            self.confirm(a2.ownerElement is e2,
+                    "clone of attribute node correctly owned")
+    def _setupCloneElement(self, deep):
+        dom = parseString("<doc attr='value'><foo/></doc>")
+        root = dom.documentElement
+        clone = root.cloneNode(deep)
+        self._testCloneElementCopiesAttributes(
+            root, clone, "testCloneElement" + (deep and "Deep" or "Shallow"))
+        # mutilate the original so shared data is detected
+        root.tagName = root.nodeName = "MODIFIED"
+        root.setAttribute("attr", "NEW VALUE")
+        root.setAttribute("added", "VALUE")
+        return dom, clone
+    def testCloneElementShallow(self):
+        dom, clone = self._setupCloneElement(0)
+        self.confirm(len(clone.childNodes) == 0
+                and clone.childNodes.length == 0
+                and clone.parentNode is None
+                and clone.toxml() == '<doc attr="value"/>'
+                , "testCloneElementShallow")
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testCloneElementDeep(self):
+        dom, clone = self._setupCloneElement(1)
+        self.confirm(len(clone.childNodes) == 1
+                and clone.childNodes.length == 1
+                and clone.parentNode is None
+                and clone.toxml() == '<doc attr="value"><foo/></doc>'
+                , "testCloneElementDeep")
+        dom.unlink()
+    def testCloneDocumentShallow(self):
+        doc = parseString("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n"
+                    "<!-- comment -->"
+                    "<!DOCTYPE doc [\n"
+                    "<!NOTATION notation SYSTEM ''>\n"
+                    "]>\n"
+                    "<doc attr='value'/>")
+        doc2 = doc.cloneNode(0)
+        self.confirm(doc2 is None,
+                "testCloneDocumentShallow:"
+                " shallow cloning of documents makes no sense!")
+    def testCloneDocumentDeep(self):
+        doc = parseString("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n"
+                    "<!-- comment -->"
+                    "<!DOCTYPE doc [\n"
+                    "<!NOTATION notation SYSTEM ''>\n"
+                    "]>\n"
+                    "<doc attr='value'/>")
+        doc2 = doc.cloneNode(1)
+        self.confirm(not (doc.isSameNode(doc2) or doc2.isSameNode(doc)),
+                "testCloneDocumentDeep: document objects not distinct")
+        self.confirm(len(doc.childNodes) == len(doc2.childNodes),
+                "testCloneDocumentDeep: wrong number of Document children")
+        self.confirm(doc2.documentElement.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
+                "testCloneDocumentDeep: documentElement not an ELEMENT_NODE")
+        self.confirm(doc2.documentElement.ownerDocument.isSameNode(doc2),
+            "testCloneDocumentDeep: documentElement owner is not new document")
+        self.confirm(not doc.documentElement.isSameNode(doc2.documentElement),
+                "testCloneDocumentDeep: documentElement should not be shared")
+        if doc.doctype is not None:
+            # check the doctype iff the original DOM maintained it
+            self.confirm(doc2.doctype.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE,
+                    "testCloneDocumentDeep: doctype not a DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE")
+            self.confirm(doc2.doctype.ownerDocument.isSameNode(doc2))
+            self.confirm(not doc.doctype.isSameNode(doc2.doctype))
+    def testCloneDocumentTypeDeepOk(self):
+        doctype = create_nonempty_doctype()
+        clone = doctype.cloneNode(1)
+        self.confirm(clone is not None
+                and clone.nodeName == doctype.nodeName
+                and ==
+                and clone.publicId == doctype.publicId
+                and clone.systemId == doctype.systemId
+                and len(clone.entities) == len(doctype.entities)
+                and clone.entities.item(len(clone.entities)) is None
+                and len(clone.notations) == len(doctype.notations)
+                and clone.notations.item(len(clone.notations)) is None
+                and len(clone.childNodes) == 0)
+        for i in range(len(doctype.entities)):
+            se = doctype.entities.item(i)
+            ce = clone.entities.item(i)
+            self.confirm((not se.isSameNode(ce))
+                    and (not ce.isSameNode(se))
+                    and ce.nodeName == se.nodeName
+                    and ce.notationName == se.notationName
+                    and ce.publicId == se.publicId
+                    and ce.systemId == se.systemId
+                    and ce.encoding == se.encoding
+                    and ce.actualEncoding == se.actualEncoding
+                    and ce.version == se.version)
+        for i in range(len(doctype.notations)):
+            sn = doctype.notations.item(i)
+            cn = clone.notations.item(i)
+            self.confirm((not sn.isSameNode(cn))
+                    and (not cn.isSameNode(sn))
+                    and cn.nodeName == sn.nodeName
+                    and cn.publicId == sn.publicId
+                    and cn.systemId == sn.systemId)
+    def testCloneDocumentTypeDeepNotOk(self):
+        doc = create_doc_with_doctype()
+        clone = doc.doctype.cloneNode(1)
+        self.confirm(clone is None, "testCloneDocumentTypeDeepNotOk")
+    def testCloneDocumentTypeShallowOk(self):
+        doctype = create_nonempty_doctype()
+        clone = doctype.cloneNode(0)
+        self.confirm(clone is not None
+                and clone.nodeName == doctype.nodeName
+                and ==
+                and clone.publicId == doctype.publicId
+                and clone.systemId == doctype.systemId
+                and len(clone.entities) == 0
+                and clone.entities.item(0) is None
+                and len(clone.notations) == 0
+                and clone.notations.item(0) is None
+                and len(clone.childNodes) == 0)
+    def testCloneDocumentTypeShallowNotOk(self):
+        doc = create_doc_with_doctype()
+        clone = doc.doctype.cloneNode(0)
+        self.confirm(clone is None, "testCloneDocumentTypeShallowNotOk")
+    def check_import_document(self, deep, testName):
+        doc1 = parseString("<doc/>")
+        doc2 = parseString("<doc/>")
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.NotSupportedErr, doc1.importNode, doc2, deep)
+    def testImportDocumentShallow(self):
+        self.check_import_document(0, "testImportDocumentShallow")
+    def testImportDocumentDeep(self):
+        self.check_import_document(1, "testImportDocumentDeep")
+    def testImportDocumentTypeShallow(self):
+        src = create_doc_with_doctype()
+        target = create_doc_without_doctype()
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.NotSupportedErr, target.importNode,
+                          src.doctype, 0)
+    def testImportDocumentTypeDeep(self):
+        src = create_doc_with_doctype()
+        target = create_doc_without_doctype()
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.NotSupportedErr, target.importNode,
+                          src.doctype, 1)
+    # Testing attribute clones uses a helper, and should always be deep,
+    # even if the argument to cloneNode is false.
+    def check_clone_attribute(self, deep, testName):
+        doc = parseString("<doc attr='value'/>")
+        attr = doc.documentElement.getAttributeNode("attr")
+        self.failIfEqual(attr, None)
+        clone = attr.cloneNode(deep)
+        self.confirm(not clone.isSameNode(attr))
+        self.confirm(not attr.isSameNode(clone))
+        self.confirm(clone.ownerElement is None,
+                testName + ": ownerElement should be None")
+        self.confirm(clone.ownerDocument.isSameNode(attr.ownerDocument),
+                testName + ": ownerDocument does not match")
+        self.confirm(clone.specified,
+                testName + ": cloned attribute must have specified == True")
+    def testCloneAttributeShallow(self):
+        self.check_clone_attribute(0, "testCloneAttributeShallow")
+    def testCloneAttributeDeep(self):
+        self.check_clone_attribute(1, "testCloneAttributeDeep")
+    def check_clone_pi(self, deep, testName):
+        doc = parseString("<?target data?><doc/>")
+        pi = doc.firstChild
+        self.assertEquals(pi.nodeType, Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE)
+        clone = pi.cloneNode(deep)
+        self.confirm( ==
+                and ==
+    def testClonePIShallow(self):
+        self.check_clone_pi(0, "testClonePIShallow")
+    def testClonePIDeep(self):
+        self.check_clone_pi(1, "testClonePIDeep")
+    def testNormalize(self):
+        doc = parseString("<doc/>")
+        root = doc.documentElement
+        root.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("first"))
+        root.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("second"))
+        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 2
+                and root.childNodes.length == 2,
+                "testNormalize -- preparation")
+        doc.normalize()
+        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 1
+                and root.childNodes.length == 1
+                and root.firstChild is root.lastChild
+                and == "firstsecond"
+                , "testNormalize -- result")
+        doc.unlink()
+        doc = parseString("<doc/>")
+        root = doc.documentElement
+        root.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(""))
+        doc.normalize()
+        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 0
+                and root.childNodes.length == 0,
+                "testNormalize -- single empty node removed")
+        doc.unlink()
+    def testBug1433694(self):
+        doc = parseString("<o><i/>t</o>")
+        node = doc.documentElement
+        node.childNodes[1].nodeValue = ""
+        node.normalize()
+        self.confirm(node.childNodes[-1].nextSibling == None,
+                     "Final child's .nextSibling should be None")
+    def testSiblings(self):
+        doc = parseString("<doc><?pi?>text?<elm/></doc>")
+        root = doc.documentElement
+        (pi, text, elm) = root.childNodes
+        self.confirm(pi.nextSibling is text and
+                pi.previousSibling is None and
+                text.nextSibling is elm and
+                text.previousSibling is pi and
+                elm.nextSibling is None and
+                elm.previousSibling is text, "testSiblings")
+        doc.unlink()
+    def testParents(self):
+        doc = parseString(
+            "<doc><elm1><elm2/><elm2><elm3/></elm2></elm1></doc>")
+        root = doc.documentElement
+        elm1 = root.childNodes[0]
+        (elm2a, elm2b) = elm1.childNodes
+        elm3 = elm2b.childNodes[0]
+        self.confirm(root.parentNode is doc and
+                elm1.parentNode is root and
+                elm2a.parentNode is elm1 and
+                elm2b.parentNode is elm1 and
+                elm3.parentNode is elm2b, "testParents")
+        doc.unlink()
+    def testNodeListItem(self):
+        doc = parseString("<doc><e/><e/></doc>")
+        children = doc.childNodes
+        docelem = children[0]
+        self.confirm(children[0] is children.item(0)
+                and children.item(1) is None
+                and docelem.childNodes.item(0) is docelem.childNodes[0]
+                and docelem.childNodes.item(1) is docelem.childNodes[1]
+                and docelem.childNodes.item(0).childNodes.item(0) is None,
+                "test NodeList.item()")
+        doc.unlink()
+    def testSAX2DOM(self):
+        from xml.dom import pulldom
+        sax2dom = pulldom.SAX2DOM()
+        sax2dom.startDocument()
+        sax2dom.startElement("doc", {})
+        sax2dom.characters("text")
+        sax2dom.startElement("subelm", {})
+        sax2dom.characters("text")
+        sax2dom.endElement("subelm")
+        sax2dom.characters("text")
+        sax2dom.endElement("doc")
+        sax2dom.endDocument()
+        doc = sax2dom.document
+        root = doc.documentElement
+        (text1, elm1, text2) = root.childNodes
+        text3 = elm1.childNodes[0]
+        self.confirm(text1.previousSibling is None and
+                text1.nextSibling is elm1 and
+                elm1.previousSibling is text1 and
+                elm1.nextSibling is text2 and
+                text2.previousSibling is elm1 and
+                text2.nextSibling is None and
+                text3.previousSibling is None and
+                text3.nextSibling is None, "testSAX2DOM - siblings")
+        self.confirm(root.parentNode is doc and
+                text1.parentNode is root and
+                elm1.parentNode is root and
+                text2.parentNode is root and
+                text3.parentNode is elm1, "testSAX2DOM - parents")
+        doc.unlink()
+    def testEncodings(self):
+        doc = parseString('<foo>&#x20ac;</foo>')
+        self.confirm(doc.toxml() == u'<?xml version="1.0" ?><foo>\u20ac</foo>'
+                and doc.toxml('utf-8') ==
+                '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><foo>\xe2\x82\xac</foo>'
+                and doc.toxml('iso-8859-15') ==
+                '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-15"?><foo>\xa4</foo>',
+                "testEncodings - encoding EURO SIGN")
+        # Verify that character decoding errors throw exceptions instead
+        # of crashing
+        self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, parseString,
+                '<fran\xe7ais>Comment \xe7a va ? Tr\xe8s bien ?</fran\xe7ais>')
+        doc.unlink()
+    class UserDataHandler:
+        called = 0
+        def handle(self, operation, key, data, src, dst):
+            dst.setUserData(key, data + 1, self)
+            src.setUserData(key, None, None)
+            self.called = 1
+    def testUserData(self):
+        dom = Document()
+        n = dom.createElement('e')
+        self.confirm(n.getUserData("foo") is None)
+        n.setUserData("foo", None, None)
+        self.confirm(n.getUserData("foo") is None)
+        n.setUserData("foo", 12, 12)
+        n.setUserData("bar", 13, 13)
+        self.confirm(n.getUserData("foo") == 12)
+        self.confirm(n.getUserData("bar") == 13)
+        n.setUserData("foo", None, None)
+        self.confirm(n.getUserData("foo") is None)
+        self.confirm(n.getUserData("bar") == 13)
+        handler = self.UserDataHandler()
+        n.setUserData("bar", 12, handler)
+        c = n.cloneNode(1)
+        self.confirm(handler.called
+                and n.getUserData("bar") is None
+                and c.getUserData("bar") == 13)
+        n.unlink()
+        c.unlink()
+        dom.unlink()
+    def checkRenameNodeSharedConstraints(self, doc, node):
+        # Make sure illegal NS usage is detected:
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.NamespaceErr, doc.renameNode, node,
+                          "", "xmlns:foo")
+        doc2 = parseString("<doc/>")
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.WrongDocumentErr, doc2.renameNode, node,
+                          xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "foo")
+    def testRenameAttribute(self):
+        doc = parseString("<doc a='v'/>")
+        elem = doc.documentElement
+        attrmap = elem.attributes
+        attr = elem.attributes['a']
+        # Simple renaming
+        attr = doc.renameNode(attr, xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "b")
+        self.confirm( == "b"
+                and attr.nodeName == "b"
+                and attr.localName is None
+                and attr.namespaceURI == xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE
+                and attr.prefix is None
+                and attr.value == "v"
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("a") is None
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("b").isSameNode(attr)
+                and attrmap["b"].isSameNode(attr)
+                and attr.ownerDocument.isSameNode(doc)
+                and attr.ownerElement.isSameNode(elem))
+        # Rename to have a namespace, no prefix
+        attr = doc.renameNode(attr, "", "c")
+        self.confirm( == "c"
+                and attr.nodeName == "c"
+                and attr.localName == "c"
+                and attr.namespaceURI == ""
+                and attr.prefix is None
+                and attr.value == "v"
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("a") is None
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("b") is None
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("c").isSameNode(attr)
+                and elem.getAttributeNodeNS(
+                    "", "c").isSameNode(attr)
+                and attrmap["c"].isSameNode(attr)
+                and attrmap[("", "c")].isSameNode(attr))
+        # Rename to have a namespace, with prefix
+        attr = doc.renameNode(attr, "", "p:d")
+        self.confirm( == "p:d"
+                and attr.nodeName == "p:d"
+                and attr.localName == "d"
+                and attr.namespaceURI == ""
+                and attr.prefix == "p"
+                and attr.value == "v"
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("a") is None
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("b") is None
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("c") is None
+                and elem.getAttributeNodeNS(
+                    "", "c") is None
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("p:d").isSameNode(attr)
+                and elem.getAttributeNodeNS(
+                    "", "d").isSameNode(attr)
+                and attrmap["p:d"].isSameNode(attr)
+                and attrmap[("", "d")].isSameNode(attr))
+        # Rename back to a simple non-NS node
+        attr = doc.renameNode(attr, xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "e")
+        self.confirm( == "e"
+                and attr.nodeName == "e"
+                and attr.localName is None
+                and attr.namespaceURI == xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE
+                and attr.prefix is None
+                and attr.value == "v"
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("a") is None
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("b") is None
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("c") is None
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("p:d") is None
+                and elem.getAttributeNodeNS(
+                    "", "c") is None
+                and elem.getAttributeNode("e").isSameNode(attr)
+                and attrmap["e"].isSameNode(attr))
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.NamespaceErr, doc.renameNode, attr,
+                          "", "xmlns")
+        self.checkRenameNodeSharedConstraints(doc, attr)
+        doc.unlink()
+    def testRenameElement(self):
+        doc = parseString("<doc/>")
+        elem = doc.documentElement
+        # Simple renaming
+        elem = doc.renameNode(elem, xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "a")
+        self.confirm(elem.tagName == "a"
+                and elem.nodeName == "a"
+                and elem.localName is None
+                and elem.namespaceURI == xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE
+                and elem.prefix is None
+                and elem.ownerDocument.isSameNode(doc))
+        # Rename to have a namespace, no prefix
+        elem = doc.renameNode(elem, "", "b")
+        self.confirm(elem.tagName == "b"
+                and elem.nodeName == "b"
+                and elem.localName == "b"
+                and elem.namespaceURI == ""
+                and elem.prefix is None
+                and elem.ownerDocument.isSameNode(doc))
+        # Rename to have a namespace, with prefix
+        elem = doc.renameNode(elem, "", "p:c")
+        self.confirm(elem.tagName == "p:c"
+                and elem.nodeName == "p:c"
+                and elem.localName == "c"
+                and elem.namespaceURI == ""
+                and elem.prefix == "p"
+                and elem.ownerDocument.isSameNode(doc))
+        # Rename back to a simple non-NS node
+        elem = doc.renameNode(elem, xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "d")
+        self.confirm(elem.tagName == "d"
+                and elem.nodeName == "d"
+                and elem.localName is None
+                and elem.namespaceURI == xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE
+                and elem.prefix is None
+                and elem.ownerDocument.isSameNode(doc))
+        self.checkRenameNodeSharedConstraints(doc, elem)
+        doc.unlink()
+    def testRenameOther(self):
+        # We have to create a comment node explicitly since not all DOM
+        # builders used with minidom add comments to the DOM.
+        doc = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation().createDocument(
+            xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "e", None)
+        node = doc.createComment("comment")
+        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.NotSupportedErr, doc.renameNode, node,
+                          xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "foo")
+        doc.unlink()
+    def testWholeText(self):
+        doc = parseString("<doc>a</doc>")
+        elem = doc.documentElement
+        text = elem.childNodes[0]
+        self.assertEquals(text.nodeType, Node.TEXT_NODE)
+        self.checkWholeText(text, "a")
+        elem.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("b"))
+        self.checkWholeText(text, "ab")
+        elem.insertBefore(doc.createCDATASection("c"), text)
+        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
+        # make sure we don't cross other nodes
+        splitter = doc.createComment("comment")
+        elem.appendChild(splitter)
+        text2 = doc.createTextNode("d")
+        elem.appendChild(text2)
+        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
+        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
+        x = doc.createElement("x")
+        elem.replaceChild(x, splitter)
+        splitter = x
+        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
+        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
+        x = doc.createProcessingInstruction("y", "z")
+        elem.replaceChild(x, splitter)
+        splitter = x
+        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
+        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
+        elem.removeChild(splitter)
+        self.checkWholeText(text, "cabd")
+        self.checkWholeText(text2, "cabd")
+    def testPatch1094164(self):
+        doc = parseString("<doc><e/></doc>")
+        elem = doc.documentElement
+        e = elem.firstChild
+        self.confirm(e.parentNode is elem, "Before replaceChild()")
+        # Check that replacing a child with itself leaves the tree unchanged
+        elem.replaceChild(e, e)
+        self.confirm(e.parentNode is elem, "After replaceChild()")
+    def testReplaceWholeText(self):
+        def setup():
+            doc = parseString("<doc>a<e/>d</doc>")
+            elem = doc.documentElement
+            text1 = elem.firstChild
+            text2 = elem.lastChild
+            splitter = text1.nextSibling
+            elem.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode("b"), splitter)
+            elem.insertBefore(doc.createCDATASection("c"), text1)
+            return doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2
+        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
+        text = text1.replaceWholeText("new content")
+        self.checkWholeText(text, "new content")
+        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
+        self.confirm(len(elem.childNodes) == 3)
+        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
+        text = text2.replaceWholeText("new content")
+        self.checkWholeText(text, "new content")
+        self.checkWholeText(text1, "cab")
+        self.confirm(len(elem.childNodes) == 5)
+        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
+        text = text1.replaceWholeText("")
+        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
+        self.confirm(text is None
+                and len(elem.childNodes) == 2)
+    def testSchemaType(self):
+        doc = parseString(
+            "<!DOCTYPE doc [\n"
+            "  <!ENTITY e1 SYSTEM ''>\n"
+            "  <!ENTITY e2 SYSTEM ''>\n"
+            "  <!ATTLIST doc id   ID       #IMPLIED \n"
+            "                ref  IDREF    #IMPLIED \n"
+            "                refs IDREFS   #IMPLIED \n"
+            "                enum (a|b)    #IMPLIED \n"
+            "                ent  ENTITY   #IMPLIED \n"
+            "                ents ENTITIES #IMPLIED \n"
+            "                nm   NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED \n"
+            "                nms  NMTOKENS #IMPLIED \n"
+            "                text CDATA    #IMPLIED \n"
+            "    >\n"
+            "]><doc id='name' notid='name' text='splat!' enum='b'"
+            "       ref='name' refs='name name' ent='e1' ents='e1 e2'"
+            "       nm='123' nms='123 abc' />")
+        elem = doc.documentElement
+        # We don't want to rely on any specific loader at this point, so
+        # just make sure we can get to all the names, and that the
+        # DTD-based namespace is right.  The names can vary by loader
+        # since each supports a different level of DTD information.
+        t = elem.schemaType
+        self.confirm( is None
+                and t.namespace == xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE)
+        names = "id notid text enum ref refs ent ents nm nms".split()
+        for name in names:
+            a = elem.getAttributeNode(name)
+            t = a.schemaType
+            self.confirm(hasattr(t, "name")
+                    and t.namespace == xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE)
+    def testSetIdAttribute(self):
+        doc = parseString("<doc a1='v' a2='w'/>")
+        e = doc.documentElement
+        a1 = e.getAttributeNode("a1")
+        a2 = e.getAttributeNode("a2")
+        self.confirm(doc.getElementById("v") is None
+                and not a1.isId
+                and not a2.isId)
+        e.setIdAttribute("a1")
+        self.confirm(e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("v"))
+                and a1.isId
+                and not a2.isId)
+        e.setIdAttribute("a2")
+        self.confirm(e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("v"))
+                and e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("w"))
+                and a1.isId
+                and a2.isId)
+        # replace the a1 node; the new node should *not* be an ID
+        a3 = doc.createAttribute("a1")
+        a3.value = "v"
+        e.setAttributeNode(a3)
+        self.confirm(doc.getElementById("v") is None
+                and e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("w"))
+                and not a1.isId
+                and a2.isId
+                and not a3.isId)
+        # renaming an attribute should not affect its ID-ness:
+        doc.renameNode(a2, xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "an")
+        self.confirm(e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("w"))
+                and a2.isId)
+    def testSetIdAttributeNS(self):
+        NS1 = ""
+        NS2 = ""
+        doc = parseString("<doc"
+                          " xmlns:ns1='" + NS1 + "'"
+                          " xmlns:ns2='" + NS2 + "'"
+                          " ns1:a1='v' ns2:a2='w'/>")
+        e = doc.documentElement
+        a1 = e.getAttributeNodeNS(NS1, "a1")
+        a2 = e.getAttributeNodeNS(NS2, "a2")
+        self.confirm(doc.getElementById("v") is None
+                and not a1.isId
+                and not a2.isId)
+        e.setIdAttributeNS(NS1, "a1")
+        self.confirm(e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("v"))
+                and a1.isId
+                and not a2.isId)
+        e.setIdAttributeNS(NS2, "a2")
+        self.confirm(e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("v"))
+                and e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("w"))
+                and a1.isId
+                and a2.isId)
+        # replace the a1 node; the new node should *not* be an ID
+        a3 = doc.createAttributeNS(NS1, "a1")
+        a3.value = "v"
+        e.setAttributeNode(a3)
+        self.confirm(e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("w")))
+        self.confirm(not a1.isId)
+        self.confirm(a2.isId)
+        self.confirm(not a3.isId)
+        self.confirm(doc.getElementById("v") is None)
+        # renaming an attribute should not affect its ID-ness:
+        doc.renameNode(a2, xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "an")
+        self.confirm(e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("w"))
+                and a2.isId)
+    def testSetIdAttributeNode(self):
+        NS1 = ""
+        NS2 = ""
+        doc = parseString("<doc"
+                          " xmlns:ns1='" + NS1 + "'"
+                          " xmlns:ns2='" + NS2 + "'"
+                          " ns1:a1='v' ns2:a2='w'/>")
+        e = doc.documentElement
+        a1 = e.getAttributeNodeNS(NS1, "a1")
+        a2 = e.getAttributeNodeNS(NS2, "a2")
+        self.confirm(doc.getElementById("v") is None
+                and not a1.isId
+                and not a2.isId)
+        e.setIdAttributeNode(a1)
+        self.confirm(e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("v"))
+                and a1.isId
+                and not a2.isId)
+        e.setIdAttributeNode(a2)
+        self.confirm(e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("v"))
+                and e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("w"))
+                and a1.isId
+                and a2.isId)
+        # replace the a1 node; the new node should *not* be an ID
+        a3 = doc.createAttributeNS(NS1, "a1")
+        a3.value = "v"
+        e.setAttributeNode(a3)
+        self.confirm(e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("w")))
+        self.confirm(not a1.isId)
+        self.confirm(a2.isId)
+        self.confirm(not a3.isId)
+        self.confirm(doc.getElementById("v") is None)
+        # renaming an attribute should not affect its ID-ness:
+        doc.renameNode(a2, xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "an")
+        self.confirm(e.isSameNode(doc.getElementById("w"))
+                and a2.isId)
+    def testPickledDocument(self):
+        doc = parseString("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii'?>\n"
+                    "<!DOCTYPE doc PUBLIC ''"
+                    " '' [\n"
+                    "  <!ELEMENT e EMPTY>\n"
+                    "  <!ENTITY ent SYSTEM ''>\n"
+                    "]><doc attr='value'> text\n"
+                    "<?pi sample?> <!-- comment --> <e/> </doc>")
+        s = pickle.dumps(doc)
+        doc2 = pickle.loads(s)
+        stack = [(doc, doc2)]
+        while stack:
+            n1, n2 = stack.pop()
+            self.confirm(n1.nodeType == n2.nodeType
+                    and len(n1.childNodes) == len(n2.childNodes)
+                    and n1.nodeName == n2.nodeName
+                    and not n1.isSameNode(n2)
+                    and not n2.isSameNode(n1))
+            if n1.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
+                len(n1.entities)
+                len(n2.entities)
+                len(n1.notations)
+                len(n2.notations)
+                self.confirm(len(n1.entities) == len(n2.entities)
+                        and len(n1.notations) == len(n2.notations))
+                for i in range(len(n1.notations)):
+                    no1 = n1.notations.item(i)
+                    no2 = n1.notations.item(i)
+                    self.confirm( ==
+                            and no1.publicId == no2.publicId
+                            and no1.systemId == no2.systemId)
+                    statck.append((no1, no2))
+                for i in range(len(n1.entities)):
+                    e1 = n1.entities.item(i)
+                    e2 = n2.entities.item(i)
+                    self.confirm(e1.notationName == e2.notationName
+                            and e1.publicId == e2.publicId
+                            and e1.systemId == e2.systemId)
+                    stack.append((e1, e2))
+            if n1.nodeType != Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+                self.confirm(n1.ownerDocument.isSameNode(doc)
+                        and n2.ownerDocument.isSameNode(doc2))
+            for i in range(len(n1.childNodes)):
+                stack.append((n1.childNodes[i], n2.childNodes[i]))
+    def testSerializeCommentNodeWithDoubleHyphen(self):
+        doc = create_doc_without_doctype()
+        doc.appendChild(doc.createComment("foo--bar"))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, doc.toxml)
+def test_main():
+    run_unittest(MinidomTest)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_main()