add content to eco details
authorJohn Kern <>
Thu, 25 Mar 2010 16:21:13 -0700
changeset 6 e8f500c881af
parent 5 98d749cef1a7
child 7 7ee47a65f1ad
add content to eco details
--- a/Seafood/populateDB/main.cpp	Thu Mar 25 13:55:27 2010 -0700
+++ b/Seafood/populateDB/main.cpp	Thu Mar 25 16:21:13 2010 -0700
@@ -5,13 +5,36 @@
 // This program is simply responsible for creating a SQLite database for the Seafood Selector
-void insertFish(QString name, int cat, int calories,
+void createTable(QString sqlStmt)
+    QSqlQuery query;
+    bool rc = true;
+    rc = query.exec(sqlStmt);
+int getLastInsertRowId()
+    int rc = -1;
+    QSqlQuery query;
+    query.exec("select last_insert_rowid()");
+    if (!query.exec()) {
+        QString errCode =  "last rowid query Failed: " + query.lastError().text();
+        qWarning(errCode.toStdString().c_str());
+    } else {
+        rc = query.value(0).toInt();
+    }
+    return rc;
+void insertFish( QString name, int cat, int calories,
                 float fat, float protein, float omega3,
                 int cholesterol, int sodium)
     QSqlQuery query;
-    query.prepare("INSERT INTO fish (name, category, calories, fat, protein,omega3,cholesterol, sodium) "
+    query.prepare("INSERT INTO fish ( name, category, calories, fat, protein,omega3,cholesterol, sodium) "
                   "VALUES (:name,:category,:calories,:fat,:protein,:omega3,:cholesterol, :sodium) ");
     query.bindValue(":name", name);
@@ -28,17 +51,30 @@
+void insertEco(int lastID, QString details)
+    QSqlQuery query;
+    query.prepare("INSERT INTO ecoDetails (lastID, details) VALUES (:lastID,:details) ");
+    query.bindValue(":lastID", lastID);
+    query.bindValue(":details",details);
+    if (!query.exec())
+    {
+        qDebug() << query.lastError();
+        qFatal("Failed to add eco detail.");
+    }
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
     QSqlDatabase db;
     // Find QSLite driver
     db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
-    db.setDatabaseName("C:\\workspace\\qt\\populateDB\\seafood.db");
+    db.setDatabaseName("C:\\workspace\\QtExamples\\Seafood\\populateDB\\seafood.db");
     // Open databasee
@@ -49,33 +85,53 @@
     qDebug() << "DB: database opened " << endl;
-    QSqlQuery query;
-    bool rc = true;
+    createTable("create table fish "
+                "(lastID integer primary key, "
+                "name varchar(32),"
+                "category int,"
+                "calories int,"
+                "fat float,"
+                "protein float,"
+                "omega3 float,"
+                "cholesterol int,"
+                "sodium int)");
-   //  rc = query.exec("drop table if exists");
+    createTable ("create table ecoDetails (eid integer primary key, "
+                 "lastID integer, "
+                 "details varchar(128))");
+    int lastID = -1;
+    insertFish("Crab, Dungeness",EBEST,86,0.96,17.4,0.3,59,295);
+    lastID = getLastInsertRowId();
+    insertEco(lastID,"Only adult males are caught in this fishery, which uses pots and traps made of biodegradable webs to avoid \'ghost fishing\' from lost gear.");
+    insertEco(lastID, "Pots and traps are also equipped with built-in exits that allow escape of undersize crabs.");
+    insertEco(lastID, "This gear has negligible bycatch and causes little habitat damage.");
-    QString call("create table fish "
-                 "(id integer AUTO INCREMENT primary key, "
-                 "name varchar(32),"
-                 "category int,"
-                 "calories int,"
-                 "fat float,"
-                 "protein float,"
-                 "omega3 float,"
-                 "cholesterol int,"
-                 "sodium int)");
+    insertFish("Trout, rainbow (farmed)",EBEST,131,5.4,20.8,0.986,59,35);
+    lastID = getLastInsertRowId();
+    insertEco(lastID, "Although trout consume considerable amounts of wild fish in their feed, recent improvements have made them less reliant on this finite natural resource.");
+    insertEco(lastID, "Industry practices and stringent government regulations also prevent pollution and fish escapes.");
-    qDebug() << call << endl;
+    insertFish("Cod, Pacific (trawl)",EOK,83,0.63,17.9,0.0,37,71);
+    lastID = getLastInsertRowId();
+    insertEco(lastID, "U.S. Pacific cod populations are healthy, and cod caught by bottom longline, traps or hook-and-line do the least environmental harm.");
+    insertEco(lastID, "U.S. Pacific cod are also caught by bottom trawl, which can damage seafloor habitats.");
-    rc = query.exec(call);
+    insertFish("Tuna, canned light",EOK,103,1.01,22.0,0.256,47,37);
+    lastID = getLastInsertRowId();
+    insertEco(lastID, "Canned light tuna consists primarily of skipjack. These small tunas are resilient to fishing pressure because of their short life spans and rapid growth and reproduction rates.");
+    insertEco(lastID, "Most skipjack are caught by pole-and-line (a method of fishing that does relatively little ecological harm) or purse seine fleets (which can result in considerable bycatch).");
+    insertEco(lastID, "This highly migratory species is managed by international organizations.");
-    insertFish("Crab, Dungeness",EBEST,86,0.96,17.4,0.3,59,295);
-    insertFish("Trout, rainbow (farmed)",EBEST,131,5.4,20.8,0.986,59,35);
-    insertFish("Cod, Pacific (trawl)",EOK,83,0.63,17.9,0.0,37,71);
-    insertFish("Tuna, canned light",EOK,103,1.01,22.0,0.256,47,37);
-    insertFish("Orange Roughy",EWORST,69,0.7,14.7,0.02,20,63);
+    insertFish( "Orange Roughy",EWORST,69,0.7,14.7,0.02,20,63);
+    lastID = getLastInsertRowId();
+    insertEco(lastID, "Orange roughy mature at a very slow rate and live extremely long lives. Intensive exploitation in past decades has greatly decreased populations.");
+    insertEco(lastID, "Management in New Zealand and Australia is good, but unregulated landings by other countries continue.");
     insertFish("Salmon, farmed or Atlantic",EWORST,142,6.33,19.8,1.73,55,44);
+    lastID = getLastInsertRowId();
+    insertEco(lastID, "Atlantic salmon are usually farmed in large-scale, densely stocked netpens that pollute surrounding waters with waste and chemicals.");
+    insertEco(lastID, "Fish can escape and compete for resources, breed with or spread parasites to wild fish.");
-    return a.exec();
+    return 0;