changeset 0 54498df70f5d
child 2 99bc8e56b756
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Jun 05 16:18:05 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// (c)2009 Symbian Foundation
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// A widget for accessing forums
+// Reference to the WRTKit user interface manager and main view.
+var uiManager;
+// Global settings / URLs and such
+// web site base URL
+//var symbianOrgBaseUrl = "";
+//var symbianOrgBaseUrlSsl = "";
+var symbianOrgBaseUrl = "";
+var symbianOrgBaseUrlSsl = "";
+var registrationURL = symbianOrgBaseUrl + "/main/user_profile/register.php";
+var blogFeedName = "Symbian Blog";
+var blogFeedUrl = "";
+// FORUM vars and settings 
+var symbianOrgNewThreadUrl = symbianOrgBaseUrl+"/forum/newthread.php?";
+var symbianOrgNewReplyUrl = symbianOrgBaseUrl+"/forum/newreply.php?";
+var symbianOrgLoginUrl = symbianOrgBaseUrlSsl+"/main/user_profile/login.php";
+var symbianOrgLoginUsernameField = "username";
+var symbianOrgLoginPasswordField = "password";
+var forumUsername = null	;
+var forumPassword = null;
+// Feed name, URL etc for forums
+var forumFeedName = " Forums";
+var forumFeedURL = symbianOrgBaseUrl+ "/forum/external.php?type=rss2"; //&fulldesc=1&lastpost=1
+var forumsForumSpecQuery = "&forumid=";
+var forumFeedUpdateFrequency = -1;
+var forumGroupsUrl = symbianOrgBaseUrl+ "/rss/forum.php?type=groups";
+var forumsListUrl = symbianOrgBaseUrl+ "/rss/forum.php?type=forums&group=";
+var forumThreadUrl = symbianOrgBaseUrl+ "/rss/forum.php?type=threadmsgs&threadid=";
+// Wiki url etc
+var wikiFeedName = "New on Wiki";
+var wikiFeedUrl = symbianOrgBaseUrl+"/wiki/index.php?title=Special:NewPages&feed=rss";
+var wikiBaseUrl = symbianOrgBaseUrl+"/wiki/index.php";
+// Update variables
+var myversion = "1.0rc3";
+var versionWikiPageUrl = wikiBaseUrl + "/Symbian.org_WRT_Widget";
+var versionWikiPageString = "Current widget version is [";
+var downloadUrl = symbianOrgBaseUrl + "/wiki/images/c/c5/";
+// UI elements
+// blog / forum instances
+// all are SOScreen subclasses
+var home;   // home screen
+var blog;   // RSSReader showing blog
+var wiki;   // RSSReader showing wiki
+var bugzila; // RSSReader showing bugzilla feeds
+var forumGroups; // RSSReader showing list of forum groups
+var settings;
+var about;
+// currently showing SOScreen
+var currentScreen = null;
+// Controls for the settings view
+var forumUsernameControl;
+var forumPasswordControl;
+// Constants for menu item identifiers.
+// Flag indicating weather the web site login has been initiated
+var loginInitiated = false;
+var loginInitiatedCallback = null;
+var widgetHomepage = symbianOrgBaseUrl + "/wiki/index.php?title=Symbian.org_WRT_Widget&action=render";
+var aboutText = "<strong> "+myversion+"</strong><br>"
+				+ " WRT Widget is a Web Runtime application which allows mobile "
+				+ "access to Symbian Foundation Forums, Blog, Wiki and Bugzilla. <br>"
+				+ "For more information and updates check <div class=FeedItemLink>"
+				+ "<a href=\"JavaScript:void(0)\" onclick=\"openURL('" 
+				+ widgetHomepage 
+				+ "'); return false;\">"
+				+" Widget Homepage </a> </div><p>"
+				+ "Credits: Ivan Litovski, Ryan Grentz, James Mentz";
+// Called from the onload event handler to initialize the widget.
+function init() {
+    // set tab-navigation mode and show softkeys
+    // (only if we are in the WRT environment)
+    if (window.widget) {
+        widget.setNavigationEnabled(false);
+        // create menu
+        var settingsMenuItem = new MenuItem("Settings", MENU_ITEM_SETTINGS);
+        settingsMenuItem.onSelect = menuItemSelected;
+        menu.append(settingsMenuItem);
+        var refreshMenuItem = new MenuItem("Refresh", MENU_ITEM_REFRESH);
+        refreshMenuItem.onSelect = menuItemSelected;
+        menu.append(refreshMenuItem);
+		var aboutMenuItem = new MenuItem("About", MENU_ITEM_ABOUT);
+		aboutMenuItem.onSelect = menuItemSelected;
+		menu.append(aboutMenuItem);
+		var updateMenuItem = new MenuItem("Check for updates", MENU_ITEM_CHECK_UPDATE);
+		updateMenuItem.onSelect = menuItemSelected;
+		menu.append(updateMenuItem);
+    }
+    // load prefs 
+	if (!forumUsername || !forumPassword) {
+		loadPreferences();
+	}
+    // create UI manager
+    uiManager = new UIManager();
+	// Create the home view
+	home = new ListView(null, "<img src=logo.png>");
+	// add forums button
+	var forumsButton = new NavigationButton(1, "right.gif", "Forums")
+	forumsButton.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", function(){;});
+	home.addControl(forumsButton);
+	// add blogs button
+	var blogsButton = new NavigationButton(2, "right.gif", "Blogs")
+	blogsButton.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", function(){;});
+	home.addControl(blogsButton);
+	// add wiki button
+	var wikiButton = new NavigationButton(3, "right.gif", "Wiki")
+	wikiButton.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", function(){;});
+	home.addControl(wikiButton);
+	// add bugzilla button
+	var bugzillaButton = new NavigationButton(3, "right.gif", "Bugzilla")
+	bugzillaButton.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", function(){login(function(){;});});
+	home.addControl(bugzillaButton);
+	// soft keys
+	home.setupSoftKeys = function()  {
+	    if (window.widget) {
+			menu.setRightSoftkeyLabel("Exit", function(){window.close();});
+	    }
+	}
+	// create blog screen
+	blog = new RssReader(blogFeedName, blogFeedUrl, null, home, null);
+	// create wiki screen
+	wiki = new RssReader(wikiFeedName, wikiFeedUrl, new ButtonFeedPresenter(null), home, null);
+	// wiki feed contains full article text for many articles 
+	// this takes up a _lot_ of memory. Also we don't 
+	// really want the full text at the stage when we want a list
+	// of recent articles.
+	wiki.ignoreContent = true;
+	wiki.maxItems = 20;
+	bugzilla = new BugzillaSearchPanel(home);
+	// create the top level forums screen - list of forum groups
+	// forumsGroup, forum and thread screens are dynamically generated by forumGroups
+	forumGroups = new RssReader("Forums", forumGroupsUrl, new ForumGroupsFeedPresenter(null), home, forumGroupsResponseParser);
+    // create settings view
+    settings = new ListView(null, createCaption("Settings"));
+	settings.previousView = home;
+	var settingsIntroLabel = new Label(null, null, 
+		"In order to access all site features, you must login. "
+		+ "If you have not registered yet, please click the 'Register' button below.");
+	settings.addControl(settingsIntroLabel);
+    // forum username control
+    forumUsernameControl = new TextField('forumUsername', " username", forumUsername?forumUsername:"");
+    settings.addControl(forumUsernameControl);
+    // forum password control
+    forumPasswordControl = new TextField('forumPassword', " password", forumPassword?forumPassword:"", true);
+    settings.addControl(forumPasswordControl);
+    // save settings button
+    settingsSaveButton = new FormButton(null, "Save");
+    settingsSaveButton.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", saveSettingsClicked);
+    settings.addControl(settingsSaveButton);
+    // cancel settings button
+    var settingsRegisterButton = new FormButton(null, "Register");
+    settingsRegisterButton.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", function(){openURL(registrationURL);});
+    settings.addControl(settingsRegisterButton);
+    // cancel settings button
+    settingsCancelButton = new FormButton(null, "Cancel");
+    settingsCancelButton.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", function(){settings.goBack();});
+    settings.addControl(settingsCancelButton);
+	//Create about view
+	about = new ListView(null, createCaption(""));
+    about.previousView = home;
+	// About label control
+	aboutLabel = new ContentPanel(null, null, null, true);
+	aboutLabel.setCaption("About this Widget");
+	aboutLabel.setContent(aboutText);
+	aboutLabel.setExpanded(true);
+	about.addControl(aboutLabel);
+	login(null);	
+// Callback for when menu items are selected.
+function menuItemSelected(id) {
+	var currentView = uiManager.getView();
+    switch (id) {
+        case MENU_ITEM_SETTINGS:
+			if ( currentView == settings || currentView == about) {
+				settings.previousView = home;
+			} else {
+				settings.previousView = currentView;
+			}
+			uiManager.hideNotification();
+  ;
+            break;
+        case MENU_ITEM_REFRESH:
+            currentView.update(true);
+            break;
+            checkForUpdates();
+            break;
+			if ( currentView == settings || currentView == about) {
+				about.previousView = home;
+			} else {
+				about.previousView = currentView;
+			}
+			break;
+    }
+// Loads widget preferences.
+function loadPreferences() {
+    if (window.widget) {
+        // load settings from widget preferences store
+        forumUsername = widget.preferenceForKey("forumUsername");
+        forumPassword = widget.preferenceForKey("forumPassword");
+    }
+// Loads widget preferences.
+function savePreferences() {
+    if (window.widget) {
+        // save settings in widget preferences store
+        widget.setPreferenceForKey(forumUsername, "forumUsername");
+        widget.setPreferenceForKey(forumPassword, "forumPassword");
+    }
+// Callback for settings view save button.
+function saveSettingsClicked() {
+	forumUsername = forumUsernameControl.getText();
+	forumPassword = forumPasswordControl.getText();
+    // save preferences
+    savePreferences();
+	settings.goBack();
+	if ( loginInitiated ) {
+		login(loginInitiatedCallback);
+	}
+// Opens a URL in a separate browser window
+function openURL(url) {
+    if (window.widget) {
+        // in WRT
+        widget.openURL(url);
+    } else {
+        // outside WRT
+, "NewWindow");
+    }
+var updatePageAjax = null;
+function checkForUpdates() {
+	uiManager.showNotification(-1, "wait", "Checking for updates...", -1);
+	updatePageAjax = new Ajax();
+	updatePageAjax.onreadystatechange = checkForUpdatesStage2;
+'GET', versionWikiPageUrl, true);
+	updatePageAjax.send(null);	
+function checkForUpdatesStage2() {
+    if (updatePageAjax.readyState == 4) {
+		// extract version number
+		var content = updatePageAjax.responseText;
+		var ind = content.indexOf(versionWikiPageString);
+		if ( ind == -1 ) {
+			uiManager.showNotification(3000, "warning", "Update failed, check manually.");
+			return;
+		}
+		ind += versionWikiPageString.length;
+		var ind2 = content.indexOf("]",ind);
+		if ( ind2 == -1 || (ind2-ind) > 10 ) {
+			uiManager.showNotification(3000, "warning", "Update failed, check manually.");
+			return;
+		}
+		var version = content.substring(ind,ind2);
+		// compare to this version
+		if ( version != myversion ) {
+			var answer = confirm("Install new version " + version + "?");
+			if (answer) {
+				// ok, we have the update
+				uiManager.hideNotification();
+				openURL(downloadUrl);
+			} else {
+			uiManager.showNotification(3000, "info", "Update cancelled.");
+			}
+		} else {
+			uiManager.showNotification(3000, "info", "Up to date!");
+		}
+	}
+function createCaption(caption) {
+	if (caption.length > 30) {
+		caption = caption.substring(0, 30) + "...";
+	}
+	return  "<table border=0>"
+		+ "<tr><td><img src=titlebar.png style=\"{vertical-align:middle}\" > </td></td><td>" 
+		+ "<p class=ListViewCaptionText>"+ caption +"</p>"
+		+ "</td></tr></table>";