changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/python-win32-2.6.1/lib/distutils/	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+Provides the Command class, the base class for the command classes
+in the distutils.command package.
+# This module should be kept compatible with Python 2.1.
+__revision__ = "$Id: 37828 2004-11-10 22:23:15Z loewis $"
+import sys, os, string, re
+from types import *
+from distutils.errors import *
+from distutils import util, dir_util, file_util, archive_util, dep_util
+from distutils import log
+class Command:
+    """Abstract base class for defining command classes, the "worker bees"
+    of the Distutils.  A useful analogy for command classes is to think of
+    them as subroutines with local variables called "options".  The options
+    are "declared" in 'initialize_options()' and "defined" (given their
+    final values, aka "finalized") in 'finalize_options()', both of which
+    must be defined by every command class.  The distinction between the
+    two is necessary because option values might come from the outside
+    world (command line, config file, ...), and any options dependent on
+    other options must be computed *after* these outside influences have
+    been processed -- hence 'finalize_options()'.  The "body" of the
+    subroutine, where it does all its work based on the values of its
+    options, is the 'run()' method, which must also be implemented by every
+    command class.
+    """
+    # 'sub_commands' formalizes the notion of a "family" of commands,
+    # eg. "install" as the parent with sub-commands "install_lib",
+    # "install_headers", etc.  The parent of a family of commands
+    # defines 'sub_commands' as a class attribute; it's a list of
+    #    (command_name : string, predicate : unbound_method | string | None)
+    # tuples, where 'predicate' is a method of the parent command that
+    # determines whether the corresponding command is applicable in the
+    # current situation.  (Eg. we "install_headers" is only applicable if
+    # we have any C header files to install.)  If 'predicate' is None,
+    # that command is always applicable.
+    #
+    # 'sub_commands' is usually defined at the *end* of a class, because
+    # predicates can be unbound methods, so they must already have been
+    # defined.  The canonical example is the "install" command.
+    sub_commands = []
+    # -- Creation/initialization methods -------------------------------
+    def __init__ (self, dist):
+        """Create and initialize a new Command object.  Most importantly,
+        invokes the 'initialize_options()' method, which is the real
+        initializer and depends on the actual command being
+        instantiated.
+        """
+        # late import because of mutual dependence between these classes
+        from distutils.dist import Distribution
+        if not isinstance(dist, Distribution):
+            raise TypeError, "dist must be a Distribution instance"
+        if self.__class__ is Command:
+            raise RuntimeError, "Command is an abstract class"
+        self.distribution = dist
+        self.initialize_options()
+        # Per-command versions of the global flags, so that the user can
+        # customize Distutils' behaviour command-by-command and let some
+        # commands fall back on the Distribution's behaviour.  None means
+        # "not defined, check self.distribution's copy", while 0 or 1 mean
+        # false and true (duh).  Note that this means figuring out the real
+        # value of each flag is a touch complicated -- hence "self._dry_run"
+        # will be handled by __getattr__, below.
+        # XXX This needs to be fixed.
+        self._dry_run = None
+        # verbose is largely ignored, but needs to be set for
+        # backwards compatibility (I think)?
+        self.verbose = dist.verbose
+        # Some commands define a 'self.force' option to ignore file
+        # timestamps, but methods defined *here* assume that
+        # 'self.force' exists for all commands.  So define it here
+        # just to be safe.
+        self.force = None
+        # The 'help' flag is just used for command-line parsing, so
+        # none of that complicated bureaucracy is needed.
+ = 0
+        # 'finalized' records whether or not 'finalize_options()' has been
+        # called.  'finalize_options()' itself should not pay attention to
+        # this flag: it is the business of 'ensure_finalized()', which
+        # always calls 'finalize_options()', to respect/update it.
+        self.finalized = 0
+    # __init__ ()
+    # XXX A more explicit way to customize dry_run would be better.
+    def __getattr__ (self, attr):
+        if attr == 'dry_run':
+            myval = getattr(self, "_" + attr)
+            if myval is None:
+                return getattr(self.distribution, attr)
+            else:
+                return myval
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError, attr
+    def ensure_finalized (self):
+        if not self.finalized:
+            self.finalize_options()
+        self.finalized = 1
+    # Subclasses must define:
+    #   initialize_options()
+    #     provide default values for all options; may be customized by
+    #     setup script, by options from config file(s), or by command-line
+    #     options
+    #   finalize_options()
+    #     decide on the final values for all options; this is called
+    #     after all possible intervention from the outside world
+    #     (command-line, option file, etc.) has been processed
+    #   run()
+    #     run the command: do whatever it is we're here to do,
+    #     controlled by the command's various option values
+    def initialize_options (self):
+        """Set default values for all the options that this command
+        supports.  Note that these defaults may be overridden by other
+        commands, by the setup script, by config files, or by the
+        command-line.  Thus, this is not the place to code dependencies
+        between options; generally, 'initialize_options()' implementations
+        are just a bunch of " = None" assignments.
+        This method must be implemented by all command classes.
+        """
+        raise RuntimeError, \
+              "abstract method -- subclass %s must override" % self.__class__
+    def finalize_options (self):
+        """Set final values for all the options that this command supports.
+        This is always called as late as possible, ie.  after any option
+        assignments from the command-line or from other commands have been
+        done.  Thus, this is the place to code option dependencies: if
+        'foo' depends on 'bar', then it is safe to set 'foo' from 'bar' as
+        long as 'foo' still has the same value it was assigned in
+        'initialize_options()'.
+        This method must be implemented by all command classes.
+        """
+        raise RuntimeError, \
+              "abstract method -- subclass %s must override" % self.__class__
+    def dump_options (self, header=None, indent=""):
+        from distutils.fancy_getopt import longopt_xlate
+        if header is None:
+            header = "command options for '%s':" % self.get_command_name()
+        print indent + header
+        indent = indent + "  "
+        for (option, _, _) in self.user_options:
+            option = string.translate(option, longopt_xlate)
+            if option[-1] == "=":
+                option = option[:-1]
+            value = getattr(self, option)
+            print indent + "%s = %s" % (option, value)
+    def run (self):
+        """A command's raison d'etre: carry out the action it exists to
+        perform, controlled by the options initialized in
+        'initialize_options()', customized by other commands, the setup
+        script, the command-line, and config files, and finalized in
+        'finalize_options()'.  All terminal output and filesystem
+        interaction should be done by 'run()'.
+        This method must be implemented by all command classes.
+        """
+        raise RuntimeError, \
+              "abstract method -- subclass %s must override" % self.__class__
+    def announce (self, msg, level=1):
+        """If the current verbosity level is of greater than or equal to
+        'level' print 'msg' to stdout.
+        """
+        log.log(level, msg)
+    def debug_print (self, msg):
+        """Print 'msg' to stdout if the global DEBUG (taken from the
+        DISTUTILS_DEBUG environment variable) flag is true.
+        """
+        from distutils.debug import DEBUG
+        if DEBUG:
+            print msg
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+    # -- Option validation methods -------------------------------------
+    # (these are very handy in writing the 'finalize_options()' method)
+    #
+    # NB. the general philosophy here is to ensure that a particular option
+    # value meets certain type and value constraints.  If not, we try to
+    # force it into conformance (eg. if we expect a list but have a string,
+    # split the string on comma and/or whitespace).  If we can't force the
+    # option into conformance, raise DistutilsOptionError.  Thus, command
+    # classes need do nothing more than (eg.)
+    #   self.ensure_string_list('foo')
+    # and they can be guaranteed that thereafter, will be
+    # a list of strings.
+    def _ensure_stringlike (self, option, what, default=None):
+        val = getattr(self, option)
+        if val is None:
+            setattr(self, option, default)
+            return default
+        elif type(val) is not StringType:
+            raise DistutilsOptionError, \
+                  "'%s' must be a %s (got `%s`)" % (option, what, val)
+        return val
+    def ensure_string (self, option, default=None):
+        """Ensure that 'option' is a string; if not defined, set it to
+        'default'.
+        """
+        self._ensure_stringlike(option, "string", default)
+    def ensure_string_list (self, option):
+        """Ensure that 'option' is a list of strings.  If 'option' is
+        currently a string, we split it either on /,\s*/ or /\s+/, so
+        "foo bar baz", "foo,bar,baz", and "foo,   bar baz" all become
+        ["foo", "bar", "baz"].
+        """
+        val = getattr(self, option)
+        if val is None:
+            return
+        elif type(val) is StringType:
+            setattr(self, option, re.split(r',\s*|\s+', val))
+        else:
+            if type(val) is ListType:
+                types = map(type, val)
+                ok = (types == [StringType] * len(val))
+            else:
+                ok = 0
+            if not ok:
+                raise DistutilsOptionError, \
+                      "'%s' must be a list of strings (got %r)" % \
+                      (option, val)
+    def _ensure_tested_string (self, option, tester,
+                               what, error_fmt, default=None):
+        val = self._ensure_stringlike(option, what, default)
+        if val is not None and not tester(val):
+            raise DistutilsOptionError, \
+                  ("error in '%s' option: " + error_fmt) % (option, val)
+    def ensure_filename (self, option):
+        """Ensure that 'option' is the name of an existing file."""
+        self._ensure_tested_string(option, os.path.isfile,
+                                   "filename",
+                                   "'%s' does not exist or is not a file")
+    def ensure_dirname (self, option):
+        self._ensure_tested_string(option, os.path.isdir,
+                                   "directory name",
+                                   "'%s' does not exist or is not a directory")
+    # -- Convenience methods for commands ------------------------------
+    def get_command_name (self):
+        if hasattr(self, 'command_name'):
+            return self.command_name
+        else:
+            return self.__class__.__name__
+    def set_undefined_options (self, src_cmd, *option_pairs):
+        """Set the values of any "undefined" options from corresponding
+        option values in some other command object.  "Undefined" here means
+        "is None", which is the convention used to indicate that an option
+        has not been changed between 'initialize_options()' and
+        'finalize_options()'.  Usually called from 'finalize_options()' for
+        options that depend on some other command rather than another
+        option of the same command.  'src_cmd' is the other command from
+        which option values will be taken (a command object will be created
+        for it if necessary); the remaining arguments are
+        '(src_option,dst_option)' tuples which mean "take the value of
+        'src_option' in the 'src_cmd' command object, and copy it to
+        'dst_option' in the current command object".
+        """
+        # Option_pairs: list of (src_option, dst_option) tuples
+        src_cmd_obj = self.distribution.get_command_obj(src_cmd)
+        src_cmd_obj.ensure_finalized()
+        for (src_option, dst_option) in option_pairs:
+            if getattr(self, dst_option) is None:
+                setattr(self, dst_option,
+                        getattr(src_cmd_obj, src_option))
+    def get_finalized_command (self, command, create=1):
+        """Wrapper around Distribution's 'get_command_obj()' method: find
+        (create if necessary and 'create' is true) the command object for
+        'command', call its 'ensure_finalized()' method, and return the
+        finalized command object.
+        """
+        cmd_obj = self.distribution.get_command_obj(command, create)
+        cmd_obj.ensure_finalized()
+        return cmd_obj
+    # XXX rename to 'get_reinitialized_command()'? (should do the
+    # same in, if so)
+    def reinitialize_command (self, command, reinit_subcommands=0):
+        return self.distribution.reinitialize_command(
+            command, reinit_subcommands)
+    def run_command (self, command):
+        """Run some other command: uses the 'run_command()' method of
+        Distribution, which creates and finalizes the command object if
+        necessary and then invokes its 'run()' method.
+        """
+        self.distribution.run_command(command)
+    def get_sub_commands (self):
+        """Determine the sub-commands that are relevant in the current
+        distribution (ie., that need to be run).  This is based on the
+        'sub_commands' class attribute: each tuple in that list may include
+        a method that we call to determine if the subcommand needs to be
+        run for the current distribution.  Return a list of command names.
+        """
+        commands = []
+        for (cmd_name, method) in self.sub_commands:
+            if method is None or method(self):
+                commands.append(cmd_name)
+        return commands
+    # -- External world manipulation -----------------------------------
+    def warn (self, msg):
+        sys.stderr.write("warning: %s: %s\n" %
+                         (self.get_command_name(), msg))
+    def execute (self, func, args, msg=None, level=1):
+        util.execute(func, args, msg, dry_run=self.dry_run)
+    def mkpath (self, name, mode=0777):
+        dir_util.mkpath(name, mode, dry_run=self.dry_run)
+    def copy_file (self, infile, outfile,
+                   preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, link=None, level=1):
+        """Copy a file respecting verbose, dry-run and force flags.  (The
+        former two default to whatever is in the Distribution object, and
+        the latter defaults to false for commands that don't define it.)"""
+        return file_util.copy_file(
+            infile, outfile,
+            preserve_mode, preserve_times,
+            not self.force,
+            link,
+            dry_run=self.dry_run)
+    def copy_tree (self, infile, outfile,
+                   preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, preserve_symlinks=0,
+                   level=1):
+        """Copy an entire directory tree respecting verbose, dry-run,
+        and force flags.
+        """
+        return dir_util.copy_tree(
+            infile, outfile,
+            preserve_mode,preserve_times,preserve_symlinks,
+            not self.force,
+            dry_run=self.dry_run)
+    def move_file (self, src, dst, level=1):
+        """Move a file respectin dry-run flag."""
+        return file_util.move_file(src, dst, dry_run = self.dry_run)
+    def spawn (self, cmd, search_path=1, level=1):
+        """Spawn an external command respecting dry-run flag."""
+        from distutils.spawn import spawn
+        spawn(cmd, search_path, dry_run= self.dry_run)
+    def make_archive (self, base_name, format,
+                      root_dir=None, base_dir=None):
+        return archive_util.make_archive(
+            base_name, format, root_dir, base_dir, dry_run=self.dry_run)
+    def make_file (self, infiles, outfile, func, args,
+                   exec_msg=None, skip_msg=None, level=1):
+        """Special case of 'execute()' for operations that process one or
+        more input files and generate one output file.  Works just like
+        'execute()', except the operation is skipped and a different
+        message printed if 'outfile' already exists and is newer than all
+        files listed in 'infiles'.  If the command defined 'self.force',
+        and it is true, then the command is unconditionally run -- does no
+        timestamp checks.
+        """
+        if exec_msg is None:
+            exec_msg = "generating %s from %s" % \
+                       (outfile, string.join(infiles, ', '))
+        if skip_msg is None:
+            skip_msg = "skipping %s (inputs unchanged)" % outfile
+        # Allow 'infiles' to be a single string
+        if type(infiles) is StringType:
+            infiles = (infiles,)
+        elif type(infiles) not in (ListType, TupleType):
+            raise TypeError, \
+                  "'infiles' must be a string, or a list or tuple of strings"
+        # If 'outfile' must be regenerated (either because it doesn't
+        # exist, is out-of-date, or the 'force' flag is true) then
+        # perform the action that presumably regenerates it
+        if self.force or dep_util.newer_group (infiles, outfile):
+            self.execute(func, args, exec_msg, level)
+        # Otherwise, print the "skip" message
+        else:
+            log.debug(skip_msg)
+    # make_file ()
+# class Command
+# XXX 'install_misc' class not currently used -- it was the base class for
+# both 'install_scripts' and 'install_data', but they outgrew it.  It might
+# still be useful for 'install_headers', though, so I'm keeping it around
+# for the time being.
+class install_misc (Command):
+    """Common base class for installing some files in a subdirectory.
+    Currently used by install_data and install_scripts.
+    """
+    user_options = [('install-dir=', 'd', "directory to install the files to")]
+    def initialize_options (self):
+        self.install_dir = None
+        self.outfiles = []
+    def _install_dir_from (self, dirname):
+        self.set_undefined_options('install', (dirname, 'install_dir'))
+    def _copy_files (self, filelist):
+        self.outfiles = []
+        if not filelist:
+            return
+        self.mkpath(self.install_dir)
+        for f in filelist:
+            self.copy_file(f, self.install_dir)
+            self.outfiles.append(os.path.join(self.install_dir, f))
+    def get_outputs (self):
+        return self.outfiles
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print "ok"