changeset 1 8758140453c0
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equal deleted inserted replaced
0:e8c1ea2c6496 1:8758140453c0
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // @file 
    15 // [TestStep Name]
    16 // SmtpCreateForwadMessage
    17 // [Parameters]
    18 // ServiceType			:	Specifies the service type(IMAP or POP) under which message exists.
    19 // FolderName			:	Destination local folder where message is to be created.
    20 // ImapAccountName		:	If service type is IMAP4, specify the IMAP account name that holds the
    21 // message.
    22 // ParentFolderName	:	IMAP4 folder name that holds the message.
    23 // PopAccountName		:	If the the sevice type is POP3, specify POP account name.
    24 // CommandName			:	SMTP client MTM command used to create the forward message.
    25 // FolderName			:	Destination local folder in which message would be storted.
    26 // SubjectOfExistingMsg:	Sbject line of the existing message to which forward message
    27 // would be creted.
    28 // SubjectOfForwardMsg	:	Specifies the subject line to be set for the froward message.
    29 // This is an optional parameter and if not specified the subject line
    30 // would take the default format(Fwd: <SubjectOfExistingMsg>).
    31 // Creates a forward message to an existing message using the SMTP client MTM command
    32 // and modifies the message header information.
    33 // [APIs Used]
    34 // CImEmailMessage::OpenPlainBodyTextForReadL
    35 // CImPlainBodyText::NextChunkL
    36 // 
    37 //
    42 // User includes 
    43 #include "T_SmtpCreateForwardMessage.h"
    44 #include <t_utilscentralrepository.h>
    45 #include <t_utilsenumconverter.h>
    46 #include <t_utils.h>
    49 // Epoc includes 
    50 #include <miutmsg.h>
    53 // Literals Used 
    54 _LIT(KServiceType, "ServiceType");
    56 _LIT(KImapAccountName,"ImapAccountName");
    57 _LIT(KParentFolderName,"ParentFolderName");
    59 _LIT(KPopAccountName,"PopAccountName");
    61 _LIT(KCommandName,"CommandName");
    62 _LIT(KFolderName, "FolderName");
    63 _LIT(KSubjectOfExistingMsg,"SubjectOfExistingMsg");
    65 _LIT(KSubjectOfForwardMsg, "SubjectOfForwardMsg");
    66 _LIT(KRecipientsAddress, "RecipientsAddress");
    68 const TInt KZero={0};
    69 /**
    70   Function 		: CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage
    71   Description 	: Constructor
    72   @param 		: aSharedDataSMTP		Reference to CT_MsgSharedDataSmtp
    73   @return 		: N/A
    74 */
    75 CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage::CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage(CT_MsgSharedDataSmtp& aSharedDataSMTP)
    76 :	CT_MsgAsyncStepSMTP(aSharedDataSMTP)
    77 ,	iOperation(NULL)
    78 	{
    79 	SetTestStepName(KSmtpCreateForwadMessage);
    80 	}
    83 /**
    84   Function 		: NewL
    85   Description 	: Creates an object of CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage 				 
    86   @return 		: N/A
    87 */
    88 CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage* CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage::NewL(CT_MsgSharedDataSmtp& aSharedDataSMTP)
    89 	{
    90 	CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage* self = new(ELeave) CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage(aSharedDataSMTP);
    91 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    92 	self->ConstructL(); 					 
    93 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    94 	return self;
    95 	}	
    98 /**
    99   Function 		: ~CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage
   100   Description 	: Destructor
   101   @return 		: N/A
   102 */
   103 CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage::~CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage()
   104 	{
   105 	delete iRecipientAddress;
   106 	delete iOperation;
   107 	iOperation = NULL;
   108 	}
   110 /**
   111   Function 		: ProgressL
   112   Description 	: Displays the status of the asynchronous operation
   113   @return 		: N/A
   114 */
   115 void CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage::ProgressL(TBool /*bFinal*/)
   116 	{}
   119 /**
   120   Function 		: CancelStep
   121   Description 	: Cancels the asynchronous operation
   122   @return 		: N/A
   123 */
   124 void CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage::CancelStep()
   125 	{
   126 	iOperation->Cancel();
   127 	}
   130 /**
   131   Function 		: doTestStepL
   132   Description 	: Creates a forward message for an existing message. Existing message
   133   				  may be under some remot folder under IMAP service or under POP service.
   134   @return 		: TVerdict - Test step result
   135 */
   136 TVerdict CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage::doTestStepL()
   137 	{
   138 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TestStep: SmtpCreateFwdMsgForPlainBodyTextMsg"));
   139 	TMsvId	entryToBesearched = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
   140 	TPtrC serviceType;
   141 	if(!GetStringFromConfig( ConfigSection(), KServiceType, serviceType))
   142 		{
   143 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("\"ServiceType\" for the message is not specified"));
   144 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   145 		}
   146 	else
   147 		{
   148 		TBuf<4> temp(serviceType);
   149 		temp.UpperCase();						// Makes case insensitive
   150 		// Perform the following if message has been downloaded using IMAP4 service
   151 		if(temp.CompareC(_L("IMAP")) == KZero)
   152 			{
   153 			// Read the IMAP account name from the ini file
   154 			TPtrC imapAccountName;
   155 			if(!GetStringFromConfig( ConfigSection(), KImapAccountName, imapAccountName))
   156 				{
   157 				ERR_PRINTF1(_L("ImapAccount Name is not specified"));
   158 				SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   159 				}
   160 			else
   161 				{
   162 				TPtrC	parentFolderName;
   163 				if(!GetStringFromConfig( ConfigSection(), KParentFolderName, parentFolderName))
   164 					{
   165 					ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Parent Folder is not specified"));
   166 					SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   167 					}
   168 				else
   169 					{
   171 					// retrieves the folder Id based on the remote service folder name read from the ini file
   172 					entryToBesearched = CT_MsgUtils::GetRemoteFolderIdByNameL(iSharedDataSMTP.iSession, imapAccountName, parentFolderName);
   173 					if( entryToBesearched == KErrNotFound)
   174 						{
   175 						ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid Remote folder name specified"));
   176 						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   177 						}
   178 					else
   179 						{
   180 						INFO_PRINTF2(_L("The parent folder Id is %d"),entryToBesearched );
   181 						}
   182 					}
   183 				}
   184 			}
   185 		// Perform the following if message has been downloaded using POP3 service 	
   186 		else if(temp.CompareC(_L("POP")) == KZero)
   187 			{
   188 			TPtrC popAccountName;
   189 			if(!GetStringFromConfig( ConfigSection(), KPopAccountName, popAccountName))
   190 				{
   191 				ERR_PRINTF1(_L("PopAccount Name is not specified"));
   192 				SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   193 				}
   194 			else
   195 				{
   196 				// Retrieves the Pop service Id for the given Pop account
   197 				entryToBesearched = CT_MsgUtilsCentralRepository::GetPopServiceIdL((TDes&)popAccountName);
   198 				INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Pop service id is %d"), entryToBesearched);
   200 				// Fails the test step if an invalid POP account is specified 
   201 				if(entryToBesearched == KMsvNullIndexEntryId)
   202 					{
   203 					ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid POP account name specified"));
   204 					SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   205 					}
   206 				}
   207 			}
   208 		else
   209 			{
   210 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Sevice Type is not specified: It should be IMAP or POP"));
   211 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   212 			}
   213 		}
   215 	if(TestStepResult() == EPass)
   216 		{
   217 		TPtrC commandName;
   218 		if(!GetStringFromConfig( ConfigSection(), KCommandName, commandName))
   219 			{
   220 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Command name is not specified"));
   221 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   222 			}
   223 		else
   224 			{
   225 			// Read the name of the target folder from the ini file
   226 			TPtrC folderName;
   227 			if(!GetStringFromConfig( ConfigSection(), KFolderName, folderName))
   228 				{
   229 				ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Folder name is not specified"));
   230 				SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   231 				}
   232 			else
   233 				{
   234 				TPtrC subjectOfExistingMsg;	
   235 				if( !GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KSubjectOfExistingMsg, subjectOfExistingMsg))
   236 					{
   237 					ERR_PRINTF1(_L("\"SubjectOfExistingMsg\" is not specified"));
   238 					SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   239 					}
   240 				else
   241 					{
   242 					// Retrieves the message Id based on the message subject from the given remote service folder
   243 					TMsvId messageId;
   244 					messageId = CT_MsgUtils::SearchMessageBySubjectL(iSharedDataSMTP.iSession, entryToBesearched, subjectOfExistingMsg, ETrue);
   245 					if( messageId == KMsvNullIndexEntryId)
   246 						{
   247 						ERR_PRINTF1(_L("The given message is not found"));
   248 						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   249 						}
   250 					else
   251 						{
   252 						TMsvId folderId;
   253 						folderId = CT_MsgUtilsEnumConverter::FindFolderIdByName(folderName);
   255 						// Interpret the SMTP client MTM command to be executed 
   256 						TSmtpCmds commandId = CT_MsgUtilsEnumConverter::ConvertDesToTSmtpCmdsL((TDesC&) commandName);									
   258 						CMsvEntrySelection* selection = new (ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection;
   259 						CleanupStack::PushL(selection);
   261 						selection->AppendL(folderId);
   262 						selection->AppendL(messageId);
   264 						TImCreateMessageOptions createMessageOptions;
   265 						createMessageOptions.iMsvPartList = KMsvMessagePartBody;
   266 						createMessageOptions.iMessageType = KUidMsgTypeSMTP;
   267 						createMessageOptions.iMsvEmailTypeList = 0;
   268 						TPckgBuf<TImCreateMessageOptions> paramPack(createMessageOptions);
   270 						CT_MsgActive&	active=Active();
   271 						delete iOperation;
   272 						iOperation = NULL;
   273 						TRAPD(err2,iOperation = iSharedDataSMTP.iMtm->InvokeAsyncFunctionL(commandId,*selection,paramPack,active.iStatus));
   274 						active.Activate();
   275 						CActiveScheduler::Start();
   276 						SetHeaderPartL();
   278 						User::LeaveIfError(active.Result());
   279 						INFO_PRINTF2(_L("err2 : %d"), err2);
   280 						CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(selection); // selection
   281 						}
   282 					}
   283 				}
   284 			}
   285 		}
   286 	return TestStepResult();
   287 	}
   290 /**
   291   Function 		: SetHeaderPartL
   292   Description 	: Sets the message header fields. If the field values are not provided
   293   				  as input, it takes the default values.
   294   @return 		: N/A  				  
   295 */
   296 void CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage::SetHeaderPartL()
   297 	{
   298 	//Get the message ID from the CMsvOperation object
   299 	TMsvId temp;	
   300 	TPckgC<TMsvId> paramPack(temp);
   301 	const TDesC8& progBuf = iOperation->ProgressL();	
   302 	paramPack.Set(progBuf);
   303 	TMsvId newMessageId = paramPack();	
   304 	if (newMessageId!=NULL)
   305 		{
   306 		CMsvEntry *entry = CMsvEntry::NewL(*(iSharedDataSMTP.iSession), newMessageId, TMsvSelectionOrdering(KMsvNoGrouping,EMsvSortByNone,ETrue));
   307 		CleanupStack::PushL(entry);
   308 		entry->SetEntryL(newMessageId);			// 
   309 		CMsvStore* store = entry->EditStoreL();
   310 		CleanupStack::PushL(store);
   312 		CImHeader* header = CImHeader::NewLC(); 
   313 		header->RestoreL(*store); // Retrieves the email message header part from the message store
   314 		TPtrC subjectOfForwardMsg;
   315 		if(GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KSubjectOfForwardMsg, subjectOfForwardMsg))
   316 			{
   317 			header->SetSubjectL(subjectOfForwardMsg);
   318 			}
   319 		TPtrC recipientsAddress;	
   320 		if(GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KRecipientsAddress, recipientsAddress))
   321 			{
   322 			header->ToRecipients().AppendL(recipientsAddress);
   323 			}
   324 		else
   325 			{
   326 			GetDefaultAddressL();
   327 			header->ToRecipients().AppendL(*iRecipientAddress);
   328 			}
   329 		header->StoreL(*store);
   330 		store->CommitL();				// Saves the modifications to message store
   331 		TMsvEntry indexEntry = entry->Entry();
   332 		indexEntry.iDescription.Set(header->Subject());
   333 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Subject field of Forward message : %S"), &(indexEntry.iDescription));
   334 		indexEntry.SetVisible(ETrue);
   335 		entry->ChangeL(indexEntry);			// Modify the corresponding index entry permanently
   337 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3,entry);	//	header, store, 	entry
   338 		}
   339 	}
   342 /**
   343   Function 		: GetDefaultAddressL
   344   Description 	: Retrieve the default email address from the default SMTP service.
   345   @return 		: N/A
   346 */
   347 void CT_SmtpCreateForwadMessage::GetDefaultAddressL()
   348 	{
   349 	CImSmtpSettings* settings = new(ELeave) CImSmtpSettings();
   350 	CleanupStack::PushL(settings);
   352 	CEmailAccounts* accounts = CEmailAccounts::NewLC();
   353 	TSmtpAccount smtpAccount;
   354 	smtpAccount.iSmtpService = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
   355 	accounts->DefaultSmtpAccountL(smtpAccount);
   356 	accounts->LoadSmtpSettingsL(smtpAccount, *settings);
   357 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(accounts);					// accounts
   358 	iRecipientAddress = settings->EmailAddress().AllocL();
   359 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Default Email Address is %s"),iRecipientAddress->Ptr());
   360 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(settings);					// settings
   361 	}