changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Lib/test/	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+# xml.etree test.  This file contains enough tests to make sure that
+# all included components work as they should.  For a more extensive
+# test suite, see the selftest script in the ElementTree distribution.
+import doctest
+import sys
+from test import test_support
+  <tag>text</tag>
+  <tag />
+  <section>
+    <tag>subtext</tag>
+  </section>
+<body xmlns="">
+  <tag>text</tag>
+  <tag />
+  <section>
+    <tag>subtext</tag>
+  </section>
+def sanity():
+    """
+    Import sanity.
+    >>> from xml.etree import ElementTree
+    >>> from xml.etree import ElementInclude
+    >>> from xml.etree import ElementPath
+    """
+def check_method(method):
+    if not callable(method):
+        print method, "not callable"
+def serialize(ET, elem, encoding=None):
+    import StringIO
+    file = StringIO.StringIO()
+    tree = ET.ElementTree(elem)
+    if encoding:
+        tree.write(file, encoding)
+    else:
+        tree.write(file)
+    return file.getvalue()
+def summarize(elem):
+    return elem.tag
+def summarize_list(seq):
+    return map(summarize, seq)
+def interface():
+    """
+    Test element tree interface.
+    >>> from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+    >>> element = ET.Element("tag", key="value")
+    >>> tree = ET.ElementTree(element)
+    Make sure all standard element methods exist.
+    >>> check_method(element.append)
+    >>> check_method(element.insert)
+    >>> check_method(element.remove)
+    >>> check_method(element.getchildren)
+    >>> check_method(element.find)
+    >>> check_method(element.findall)
+    >>> check_method(element.findtext)
+    >>> check_method(element.clear)
+    >>> check_method(element.get)
+    >>> check_method(element.set)
+    >>> check_method(element.keys)
+    >>> check_method(element.items)
+    >>> check_method(element.getiterator)
+    Basic method sanity checks.
+    >>> serialize(ET, element) # 1
+    '<tag key="value" />'
+    >>> subelement = ET.Element("subtag")
+    >>> element.append(subelement)
+    >>> serialize(ET, element) #  2
+    '<tag key="value"><subtag /></tag>'
+    >>> element.insert(0, subelement)
+    >>> serialize(ET, element) # 3
+    '<tag key="value"><subtag /><subtag /></tag>'
+    >>> element.remove(subelement)
+    >>> serialize(ET, element) # 4
+    '<tag key="value"><subtag /></tag>'
+    >>> element.remove(subelement)
+    >>> serialize(ET, element) # 5
+    '<tag key="value" />'
+    >>> element.remove(subelement)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
+    >>> serialize(ET, element) # 6
+    '<tag key="value" />'
+    """
+def find():
+    """
+    Test find methods (including xpath syntax).
+    >>> from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+    >>> elem = ET.XML(SAMPLE_XML)
+    >>> elem.find("tag").tag
+    'tag'
+    >>> ET.ElementTree(elem).find("tag").tag
+    'tag'
+    >>> elem.find("section/tag").tag
+    'tag'
+    >>> ET.ElementTree(elem).find("section/tag").tag
+    'tag'
+    >>> elem.findtext("tag")
+    'text'
+    >>> elem.findtext("tog")
+    >>> elem.findtext("tog", "default")
+    'default'
+    >>> ET.ElementTree(elem).findtext("tag")
+    'text'
+    >>> elem.findtext("section/tag")
+    'subtext'
+    >>> ET.ElementTree(elem).findtext("section/tag")
+    'subtext'
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("tag"))
+    ['tag', 'tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("*"))
+    ['tag', 'tag', 'section']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall(".//tag"))
+    ['tag', 'tag', 'tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("section/tag"))
+    ['tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("section//tag"))
+    ['tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("section/*"))
+    ['tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("section//*"))
+    ['tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("section/.//*"))
+    ['tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("*/*"))
+    ['tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("*//*"))
+    ['tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("*/tag"))
+    ['tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("*/./tag"))
+    ['tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("./tag"))
+    ['tag', 'tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall(".//tag"))
+    ['tag', 'tag', 'tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("././tag"))
+    ['tag', 'tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(ET.ElementTree(elem).findall("/tag"))
+    ['tag', 'tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(ET.ElementTree(elem).findall("./tag"))
+    ['tag', 'tag']
+    >>> elem = ET.XML(SAMPLE_XML_NS)
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("tag"))
+    []
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("{}tag"))
+    ['{}tag', '{}tag']
+    >>> summarize_list(elem.findall(".//{}tag"))
+    ['{}tag', '{}tag', '{}tag']
+    """
+def parseliteral():
+    r"""
+    >>> from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+    >>> element = ET.XML("<html><body>text</body></html>")
+    >>> ET.ElementTree(element).write(sys.stdout)
+    <html><body>text</body></html>
+    >>> element = ET.fromstring("<html><body>text</body></html>")
+    >>> ET.ElementTree(element).write(sys.stdout)
+    <html><body>text</body></html>
+    >>> print ET.tostring(element)
+    <html><body>text</body></html>
+    >>> print ET.tostring(element, "ascii")
+    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ascii'?>
+    <html><body>text</body></html>
+    >>> _, ids = ET.XMLID("<html><body>text</body></html>")
+    >>> len(ids)
+    0
+    >>> _, ids = ET.XMLID("<html><body id='body'>text</body></html>")
+    >>> len(ids)
+    1
+    >>> ids["body"].tag
+    'body'
+    """
+def check_encoding(ET, encoding):
+    """
+    >>> from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+    >>> check_encoding(ET, "ascii")
+    >>> check_encoding(ET, "us-ascii")
+    >>> check_encoding(ET, "iso-8859-1")
+    >>> check_encoding(ET, "iso-8859-15")
+    >>> check_encoding(ET, "cp437")
+    >>> check_encoding(ET, "mac-roman")
+    """
+    ET.XML("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='%s'?><xml />" % encoding)
+# xinclude tests (samples from appendix C of the xinclude specification)
+XINCLUDE["C1.xml"] = """\
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<document xmlns:xi="">
+  <p>120 Mz is adequate for an average home user.</p>
+  <xi:include href="disclaimer.xml"/>
+XINCLUDE["disclaimer.xml"] = """\
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+  <p>The opinions represented herein represent those of the individual
+  and should not be interpreted as official policy endorsed by this
+  organization.</p>
+XINCLUDE["C2.xml"] = """\
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<document xmlns:xi="">
+  <p>This document has been accessed
+  <xi:include href="count.txt" parse="text"/> times.</p>
+XINCLUDE["count.txt"] = "324387"
+XINCLUDE["C3.xml"] = """\
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<document xmlns:xi="">
+  <p>The following is the source of the "data.xml" resource:</p>
+  <example><xi:include href="data.xml" parse="text"/></example>
+XINCLUDE["data.xml"] = """\
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+  <item><![CDATA[Brooks & Shields]]></item>
+XINCLUDE["C5.xml"] = """\
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<div xmlns:xi="">
+  <xi:include href="example.txt" parse="text">
+    <xi:fallback>
+      <xi:include href="fallback-example.txt" parse="text">
+        <xi:fallback><a href="">Report error</a></xi:fallback>
+      </xi:include>
+    </xi:fallback>
+  </xi:include>
+XINCLUDE["default.xml"] = """\
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<document xmlns:xi="">
+  <p>Example.</p>
+  <xi:include href="samples/simple.xml"/>
+def xinclude_loader(href, parse="xml", encoding=None):
+    try:
+        data = XINCLUDE[href]
+    except KeyError:
+        raise IOError("resource not found")
+    if parse == "xml":
+        from xml.etree.ElementTree import XML
+        return XML(data)
+    return data
+def xinclude():
+    r"""
+    Basic inclusion example (XInclude C.1)
+    >>> from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+    >>> from xml.etree import ElementInclude
+    >>> document = xinclude_loader("C1.xml")
+    >>> ElementInclude.include(document, xinclude_loader)
+    >>> print serialize(ET, document) # C1
+    <document>
+      <p>120 Mz is adequate for an average home user.</p>
+      <disclaimer>
+      <p>The opinions represented herein represent those of the individual
+      and should not be interpreted as official policy endorsed by this
+      organization.</p>
+    </disclaimer>
+    </document>
+    Textual inclusion example (XInclude C.2)
+    >>> document = xinclude_loader("C2.xml")
+    >>> ElementInclude.include(document, xinclude_loader)
+    >>> print serialize(ET, document) # C2
+    <document>
+      <p>This document has been accessed
+      324387 times.</p>
+    </document>
+    Textual inclusion of XML example (XInclude C.3)
+    >>> document = xinclude_loader("C3.xml")
+    >>> ElementInclude.include(document, xinclude_loader)
+    >>> print serialize(ET, document) # C3
+    <document>
+      <p>The following is the source of the "data.xml" resource:</p>
+      <example>&lt;?xml version='1.0'?&gt;
+    &lt;data&gt;
+      &lt;item&gt;&lt;![CDATA[Brooks &amp; Shields]]&gt;&lt;/item&gt;
+    &lt;/data&gt;
+    </example>
+    </document>
+    Fallback example (XInclude C.5)
+    Note! Fallback support is not yet implemented
+    >>> document = xinclude_loader("C5.xml")
+    >>> ElementInclude.include(document, xinclude_loader)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    IOError: resource not found
+    >>> # print serialize(ET, document) # C5
+    """
+def test_main():
+    from test import test_xml_etree
+    test_support.run_doctest(test_xml_etree, verbosity=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test_main()