changeset 19 f3521a11d878
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/See09/session.js	Thu Oct 22 15:52:58 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Symbian Foundation Example Code
+// This software is in the public domain. No copyright is claimed, and you 
+// may use it for any purpose without license from the Symbian Foundation.
+// No warranty for any purpose is expressed or implied by the authors or
+// the Symbian Foundation. 
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Session class is used to encapsulate all session data
+function Session(){
+ = null;
+	this.location = null;
+	this.startTime = null;
+	this.endTime = null;
+	this.topic = null;
+	this.chair = null;
+	this.speakers = null;
+	this.title = null;
+	this.description = null;
+Session.prototype.GetContentHTML = function () {
+	var buf = "<small><i>" + this.startTime + " - " + this.endTime;
+	if ( this.location ) {
+		buf += ", " + this.location;
+	}
+	buf += "</i>";
+	var haschair = false;
+	if ( this.chair && this.chair != null && this.chair.length > 0 ) {
+		var ch = this.chair.replace(/<br>/g, ", ");
+		buf += "<br><b>Chair: " + ch + "</b>";
+		haschair = true;
+	}
+	if (this.speakers && this.speakers != null && this.speakers.length > 0) {
+		buf += "<b>, "
+		if ( haschair ) {
+			buf += "Speakers: ";
+		}
+		// remove nasty newlines
+		var spk = this.speakers.replace(/<br>/g, ", ");
+		buf += spk + "</b>";
+	}
+	buf += "<br>" + this.description + "</small>";
+	return buf;
+// Used when parsing to assign a value by ordinal
+Session.prototype.SetFieldByOrdinal = function(ordinal, val) {
+	switch(ordinal) {
+		case 0: = val; break;
+		case 1: this.location = val; break;
+		case 2: this.startTime = val; break;
+		case 3: this.endTime = val; break;
+		case 4: this.topic = val; break;
+		case 5: this.chair = val; break;
+		case 6: this.speakers = val; break;
+		case 7: this.title = val; break;
+		case 8: this.description = val; break;
+	}
+Session.prototype.GetNumberOfFields = function () {
+	return 9;
+Session.prototype.GetStartUtc = function(){
+	return this.GetUtcTime(, this.startTime);
+Session.prototype.GetEndUtc = function(){
+	return this.GetUtcTime(, this.endTime);
+Session.prototype.GetUtcTime = function(dateString, timeString){
+	// make a date, then we'll mod it
+	var d = new Date();
+	// dateString is in the format DD-mmm-YY
+	var parts = dateString.split("-");
+	d.setFullYear(parseInt(parts[2]) + 2000);
+	d.setDate(parseInt(parts[0]));
+	d.setMonth(indexOfMonth(parts[1]));
+	// time is in the format HH:MM
+	parts = timeString.split(":");
+	d.setHours(parseInt(parts[0]));
+	d.setMinutes(parseInt(parts[1]));
+	// convert to msec since Jan 1 1970
+	var localTime = d.getTime();
+	// obtain local UTC offset and convert to msec
+	var localOffset = d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
+	// obtain UTC time in msec
+	return localTime + localOffset;
+function indexOfMonth(m){
+	switch(m.toLowerCase()) {
+		case "jan": return 1;
+		case "feb": return 2;
+		case "mar": return 3;
+		case "apr": return 4;
+		case "may": return 5;
+		case "jun": return 6;
+		case "jul": return 7;
+		case "aug": return 8;
+		case "sep": return 9;
+		case "oct": return 10;
+		case "nov": return 11;
+		case "dec": return 12;
+	}