author ivanl
Tue, 21 Jul 2009 14:33:23 +0100
changeset 14 631ddb2767c7
parent 11 aaba47256eea
permissions -rw-r--r--

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Symbian Foundation Example Code
// This software is in the public domain. No copyright is claimed, and you 
// may use it for any purpose without license from the Symbian Foundation.
// No warranty for any purpose is expressed or implied by the authors or
// the Symbian Foundation. 
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

var uiManager;
var home;
var mainView;
var osconIcalUrl = new Array();
var icalData = new Array();
var icalReader = new Array();
var osconDays = new Array();
var http;
var downloadDayIndex = -1;

// Called from the onload event handler to initialize the widget.
function init() {
	for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		var osconDay = new Date()
		osconDay.setFullYear(2009, 6, 20 + i);
		osconIcalUrl.push("OSCON200907" + (20+i) + ".ics");
    // set tab-navigation mode and show softkeys
    // (only if we are in the WRT environment)
    if (window.widget) {
		//create about menu
	// create UI manager
	uiManager = new UIManager();

	home = new ListView(null,null);
	var homeViewImage = new ImageLabel(null, null, "oscon-home.png");
	// hack to center image
	homeViewImage.contentElement.style.textAlign = "center";

	var homeViewImage2 = new ImageLabel(null, null, "logo.png");
	// hack to center image
	homeViewImage2.contentElement.style.textAlign = "center";
	mainView = new ListView(null, "<img src=oscon-home.png>");
	for (var i = 0; i < osconDays.length; i++) {
		var button = new NavigationButton(i, "day"+(i+1)+".png", dateToString(osconDays[i]));
		button.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", function(event){
			var clickedButton = event.source;
			var clickedId = clickedButton.id;
			showDay(clickedId, osconDays[clickedId], null);

	mainView.previousView = null;	
	uiManager.showNotification(-1, "wait", "Please wait...", -1);
	setTimeout(function(){	uiManager.hideNotification();mainView.show();}, 1000);

function showDay(dayIndex, date) {
	downloadDayIndex = dayIndex;
	if ( icalReader[dayIndex] == null ) {
		setTimeout(function(){	downloadIcalData(downloadDayIndex);}, 100);
	} else {
		showList(date, null);

function downloadIcalData(dayIndex) {
	downloadDayIndex = dayIndex;

	http = new Ajax();
    http.onreadystatechange = function() { downloadStateChanged(); };

    // initiate the request
    http.open("GET", osconIcalUrl[downloadDayIndex], true);

function downloadStateChanged(){
	// complete request?
    if (http.readyState == 4) {
        // attempt to get response status
        var responseStatus = null;
        try {
            responseStatus = http.status;
        } catch (noStatusException) {}
		// are we being prompted for login?
		icalData[downloadDayIndex] = http.responseText;
		try {
//			savePreferences();
		}catch(x) {
			uiManager.showNotification(5000, "warning", "Error processing feed");
		downloadInProgress = false;

function dataAvailable(downloadDayIndex){
	uiManager.showNotification(-1, "wait", "Parsing info...", -1);
	// parse iCal
	var reader = new iCalReader(); // Construction of the reader object.
	reader.prepareData(icalData[downloadDayIndex]); // Prepare and set the data for the parser.
	reader.parse(); // Parse the data.
	reader.sort(); // Sort the data.
	icalReader[downloadDayIndex] =  reader;
	showList(osconDays[downloadDayIndex], null);

function showList(day, session) {
	var list = new ListView(null, "<img src=oscon-home.png>");
	if (day) {
		var button = new ImageLabel(null, dateToString(day), "day"+(downloadDayIndex+1)+".png");
	if (session) {
		var button = new ImageLabel(null, sessionTimeToString(session) + ", " + dateToString(session) , "session.png");
	var myCalReader = icalReader[downloadDayIndex];
	var events = myCalReader.getCalendar().getEvents(); // Get all events.
	var num = myCalReader.getCalendar().getNrOfEvents();

	var addedSessions = new Array();

	for(var i=0; i<num; i++) { // Loop through all events.
		var event = myCalReader.getCalendar().getEventAtIndex(i); // A single event.        
		// Get Javascript date for start and end time.
		var startDate = event.getStartDate();
		var altStartDate = null;
		try {
			altStartDate = event.getAltStartDate();
		} catch(z) {
			altStartDate = startDate; 
		var timeZone = event.getTimeZone();
		if ( day ) {
			if ( ! dayMatches(day, startDate) ) {
			} else {
				var haveit = false;
				// if session is not in already, add it
				for (var j = 0 ; j < addedSessions.length ; j++ ) {
					if ( sessionMatches(addedSessions[j], altStartDate ) ) {
						haveit = true;
				if (!haveit) {
					// add it
					var button = new NavigationButton(altStartDate.getTime(), "session.png", "Session @ "+ sessionTimeToString(altStartDate));
					button.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", function(event){
						var clickedButton = event.source;
						var clickedId = clickedButton.id;
						var ed = new Date();
						showList(null, ed);
		else if ( ! sessionMatches(session, startDate) ) {

		// add events
		var endDate = event.getEndDate();
		var location = event.getProperty("LOCATION");
		var summary = event.getProperty("SUMMARY");
		var description = event.getProperty("DESCRIPTION");
		var url = event.getProperty("URL");

		var buf = "";
		buf += "<div class=\"FeedItemDate\">" ;
		if ( location != null ) {
			buf += location + ", ";
		buf += sessionTimeToString(startDate) +"-" + sessionTimeToString(endDate) + " " + timeZone + "</div>";
		buf += "<div class=\"FeedItemDescription\">" + description + "</div>";
		if (url != null) {
	        buf += "<div class=\"FeedItemLink\">";
            buf += "<a href=\"JavaScript:void(0)\" onclick=\"openURL('" + url + "'); return false;\">";
            buf += "Read more...";
            buf += "</a>";
	        buf += "</div>";
		var cp = new ContentPanel(null, null, null, true);

		// initialize feed item control
	} // End for each event.
	list.previousView = uiManager.currentView;
	mainView.previousView = null;

// Loads widget preferences.
function loadPreferences() {
    if (window.widget) {
        // load settings from widget preferences store
        icalData = widget.preferenceForKey("icalData");

// Loads widget preferences.
function savePreferences() {
    if (window.widget) {
        // save settings in widget preferences store
        widget.setPreferenceForKey(icalData, "icalData");

function setDefaultFontSizeForScreenSize(){
	// first check if there is a preference present
    if (window.widget) {
		var saved = widget.preferenceForKey("fontsize");
		if ( widget.preferenceForKey("fontsize") ) {
		else {
			// no preference available, check screen size
			if (window.screen.width > 400 || window.screen.height > 400) {
				// hi res screen, use large font
			else {
				// lo res screen, use small font

function nocache(url) {
    if (url.indexOf("?") == -1) {
        url += "?";
    } else {
        url += "&";
    url += "nocache=" + (new Date().getTime());
	return url;

function sessionMatches(session, startDate) {
	var m_date = session.getDate()==startDate.getDate();
	var m_year = session.getFullYear()==startDate.getFullYear();
	var m_month = session.getMonth()==startDate.getMonth();
	var m_hour = session.getHours()==startDate.getHours();
	var m_minute = session.getMinutes()==startDate.getMinutes();
	return m_date && m_month && m_year && m_hour && m_minute; 

function dayToString(day) {
	return day.toDateString(); 	

function dayMatches(day, startDate){
	var m_date = day.getDate()==startDate.getDate();
	var m_year = day.getFullYear()==startDate.getFullYear();
	var m_month = day.getMonth()==startDate.getMonth();
	return m_date && m_month && m_year; 

function sessionTimeToString(session) {
	return ""+session.getHours()+":"+pad(session.getMinutes(),2); 	

function dateToString(day) {
	var full = day.toDateString();
	// remove year as it doesn't fit on small screens
	return full.substring(0, full.length-4); 	

function pad(num, digits) {
	var str = "" + num;
	while ( str.length < digits ) {
		str = "0" + str;
	return str;

// Opens a URL in a separate browser window
function openURL(url) {
    if (window.widget) {
        // in WRT
    } else {
        // outside WRT
        window.open(url, "NewWindow");