changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Objects/obmalloc.c	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1765 @@
+#include "Python.h"
+/* An object allocator for Python.
+   Here is an introduction to the layers of the Python memory architecture,
+   showing where the object allocator is actually used (layer +2), It is
+   called for every object allocation and deallocation (PyObject_New/Del),
+   unless the object-specific allocators implement a proprietary allocation
+   scheme (ex.: ints use a simple free list). This is also the place where
+   the cyclic garbage collector operates selectively on container objects.
+        Object-specific allocators
+    _____   ______   ______       ________
+   [ int ] [ dict ] [ list ] ... [ string ]       Python core         |
++3 | <----- Object-specific memory -----> | <-- Non-object memory --> |
+    _______________________________       |                           |
+   [   Python's object allocator   ]      |                           |
++2 | ####### Object memory ####### | <------ Internal buffers ------> |
+    ______________________________________________________________    |
+   [          Python's raw memory allocator (PyMem_ API)          ]   |
++1 | <----- Python memory (under PyMem manager's control) ------> |   |
+    __________________________________________________________________
+   [    Underlying general-purpose allocator (ex: C library malloc)   ]
+ 0 | <------ Virtual memory allocated for the python process -------> |
+   =========================================================================
+    _______________________________________________________________________
+   [                OS-specific Virtual Memory Manager (VMM)               ]
+-1 | <--- Kernel dynamic storage allocation & management (page-based) ---> |
+    __________________________________   __________________________________
+   [                                  ] [                                  ]
+-2 | <-- Physical memory: ROM/RAM --> | | <-- Secondary storage (swap) --> |
+/* A fast, special-purpose memory allocator for small blocks, to be used
+   on top of a general-purpose malloc -- heavily based on previous art. */
+/* Vladimir Marangozov -- August 2000 */
+ * "Memory management is where the rubber meets the road -- if we do the wrong
+ * thing at any level, the results will not be good. And if we don't make the
+ * levels work well together, we are in serious trouble." (1)
+ *
+ * (1) Paul R. Wilson, Mark S. Johnstone, Michael Neely, and David Boles,
+ *    "Dynamic Storage Allocation: A Survey and Critical Review",
+ *    in Proc. 1995 Int'l. Workshop on Memory Management, September 1995.
+ */
+/* #undef WITH_MEMORY_LIMITS */		/* disable mem limit checks  */
+ * Allocation strategy abstract:
+ *
+ * For small requests, the allocator sub-allocates <Big> blocks of memory.
+ * Requests greater than 256 bytes are routed to the system's allocator.
+ *
+ * Small requests are grouped in size classes spaced 8 bytes apart, due
+ * to the required valid alignment of the returned address. Requests of
+ * a particular size are serviced from memory pools of 4K (one VMM page).
+ * Pools are fragmented on demand and contain free lists of blocks of one
+ * particular size class. In other words, there is a fixed-size allocator
+ * for each size class. Free pools are shared by the different allocators
+ * thus minimizing the space reserved for a particular size class.
+ *
+ * This allocation strategy is a variant of what is known as "simple
+ * segregated storage based on array of free lists". The main drawback of
+ * simple segregated storage is that we might end up with lot of reserved
+ * memory for the different free lists, which degenerate in time. To avoid
+ * this, we partition each free list in pools and we share dynamically the
+ * reserved space between all free lists. This technique is quite efficient
+ * for memory intensive programs which allocate mainly small-sized blocks.
+ *
+ * For small requests we have the following table:
+ *
+ * Request in bytes	Size of allocated block      Size class idx
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *        1-8                     8                       0
+ *	  9-16                   16                       1
+ *	 17-24                   24                       2
+ *	 25-32                   32                       3
+ *	 33-40                   40                       4
+ *	 41-48                   48                       5
+ *	 49-56                   56                       6
+ *	 57-64                   64                       7
+ *	 65-72                   72                       8
+ *	  ...                   ...                     ...
+ *	241-248                 248                      30
+ *	249-256                 256                      31
+ *
+ *	0, 257 and up: routed to the underlying allocator.
+ */
+ * -- Main tunable settings section --
+ */
+ * Alignment of addresses returned to the user. 8-bytes alignment works
+ * on most current architectures (with 32-bit or 64-bit address busses).
+ * The alignment value is also used for grouping small requests in size
+ * classes spaced ALIGNMENT bytes apart.
+ *
+ * You shouldn't change this unless you know what you are doing.
+ */
+#define ALIGNMENT		8		/* must be 2^N */
+/* Return the number of bytes in size class I, as a uint. */
+#define INDEX2SIZE(I) (((uint)(I) + 1) << ALIGNMENT_SHIFT)
+ * Max size threshold below which malloc requests are considered to be
+ * small enough in order to use preallocated memory pools. You can tune
+ * this value according to your application behaviour and memory needs.
+ *
+ * The following invariants must hold:
+ *	2) SMALL_REQUEST_THRESHOLD is evenly divisible by ALIGNMENT
+ *
+ * Although not required, for better performance and space efficiency,
+ * it is recommended that SMALL_REQUEST_THRESHOLD is set to a power of 2.
+ */
+ * The system's VMM page size can be obtained on most unices with a
+ * getpagesize() call or deduced from various header files. To make
+ * things simpler, we assume that it is 4K, which is OK for most systems.
+ * It is probably better if this is the native page size, but it doesn't
+ * have to be.  In theory, if SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE is larger than the native page
+ * size, then `POOL_ADDR(p)->arenaindex' could rarely cause a segmentation
+ * violation fault.  4K is apparently OK for all the platforms that python
+ * currently targets.
+ */
+#define SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE	(4 * 1024)
+ * Maximum amount of memory managed by the allocator for small requests.
+ */
+#define SMALL_MEMORY_LIMIT	(64 * 1024 * 1024)	/* 64 MB -- more? */
+ * The allocator sub-allocates <Big> blocks of memory (called arenas) aligned
+ * on a page boundary. This is a reserved virtual address space for the
+ * current process (obtained through a malloc call). In no way this means
+ * that the memory arenas will be used entirely. A malloc(<Big>) is usually
+ * an address range reservation for <Big> bytes, unless all pages within this
+ * space are referenced subsequently. So malloc'ing big blocks and not using
+ * them does not mean "wasting memory". It's an addressable range wastage...
+ *
+ * Therefore, allocating arenas with malloc is not optimal, because there is
+ * some address space wastage, but this is the most portable way to request
+ * memory from the system across various platforms.
+ */
+#define ARENA_SIZE		(256 << 10)	/* 256KB */
+ * Size of the pools used for small blocks. Should be a power of 2,
+ * between 1K and SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE, that is: 1k, 2k, 4k.
+ */
+#define POOL_SIZE		SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE	/* must be 2^N */
+ * -- End of tunable settings section --
+ */
+ * Locking
+ *
+ * To reduce lock contention, it would probably be better to refine the
+ * crude function locking with per size class locking. I'm not positive
+ * however, whether it's worth switching to such locking policy because
+ * of the performance penalty it might introduce.
+ *
+ * The following macros describe the simplest (should also be the fastest)
+ * lock object on a particular platform and the init/fini/lock/unlock
+ * operations on it. The locks defined here are not expected to be recursive
+ * because it is assumed that they will always be called in the order:
+ */
+ * Python's threads are serialized, so object malloc locking is disabled.
+ */
+#define SIMPLELOCK_DECL(lock)	/* simple lock declaration		*/
+#define SIMPLELOCK_INIT(lock)	/* allocate (if needed) and initialize	*/
+#define SIMPLELOCK_FINI(lock)	/* free/destroy an existing lock 	*/
+#define SIMPLELOCK_LOCK(lock)	/* acquire released lock */
+#define SIMPLELOCK_UNLOCK(lock)	/* release acquired lock */
+ * Basic types
+ * I don't care if these are defined in <sys/types.h> or elsewhere. Axiom.
+ */
+#undef  uchar
+#define uchar	unsigned char	/* assuming == 8 bits  */
+#undef  uint
+#define uint	unsigned int	/* assuming >= 16 bits */
+#undef  ulong
+#define ulong	unsigned long	/* assuming >= 32 bits */
+#undef uptr
+#define uptr	Py_uintptr_t
+/* When you say memory, my mind reasons in terms of (pointers to) blocks */
+typedef uchar block;
+/* Pool for small blocks. */
+struct pool_header {
+	union { block *_padding;
+		uint count; } ref;	/* number of allocated blocks    */
+	block *freeblock;		/* pool's free list head         */
+	struct pool_header *nextpool;	/* next pool of this size class  */
+	struct pool_header *prevpool;	/* previous pool       ""        */
+	uint arenaindex;		/* index into arenas of base adr */
+	uint szidx;			/* block size class index	 */
+	uint nextoffset;		/* bytes to virgin block	 */
+	uint maxnextoffset;		/* largest valid nextoffset	 */
+typedef struct pool_header *poolp;
+/* Record keeping for arenas. */
+struct arena_object {
+	/* The address of the arena, as returned by malloc.  Note that 0
+	 * will never be returned by a successful malloc, and is used
+	 * here to mark an arena_object that doesn't correspond to an
+	 * allocated arena.
+	 */
+	uptr address;
+	/* Pool-aligned pointer to the next pool to be carved off. */
+	block* pool_address;
+	/* The number of available pools in the arena:  free pools + never-
+	 * allocated pools.
+	 */
+	uint nfreepools;
+	/* The total number of pools in the arena, whether or not available. */
+	uint ntotalpools;
+	/* Singly-linked list of available pools. */
+	struct pool_header* freepools;
+	/* Whenever this arena_object is not associated with an allocated
+	 * arena, the nextarena member is used to link all unassociated
+	 * arena_objects in the singly-linked `unused_arena_objects` list.
+	 * The prevarena member is unused in this case.
+	 *
+	 * When this arena_object is associated with an allocated arena
+	 * with at least one available pool, both members are used in the
+	 * doubly-linked `usable_arenas` list, which is maintained in
+	 * increasing order of `nfreepools` values.
+	 *
+	 * Else this arena_object is associated with an allocated arena
+	 * all of whose pools are in use.  `nextarena` and `prevarena`
+	 * are both meaningless in this case.
+	 */
+	struct arena_object* nextarena;
+	struct arena_object* prevarena;
+#undef  ROUNDUP
+#define POOL_OVERHEAD		ROUNDUP(sizeof(struct pool_header))
+#define DUMMY_SIZE_IDX		0xffff	/* size class of newly cached pools */
+/* Round pointer P down to the closest pool-aligned address <= P, as a poolp */
+#define POOL_ADDR(P) ((poolp)((uptr)(P) & ~(uptr)POOL_SIZE_MASK))
+/* Return total number of blocks in pool of size index I, as a uint. */
+ * This malloc lock
+ */
+#define LOCK()		SIMPLELOCK_LOCK(_malloc_lock)
+#define UNLOCK()	SIMPLELOCK_UNLOCK(_malloc_lock)
+#define LOCK_INIT()	SIMPLELOCK_INIT(_malloc_lock)
+#define LOCK_FINI()	SIMPLELOCK_FINI(_malloc_lock)
+ * Pool table -- headed, circular, doubly-linked lists of partially used pools.
+This is involved.  For an index i, usedpools[i+i] is the header for a list of
+all partially used pools holding small blocks with "size class idx" i. So
+usedpools[0] corresponds to blocks of size 8, usedpools[2] to blocks of size
+16, and so on:  index 2*i <-> blocks of size (i+1)<<ALIGNMENT_SHIFT.
+Pools are carved off an arena's highwater mark (an arena_object's pool_address
+member) as needed.  Once carved off, a pool is in one of three states forever
+used == partially used, neither empty nor full
+    At least one block in the pool is currently allocated, and at least one
+    block in the pool is not currently allocated (note this implies a pool
+    has room for at least two blocks).
+    This is a pool's initial state, as a pool is created only when malloc
+    needs space.
+    The pool holds blocks of a fixed size, and is in the circular list headed
+    at usedpools[i] (see above).  It's linked to the other used pools of the
+    same size class via the pool_header's nextpool and prevpool members.
+    If all but one block is currently allocated, a malloc can cause a
+    transition to the full state.  If all but one block is not currently
+    allocated, a free can cause a transition to the empty state.
+full == all the pool's blocks are currently allocated
+    On transition to full, a pool is unlinked from its usedpools[] list.
+    It's not linked to from anything then anymore, and its nextpool and
+    prevpool members are meaningless until it transitions back to used.
+    A free of a block in a full pool puts the pool back in the used state.
+    Then it's linked in at the front of the appropriate usedpools[] list, so
+    that the next allocation for its size class will reuse the freed block.
+empty == all the pool's blocks are currently available for allocation
+    On transition to empty, a pool is unlinked from its usedpools[] list,
+    and linked to the front of its arena_object's singly-linked freepools list,
+    via its nextpool member.  The prevpool member has no meaning in this case.
+    Empty pools have no inherent size class:  the next time a malloc finds
+    an empty list in usedpools[], it takes the first pool off of freepools.
+    If the size class needed happens to be the same as the size class the pool
+    last had, some pool initialization can be skipped.
+Block Management
+Blocks within pools are again carved out as needed.  pool->freeblock points to
+the start of a singly-linked list of free blocks within the pool.  When a
+block is freed, it's inserted at the front of its pool's freeblock list.  Note
+that the available blocks in a pool are *not* linked all together when a pool
+is initialized.  Instead only "the first two" (lowest addresses) blocks are
+set up, returning the first such block, and setting pool->freeblock to a
+one-block list holding the second such block.  This is consistent with that
+pymalloc strives at all levels (arena, pool, and block) never to touch a piece
+of memory until it's actually needed.
+So long as a pool is in the used state, we're certain there *is* a block
+available for allocating, and pool->freeblock is not NULL.  If pool->freeblock
+points to the end of the free list before we've carved the entire pool into
+blocks, that means we simply haven't yet gotten to one of the higher-address
+blocks.  The offset from the pool_header to the start of "the next" virgin
+block is stored in the pool_header nextoffset member, and the largest value
+of nextoffset that makes sense is stored in the maxnextoffset member when a
+pool is initialized.  All the blocks in a pool have been passed out at least
+once when and only when nextoffset > maxnextoffset.
+Major obscurity:  While the usedpools vector is declared to have poolp
+entries, it doesn't really.  It really contains two pointers per (conceptual)
+poolp entry, the nextpool and prevpool members of a pool_header.  The
+excruciating initialization code below fools C so that
+    usedpool[i+i]
+"acts like" a genuine poolp, but only so long as you only reference its
+nextpool and prevpool members.  The "- 2*sizeof(block *)" gibberish is
+compensating for that a pool_header's nextpool and prevpool members
+immediately follow a pool_header's first two members:
+	union { block *_padding;
+		uint count; } ref;
+	block *freeblock;
+each of which consume sizeof(block *) bytes.  So what usedpools[i+i] really
+contains is a fudged-up pointer p such that *if* C believes it's a poolp
+pointer, then p->nextpool and p->prevpool are both p (meaning that the headed
+circular list is empty).
+It's unclear why the usedpools setup is so convoluted.  It could be to
+minimize the amount of cache required to hold this heavily-referenced table
+(which only *needs* the two interpool pointer members of a pool_header). OTOH,
+referencing code has to remember to "double the index" and doing so isn't
+free, usedpools[0] isn't a strictly legal pointer, and we're crucially relying
+on that C doesn't insert any padding anywhere in a pool_header at or before
+the prevpool member.
+**************************************************************************** */
+#define PTA(x)	((poolp )((uchar *)&(usedpools[2*(x)]) - 2*sizeof(block *)))
+#define PT(x)	PTA(x), PTA(x)
+static poolp usedpools[2 * ((NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES + 7) / 8) * 8] = {
+	PT(0), PT(1), PT(2), PT(3), PT(4), PT(5), PT(6), PT(7)
+	, PT(8), PT(9), PT(10), PT(11), PT(12), PT(13), PT(14), PT(15)
+	, PT(16), PT(17), PT(18), PT(19), PT(20), PT(21), PT(22), PT(23)
+	, PT(24), PT(25), PT(26), PT(27), PT(28), PT(29), PT(30), PT(31)
+	, PT(32), PT(33), PT(34), PT(35), PT(36), PT(37), PT(38), PT(39)
+	, PT(40), PT(41), PT(42), PT(43), PT(44), PT(45), PT(46), PT(47)
+	, PT(48), PT(49), PT(50), PT(51), PT(52), PT(53), PT(54), PT(55)
+	, PT(56), PT(57), PT(58), PT(59), PT(60), PT(61), PT(62), PT(63)
+#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 56 */
+#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 48 */
+#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 40 */
+#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 32 */
+#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 24 */
+#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 16 */
+#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES >  8 */
+Arena management.
+`arenas` is a vector of arena_objects.  It contains maxarenas entries, some of
+which may not be currently used (== they're arena_objects that aren't
+currently associated with an allocated arena).  Note that arenas proper are
+separately malloc'ed.
+Prior to Python 2.5, arenas were never free()'ed.  Starting with Python 2.5,
+we do try to free() arenas, and use some mild heuristic strategies to increase
+the likelihood that arenas eventually can be freed.
+    This is a singly-linked list of the arena_objects that are currently not
+    being used (no arena is associated with them).  Objects are taken off the
+    head of the list in new_arena(), and are pushed on the head of the list in
+    PyObject_Free() when the arena is empty.  Key invariant:  an arena_object
+    is on this list if and only if its .address member is 0.
+    This is a doubly-linked list of the arena_objects associated with arenas
+    that have pools available.  These pools are either waiting to be reused,
+    or have not been used before.  The list is sorted to have the most-
+    allocated arenas first (ascending order based on the nfreepools member).
+    This means that the next allocation will come from a heavily used arena,
+    which gives the nearly empty arenas a chance to be returned to the system.
+    In my unscientific tests this dramatically improved the number of arenas
+    that could be freed.
+Note that an arena_object associated with an arena all of whose pools are
+currently in use isn't on either list.
+/* Array of objects used to track chunks of memory (arenas). */
+static struct arena_object* arenas = NULL;
+/* Number of slots currently allocated in the `arenas` vector. */
+static uint maxarenas = 0;
+/* The head of the singly-linked, NULL-terminated list of available
+ * arena_objects.
+ */
+static struct arena_object* unused_arena_objects = NULL;
+/* The head of the doubly-linked, NULL-terminated at each end, list of
+ * arena_objects associated with arenas that have pools available.
+ */
+static struct arena_object* usable_arenas = NULL;
+/* How many arena_objects do we initially allocate?
+ * 16 = can allocate 16 arenas = 16 * ARENA_SIZE = 4MB before growing the
+ * `arenas` vector.
+ */
+/* Number of arenas allocated that haven't been free()'d. */
+static size_t narenas_currently_allocated = 0;
+/* Total number of times malloc() called to allocate an arena. */
+static size_t ntimes_arena_allocated = 0;
+/* High water mark (max value ever seen) for narenas_currently_allocated. */
+static size_t narenas_highwater = 0;
+/* Allocate a new arena.  If we run out of memory, return NULL.  Else
+ * allocate a new arena, and return the address of an arena_object
+ * describing the new arena.  It's expected that the caller will set
+ * `usable_arenas` to the return value.
+ */
+static struct arena_object*
+	struct arena_object* arenaobj;
+	uint excess;	/* number of bytes above pool alignment */
+		_PyObject_DebugMallocStats();
+	if (unused_arena_objects == NULL) {
+		uint i;
+		uint numarenas;
+		size_t nbytes;
+		/* Double the number of arena objects on each allocation.
+		 * Note that it's possible for `numarenas` to overflow.
+		 */
+		numarenas = maxarenas ? maxarenas << 1 : INITIAL_ARENA_OBJECTS;
+		if (numarenas <= maxarenas)
+			return NULL;	/* overflow */
+		if (numarenas > PY_SIZE_MAX / sizeof(*arenas))
+			return NULL;	/* overflow */
+		nbytes = numarenas * sizeof(*arenas);
+		arenaobj = (struct arena_object *)realloc(arenas, nbytes);
+		if (arenaobj == NULL)
+			return NULL;
+		arenas = arenaobj;
+		/* We might need to fix pointers that were copied.  However,
+		 * new_arena only gets called when all the pages in the
+		 * previous arenas are full.  Thus, there are *no* pointers
+		 * into the old array. Thus, we don't have to worry about
+		 * invalid pointers.  Just to be sure, some asserts:
+		 */
+		assert(usable_arenas == NULL);
+		assert(unused_arena_objects == NULL);
+		/* Put the new arenas on the unused_arena_objects list. */
+		for (i = maxarenas; i < numarenas; ++i) {
+			arenas[i].address = 0;	/* mark as unassociated */
+			arenas[i].nextarena = i < numarenas - 1 ?
+					       &arenas[i+1] : NULL;
+		}
+		/* Update globals. */
+		unused_arena_objects = &arenas[maxarenas];
+		maxarenas = numarenas;
+	}
+	/* Take the next available arena object off the head of the list. */
+	assert(unused_arena_objects != NULL);
+	arenaobj = unused_arena_objects;
+	unused_arena_objects = arenaobj->nextarena;
+	assert(arenaobj->address == 0);
+	arenaobj->address = (uptr)malloc(ARENA_SIZE);
+	if (arenaobj->address == 0) {
+		/* The allocation failed: return NULL after putting the
+		 * arenaobj back.
+		 */
+		arenaobj->nextarena = unused_arena_objects;
+		unused_arena_objects = arenaobj;
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	++narenas_currently_allocated;
+	++ntimes_arena_allocated;
+	if (narenas_currently_allocated > narenas_highwater)
+		narenas_highwater = narenas_currently_allocated;
+	arenaobj->freepools = NULL;
+	/* pool_address <- first pool-aligned address in the arena
+	   nfreepools <- number of whole pools that fit after alignment */
+	arenaobj->pool_address = (block*)arenaobj->address;
+	arenaobj->nfreepools = ARENA_SIZE / POOL_SIZE;
+	assert(POOL_SIZE * arenaobj->nfreepools == ARENA_SIZE);
+	excess = (uint)(arenaobj->address & POOL_SIZE_MASK);
+	if (excess != 0) {
+		--arenaobj->nfreepools;
+		arenaobj->pool_address += POOL_SIZE - excess;
+	}
+	arenaobj->ntotalpools = arenaobj->nfreepools;
+	return arenaobj;
+Return true if and only if P is an address that was allocated by pymalloc.
+POOL must be the pool address associated with P, i.e., POOL = POOL_ADDR(P)
+(the caller is asked to compute this because the macro expands POOL more than
+once, and for efficiency it's best for the caller to assign POOL_ADDR(P) to a
+variable and pass the latter to the macro; because Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE is
+called on every alloc/realloc/free, micro-efficiency is important here).
+Tricky:  Let B be the arena base address associated with the pool, B =
+arenas[(POOL)->arenaindex].address.  Then P belongs to the arena if and only if
+	B <= P < B + ARENA_SIZE
+Subtracting B throughout, this is true iff
+	0 <= P-B < ARENA_SIZE
+By using unsigned arithmetic, the "0 <=" half of the test can be skipped.
+Obscure:  A PyMem "free memory" function can call the pymalloc free or realloc
+before the first arena has been allocated.  `arenas` is still NULL in that
+case.  We're relying on that maxarenas is also 0 in that case, so that
+(POOL)->arenaindex < maxarenas  must be false, saving us from trying to index
+into a NULL arenas.
+Details:  given P and POOL, the arena_object corresponding to P is AO =
+arenas[(POOL)->arenaindex].  Suppose obmalloc controls P.  Then (barring wild
+stores, etc), POOL is the correct address of P's pool, AO.address is the
+correct base address of the pool's arena, and P must be within ARENA_SIZE of
+AO.address.  In addition, AO.address is not 0 (no arena can start at address 0
+(NULL)).  Therefore Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE correctly reports that obmalloc
+controls P.
+Now suppose obmalloc does not control P (e.g., P was obtained via a direct
+call to the system malloc() or realloc()).  (POOL)->arenaindex may be anything
+in this case -- it may even be uninitialized trash.  If the trash arenaindex
+is >= maxarenas, the macro correctly concludes at once that obmalloc doesn't
+control P.
+Else arenaindex is < maxarena, and AO is read up.  If AO corresponds to an
+allocated arena, obmalloc controls all the memory in slice AO.address :
+AO.address+ARENA_SIZE.  By case assumption, P is not controlled by obmalloc,
+so P doesn't lie in that slice, so the macro correctly reports that P is not
+controlled by obmalloc.
+Finally, if P is not controlled by obmalloc and AO corresponds to an unused
+arena_object (one not currently associated with an allocated arena),
+AO.address is 0, and the second test in the macro reduces to:
+If P >= ARENA_SIZE (extremely likely), the macro again correctly concludes
+that P is not controlled by obmalloc.  However, if P < ARENA_SIZE, this part
+of the test still passes, and the third clause (AO.address != 0) is necessary
+to get the correct result:  AO.address is 0 in this case, so the macro
+correctly reports that P is not controlled by obmalloc (despite that P lies in
+slice AO.address : AO.address + ARENA_SIZE).
+Note:  The third (AO.address != 0) clause was added in Python 2.5.  Before
+2.5, arenas were never free()'ed, and an arenaindex < maxarena always
+corresponded to a currently-allocated arena, so the "P is not controlled by
+obmalloc, AO corresponds to an unused arena_object, and P < ARENA_SIZE" case
+was impossible.
+Note that the logic is excruciating, and reading up possibly uninitialized
+memory when P is not controlled by obmalloc (to get at (POOL)->arenaindex)
+creates problems for some memory debuggers.  The overwhelming advantage is
+that this test determines whether an arbitrary address is controlled by
+obmalloc in a small constant time, independent of the number of arenas
+obmalloc controls.  Since this test is needed at every entry point, it's
+extremely desirable that it be this fast.
+#define Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE(P, POOL)			\
+	((POOL)->arenaindex < maxarenas &&		\
+	 (uptr)(P) - arenas[(POOL)->arenaindex].address < (uptr)ARENA_SIZE && \
+	 arenas[(POOL)->arenaindex].address != 0)
+/* This is only useful when running memory debuggers such as
+ * Purify or Valgrind.  Uncomment to use.
+ *
+ */
+/* Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE may access uninitialized memory by design
+ * This leads to thousands of spurious warnings when using
+ * Purify or Valgrind.  By making a function, we can easily
+ * suppress the uninitialized memory reads in this one function.
+ * So we won't ignore real errors elsewhere.
+ *
+ * Disable the macro and use a function.
+ */
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1) || \
+			  (__GNUC__ >= 4))
+#define Py_NO_INLINE __attribute__((__noinline__))
+#define Py_NO_INLINE
+/* Don't make static, to try to ensure this isn't inlined. */
+int Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE(void *P, poolp pool) Py_NO_INLINE;
+#undef Py_NO_INLINE
+/* malloc.  Note that nbytes==0 tries to return a non-NULL pointer, distinct
+ * from all other currently live pointers.  This may not be possible.
+ */
+ * The basic blocks are ordered by decreasing execution frequency,
+ * which minimizes the number of jumps in the most common cases,
+ * improves branching prediction and instruction scheduling (small
+ * block allocations typically result in a couple of instructions).
+ * Unless the optimizer reorders everything, being too smart...
+ */
+#undef PyObject_Malloc
+void *
+PyObject_Malloc(size_t nbytes)
+	block *bp;
+	poolp pool;
+	poolp next;
+	uint size;
+	/*
+	 * Limit ourselves to PY_SSIZE_T_MAX bytes to prevent security holes.
+	 * Most python internals blindly use a signed Py_ssize_t to track
+	 * things without checking for overflows or negatives.
+	 * As size_t is unsigned, checking for nbytes < 0 is not required.
+	 */
+	if (nbytes > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX)
+		return NULL;
+	/*
+	 * This implicitly redirects malloc(0).
+	 */
+	if ((nbytes - 1) < SMALL_REQUEST_THRESHOLD) {
+		LOCK();
+		/*
+		 * Most frequent paths first
+		 */
+		size = (uint)(nbytes - 1) >> ALIGNMENT_SHIFT;
+		pool = usedpools[size + size];
+		if (pool != pool->nextpool) {
+			/*
+			 * There is a used pool for this size class.
+			 * Pick up the head block of its free list.
+			 */
+			++pool->ref.count;
+			bp = pool->freeblock;
+			assert(bp != NULL);
+			if ((pool->freeblock = *(block **)bp) != NULL) {
+				UNLOCK();
+				return (void *)bp;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * Reached the end of the free list, try to extend it.
+			 */
+			if (pool->nextoffset <= pool->maxnextoffset) {
+				/* There is room for another block. */
+				pool->freeblock = (block*)pool +
+						  pool->nextoffset;
+				pool->nextoffset += INDEX2SIZE(size);
+				*(block **)(pool->freeblock) = NULL;
+				UNLOCK();
+				return (void *)bp;
+			}
+			/* Pool is full, unlink from used pools. */
+			next = pool->nextpool;
+			pool = pool->prevpool;
+			next->prevpool = pool;
+			pool->nextpool = next;
+			UNLOCK();
+			return (void *)bp;
+		}
+		/* There isn't a pool of the right size class immediately
+		 * available:  use a free pool.
+		 */
+		if (usable_arenas == NULL) {
+			/* No arena has a free pool:  allocate a new arena. */
+			if (narenas_currently_allocated >= MAX_ARENAS) {
+				UNLOCK();
+				goto redirect;
+			}
+			usable_arenas = new_arena();
+			if (usable_arenas == NULL) {
+				UNLOCK();
+				goto redirect;
+			}
+			usable_arenas->nextarena =
+				usable_arenas->prevarena = NULL;
+		}
+		assert(usable_arenas->address != 0);
+		/* Try to get a cached free pool. */
+		pool = usable_arenas->freepools;
+		if (pool != NULL) {
+			/* Unlink from cached pools. */
+			usable_arenas->freepools = pool->nextpool;
+			/* This arena already had the smallest nfreepools
+			 * value, so decreasing nfreepools doesn't change
+			 * that, and we don't need to rearrange the
+			 * usable_arenas list.  However, if the arena has
+			 * become wholly allocated, we need to remove its
+			 * arena_object from usable_arenas.
+			 */
+			--usable_arenas->nfreepools;
+			if (usable_arenas->nfreepools == 0) {
+				/* Wholly allocated:  remove. */
+				assert(usable_arenas->freepools == NULL);
+				assert(usable_arenas->nextarena == NULL ||
+				       usable_arenas->nextarena->prevarena ==
+					   usable_arenas);
+				usable_arenas = usable_arenas->nextarena;
+				if (usable_arenas != NULL) {
+					usable_arenas->prevarena = NULL;
+					assert(usable_arenas->address != 0);
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				/* nfreepools > 0:  it must be that freepools
+				 * isn't NULL, or that we haven't yet carved
+				 * off all the arena's pools for the first
+				 * time.
+				 */
+				assert(usable_arenas->freepools != NULL ||
+				       usable_arenas->pool_address <=
+				           (block*)usable_arenas->address +
+				               ARENA_SIZE - POOL_SIZE);
+			}
+		init_pool:
+			/* Frontlink to used pools. */
+			next = usedpools[size + size]; /* == prev */
+			pool->nextpool = next;
+			pool->prevpool = next;
+			next->nextpool = pool;
+			next->prevpool = pool;
+			pool->ref.count = 1;
+			if (pool->szidx == size) {
+				/* Luckily, this pool last contained blocks
+				 * of the same size class, so its header
+				 * and free list are already initialized.
+				 */
+				bp = pool->freeblock;
+				pool->freeblock = *(block **)bp;
+				UNLOCK();
+				return (void *)bp;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * Initialize the pool header, set up the free list to
+			 * contain just the second block, and return the first
+			 * block.
+			 */
+			pool->szidx = size;
+			size = INDEX2SIZE(size);
+			bp = (block *)pool + POOL_OVERHEAD;
+			pool->nextoffset = POOL_OVERHEAD + (size << 1);
+			pool->maxnextoffset = POOL_SIZE - size;
+			pool->freeblock = bp + size;
+			*(block **)(pool->freeblock) = NULL;
+			UNLOCK();
+			return (void *)bp;
+		}
+		/* Carve off a new pool. */
+		assert(usable_arenas->nfreepools > 0);
+		assert(usable_arenas->freepools == NULL);
+		pool = (poolp)usable_arenas->pool_address;
+		assert((block*)pool <= (block*)usable_arenas->address +
+		                       ARENA_SIZE - POOL_SIZE);
+		pool->arenaindex = usable_arenas - arenas;
+		assert(&arenas[pool->arenaindex] == usable_arenas);
+		pool->szidx = DUMMY_SIZE_IDX;
+		usable_arenas->pool_address += POOL_SIZE;
+		--usable_arenas->nfreepools;
+		if (usable_arenas->nfreepools == 0) {
+			assert(usable_arenas->nextarena == NULL ||
+			       usable_arenas->nextarena->prevarena ==
+			       	   usable_arenas);
+			/* Unlink the arena:  it is completely allocated. */
+			usable_arenas = usable_arenas->nextarena;
+			if (usable_arenas != NULL) {
+				usable_arenas->prevarena = NULL;
+				assert(usable_arenas->address != 0);
+			}
+		}
+		goto init_pool;
+	}
+        /* The small block allocator ends here. */
+	/* Redirect the original request to the underlying (libc) allocator.
+	 * We jump here on bigger requests, on error in the code above (as a
+	 * last chance to serve the request) or when the max memory limit
+	 * has been reached.
+	 */
+	if (nbytes == 0)
+		nbytes = 1;
+	return (void *)malloc(nbytes);
+/* free */
+#undef PyObject_Free
+PyObject_Free(void *p)
+	poolp pool;
+	block *lastfree;
+	poolp next, prev;
+	uint size;
+	if (p == NULL)	/* free(NULL) has no effect */
+		return;
+	pool = POOL_ADDR(p);
+	if (Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE(p, pool)) {
+		/* We allocated this address. */
+		LOCK();
+		/* Link p to the start of the pool's freeblock list.  Since
+		 * the pool had at least the p block outstanding, the pool
+		 * wasn't empty (so it's already in a usedpools[] list, or
+		 * was full and is in no list -- it's not in the freeblocks
+		 * list in any case).
+		 */
+		assert(pool->ref.count > 0);	/* else it was empty */
+		*(block **)p = lastfree = pool->freeblock;
+		pool->freeblock = (block *)p;
+		if (lastfree) {
+			struct arena_object* ao;
+			uint nf;  /* ao->nfreepools */
+			/* freeblock wasn't NULL, so the pool wasn't full,
+			 * and the pool is in a usedpools[] list.
+			 */
+			if (--pool->ref.count != 0) {
+				/* pool isn't empty:  leave it in usedpools */
+				UNLOCK();
+				return;
+			}
+			/* Pool is now empty:  unlink from usedpools, and
+			 * link to the front of freepools.  This ensures that
+			 * previously freed pools will be allocated later
+			 * (being not referenced, they are perhaps paged out).
+			 */
+			next = pool->nextpool;
+			prev = pool->prevpool;
+			next->prevpool = prev;
+			prev->nextpool = next;
+			/* Link the pool to freepools.  This is a singly-linked
+			 * list, and pool->prevpool isn't used there.
+			 */
+			ao = &arenas[pool->arenaindex];
+			pool->nextpool = ao->freepools;
+			ao->freepools = pool;
+			nf = ++ao->nfreepools;
+			/* All the rest is arena management.  We just freed
+			 * a pool, and there are 4 cases for arena mgmt:
+			 * 1. If all the pools are free, return the arena to
+			 *    the system free().
+			 * 2. If this is the only free pool in the arena,
+			 *    add the arena back to the `usable_arenas` list.
+			 * 3. If the "next" arena has a smaller count of free
+			 *    pools, we have to "slide this arena right" to
+			 *    restore that usable_arenas is sorted in order of
+			 *    nfreepools.
+			 * 4. Else there's nothing more to do.
+			 */
+			if (nf == ao->ntotalpools) {
+				/* Case 1.  First unlink ao from usable_arenas.
+				 */
+				assert(ao->prevarena == NULL ||
+				       ao->prevarena->address != 0);
+				assert(ao ->nextarena == NULL ||
+				       ao->nextarena->address != 0);
+				/* Fix the pointer in the prevarena, or the
+				 * usable_arenas pointer.
+				 */
+				if (ao->prevarena == NULL) {
+					usable_arenas = ao->nextarena;
+					assert(usable_arenas == NULL ||
+					       usable_arenas->address != 0);
+				}
+				else {
+					assert(ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao);
+					ao->prevarena->nextarena =
+						ao->nextarena;
+				}
+				/* Fix the pointer in the nextarena. */
+				if (ao->nextarena != NULL) {
+					assert(ao->nextarena->prevarena == ao);
+					ao->nextarena->prevarena =
+						ao->prevarena;
+				}
+				/* Record that this arena_object slot is
+				 * available to be reused.
+				 */
+				ao->nextarena = unused_arena_objects;
+				unused_arena_objects = ao;
+				/* Free the entire arena. */
+				free((void *)ao->address);
+				ao->address = 0;	/* mark unassociated */
+				--narenas_currently_allocated;
+				UNLOCK();
+				return;
+			}
+			if (nf == 1) {
+				/* Case 2.  Put ao at the head of
+				 * usable_arenas.  Note that because
+				 * ao->nfreepools was 0 before, ao isn't
+				 * currently on the usable_arenas list.
+				 */
+				ao->nextarena = usable_arenas;
+				ao->prevarena = NULL;
+				if (usable_arenas)
+					usable_arenas->prevarena = ao;
+				usable_arenas = ao;
+				assert(usable_arenas->address != 0);
+				UNLOCK();
+				return;
+			}
+			/* If this arena is now out of order, we need to keep
+			 * the list sorted.  The list is kept sorted so that
+			 * the "most full" arenas are used first, which allows
+			 * the nearly empty arenas to be completely freed.  In
+			 * a few un-scientific tests, it seems like this
+			 * approach allowed a lot more memory to be freed.
+			 */
+			if (ao->nextarena == NULL ||
+				     nf <= ao->nextarena->nfreepools) {
+				/* Case 4.  Nothing to do. */
+				UNLOCK();
+				return;
+			}
+			/* Case 3:  We have to move the arena towards the end
+			 * of the list, because it has more free pools than
+			 * the arena to its right.
+			 * First unlink ao from usable_arenas.
+			 */
+			if (ao->prevarena != NULL) {
+				/* ao isn't at the head of the list */
+				assert(ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao);
+				ao->prevarena->nextarena = ao->nextarena;
+			}
+			else {
+				/* ao is at the head of the list */
+				assert(usable_arenas == ao);
+				usable_arenas = ao->nextarena;
+			}
+			ao->nextarena->prevarena = ao->prevarena;
+			/* Locate the new insertion point by iterating over
+			 * the list, using our nextarena pointer.
+			 */
+			while (ao->nextarena != NULL &&
+					nf > ao->nextarena->nfreepools) {
+				ao->prevarena = ao->nextarena;
+				ao->nextarena = ao->nextarena->nextarena;
+			}
+			/* Insert ao at this point. */
+			assert(ao->nextarena == NULL ||
+				ao->prevarena == ao->nextarena->prevarena);
+			assert(ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao->nextarena);
+			ao->prevarena->nextarena = ao;
+			if (ao->nextarena != NULL)
+				ao->nextarena->prevarena = ao;
+			/* Verify that the swaps worked. */
+			assert(ao->nextarena == NULL ||
+				  nf <= ao->nextarena->nfreepools);
+			assert(ao->prevarena == NULL ||
+				  nf > ao->prevarena->nfreepools);
+			assert(ao->nextarena == NULL ||
+				ao->nextarena->prevarena == ao);
+			assert((usable_arenas == ao &&
+				ao->prevarena == NULL) ||
+				ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao);
+			UNLOCK();
+			return;
+		}
+		/* Pool was full, so doesn't currently live in any list:
+		 * link it to the front of the appropriate usedpools[] list.
+		 * This mimics LRU pool usage for new allocations and
+		 * targets optimal filling when several pools contain
+		 * blocks of the same size class.
+		 */
+		--pool->ref.count;
+		assert(pool->ref.count > 0);	/* else the pool is empty */
+		size = pool->szidx;
+		next = usedpools[size + size];
+		prev = next->prevpool;
+		/* insert pool before next:   prev <-> pool <-> next */
+		pool->nextpool = next;
+		pool->prevpool = prev;
+		next->prevpool = pool;
+		prev->nextpool = pool;
+		UNLOCK();
+		return;
+	}
+	/* We didn't allocate this address. */
+	free(p);
+/* realloc.  If p is NULL, this acts like malloc(nbytes).  Else if nbytes==0,
+ * then as the Python docs promise, we do not treat this like free(p), and
+ * return a non-NULL result.
+ */
+#undef PyObject_Realloc
+void *
+PyObject_Realloc(void *p, size_t nbytes)
+	void *bp;
+	poolp pool;
+	size_t size;
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return PyObject_Malloc(nbytes);
+	/*
+	 * Limit ourselves to PY_SSIZE_T_MAX bytes to prevent security holes.
+	 * Most python internals blindly use a signed Py_ssize_t to track
+	 * things without checking for overflows or negatives.
+	 * As size_t is unsigned, checking for nbytes < 0 is not required.
+	 */
+	if (nbytes > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX)
+		return NULL;
+	pool = POOL_ADDR(p);
+	if (Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE(p, pool)) {
+		/* We're in charge of this block */
+		size = INDEX2SIZE(pool->szidx);
+		if (nbytes <= size) {
+			/* The block is staying the same or shrinking.  If
+			 * it's shrinking, there's a tradeoff:  it costs
+			 * cycles to copy the block to a smaller size class,
+			 * but it wastes memory not to copy it.  The
+			 * compromise here is to copy on shrink only if at
+			 * least 25% of size can be shaved off.
+			 */
+			if (4 * nbytes > 3 * size) {
+				/* It's the same,
+				 * or shrinking and new/old > 3/4.
+				 */
+				return p;
+			}
+			size = nbytes;
+		}
+		bp = PyObject_Malloc(nbytes);
+		if (bp != NULL) {
+			memcpy(bp, p, size);
+			PyObject_Free(p);
+		}
+		return bp;
+	}
+	/* We're not managing this block.  If nbytes <=
+	 * SMALL_REQUEST_THRESHOLD, it's tempting to try to take over this
+	 * block.  However, if we do, we need to copy the valid data from
+	 * the C-managed block to one of our blocks, and there's no portable
+	 * way to know how much of the memory space starting at p is valid.
+	 * As bug 1185883 pointed out the hard way, it's possible that the
+	 * C-managed block is "at the end" of allocated VM space, so that
+	 * a memory fault can occur if we try to copy nbytes bytes starting
+	 * at p.  Instead we punt:  let C continue to manage this block.
+         */
+	if (nbytes)
+		return realloc(p, nbytes);
+	/* C doesn't define the result of realloc(p, 0) (it may or may not
+	 * return NULL then), but Python's docs promise that nbytes==0 never
+	 * returns NULL.  We don't pass 0 to realloc(), to avoid that endcase
+	 * to begin with.  Even then, we can't be sure that realloc() won't
+	 * return NULL.
+	 */
+	bp = realloc(p, 1);
+   	return bp ? bp : p;
+#else	/* ! WITH_PYMALLOC */
+/* pymalloc not enabled:  Redirect the entry points to malloc.  These will
+ * only be used by extensions that are compiled with pymalloc enabled. */
+void *
+PyObject_Malloc(size_t n)
+	return PyMem_MALLOC(n);
+void *
+PyObject_Realloc(void *p, size_t n)
+	return PyMem_REALLOC(p, n);
+PyObject_Free(void *p)
+	PyMem_FREE(p);
+#endif /* WITH_PYMALLOC */
+/* A x-platform debugging allocator.  This doesn't manage memory directly,
+ * it wraps a real allocator, adding extra debugging info to the memory blocks.
+ */
+/* Special bytes broadcast into debug memory blocks at appropriate times.
+ * Strings of these are unlikely to be valid addresses, floats, ints or
+ * 7-bit ASCII.
+ */
+#undef DEADBYTE
+#define CLEANBYTE      0xCB    /* clean (newly allocated) memory */
+#define DEADBYTE       0xDB    /* dead (newly freed) memory */
+#define FORBIDDENBYTE  0xFB    /* untouchable bytes at each end of a block */
+static size_t serialno = 0;	/* incremented on each debug {m,re}alloc */
+/* serialno is always incremented via calling this routine.  The point is
+ * to supply a single place to set a breakpoint.
+ */
+static void
+	++serialno;
+/* Read sizeof(size_t) bytes at p as a big-endian size_t. */
+static size_t
+read_size_t(const void *p)
+	const uchar *q = (const uchar *)p;
+	size_t result = *q++;
+	int i;
+	for (i = SST; --i > 0; ++q)
+		result = (result << 8) | *q;
+	return result;
+/* Write n as a big-endian size_t, MSB at address p, LSB at
+ * p + sizeof(size_t) - 1.
+ */
+static void
+write_size_t(void *p, size_t n)
+	uchar *q = (uchar *)p + SST - 1;
+	int i;
+	for (i = SST; --i >= 0; --q) {
+		*q = (uchar)(n & 0xff);
+		n >>= 8;
+	}
+#ifdef Py_DEBUG
+/* Is target in the list?  The list is traversed via the nextpool pointers.
+ * The list may be NULL-terminated, or circular.  Return 1 if target is in
+ * list, else 0.
+ */
+static int
+pool_is_in_list(const poolp target, poolp list)
+	poolp origlist = list;
+	assert(target != NULL);
+	if (list == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	do {
+		if (target == list)
+			return 1;
+		list = list->nextpool;
+	} while (list != NULL && list != origlist);
+	return 0;
+#define pool_is_in_list(X, Y) 1
+#endif	/* Py_DEBUG */
+/* Let S = sizeof(size_t).  The debug malloc asks for 4*S extra bytes and
+   fills them with useful stuff, here calling the underlying malloc's result p:
+p[0: S]
+    Number of bytes originally asked for.  This is a size_t, big-endian (easier
+    to read in a memory dump).
+p[S: 2*S]
+    Copies of FORBIDDENBYTE.  Used to catch under- writes and reads.
+p[2*S: 2*S+n]
+    The requested memory, filled with copies of CLEANBYTE.
+    Used to catch reference to uninitialized memory.
+    &p[2*S] is returned.  Note that this is 8-byte aligned if pymalloc
+    handled the request itself.
+p[2*S+n: 2*S+n+S]
+    Copies of FORBIDDENBYTE.  Used to catch over- writes and reads.
+p[2*S+n+S: 2*S+n+2*S]
+    A serial number, incremented by 1 on each call to _PyObject_DebugMalloc
+    and _PyObject_DebugRealloc.
+    This is a big-endian size_t.
+    If "bad memory" is detected later, the serial number gives an
+    excellent way to set a breakpoint on the next run, to capture the
+    instant at which this block was passed out.
+void *
+_PyObject_DebugMalloc(size_t nbytes)
+	uchar *p;	/* base address of malloc'ed block */
+	uchar *tail;	/* p + 2*SST + nbytes == pointer to tail pad bytes */
+	size_t total;	/* nbytes + 4*SST */
+	bumpserialno();
+	total = nbytes + 4*SST;
+	if (total < nbytes)
+		/* overflow:  can't represent total as a size_t */
+		return NULL;
+	p = (uchar *)PyObject_Malloc(total);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	write_size_t(p, nbytes);
+	memset(p + SST, FORBIDDENBYTE, SST);
+	if (nbytes > 0)
+		memset(p + 2*SST, CLEANBYTE, nbytes);
+	tail = p + 2*SST + nbytes;
+	memset(tail, FORBIDDENBYTE, SST);
+	write_size_t(tail + SST, serialno);
+	return p + 2*SST;
+/* The debug free first checks the 2*SST bytes on each end for sanity (in
+   particular, that the FORBIDDENBYTEs are still intact).
+   Then fills the original bytes with DEADBYTE.
+   Then calls the underlying free.
+_PyObject_DebugFree(void *p)
+	uchar *q = (uchar *)p - 2*SST;  /* address returned from malloc */
+	size_t nbytes;
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return;
+	_PyObject_DebugCheckAddress(p);
+	nbytes = read_size_t(q);
+	if (nbytes > 0)
+		memset(q, DEADBYTE, nbytes);
+	PyObject_Free(q);
+void *
+_PyObject_DebugRealloc(void *p, size_t nbytes)
+	uchar *q = (uchar *)p;
+	uchar *tail;
+	size_t total;	/* nbytes + 4*SST */
+	size_t original_nbytes;
+	int i;
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return _PyObject_DebugMalloc(nbytes);
+	_PyObject_DebugCheckAddress(p);
+	bumpserialno();
+	original_nbytes = read_size_t(q - 2*SST);
+	total = nbytes + 4*SST;
+	if (total < nbytes)
+		/* overflow:  can't represent total as a size_t */
+		return NULL;
+	if (nbytes < original_nbytes) {
+		/* shrinking:  mark old extra memory dead */
+		memset(q + nbytes, DEADBYTE, original_nbytes - nbytes);
+	}
+	/* Resize and add decorations. */
+	q = (uchar *)PyObject_Realloc(q - 2*SST, total);
+	if (q == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	write_size_t(q, nbytes);
+	for (i = 0; i < SST; ++i)
+		assert(q[SST + i] == FORBIDDENBYTE);
+	q += 2*SST;
+	tail = q + nbytes;
+	memset(tail, FORBIDDENBYTE, SST);
+	write_size_t(tail + SST, serialno);
+	if (nbytes > original_nbytes) {
+		/* growing:  mark new extra memory clean */
+		memset(q + original_nbytes, CLEANBYTE,
+			nbytes - original_nbytes);
+	}
+	return q;
+/* Check the forbidden bytes on both ends of the memory allocated for p.
+ * If anything is wrong, print info to stderr via _PyObject_DebugDumpAddress,
+ * and call Py_FatalError to kill the program.
+ */
+ void
+_PyObject_DebugCheckAddress(const void *p)
+	const uchar *q = (const uchar *)p;
+	char *msg;
+	size_t nbytes;
+	const uchar *tail;
+	int i;
+	if (p == NULL) {
+		msg = "didn't expect a NULL pointer";
+		goto error;
+	}
+	/* Check the stuff at the start of p first:  if there's underwrite
+	 * corruption, the number-of-bytes field may be nuts, and checking
+	 * the tail could lead to a segfault then.
+	 */
+	for (i = SST; i >= 1; --i) {
+		if (*(q-i) != FORBIDDENBYTE) {
+			msg = "bad leading pad byte";
+			goto error;
+		}
+	}
+	nbytes = read_size_t(q - 2*SST);
+	tail = q + nbytes;
+	for (i = 0; i < SST; ++i) {
+		if (tail[i] != FORBIDDENBYTE) {
+			msg = "bad trailing pad byte";
+			goto error;
+		}
+	}
+	return;
+	_PyObject_DebugDumpAddress(p);
+	Py_FatalError(msg);
+/* Display info to stderr about the memory block at p. */
+_PyObject_DebugDumpAddress(const void *p)
+	const uchar *q = (const uchar *)p;
+	const uchar *tail;
+	size_t nbytes, serial;
+	int i;
+	int ok;
+	fprintf(stderr, "Debug memory block at address p=%p:\n", p);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return;
+	nbytes = read_size_t(q - 2*SST);
+	fprintf(stderr, "    %" PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T "u bytes originally "
+	                "requested\n", nbytes);
+	/* In case this is nuts, check the leading pad bytes first. */
+	fprintf(stderr, "    The %d pad bytes at p-%d are ", SST, SST);
+	ok = 1;
+	for (i = 1; i <= SST; ++i) {
+		if (*(q-i) != FORBIDDENBYTE) {
+			ok = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (ok)
+		fputs("FORBIDDENBYTE, as expected.\n", stderr);
+	else {
+		fprintf(stderr, "not all FORBIDDENBYTE (0x%02x):\n",
+		for (i = SST; i >= 1; --i) {
+			const uchar byte = *(q-i);
+			fprintf(stderr, "        at p-%d: 0x%02x", i, byte);
+			if (byte != FORBIDDENBYTE)
+				fputs(" *** OUCH", stderr);
+			fputc('\n', stderr);
+		}
+		fputs("    Because memory is corrupted at the start, the "
+		      "count of bytes requested\n"
+		      "       may be bogus, and checking the trailing pad "
+		      "bytes may segfault.\n", stderr);
+	}
+	tail = q + nbytes;
+	fprintf(stderr, "    The %d pad bytes at tail=%p are ", SST, tail);
+	ok = 1;
+	for (i = 0; i < SST; ++i) {
+		if (tail[i] != FORBIDDENBYTE) {
+			ok = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (ok)
+		fputs("FORBIDDENBYTE, as expected.\n", stderr);
+	else {
+		fprintf(stderr, "not all FORBIDDENBYTE (0x%02x):\n",
+		for (i = 0; i < SST; ++i) {
+			const uchar byte = tail[i];
+			fprintf(stderr, "        at tail+%d: 0x%02x",
+				i, byte);
+			if (byte != FORBIDDENBYTE)
+				fputs(" *** OUCH", stderr);
+			fputc('\n', stderr);
+		}
+	}
+	serial = read_size_t(tail + SST);
+	fprintf(stderr, "    The block was made by call #%" PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T
+			"u to debug malloc/realloc.\n", serial);
+	if (nbytes > 0) {
+		i = 0;
+		fputs("    Data at p:", stderr);
+		/* print up to 8 bytes at the start */
+		while (q < tail && i < 8) {
+			fprintf(stderr, " %02x", *q);
+			++i;
+			++q;
+		}
+		/* and up to 8 at the end */
+		if (q < tail) {
+			if (tail - q > 8) {
+				fputs(" ...", stderr);
+				q = tail - 8;
+			}
+			while (q < tail) {
+				fprintf(stderr, " %02x", *q);
+				++q;
+			}
+		}
+		fputc('\n', stderr);
+	}
+static size_t
+printone(const char* msg, size_t value)
+	int i, k;
+	char buf[100];
+	size_t origvalue = value;
+	fputs(msg, stderr);
+	for (i = (int)strlen(msg); i < 35; ++i)
+		fputc(' ', stderr);
+	fputc('=', stderr);
+	/* Write the value with commas. */
+	i = 22;
+	buf[i--] = '\0';
+	buf[i--] = '\n';
+	k = 3;
+	do {
+		size_t nextvalue = value / 10;
+		uint digit = (uint)(value - nextvalue * 10);
+		value = nextvalue;
+		buf[i--] = (char)(digit + '0');
+		--k;
+		if (k == 0 && value && i >= 0) {
+			k = 3;
+			buf[i--] = ',';
+		}
+	} while (value && i >= 0);
+	while (i >= 0)
+		buf[i--] = ' ';
+	fputs(buf, stderr);
+	return origvalue;
+/* Print summary info to stderr about the state of pymalloc's structures.
+ * In Py_DEBUG mode, also perform some expensive internal consistency
+ * checks.
+ */
+	uint i;
+	/* # of pools, allocated blocks, and free blocks per class index */
+	/* total # of allocated bytes in used and full pools */
+	size_t allocated_bytes = 0;
+	/* total # of available bytes in used pools */
+	size_t available_bytes = 0;
+	/* # of free pools + pools not yet carved out of current arena */
+	uint numfreepools = 0;
+	/* # of bytes for arena alignment padding */
+	size_t arena_alignment = 0;
+	/* # of bytes in used and full pools used for pool_headers */
+	size_t pool_header_bytes = 0;
+	/* # of bytes in used and full pools wasted due to quantization,
+	 * i.e. the necessarily leftover space at the ends of used and
+	 * full pools.
+	 */
+	size_t quantization = 0;
+	/* # of arenas actually allocated. */
+	size_t narenas = 0;
+	/* running total -- should equal narenas * ARENA_SIZE */
+	size_t total;
+	char buf[128];
+	fprintf(stderr, "Small block threshold = %d, in %u size classes.\n",
+	for (i = 0; i < numclasses; ++i)
+		numpools[i] = numblocks[i] = numfreeblocks[i] = 0;
+	/* Because full pools aren't linked to from anything, it's easiest
+	 * to march over all the arenas.  If we're lucky, most of the memory
+	 * will be living in full pools -- would be a shame to miss them.
+	 */
+	for (i = 0; i < maxarenas; ++i) {
+		uint poolsinarena;
+		uint j;
+		uptr base = arenas[i].address;
+		/* Skip arenas which are not allocated. */
+		if (arenas[i].address == (uptr)NULL)
+			continue;
+		narenas += 1;
+		poolsinarena = arenas[i].ntotalpools;
+		numfreepools += arenas[i].nfreepools;
+		/* round up to pool alignment */
+		if (base & (uptr)POOL_SIZE_MASK) {
+			arena_alignment += POOL_SIZE;
+			base &= ~(uptr)POOL_SIZE_MASK;
+			base += POOL_SIZE;
+		}
+		/* visit every pool in the arena */
+		assert(base <= (uptr) arenas[i].pool_address);
+		for (j = 0;
+			    base < (uptr) arenas[i].pool_address;
+			    ++j, base += POOL_SIZE) {
+			poolp p = (poolp)base;
+			const uint sz = p->szidx;
+			uint freeblocks;
+			if (p->ref.count == 0) {
+				/* currently unused */
+				assert(pool_is_in_list(p, arenas[i].freepools));
+				continue;
+			}
+			++numpools[sz];
+			numblocks[sz] += p->ref.count;
+			freeblocks = NUMBLOCKS(sz) - p->ref.count;
+			numfreeblocks[sz] += freeblocks;
+#ifdef Py_DEBUG
+			if (freeblocks > 0)
+				assert(pool_is_in_list(p, usedpools[sz + sz]));
+		}
+	}
+	assert(narenas == narenas_currently_allocated);
+	fputc('\n', stderr);
+	fputs("class   size   num pools   blocks in use  avail blocks\n"
+	      "-----   ----   ---------   -------------  ------------\n",
+		stderr);
+	for (i = 0; i < numclasses; ++i) {
+		size_t p = numpools[i];
+		size_t b = numblocks[i];
+		size_t f = numfreeblocks[i];
+		uint size = INDEX2SIZE(i);
+		if (p == 0) {
+			assert(b == 0 && f == 0);
+			continue;
+		}
+		fprintf(stderr, "%5u %6u "
+				"%11" PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T "u "
+				"%15" PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T "u "
+				"%13" PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T "u\n",
+			i, size, p, b, f);
+		allocated_bytes += b * size;
+		available_bytes += f * size;
+		pool_header_bytes += p * POOL_OVERHEAD;
+		quantization += p * ((POOL_SIZE - POOL_OVERHEAD) % size);
+	}
+	fputc('\n', stderr);
+	(void)printone("# times object malloc called", serialno);
+	(void)printone("# arenas allocated total", ntimes_arena_allocated);
+	(void)printone("# arenas reclaimed", ntimes_arena_allocated - narenas);
+	(void)printone("# arenas highwater mark", narenas_highwater);
+	(void)printone("# arenas allocated current", narenas);
+	PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
+		"%" PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T "u arenas * %d bytes/arena",
+		narenas, ARENA_SIZE);
+	(void)printone(buf, narenas * ARENA_SIZE);
+	fputc('\n', stderr);
+	total = printone("# bytes in allocated blocks", allocated_bytes);
+	total += printone("# bytes in available blocks", available_bytes);
+	PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
+		"%u unused pools * %d bytes", numfreepools, POOL_SIZE);
+	total += printone(buf, (size_t)numfreepools * POOL_SIZE);
+	total += printone("# bytes lost to pool headers", pool_header_bytes);
+	total += printone("# bytes lost to quantization", quantization);
+	total += printone("# bytes lost to arena alignment", arena_alignment);
+	(void)printone("Total", total);
+#endif	/* PYMALLOC_DEBUG */
+/* Make this function last so gcc won't inline it since the definition is
+ * after the reference.
+ */
+Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE(void *P, poolp pool)
+	return pool->arenaindex < maxarenas &&
+	       (uptr)P - arenas[pool->arenaindex].address < (uptr)ARENA_SIZE &&
+	       arenas[pool->arenaindex].address != 0;