author ivanl
Thu, 22 Oct 2009 15:52:58 +0100
changeset 19 f3521a11d878
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See 09 widget, version 1.0rc3

27-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,12:30,13:00,Application Development,,Olli Airaksinen,Key Components for Successful Mobile Application Development,
27-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,13:00,14:00,Application Development,Alex Pressland,"Jim Carroll
Josh Alner
Tim Haysom","Panel Discussion: Choosing a Mobile Development Platform: Considerations, Questions, the Future",
27-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,14:00,14:30,Application Development,,Pekka Kosonen,Next Generation Hybrid Applications - Utilizing your Web Development Skills with Qt based Solutions,Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework. The integration of the open source WebKit browser engine and Qt application and UI framework blurs the line between application and content. The resulting mixed-mode services are efficient to build and deliver functionality that would be difficult or impossible to develop using only web APIs or only native development environments. Combining the simplicity of web technologies with the power of the Qt application framework allows designers and coders to concentrate on what they do best.
27-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,15:00,15:30,Application Development,,Zach Berke,Building mobile quickly!  One development team's story of a four week Symbian WRT development project: the mobile application. ," came to Exygy with a great idea (build a mobile Symbian app on top of the beta Wine API) and an insane timeline (get it done in 4 weeks). Exygy identified Symbian WRT as an easy to use framework that would allow for rapid development by leveraging well understood web technologies (mainly JavaScript). Exygy worked with and Symbian to get a core application built rapidly and continues to work with to build new features.  In this talk, we'll look at the app as a case study illustrating the pros and cons of Symbian WRT development highlighting lessons learned during this rapid development project."
27-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,15:30,16:00,Application Development,,Craig Heath,How to Write Secure Applications ,
27-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,16:00,16:30,Application Development,,Matt McAlister,Mobile Mashup Quickfire: The Guardian,
27-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,16:30,17:00,Application Development,,Daniel Jacobson,Mobile Mashup Quickfire: NPR ,
27-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,17:00,17:30,Application Development,,Paul Beusterien,The Open Road:Tools roadmap for an open source mobile platform and next gen web apps,"1. Tools Plans - Overview of the strategy and plans for Symbian tools
2. Web Development Tools - In recent years, the web is transitioning to be a first-class development platform. I'll give a survey of some of the different technologies and directions like phonegap, Blinki, Appcelerator, RhoMobile, and WRT"
28-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,13:00,13:30,Application Development,,John Carpenter,From Concept to Commercialization: User Feedback Techniques to Make Great Mobile Software,"In order to make great software, users MUST be included in the development process. But, unlike traditional client/server and web development, mobile software offers significant challenges to engage users in both functional and usability feedback. So, many firms choose to ignore or just do basic functional testing. It's not enough... no wonder that 50% of applications crash on intended handsets or that only 3% of applications are still in use after 3 months. Great software leads to stickiness; increased customer loyalty to your brand (also known as 'going viral'). In a world where developers have limited marketing budgets, they must rely on a great user experience so that people will tell their friends and post great reviews. This word of mouth leads to sustained growth and mobile app success!<br /><br />In this session, we'll review two software product feedback techniques as they apply to mobile development: Townhalls and Customer Loyalty 2.0.<br /><br />1) Challenges of user feedback in mobile app development due to fragmentation<br />2) Using 'Townhall' techniques in the alpha cycle to get product feedback to optimize the user experience BEFORE you port or release<br />3) Using 'Customer Loyalty' techniques in the beta cycle to assess feedback in real-world situations, as well as identifying if your apps will go viral<br />"
28-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,13:30,14:00,Application Development,,Mark Doherty,Mobile Application development with the Flash Platform,
28-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,14:00,14:30,Application Development,,John Forster,LBS and the Power of Community,
28-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,14:30,15:00,Application Development,,Sami Viitanen,Widget Meets Home Screen and Platform Services,"This presentation gives the big picture about the S60 Web Runtime (WRT) Widgets and Platform Services providing all needed information to develop Web Runtime Widgets from the beginning (tools, technologies and practices) to the end (device support and distribution). The development of WRT Widgets is based on traditional Web technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript adding S60 specific packaging to provide installable package, native application like end-user experience and tight integration to platform features like messaging, contacts or location via JavaScript. Presentation is divided in 2 parts:

1) Theoretical approach to technology providing needed background information.
2) Practical approach with instructor led widget coding to show how to utilize available tools for WRT widget development. Presentation will cover for example: 

* Essentials of Web Runtime widgets 
* How to use Aptana with Nokia WRT plugin 2.0 (creation, testing, debugging and deployment of widgets with the home screen feature)
* What can I do with platform services on my widget - integration to platform features"
28-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,15:00,15:30,Application Development,,Jon Billings,BBC iPlayer on mobile: An internal exam: A review of the anatomy of the widget for BBC iPlayer on mobile.,"Discusses how well factored software design leads to cost effective and affordable repurposing of AV content for new platforms such as mobile, and shows how Symbian Widget Runtime effectively enables pure web shops such as BBC to deliver compelling home screen applications"
28-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,15:30,16:00,Application Development,Shaun Puckrin,"Demian Perry
Michael  Coffey
Patrick Mork
Redg Snodgrass",Panel Discussion: Beyond the Store: How do you go about getting traction and distribution for your app?,
27-Oct-09,Application Development Theatre,14:30,15:00,Application Development,,Michael Moore,Symbian and Location: Trends and Technology,"With GPS capabilities becoming de facto on mobile devices, LBS have the ability to bridge the virtual and physical worlds and really extend the use of the mobile phone. Learn about trends in the location based application industry and how to include the technology in your own application. The presentation will cover: 
-  An overview of positioning technologies and handset trends and their impact on the future of LBS, including: 
-  higher accuracy in positioning 
-  the importance of high-quality map data and location content
-  a wide range of handset technologies, from browsers, sensors/ accelerometers, cameras and OCR (optical character recognition) technology to haptics and their usefulness for LBS apps 
-  How location and context awareness enables a new era of mobile apps, e.g. multi-modal navigation, location-based entertainment, social networking and location-based advertising
-  How to get started using NAVTEQ map data and location content
-  Overview of some available APIs and technical resources"
27-Oct-09,Area 1,14:00,15:00,Birds of a Feather,,Remek Zajac,Bearer Mobility (the future of),
27-Oct-09,Area 1,15:00,16:00,Birds of a Feather,,"Jo Stichbury
Hamish Willee",Building knowledge through wiki documentation ,
27-Oct-09,Area 1,16:00,17:00,Birds of a Feather,,"Dan McNeil
Roderick Burns",Symbian Signed,
28-Oct-09,Area 1,14:00,15:00,Birds of a Feather,,"Allix Harrison-D'Arcy
Joe Neale",The Future of Augmented Reality: How to create a working framework of standards ,
28-Oct-09,Area 1,15:00,16:00,Birds of a Feather,,Salvatore Rinaldo,Mobile development with Qt for Symbian,
27-Oct-09,Area 4,14:00,15:00,Birds of a Feather,,"Chris Dudding
Stefan Williams","Persistent Data, File Systems and Memory - Past, Present and Future ",
27-Oct-09,Area 2,15:00,16:00,Birds of a Feather,,"Jezar Wakefield
James Nash",NGMA & OpenMAX components in Multimedia ,
27-Oct-09,Area 2,16:00,17:00,Birds of a Feather,,Scott Weiss,Live UI Brainstorm - User Interface BoF ,
28-Oct-09,Area 2,14:00,15:00,Birds of a Feather,,Mark Mitchell,Open-Source Tools for Symbian App Development,
28-Oct-09,Area 2,15:00,16:00,Birds of a Feather,,Dennis Lee,Symbian Developer - App developer needs online,
27-Oct-09,Area 3,17:00,18:00,Birds of a Feather,,James Aley,Social Networks in Mobile,
27-Oct-09,Area 3,14:00,15:00,Birds of a Feather,,Victor Palau,"Build, Integration, Testing and Releasing of the Symbian Platform ",
27-Oct-09,Area 3,15:00,16:00,Birds of a Feather,,John Imhofe,Kernel and Hardware Service BoF,
28-Oct-09,Area 3,14:00,15:00,Birds of a Feather,,Robert Ackland,The future of Managed Runtimes on Symbian,
28-Oct-09,Area 3,15:00,16:00,Birds of a Feather,,Sebastian Brannstrom,Symbian in a Linux world,
27-Oct-09,Area 2,14:00,15:00,Birds of a Feather,,Gordon MacLachlan,Graphics Graphics Graphics,
27-Oct-09,Area 4,15:00,16:00,Birds of a Feather,,"Billy Gibson
Richard Collins",Location Location Location ,
28-Oct-09,Area 4,14:00,15:00,Birds of a Feather,,Richard Kinder,OTA Software Updating Fulfill Customers' Needs,
27-Oct-09,Area 4,16:00,17:00,Birds of a Feather,,Thibaut Rouffineau,What happened to the Mobile enterprise?,
27-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,13:00,13:30,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Fred Blesser,"Reach New Heights with Symbian-based Designs: The World is your Stage, TI's OMAP Technology is your Platform",A look inside the tool box: TI's presence and involvement in the Symbian Foundation community sets the stage for the market-changing OMAP- and Symbian Foundation-based mobile devices. <br /><br />- Preparing for today and tomorrow's advancements: How TI
27-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,13:30,14:00,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Gernot Heiser,Mobile Virtualization: reducing time-to-market and development cost for handsets while opening new markets,"-  Mobile virtualization defined, including differences in application and technology relative to virtualization in the IT world
-  Virtualization enabled solutions for the mobile ecosystem with benefits for semiconductor providers, handset OEMS, and MNO"
27-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,14:00,14:30,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Robert Ackland,Contribution A-Z: How to contribute to the Symbian platform,"- What you must know when thinking about making a contribution
- An overview over the contribution process for three use-cases: contributing a bug-fix, contributing an enhancement and contributing an extension to the platform 
- A brief overview of Symb"
27-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,14:30,15:00,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Mik Kersten,Coordinating Contributions: Lessons learned Growing an Open Source Community,"In less than four years, the Eclipse Mylyn's project transitioned from a university whiteboard into the hands of hundreds of thousands of developers. We achieved this by growing an open source community around the technology, fostering an open development process, and inviting participation both in the terms of feedback and code contributions. In the process we created an Eclipse-based open source collaboration tool that has made it possible for a small team to apply and review hundreds of patches a year, and to effectively manage an enormous user base and backlog of feature requests. The end result is one of the most successful Eclipse projects, a de facto standard for ALM integrations with the Eclipse IDE, an active ecosystem of vendor extensions, and an ongoing stream of contributions that's helping evolve the technology and APIs. This talk will start with a summary of what we did, and then overview lessons learned for project managers and tips for potential contributors."
27-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,15:00,15:30,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Abhijit Kabra,Unleashing the Power of 4G and Open Development to Accelerate Growth in the Smartphone industry,"As 4G moves into production, smartphone companies are gearing to create and enable creation of new applications and services to deliver the next wow experience to the users. To meet ever rising user expectations and have a competitive advantage, smartphone companies have started leveraging the power of Open development. With 4G promising higher bandwidth and richer content and new advancements happening in semiconductor and open software technologies, smartphone companies are poised for exciting growth opportunities by transforming their products into a vehicle of growth in 4G era. Based on Accenture's research and client experiences world wide, this presentation will provide insights on: - the trends related to smartphones: the design, form factor, new challenges, application, user experience etc. - the trends related to content: HD video, HF audio, integration of content, application, advertisements etc. - the trends related to software: closed, open, open source etc - the trends related to next generation software: consumer insight built-in, ecosystem support etc. - the new/unique opportunities and challenges these trends unfold for the smartphone industry - Accenture's recommendation for the smartphone industry to achieve high performance in 4G era"
27-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,15:30,16:00,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Morten Grauballe,Mobile Software Management and Open Source: The Key to Addressing Consumer Demand,"The standards, the progress and the challenges of getting new software to the consumer faster using Mobile Software Management 
Analysis of the Symbian Foundation's open source principles that make software more manageable and attractive"
27-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,16:00,16:30,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Takahiro Kikuchi,Shifting towards Open Mobile in Japan,- Japan's history in the mobile Internet and personal services with cell phones. There were three major steps when we look back on Japan's mobile data market. The first one was the Internet access from cell phones like i-mode. The second step was the evol
27-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,16:30,17:00,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Yael Aharon,Developing Webkit for Symbian,
27-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,17:00,17:30,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Maximilian Odendahl,Contributing CalDAV Support to Symbian: A Case Study of an Early Contribution,"This presentation will talk about the experience of one of the first outside contributions, a CalDAV calendar synchronization plugin. Besides an introduction about CalDAV and the contribution by Sun Microsystems itself, it will highlight some important facts about the contribution process and its guidelines, the tools and plugins used for day-to-day work and provide some tips and learned lessons for potential contributors."
28-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,13:00,14:00,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Espen Riskedal,Introducing Qt to Symbian Developers,"This presentation will introduce Qt to developers. It will include:
1. An introduction to Qt, including a breakdown of the tools and main modules
2. Demonstration of Qt-based applications and demos
3. A guide to getting started with Qt
4. Migration details on how to move to Qt "
28-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,14:00,14:30,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Marco  Cornero,Enabling Symmetric Multi-processing for Symbian Mobile Devices,"1. What the market wants, what the market gets
2. The next step in mobile architecture: multi-core processors and SMP
3. SMP and open source software"
28-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,14:30,15:00,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Ian Hutton,Symbian^x Roadmap Update,"1. Find out where the Symbian platform is going next
2. Get an insight into the strategy behind the evolution
3. Join the conversation and discuss the future of mobile"
28-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,15:00,15:30,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,Tim Haysom,"Craig Heath
Raanan Tzemach
Simo J&#228;rvinen",Panel Discussion: Open Source DRM: Can it be Secure?,"Symbian^2 includes an implementation of OMA DRM, soon to be released as open source under the Eclipse Public License. The panellists will discuss their views on the security challenges of providing effective Digital Rights Management in the context of an open source project, given that secrecy of the implementation is not an option."
28-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,15:30,16:00,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Daniel Rubio,Symbian^x Platform Overview: How to achieve HW adstraction and Faster Device Creation,"The mobile devices business is fast paced, most often than not forcing device creators to replan their portfolios in order to address market shifts. As a result of this the timescales for device creation are shrinking time and time again, increasing the pressure on the developement teams to deliver accordingly. This can only be achieved through a modular SW/HW architecture, with pretested SW provided by Silicon/HW vendors, a high degree of HW abstraction that facilitates SW reuse and a very complete base SW platform with minimal gaps eliminating having to fill such gaps during the device creation cycle. New proposals such as SHAI (Symbian Hardware Abstraction Interface) and some other initiatives put forward by the SF will address those issues"
28-Oct-09,Device Creation Theatre,16:00,16:30,Device Creation and Contributing to Symbian,,Mark Shkolnikov,Making the smart phones smarter ,
27-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 1,13:00,13:30,Hands-on Lab 1,,Scott Gilbert,"Presentation - Smarter, Faster Path to Defining a Cool App","Different mobile application market segments have radically different market dynamics. These unique dynamics influence how companies should consider product development investments and in turn what upfront market research is appropriate and how best to go about it.&nbsp; This session will be a combination of conversations, workshops and live simulations that will allow attendees to understand, explore and experience new market research ideas and techniques."
27-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 1,13:45,14:45,Hands-on Lab 1,,Scott Gilbert,Break-out session Interactive Product Concepting by App Category,"Different mobile application market segments have radically different market dynamics. These unique dynamics influence how companies should consider product development investments and in turn what upfront market research is appropriate and how best to go about it.&nbsp; This session will be a combination of conversations, workshops and live simulations that will allow attendees to understand, explore and experience new market research ideas and techniques."
27-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 1,15:00,16:00,Hands-on Lab 1,,Scott Gilbert,Hands-on Workshop - Buy a Feature,"Different mobile application market segments have radically different market dynamics. These unique dynamics influence how companies should consider product development investments and in turn what upfront market research is appropriate and how best to go about it.&nbsp; This session will be a combination of conversations, workshops and live simulations that will allow attendees to understand, explore and experience new market research ideas and techniques."
28-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 1,13:00,14:30,Hands-on Lab 1,,Adam Fleming,Anatomy of a Mobile Audio Streaming Application,"The Session will present a tear down and in-depth description of the NPR open source streaming media application covering subjects such as: Audio Streaming, Location Awareness and Web Service Access. After the session, the audience should have a good understanding of building a streaming media application, be able to understand the NPR application at an architectural level and the relevant APIs as presented by Symbian."
28-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 1,14:30,16:00,Hands-on Lab 1,,David Caabeiro,Implementing your own Augmented Reality App,
29-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,16:30,17:30,Hands-on Lab 2,,Tasneem Sayeed,Improving Mobile Web Developer Experience,
27-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,11:45,12:30,Hands-on Lab 2,,Javier  Orensanz,Non-intrusive Symbian Application Profiling with the ARM Profiler,"This session consists of a presentation and demo of Symbian application profiling using the ARM Profiler. The ARM Profiler uses ETM trace or an interface to ARM Fast models to gather non-intrusively information about every single instruction executed by the processor. This information is processed and presented in useful profiling, call chain, code coverage and stack analysis views. This information enables developers to identify critical functions and software bottlenecks, and evaluate how efficiently the processor and system resources are used."
27-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,12:30,13:00,Hands-on Lab 2,,Ronnie King,Device Debug Technologies,"Device debug enables developers to rapidly isolate defects as well as inspect an applications runtime state on Symbian devices. This demo will showcase the latest updates to on-device debugging including device side agent discovery, plug-n-play connectivity support, and integrated debug/trace support."
27-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,13:00,13:30,Hands-on Lab 2,,Maximilian Odendahl,CalDAV support for Symbian ,"This presentation will talk about the work being done of one of the first outside contributions, a CalDAV calendar synchronization plugin. Besides an introduction about CalDAV, it will give a demo about the feature itself and have a look into possible features for the future."
27-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,13:30,14:30,Hands-on Lab 2,,Gareth Long,Zoom2 for Symbian,"We will give a brief presentation about the Zoom 2 development system featuring the TI OMAP 3430 SoC, followed by demonstrating Symbian running on the Zoom 2 system, and hands-on exercises to build a simple program running on Symbian on Zoom 2 hardware"
27-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,14:30,15:30,Hands-on Lab 2,,Jonathan White,QEMU Simulator & Symbian Foundation,"* Description of QEMU based solution and benefits of open source
* Syborg baseport and mapping Symbian onto QEMU
* ARM based not x86 - same binaries as target, same tool chain, benefits
* Whats implemented
* Whats not yet implemented "
27-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,15:30,16:00,Hands-on Lab 2,,Andrew Jordan,The beagle board port for SF^2,"1) What is the Beagle Board and why it was selected at the time we started the project
2) How we implemented the baseport: the basics of getting the port up and running.
3) A brief overview of the baseport
4) Using that hardware expansion to add additional features, such as a touch screen, akeypad, accelerometer etc.
5) Enabling S60 UI in PDA mode"
27-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,16:00,17:00,Hands-on Lab 2,,Dan Podwall,Extending Carbide.C++,The Carbide.c++ Developer Kit(CDK) provides the tools needed to create plugins or extensions for the Carbide.c++ development environment. This tutorial wi
27-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,17:00,17:30,Hands-on Lab 2,,Deepak  Kumar Gupta,Evolution of internet protocol based networking on symbian OS,"Once part of high end smartphones to affordable mobile handsets today, Internet protocols based packet data access has come a long way. With high demand of affordable services and upcoming infrastructure (LTE), a seamless access of almost every business and personal applications (email, social networking, voice/video calls etc) are on the cards over all-Internet Protocol based networks. These high speed infrastructure like LTE will be a reality soon. <br />In this seminar, I'll talk about the challenges faced by this fast evolution and what a mobile device needs to support this?<br /><br />    "
28-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,11:00,12:00,Hands-on Lab 2,,Mik Kersten,Tool support for open source collaboration in the Symbian ecosystem,"In order to support collaboration and contributions, the Symbian Foundation has set up a Bugzilla repository for task and defect tracking and a Mercurial (Hg) repository for source control.&nbsp; In order for developers to work effectively with these technologies, tool support is needed to integrate them into the daily workflow.&nbsp; The Eclipse Mylyn project, and the Tasktop Certified collection of integrations, means that you can have access to these Symbian resources right from your Carbide IDE.&nbsp; In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up your Carbide environment to connect to the Symbian environment by first installing the necessary integrations, and then connecting to the Symbian Foundation resources.&nbsp; We will cover setting up queries in order to watch the Symbian components of interest, and how to communicate to other developers in the Symbian ecosystem right from your IDE.&nbsp; We will then cover various use cases such as requesting enhancements, setting up your workspace to connect to Mercurial, and making contributions via patches.&nbsp; We will conclude by reviewing how to create a more streamlined workflow for all of your development activities by connecting your other ALM and project management and collaboration tools within the Carbide environment, and outside of it if for non-development activities such as project tacking and management."
28-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,12:00,12:30,Hands-on Lab 2,,"Mark Sage
Sihem Merah",Short introduction to the problems Orange face in testing apps and our solution to it ,"Demo of the UserEmulator - Sihem Merah
Description and benefits of the UserEmulator
Orange has created and provided to the Symbian Foundation a test tool that enables application developers, operators and handset manufactures a simple way to automate the creation of tests, to execute and manage the results
The UserEmulator is an on-device application which simulates user activity by generating key press and pointer input events. The tool helps in writing, reusing and executing tests on the applications under development. It is useful for automating functional, regression and stress testing, and can be used with other tools for monitoring memory use, power consumption and CPU activity over a period of time.
The UserEmulator uses an XML test script to describe events or can run in random mode. Tester can create the scripts using a text editor or can use the UserEmulator to record them on a device. Test scripts can be edited if necessary. The scripts contains XML tags for launching applications (using the application UID or name), taking screenshots and adding markers to the log file. When the UserEmulator is running it automatically takes screenshots of panics and logs them."
28-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,12:30,13:00,Hands-on Lab 2,,Adrian Issott,Performance analysis and diagnostics,"How to use the open system trace and on-target debugging solutions in Carbide.c++ to monitor, profile and fix the performance of your component, whether it's an application or system service. You'll see learn to time how long your code takes to execute, work out what threads, functions and binaries are using the most CPU time, step through the suspicious functions using the debugger, fix the code and test the improvement all on a real device."
28-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,13:00,14:00,Hands-on Lab 2,,Simon Howkins,Contributing to Symbian with Bugzilla and Mercurial,"We will explain and demonstrate how Bugzilla and Mercurial are used by the Symbian comunity to deal with all sorts of Change and Codeline Management
* Reporting a bug in Bugzilla: Bugs, Enhancements, Creating reports, Triaging, Assigning
* Mercurial: Installing, Configuring, Understanding
* Common Mercurial operations: clone, update, commit, pull, push, branch
* Contributing the bugfix back to the Foundation: Patches, FCLs, Bugzilla again, Package Owners, Kudos
* Bigger changes: Codelines, Features, Roadmaps, Projects, Community"
28-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,14:00,15:00,Hands-on Lab 2,,Daniel Jacobs,Raptor - the next generation of build for Symbian development ,
28-Oct-09,Hands-on Lab 2,15:00,16:00,Hands-on Lab 2,,Jo Stichbury,"The Hitch Hikers Guide to Symbian Documentation: Find it, write it, improve it!","- Symbian documentation is evolving. Our wiki has taken shape over the last months, and we want to show off what we have, get your opinion on what's missing and what we need to improve 
- If you're a budding author or novice wiki contributor, this demo l"
27-Oct-09,Main Stage,09:30,10:00,Main Stage,,Lee Williams,Welcome from the Symbian Foundation: See the Future of Mobile,"- Innovation in the Open Mobile Environment 
- With the proliferation of devices and development of open source, where is the future headed? 
- Where will the mobile space be in 10 years?
- What is the future of the device?"
27-Oct-09,Main Stage,10:00,11:00,Main Stage,,Jimmy Wales,Presentation,
27-Oct-09,Main Stage,11:00,12:00,Main Stage,,"Antti Vasara
David Rivas",Smartphones For All. Apps For Everyone,
27-Oct-09,Main Stage,12:00,13:00,Main Stage,,"Leisa Reichelt
Mik Kersten
Peter Sikking
Scott Weiss
Adam Jollans",Panel Session: Open Source and User Experience. Oil and Water?,
28-Oct-09,Main Stage,09:30,10:00,Main Stage,,Rob Chandhok,A Better Open,
28-Oct-09,Main Stage,10:00,11:00,Main Stage,,Geoffrey Moore,Building an Innovation Strategy to win the Smart Phone Market,
28-Oct-09,Main Stage,11:00,12:00,Main Stage,Lee Williams,"Bengt-Arne  Molin Ph.D.
Hideyuki  Saso
Mats  Sv&#228;rdh
Toshio  Miki
Yong-suk  Moon
David Rivas
Pierre Garnier","Panel Session: Open Innovation, The Collaborative Evolution of Symbian","With more than 250 million phones in market, across 245 models and 250 carriers worldwide, Symbian holds the greatest marketshare of any mobile platform today. Leading handset manufacturers Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, Sharp and Fujitsu are all evolving the Symbian platform. Together, through the Symbian Foundation, along with other major ecosystem players like AT&T, Orange, Vodafone, STMicroelectronics and Texas Instruments, they are collaborating in an open environment to accelerate innovation on the Symbian Platform to produce next generation devices that meet the ever-increasing demands of mobile customers.
Come listen to these senior executives as they discuss the Symbian platform movement issues, the benefits and challenges of the open collaboration model and how each is contributing to the vision of Symbian becoming the most used software platform on the planet."
28-Oct-09,Main Stage,12:00,13:00,Main Stage,Ted Shelton,"David  Caabeiro
John  Moberg
Raimo van der Klein
Simon Daniel",Panel Session: Augmented Reality - This is Only The Beginning,"Over the last year Augmented Reality entered the mainstream on mobile platforms, generating lots of media attention. This session will provide a walk-through on the development of a so-called 'augmented reality browser' on Symbian OS, describing pitfalls, limitations and possible improvements.   "
28-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,16:15,16:45,Open Source Business Models,Matt Millar,Matt Millar,Ruthlessly exploiting open source for profit,
27-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,13:00,13:45,Open Source Business Models,Shaun Puckrin,"Annaig Burnel
Gerard Grech
Patrick Mork
Balbir Blugan
Tim Massey",App store Showdown: Multiple app stores talk about the opportunity for developers,"Appstores have been the biggest story in Mobile over the last 12 months. We have seen the introduction of new stores from Operators and OEMs as well as renewed efforts from existing independent stores This Panel session will have leaders from a number of Leading Appstores that distribute Symbian applications answer questions about how the future of Appstores will evolve
- What is the future of Appstores?
- How do you differentiaite an Appstore?
- What is the opportunity for developers through the Appstores?
- What should developers do to improve their sucess in Appstores?
- How can developers ensure the best response to their applications?
- What does your app store do to attract and keep developers?"
27-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,13:45,14:30,Open Source Business Models,,Matt Asay,Don't be afraid of Free: Why Open-Source Symbian makes sound Financial Sense,"Giving your software away isn't tantamount to a monastic vow of poverty. In fact, done correctly, open-source software models can deliver outstanding sales and profits. The key is learning how to foster abundance while appropriately monetizing complementary scarcity. In this session, Matt Asay will detail executive strategies for making money while giving your software away."
27-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,14:30,15:00,Open Source Business Models,,Boaz Zilberman,Translating Open Source into Real Money,"In this session Fring will examine the commercial opportunities for open source software projects and products. We'll investigate the different ways of generating revenue from open source software and how to select open source software technologies for building easy-to-market products. For Fring, the open source revenue model is one based on a service revenue stream rather than a licence revenue stream. We will explore the opportunities from different perspectives, including selling hardware accessories; selling services and add-on capabilities, dual-licensing the software and differentiating between basic and premium versions. Please bring your own ideas and experiences to share during the Q&A."
27-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,15:00,15:30,Open Source Business Models,,"Panu Kause
Soren  Kristensen",OSS Business Models throughout the Mobile Value Chain,"The key point of open source software is that it's not the software itself that's worth paying for - it's the things built with it. With open source, all stakeholders can build on and add value to an existing infrastructure, thus providing better products and services. In general, this results in faster time to market in a more cost-efficient manner. Ixonos will elaborate on a number of experiences and perspectives of the open source money-making opportunities for device manufacturers, application and middleware developers, as well as for service providers of different kinds. They will touch upon key questions such as the value-add items of a platform, the importance of having a wide developer community and product quality for the end-user market."
27-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,15:30,16:00,Open Source Business Models,,Belinda Parmar,How to improve your Bottom Line in a Recession,"Belinda Parmar is the founder of Lady Geek, which helps technology clients improve their bottom line by selling more to women. She has been advising and partnering with technology clients for over 12 years. Her clients include IBM, Cisco and Hewlett Packard. She will cover the missed financial opportunity of not targeting women in the right way in the tech sector, marketing strategies and advertising that appeal to women, and how women and men are different when it comes to purchasing and buying technology."
27-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,16:00,16:30,Open Source Business Models,,Andrew Till,Avoiding the Pitfalls of Open Source,"Teleca will provide practical insights on how to work with OSS in a productive and profitable way and avoid the pitfalls that can exist when transitioning to this model. The presentation will cover issues such as what to contribute, what licenses you should contribute under, how to avoid alienating your potential customers, and how to make money when working with OSS."
27-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,16:30,17:00,Open Source Business Models,,Srikar Kasarla,Shortening the path from code to cash,"Sony Ericsson will talk about the benefits that an open source, multi-platform developer ecosystem confers upon content partners. They will cover such topics as why open source is the future in an unpredictable global marketplace, nascent mobile content markets and ways in which Symbian developers can position themselves to capitalise on their growth."
28-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,13:00,13:45,Open Source Business Models,,Stefano Maffulli,Show me the Money!,"It can be notoriously difficult to make money from open source. This talk examines popular dual-licensing and services models of open source companies, and discusses their applicability to other projects. It also covers how Software as a Service (SaaS) is both a major opportunity for commercial open source projects as well as a challenge. Funambol will share the experience of how its popular mobile open source project has adapted its business model over time to uniquely make money from mobile service providers, while not attempting to monetize its developers or users, yet still gaining significant value from its community. The talk will be of interest to anyone trying to figure out a successful business model for mobile open source."
28-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,13:45,14:15,Open Source Business Models,,Tim Ocock,Adapting to the Open Source Ecosystem,"As the mobile industry adopts a wide variety of open source projects as cornerstones, including Symbian OS, WebKit, Qt, Linux and Android, traditional business models built on proprietary software development have to change. Symsource is riding the wave of the mobile open source revolution and will be talking about their business has adapted to take advantage of the new opportunities on offer.
1 Business opportunities presented by open source in the mobile ecosystem
2. How Symsource is taking advantage of these opportunities
3. A closer look at one of Symsource's open source projects"
28-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,14:15,14:45,Open Source Business Models,,Pasi Ollikainen,Symbian Operator Variants: Capturing Additional Value for Operator Branded Services,Symbian customization and variation possibilities; Symbian Foundation platform advantages in customization; Building Operator asset for service differentation and customer value add; Business benefits of 'Integrated Innovations' - ARPU up and Churn down; Using open-source as base for custom service creation; Case examples of operator customization
28-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,14:45,15:15,Open Source Business Models,,Konstantin Shpunt,Making Even More Money Now that Symbian is Open Source,"How can the fact that the Symbian platform is now open source make even more money for a commercial, profit-oriented company? 5Pro Software will give real-life examples of how open source Symbian makes better technical sense, encourages new consulting contracts and gives customers a greater sense of confidence."
28-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,15:15,15:45,Open Source Business Models,,Igor  Netto,How to Add Value in an Open Mobile Ecosystem,"Where is the value in an open mobile ecosystem? Opera will show how to implement the write once, deploy everywhere strategy using Mobile Widgets and demonstrate its effectiveness through case studies involving T-Mobile and Vodafone."
28-Oct-09,Business Models Theatre,15:45,16:15,Open Source Business Models,,Ville Virtanen,"Monetization of free, beyond advertizing","With the advent of intelligent analytics, interaction, targeted advertising, recommendation and transaction technologies, operators and handset manufacturers can evolve towards a Multisided Market Platform, a marketplace, which links two or more distinct but interdependent groups of customers, with the value to each group increasing with the number of users. "