changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-2.6.1/Tools/modulator/	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# Genmodule - A python program to help you build (template) modules.
+# Usage:
+# o = genmodule.object()
+# = 'dwarve object'
+# o.abbrev = 'dw'
+# o.funclist = ['new', 'dealloc', 'getattr', 'setattr']
+# o.methodlist = ['dig']
+# m = genmodule.module()
+# = 'beings'
+# m.abbrev = 'be'
+# m.methodlist = ['newdwarve']
+# m.objects = [o]
+# genmodule.write(sys.stdout, m)
+import sys
+import os
+import varsubst
+error = 'genmodule.error'
+# Names of functions in the object-description struct.
+FUNCLIST = ['new', 'tp_dealloc', 'tp_print', 'tp_getattr', 'tp_setattr',
+            'tp_compare', 'tp_repr', 'tp_hash', 'tp_call', 'tp_str']
+TYPELIST = ['tp_as_number', 'tp_as_sequence', 'tp_as_mapping', 'structure']
+# writer is a base class for the object and module classes
+# it contains code common to both.
+class writer:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._subst = None
+    def makesubst(self):
+        if not self._subst:
+            if not self.__dict__.has_key('abbrev'):
+                self.abbrev =
+            self.Abbrev = self.abbrev[0].upper()+self.abbrev[1:]
+            subst = varsubst.Varsubst(self.__dict__)
+            subst.useindent(1)
+            self._subst = subst.subst
+    def addcode(self, name, fp):
+        ifp = self.opentemplate(name)
+        self.makesubst()
+        d =
+        d = self._subst(d)
+        fp.write(d)
+    def opentemplate(self, name):
+        for p in sys.path:
+            fn = os.path.join(p, name)
+            if os.path.exists(fn):
+                return open(fn, 'r')
+            fn = os.path.join(p, 'Templates')
+            fn = os.path.join(fn, name)
+            if os.path.exists(fn):
+                return open(fn, 'r')
+        raise error, 'Template '+name+' not found for '+self._type+' '+ \
+class module(writer):
+    _type = 'module'
+    def writecode(self, fp):
+        self.addcode('copyright', fp)
+        self.addcode('module_head', fp)
+        for o in self.objects:
+            o.writehead(fp)
+        for o in self.objects:
+            o.writebody(fp)
+        new_ml = ''
+        for fn in self.methodlist:
+            self.method = fn
+            self.addcode('module_method', fp)
+            new_ml = new_ml + (
+                      '{"%s",\t(PyCFunction)%s_%s,\tMETH_VARARGS,\t%s_%s__doc__},\n'
+                      %(fn, self.abbrev, fn, self.abbrev, fn))
+        self.methodlist = new_ml
+        self.addcode('module_tail', fp)
+class object(writer):
+    _type = 'object'
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.typelist = []
+        self.methodlist = []
+        self.funclist = ['new']
+        writer.__init__(self)
+    def writecode(self, fp):
+        self.addcode('copyright', fp)
+        self.writehead(fp)
+        self.writebody(fp)
+    def writehead(self, fp):
+        self.addcode('object_head', fp)
+    def writebody(self, fp):
+        new_ml = ''
+        for fn in self.methodlist:
+            self.method = fn
+            self.addcode('object_method', fp)
+            new_ml = new_ml + (
+                      '{"%s",\t(PyCFunction)%s_%s,\tMETH_VARARGS,\t%s_%s__doc__},\n'
+                      %(fn, self.abbrev, fn, self.abbrev, fn))
+        self.methodlist = new_ml
+        self.addcode('object_mlist', fp)
+        # Add getattr if we have methods
+        if self.methodlist and not 'tp_getattr' in self.funclist:
+            self.funclist.insert(0, 'tp_getattr')
+        for fn in FUNCLIST:
+            setattr(self, fn, '0')
+        #
+        # Special case for structure-access objects: put getattr in the
+        # list of functions but don't generate code for it directly,
+        # the code is obtained from the object_structure template.
+        # The same goes for setattr.
+        #
+        if 'structure' in self.typelist:
+            if 'tp_getattr' in self.funclist:
+                self.funclist.remove('tp_getattr')
+            if 'tp_setattr' in self.funclist:
+                self.funclist.remove('tp_setattr')
+            self.tp_getattr = self.abbrev + '_getattr'
+            self.tp_setattr = self.abbrev + '_setattr'
+        for fn in self.funclist:
+            self.addcode('object_'+fn, fp)
+            setattr(self, fn, '%s_%s'%(self.abbrev, fn[3:]))
+        for tn in TYPELIST:
+            setattr(self, tn, '0')
+        for tn in self.typelist:
+            self.addcode('object_'+tn, fp)
+            setattr(self, tn, '&%s_%s'%(self.abbrev, tn[3:]))
+        self.addcode('object_tail', fp)
+def write(fp, obj):
+    obj.writecode(fp)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    o = object()
+ = 'dwarve object'
+    o.abbrev = 'dw'
+    o.funclist = ['new', 'tp_dealloc']
+    o.methodlist = ['dig']
+    m = module()
+ = 'beings'
+    m.abbrev = 'be'
+    m.methodlist = ['newdwarve']
+    m.objects = [o]
+    write(sys.stdout, m)