changeset 7 97dcd250e5be
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/OSCON/iCalReader.js	Fri Jul 17 15:52:45 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+ /*************** START iCalReader.js ******************************************************************************/
+    iCalendar Reader for Javascript v. 1.1
+    Parses and reads iCalendar data format.
+    By Per-Kristian Nordnes (pk@yammin.com), august 2007.  
+    Copyright (C) 2007 - Per Kristian Nordnes.
+    All rights reserved.        
+    The parsing algorithm in iCalendar.parse() is inspired by a PHP-script by Roman Ožana.
+    Changelog:
+      1.0 - Initial release (aug. 2007).
+      1.1 - Some fixes for parsing Google iCal-data. Thanks to Emilis Dambauskas (feb. 25, 2008)
+    Contents:
+      Class: iCalReader() - parser object.
+              Public methods:
+                  * Array prepareData(String data) : set and prepare iCalendar data to read. 
+                    Throws exception if invalid data.
+                  * void parse() : parse the data.
+                  * void sort()  : sort events in the calendar object.
+                  * vCalendar getCalendar() : get the calendar object.                                                         
+      Class: vCalendar() - calendar object.
+              Public methods:
+                  * Array<vEvent> getEvents() : get a array of the calendar events.
+                  * Int getNrOfEvents() : get the number of events.                   
+                  * Array<String> getPropertyNames() : get an array of the calendar's property names.
+                  * PropertyMap getProperties() : get the property map object for the calendar. 
+                  * 0bject getProperty(String key) : get a property value by name.
+                    Throws exception if property is not found (invalidPropertyException).
+                  * vEvent getEventAtIndex(int index) : get an event object at given position in calendar.                                  
+      Class: vEvent()  - event object.
+              Public methods:
+                  * Date getStartDate() : get the starting date for the event.
+                  * Date getEndDate() : get the ending date for the event.
+                  * String getTimezone() : get the timezone accociated with the event.
+                  * PropertyMap getRuleProperties() : get a map of rules for the event.
+                  * Array<String> getPropertyNames() : get an array of available property names.
+                  * Object getProperty(String key) : get an event property by name.
+                    Throws exception if property is not found (invalidPropertyException).
+                  * String getHtmlValue(String key) : get an string property in HTML format (\n become <br/>).
+                    Throws exception if property is not found (invalidPropertyException).       
+      Class: PropertyMap() - property hashmap object for vCal and vEvent.
+              Public methods:
+                  * Object getProperty(String) : get property value of property with key.
+                  * void toString() : print an overview of the map's properties and values.
+                  * boolean containsValue(Object value) : check if the property map contains a given value.
+                  * boolean containsKey(String key) : check if the property map contains a given property name.
+                  * int size() : the length of the property map.
+      There are also several "private" methods which are used internally by the reader/parser (but available).
+      Please refer to the code for overview/documentation on these.                                                                                                                         
+    License:      
+      You may use this script, as long as this header is kept intact.
+      Released under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL").
+    Usage example:
+      This example parses a iCalendar file and displays every property within it.
+      [Begin example code]
+      // Parse data
+          var myTestData = [some string content of iCalendar file or stream];
+          var myCalReader = new iCalReader(); // Construction of the reader object. 
+          myCalReader.prepareData(myTestData); // Prepare and set the data for the parser.
+          myCalReader.parse(); // Parse the data.
+          myCalReader.sort(); // Sort the data.
+      // Read data
+          // Get the calendar properties.            
+              var calendarInfo = 'Properties for calendar:\n\n';                                           
+              var calendarPropertyNames = myCalReader.getCalendar().getPropertyNames(); // Get the list of availale properties.           
+              for(var i=0; i<calendarPropertyNames.length; i++) { // Loop through all the properties.
+                var propertyName = calendarPropertyNames[i];
+                var propertyValue = myCalReader.getCalendar().getProperty(propertyName);
+                calendarInfo += 'Calendar property "'+propertyName+'" has value: "'+propertyValue+'"\n';
+              }
+              alert(calendarInfo);
+          // Get the event properties.
+              alert('About to show all events and their properties...');
+              var events = myCalReader.getCalendar().getEvents(); // Get all events.
+              for(var i=0; i<myCalReader.getCalendar().getNrOfEvents(); i++) { // Loop through all events.
+                var event = myCalReader.getCalendar().getEventAtIndex(i); // A single event.        
+                // Get Javascript date for start and end time.
+                var startDate = event.getStartDate();
+                var endDate = event.getEndDate();
+                var timeZone = event.getTimeZone();
+                // Get rules.
+                var rules = event.getRuleProperties();
+                var eventInfo = 'Showing properties for event number '+(i+1)+'.\n\n'+
+                                'This event starts '+startDate+' and ends '+endDate+'\n\n'+'Timezone is: "'+timeZone+'"\n\n'+
+                                'This event have the following rules: '+rules.toString()+'\n\n';                                
+                var eventPropertyNames = event.getPropertyNames(); // Get the list of available properties.         
+                for(var n=0; n<eventPropertyNames.length; n++) { // Loop through all the properties.                
+                  var propertyName = eventPropertyNames[n];
+                  var propertyValue = event.getProperty(propertyName);
+                  eventInfo += 'Property "'+propertyName+'" has value: "'+propertyValue+'"\n';                  
+                }
+                alert(eventInfo);
+              } // End for each event.
+      [End example code]    
+/*************** CLASS DEFINITIONS ***************************************************************************/
+ /**
+ * The main object for reading and parsing iCalendar data.
+ */   
+function iCalReader() {
+	this.data = null; // Holds the iCalendar input data.
+	this.calendar = new vCalendar(); // The VCALENDAR object.
+	this.eventCount = -1; // Tracks the number of events in the calendar.
+	this.lastKey = null;	// Reference to last proccessed key (property).
+  // Class methods
+  iCalReader.prototype = {
+  /**
+   * Prepares and sets the data for the parser.
+   * @input calendar file data (string).
+   * @throws invalidCalendarException
+   * @return prepared data (array of lines)       
+   */     
+      prepareData: function(data) {
+        // Fix for malformed Mozilla VCALENDAR syntax.
+      	this.data = data.replace(/[\r\n]{1,} ([:;])/g, '$1');
+      	// Make array of all the lines.
+        this.data = this.data.split(/\r?\n/);                
+        // Is it really a VCALENDAR?
+        if(this.data[0].indexOf('BEGIN:VCALENDAR') == -1) {
+          throw('invalidCalendarException');
+        }
+      	return this.data;
+      },
+	/**
+	 * Method that does the actual parsing.
+	 */   	
+      parse: function() {
+      	this.calendar = new vCalendar();
+        // Loop through all lines and analyze them.
+      	for(var i=0; i<this.data.length; i++) {
+    			var line = this.data[i];
+  			 // Get possible key/value for line.
+  				var values = this.returnKeyValue(line);
+  				key = values[0];
+  				value = values[1];
+  				switch(line) {	
+  					// It's a new event.
+  					case 'BEGIN:VEVENT':
+  						this.eventCount++;
+  						type = 'VEVENT';
+  						break;
+  					// It's a calendar property.
+  					case 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR':
+  					case 'BEGIN:DAYLIGHT':
+  					case 'BEGIN:VTIMEZONE':
+  					case 'BEGIN:STANDARD':
+  						type = value;
+  						break;
+  					// It's the end of the calendar property or event.
+  					case 'END:VEVENT':
+  					case 'END:VCALENDAR':
+  					case 'END:DAYLIGHT':
+  					case 'END:VTIMEZONE':
+  					case 'END:STANDARD':
+  						type = 'VCALENDAR';
+  						break;
+  					// Add data to the calendar or event.
+  					default:
+  						this.addToCalendar(type, key, value);
+  						break;
+  				}				
+        } 
+      },
+  /**
+   * Adds data to the calendar object from the parser.
+   * @input type of current item in parsing queue.
+   * @input key (name) of item property.
+   * @input value of item property.                     
+   */     
+      addToCalendar: function(type, key, value) {    
+        // Make a new event if we are not proccessing a current one and type is VEVENT.
+        if(type == 'VEVENT') {        
+          try {
+            var event = this.calendar.getEventAtIndex(this.eventCount);
+          } catch(e) {
+            var event = new vEvent();
+            this.calendar.addEvent(event);
+          }
+        }    
+        // If no key, add the current value to currently proccessing property's value.
+    		if (key == false) {
+    			key = this.lastKey;
+    			var oldValue;
+    			switch(type) {
+    				case 'VEVENT':
+    			      oldValue = this.calendar.getEventAtIndex(this.eventCount).getProperty(key); 			 
+                value = oldValue+this.trimStart(value);
+                break;
+    			}
+    		}
+    		// Convert calendar date properties to javascript date.
+    		if ((key == 'DTSTAMP') || (key == 'LAST-MODIFIED') || (key == 'CREATED')) {
+    		    value = this.toDate(value);
+        } 
+        // Convert event date properties to own detailed mapping.
+    		if (key.indexOf('DTSTART') > -1 || key.indexOf('DTEND') > -1|| key.indexOf('ALTDTSTART') > -1) {
+    		    var dateArray = this.toDateProperties(key,value);
+    		    key = dateArray[0];
+    		    value = dateArray[1];
+        }
+    		// Parse any rules for item.
+        if (key == 'RRULE' ) {
+          value = this.makeRuleProperties(value);
+        }
+        // Add the data.    
+        switch(type) {
+          // It's an event. Add property and value to event.
+    			case 'VEVENT': 
+            this.calendar.getEventAtIndex(this.eventCount).setProperty(key,value);
+            break;
+    			// It's a calendar's property. 
+    			default:
+    				this.calendar.setProperty(key,value);
+    				break;
+    		}
+        // Reference last proccessed key.
+        this.lastKey = key;
+    	},
+  /**
+   * Make rule property map.
+   * @input string RRULE-string.
+   * @return PropertyMap of rules.   
+   */     
+      makeRuleProperties: function(value) {      
+        var ruledata = value.split(';');
+        var rule = new PropertyMap();
+        for(var r in ruledata) {
+            var data = ruledata[r].split('=');
+            rule.put(data[0], data[1]);
+        }
+        return rule;
+      },    	
+  /**
+   * Parse a VEVENT type date to a own property map object.
+   * @input string property name (like "DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Oslo")
+   * @input string property value (like "20070719T220000").       
+   * @return array(string DTSTART or DTEND, PropertyMap{ property JSDATE = [Date], property TZID = [string] } )   
+   */     
+      toDateProperties: function(key,value) {
+          var dtProperty = new PropertyMap();
+          dtProperty.put('TZID', 'Undefined'); // Default in case we don't find any timezone data.
+          // Convert time to JS-date and make property.
+          dtProperty.put('JSDATE', this.toDate(value));
+          // Get date info from key value.
+          var dtInfo = key.split(';');
+          key = dtInfo[0]; // Shorten the key to read DTSTART or DTEND not "DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Oslo".
+          dtProperty.put(key, value);
+          if(typeof(dtInfo[1]) != 'undefined') { // Timezone is specified.
+            // Get timezone.
+            var tzInfo = dtInfo[1].split('=');
+            var timezoneValue = tzInfo[1];
+            dtProperty.put('TZID', timezoneValue);
+        		return new Array(key,dtProperty);          
+          } else {
+            // Try get the calendar default TZ.
+            try { dtProperty.put('TZID', this.calendar.getProperty('TZID')); } catch(e) {}
+            try { dtProperty.put('TZID', this.calendar.getProperty('X-WR-TIMEZONE')); } catch(e) {}            
+            return new Array(key,dtProperty);
+        	}
+      },
+  /**
+   * Convert a iCal type timestamp to Javascript date.
+   * @input calendar type date string.
+   * @return javascript date object.
+   * @throws invalidDateException.     
+   */     
+      toDate: function(dateString) {
+        dateString = dateString.replace('T', '');
+        dateString = dateString.replace('Z', '');
+        var pattern = /([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})/; 
+        try {
+          var dArr = pattern.exec(dateString);
+          var calDate = new Date();
+          var months = (dArr[2][0] == '0') ? dArr[2][1] : dArr[2];
+          months = parseInt(months)-1;
+          var days = (dArr[3][0] == '0') ? dArr[3][1] : dArr[3];
+          days = parseInt(days);
+          var hours = (dArr[4][0] == '0') ? dArr[4][1] : dArr[4];
+          hours = hours == '' ? '0' : hours;
+          hours = parseInt(hours);
+          var minutes = (dArr[5][0] == '0') ? dArr[5][1] : dArr[5];
+          minutes = minutes == '' ? '0' : minutes;
+          minutes = parseInt(minutes);
+          var seconds = (dArr[6][0] == '0') ? dArr[6][1] : dArr[6];
+          seconds = seconds == '' ? '0' : seconds;
+          seconds = parseInt(seconds);
+          calDate.setFullYear(dArr[1]);
+          calDate.setMonth(months);
+          calDate.setDate(days);
+          calDate.setHours(hours);
+          calDate.setMinutes(minutes);
+          calDate.setSeconds(seconds);
+        } catch(e) {
+          throw('invalidDateException');
+        }
+        return calDate;
+      },
+  /**
+   * Returns a possible value/key-set of a calendar data line.
+   * @input calendar data line (string).
+   * @return array of key,value.       
+   */     
+    	returnKeyValue: function(line) {    
+        // Regex for VCALENDAR syntax. Match letters in uppercase in the beginning
+        // of the line followed by VCALENDAR-type operator and value.
+        var pattern = /^([A-Z]+[^:]+)[:]([\w\W]*)/;
+        var matches = pattern.exec(line);
+        if(matches) {
+              return matches.splice(1,2);
+        }
+        // No key found, just return value.
+        return new Array(false,line);
+    	},
+  /**
+   * Trims the beginning of string one whitespace character.
+   * @input string to trim.
+   * @return trimmed string.          
+   */     
+      trimStart: function(str) {
+        str=str.replace(/^\s{0,1}(.*)/, '$1');
+        return str;
+      },            
+	/**
+	 * Get the calendar object for the reader.
+	 * @return vCalendar object.    	 
+	 */   	
+    	getCalendar: function() {
+    		return this.calendar;
+    	},
+  /**
+   * Sorts the calendar events by time desc.   
+   *
+   */
+      sort: function(){
+        this.calendar.sort();
+      }     
+ * Object to hold the calendar propterties.
+ */   
+function vCalendar() {
+    this.vEvents = new Array();
+    this.properties = new PropertyMap();
+    // Class methods
+  vCalendar.prototype = {
+  /**
+   * Gets the event array.
+   * @return array of event objects.       
+   */     
+      getEvents: function() {
+        return this.vEvents;
+      },
+  /**
+   * Gets the properties hashmap.
+   * @return PropertyMap.       
+   */     
+      getProperties: function() {
+        return this.properties;
+      },
+  /**
+   * Get the number of events.
+   * @return number   
+   */        
+      getNrOfEvents: function() {
+        return this.vEvents.length;
+      },
+  /**
+   * Sorts the array of events by time desc.   
+   *
+   */
+      sort: function(){
+        this.vEvents = this.vEvents.sort(this.sortByDate);
+      },        
+  /**
+   * Get list of available properties for the calendar.
+   * @return array of strings.       
+   */     
+      getPropertyNames: function() {
+        return this.properties.keys();
+      },
+  /**
+   * Get an event at a given index.
+   * @input int index.
+   * @return vEvent event.              
+   */
+      getEventAtIndex: function(index) {
+        var evt = this.vEvents[index];
+        if(typeof(evt) == 'undefined') {
+          throw('eventNotFoundException');
+        }
+        return this.vEvents[index];
+      },
+  /**
+   * Get value of a given property.
+   * @input string property name.
+   * @return object value.         
+   */
+      getProperty: function(property) {  
+        try {
+          return this.properties.get(property);      
+        } catch(e) {
+          throw(e); 
+        }
+      },
+  /**
+   * Adds a vEvent object to the event array.
+   * @input vEvent event.       
+   */
+      addEvent: function(vEvent) {
+        this.vEvents.push(vEvent);
+      },
+  /**
+   * Set a property to the calendar.
+   * @input string property name.
+   * @input object value.              
+   */
+      setProperty: function(property, value) {
+        if(typeof(property) == 'string' && property != null && property != '') {      
+          this.properties.put(property,value);
+        } else {
+          throw('invalidKeyNameException');
+        }
+      },
+  /**
+   * Sorting method for the events.
+   *
+   */
+      sortByDate: function(a, b) {
+          var x = a.getStartDate();
+          var y = b.getStartDate();
+          return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
+      }      
+  }
+ * Object to hold the VEVENT propterties.
+ */   
+function vEvent() {
+  this.properties = new PropertyMap();
+  // Class methods
+  vEvent.prototype = {
+    /**
+     * Get start time for event.
+     * @return Date start.         
+     */
+        getStartDate: function() {
+           var dt = this.getProperty('DTSTART');
+           return dt.get('JSDATE');
+        },
+    /**
+     * Get start time for event.
+     * @return Date start.         
+     */
+        getAltStartDate: function() {
+           var dt = this.getProperty('ALTDTSTART');
+           return dt.get('JSDATE');
+        },
+    /**
+     * Get end time for event.
+     * @return Date end.              
+     */
+        getEndDate: function() {
+           var dt = this.getProperty('DTEND');
+           return dt.get('JSDATE');
+        },
+    /**
+     * Get timezone for event.
+     * @return string timezone.              
+     */
+        getTimeZone: function() {
+           var dt = this.getProperty('DTSTART');
+           return dt.get('TZID');
+        },
+    /**
+     * Get rules for event.
+     * @return PropertyMap of rules.              
+     */
+        getRuleProperties: function() {
+            var r;
+            try {
+              var r = this.getProperty('RRULE');
+            } catch(e) {
+              r = new PropertyMap();
+            }
+            return r;
+        },
+    /**
+     * Get a property by name.
+     * @input string property
+     * @return property value.
+     * @throws invalidPropertyException.         
+     */     
+        getProperty: function(property) {  
+          try {
+            return this.removeSlashes(this.properties.get(property));      
+          } catch(e) {
+            throw(e); 
+          }
+        },
+    /**
+     * Sets a property with given name and value.
+     * @input string property name.
+     * @input object value.              
+     */
+        setProperty: function(property, value) {
+            if(typeof(property) == 'string' && property != null && property != '') {
+              this.properties.put(property, value);
+            } else {
+              throw('invalidKeyNameException');
+            }
+        },
+    /**
+     * Get property with given key in HTML-format.
+     * @input string property name.       
+     * @return HTML-string.       
+     */
+        getHtmlValue: function(property) {
+          prop = this.removeSlashes(this.properties.get(property));
+          if(typeof(prop) == 'string') {
+            prop = prop.replace('\n','<br/>', 'g');
+            return prop; 
+          } else {
+            return prop;
+          }                    
+        },
+    /**
+     * Get a list of property- names for this event.
+     * @return array of strings.       
+     */     
+        getPropertyNames: function() {
+          return this.properties.keys();
+        },
+    /**
+     * Removes slashes from a string
+     * @input string.       
+     * @return fixed string.       
+     */  
+        removeSlashes: function(str) {
+            if(typeof(str) == 'string') {
+              str = str.replace('\\n','\n', 'g');
+              str = str.replace('\\,','\,', 'g');
+              str = str.replace('\\;','\;', 'g');
+            }    
+            return str;
+        }  
+  }
+ * Hashmap class to hold properties
+ * for calendar and events.   
+ */ 
+function PropertyMap()  {   
+  this.size = 0;   
+  this.properties = new Object();
+  // Class methods
+  PropertyMap.prototype = {
+    /**
+     * Add or update property.
+     */            
+        put: function(key, value) {   
+          if(!this.containsKey(key)) {   
+              this.size++ ;   
+          }   
+          this.properties[key] = value;   
+        },   
+    /**
+     * Get property with given key.
+     * @input property name.     
+     * @return object.
+     * @throws invalidPropertyException.
+     */            
+        get: function(key) {
+          if(this.containsKey(key)) {
+            return this.properties[key];
+          } else {
+            throw('invalidPropertyException');
+          }   
+        },
+    /**
+     * Alias for get method to keep consistancy in syntax in regard to the other classes.
+     * @input property name.     
+     * @return object.
+     * @throws invalidPropertyException.
+     */            
+        getProperty: function(key) {
+          try {
+            return this.get(key);
+          } catch(e) {
+            throw(e);
+          }
+        },
+    /**
+     * Remove property with key.
+     */
+        remove: function(key) {   
+          if( this.containsKey(key) && (delete this.properties[key])) {   
+              size--;   
+          } 
+        },   
+    /**
+     * Check if a property exists.
+     */
+        containsKey: function(key) {   
+          return (key in this.properties);   
+        },    
+    /**
+     * Check if a value exists.
+     * @return boolean.     
+     */
+        containsValue: function(value) {   
+          for(var prop in this.properties) {   
+              if(this.properties[prop] == value) {   
+                  return true; 
+              }   
+          }   
+          return false;   
+        },   
+    /**
+     * Get all the values.
+     * @return array of values.     
+     */
+        values: function () {   
+          var values = new Array();   
+          for(var prop in this.properties) {   
+              values.push(this.properties[prop]);   
+          }   
+          return values;   
+        },
+    /**
+     * Get all the keys.
+     * @return array of keys.     
+     */
+        keys: function () {   
+          var keys = new Array();   
+          for(var prop in this.properties) {   
+              keys.push(prop);   
+          }   
+          return keys;   
+        },
+    /**
+     * Get the size of map.
+     * @return int size.     
+     */
+        size: function () {   
+          return this.size;   
+        },   
+    /**
+     * Clears all properties.
+     */
+        clear: function () {   
+          this.size = 0;   
+          this.properties = new Object();   
+        },
+    /**
+     * Gives a string representation of this propertymap.
+     */         
+        toString: function() {
+            var str = '';
+            for(var prop in this.properties) {   
+                str += prop+'='+this.get(prop)+', ';   
+            }        
+            return '{ '+str.substring(0,(str.length-2))+' }'; 
+        }
+/*************** END iCalReader.js ******************************************************************************/