author John Kern <>
Mon, 16 Aug 2010 15:57:18 -0700
changeset 33 f6cf541961ad
parent 24 2e833c2a6782
child 41 b56d7e268634
permissions -rw-r--r--
tech tip: workaround for Action on Options menu

#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtSql>
#include <QFile>

#include "database.h"
#include "dbtools.h"

bool DBTools::createTable(QString sqlStmt)
    qDebug() << "DB: create table statement: " << sqlStmt << endl;

    QSqlQuery query;
    return query.exec(sqlStmt);

int DBTools::getLastInsertRowId()
    int rc = -1;
    QSqlQuery query;
    query.exec("select last_insert_rowid()");
    if (!query.exec()) {
        QString errCode =  "last rowid query Failed: " + query.lastError().text();

    } else {;
        rc = query.value(0).toInt();
    return rc;

void DBTools::insertContact( QString name, QString mobile, QString deskphone,
                    int xtn, QString email, QString skype,
                    QString twitter, QString title, int site,
                    int department, int floor)
    QSqlQuery query;

    query.prepare("INSERT INTO contacts ( name, mobile, deskphone, xtn, "
                  "email, skype, twitter, title, site, department, floor) "
                  "VALUES (:name,:mobile,:deskphone,:xtn,:email,:skype, "
                  ":twitter, :title, :site, :department, :floor)");

    query.bindValue(":name", name);
    query.bindValue(":mobile", mobile);
    query.bindValue(":deskphone", deskphone);
    query.bindValue(":xtn", xtn);
    query.bindValue(":twitter", twitter);
    query.bindValue(":skype", skype);
    query.bindValue(":email", email);
    query.bindValue(":title", title);
    query.bindValue(":site", site);
    query.bindValue(":department", department);
    query.bindValue(":floor", floor);

    if (!query.exec())
        qDebug() << query.lastError();
        qFatal("Failed to add fish.");

bool DBTools::createDB()
    QSqlDatabase db;

    // Find QSLite driver
    db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");


    // Open databasee
        qDebug() << "DB: failed to open" << endl;
        exit (1);

    qDebug() << "DB: database opened " << endl;

    bool rc = createTable("create table contacts "
                "(cid integer primary key, "
                "name varchar(128),"
                "mobile varchar(128),"
                "deskphone varchar(128),"
                "xtn int,"
                "email varchar(128),"
                "skype varchar(128),"
                "twitter varchar(128),"
                "title varchar(128),"
                "site int,"
                "department int,"
                "floor int)");

    qDebug() << "DB: create table rc=" << rc << endl;
    return rc;

void DBTools::testDB()
    insertContact("Tom", "12345", "45678", 22, "", "thetom", "tomtom",
                  "Senior Tom", SITE_LONDON, DEPT_TDM, 0);

void DBTools::importCSV(QString fileName)
    QFile file(fileName);
    QString line;

    if ( {
        qDebug() << "importCSV file open OK" << endl;
        char buf[1024];

            file.readLine(buf, sizeof(buf));
            QString string(buf);

            QStringList stringList = string.split(",");

            QString strName;
            QString strMobile;
            QString strDeskphone;
            QString strXtn;
            QString strEmail;
            QString strFloor;
            QString strSkype;
            QString strTwitter;
            QString strTitle;
            QString strSite;
            QString strDepartment;

            if (stringList.count() > 0)
                strName = stringList[0];

            if (stringList.count() > 1)
                strMobile = stringList[1];

            if (stringList.count() > 2)
                strDeskphone = stringList[2];

            if (stringList.count() > 3)
                strXtn = stringList[3];

            if (stringList.count() > 4)
                strEmail = stringList[4];

            if (stringList.count() > 5)
                strSkype = stringList[5];

            if (stringList.count() > 6)
                strTwitter = stringList[6];

            if (stringList.count() > 7)
                strTitle = stringList[7];

            if (stringList.count() > 8)
                strSite = stringList[8];

            if (stringList.count() > 9)
                strDepartment = stringList[9];

            if (stringList.count() > 10)
                strFloor =stringList[10];

            qDebug() << strName << strTitle << endl;

DBTools::DBTools(QObject *parent)

