changeset 1 8758140453c0
child 6 c108117318cb
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:e8c1ea2c6496 1:8758140453c0
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/sfl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Test for GT0247 Bravo.
    15 // CR0583: Apparc should allow short caption to be modified dynamically
    16 // Test for UIKON GT0143 Typhoon Work Series 60 Changes.
    17 // REQ758.1: Add support for short captions
    18 // This test requires that tstapp.app has been built
    19 // tstapp.mmp has RESOURCE tstapp_caption.rss what caption is built into the .rsc file
    20 // tstapp_loc.rss decides what version of the caption file to include:
    21 // tstapp01.rls
    22 // tstapp02.rls
    23 // tstapp03.rls
    24 // tstapp04.rls
    25 // tstapp05.rls
    26 // tstappsc.rls
    27 // 
    28 //
    32 /**
    33  @file
    34  @test
    35  @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
    36 */
    38 #include <apgicnfl.h>
    39 #include <hal.h>
    40 #include <e32test.h>
    42 #include <apgctl.h>
    43 #include <apfctlf.h>
    44 #include <APGCLI.H>
    45 #include <APSSERV.H>
    46 #include <APAFLREC.H>
    47 #include <APFREC.H>
    48 #include <APPARC.H>
    49 #include <APGDOOR.H>
    50 #include <centralrepository.h>
    52 #include <s32file.h>
    53 #include "tstapp.h"		// KUidTestApp defined here
    54 #include "T_CaptionStep.h"
    55 #include "appfwk_test_utils.h"
    56 #include "appfwk_test.h"
    57 #include "ticoncaptionoverride.h" //KUidTestIconCapOverride defined here
    58 #include "TIconLoaderAndIconArrayForLeaks.h"
    61 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    62 //
    63 //		global consts and declarations
    64 //
    65 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    68 _LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionEnglish,"TstCap UK");
    69 _LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionEnglish,"TC UK");
    71 _LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionFrench,"TstCap FR");
    72 _LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionFrench,"TC FR");
    74 _LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionGerman,"TstCap GE");
    75 _LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionGerman,"TC GE");
    77 // If _loc.rss does not define Short Caption, it takes long caption
    78 _LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionSpanish,"TstCap SP");
    79 _LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionSpanish,"TstCap SP");
    81 // If _loc.rss does not define Caption, it takes app name
    82 _LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionItalian,"tstapp");
    83 _LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionItalian,"TC IT");
    85 _LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionDefault,"TstCap UK");
    86 _LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionDefault,"TC UK");
    88 // Cenrep configuration details for English language
    89 _LIT(KCenRepCaption, "CRTstCap UK");
    90 _LIT(KCenRepShortCaption, "CRTC UK");
    91 _LIT(KCenRepIconFilename, "Z:\\resource\\apps\\ticoncapoverride.mbm");
    93 const TUid KUidIconCaptionRepository = {0x1028583d}; // Central Repository UID.
    94 const TInt KTextSize = 100;
    96 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    97 //
    98 //		CT_CaptionStep
    99 //
   100 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   103 void CT_CaptionStep::ChangeLocaleL(TLanguage aLanguage)
   104 	{
   105 	//  Change locale according to information in the HAL
   106 	_LIT(KLitLocaleDllNameBase, "ELOCL");
   107 	_LIT(KLitLocaleDllNameExtension, ".LOC");
   108 	RLibrary localeDll;
   109 	TBuf<16> localeDllName(KLitLocaleDllNameBase);
   110 	CleanupClosePushL(localeDll);
   111 	const TUidType uidType(TUid::Uid(0x10000079),TUid::Uid(0x100039e6));
   112 	_LIT(TwoDigExt,".%02d");
   113 	localeDllName.AppendFormat(TwoDigExt, aLanguage);
   114 	TInt error=localeDll.Load(localeDllName, uidType);
   115 	if (error==KErrNotFound)
   116 		{
   117 		localeDllName=KLitLocaleDllNameBase;
   118 		localeDllName.Append(KLitLocaleDllNameExtension);
   119 		error=localeDll.Load(localeDllName, uidType);
   120 		}
   121 	User::LeaveIfError(error);
   122 	User::LeaveIfError(UserSvr::ChangeLocale(localeDllName));
   123 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&localeDll);
   124 	}
   127 void CT_CaptionStep::DoLanguageTestL()
   128 	{
   129 	TLanguage language = User::Language();	// keep a copy to restore it later on.
   131 	TInt ch = 0;
   132 	for (ch=0; ch < 2; ch++)
   133 		{
   134 		TLanguage languageToTest = ELangTest;	// init to supress compiler remark
   135 		switch (ch)
   136 			{
   137 			case 0:
   138 				languageToTest=ELangEnglish;
   139 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--------- Testing English"));
   140 				break;
   141 			case 1:
   142 				languageToTest=ELangFrench;
   143 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--------- Testing French"));
   144 				break;
   145 			case 2:
   146 				languageToTest=ELangGerman;
   147 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--------- Testing German"));
   148 				break;
   149 			case 3:
   150 				languageToTest=ELangSpanish;
   151 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--------- Testing Spanish"));
   152 				break;
   153 			case 4:
   154 				languageToTest=ELangItalian;
   155 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--------- Testing Italian"));
   156 				break;
   157 			case 5:
   158 				languageToTest=ELangAmerican;
   159 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--------- Testing American"));
   160 				break;
   161 			default:
   162 				User::LeaveIfError(KErrNotSupported);
   163 				break;
   164 			};
   166 		// Change the locale
   167 		ChangeLocaleL(languageToTest);
   168 		TEST(User::Language() == languageToTest);
   170 		// Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
   171 		RPointerArray<TDesC> dummy;
   172 		User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   174 		// Do the same set of tests for each language
   175 		TestCApaSystemControlListL();
   176 		TestCApaDoorL();
   177 		TestTApaAppInfoStreamsL();
   178 		//Skip the memory leak test
   179 		//HEAP_TEST_LS_SESSION(iLs, 0, 0, TestTApaAppInfoL(), iLs.ClearAppInfoArray() );
   180 		//and run this instead
   181 		TestTApaAppInfoL();
   183 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test for that language finished..."));
   184 		}
   186 	// restore original locale, just in case...
   187 	ChangeLocaleL(language);
   188 	TEST(User::Language() == language);
   189 	}	
   191 /**
   192    @SYMTestCaseID	t_caption_TestCApaSystemControlListL
   194    @SYMPREQ			0
   196    @SYMTestCaseDesc	Check (short)caption by means of a control on the list CApaSystemControlList 
   198    @SYMTestPriority High
   200    @SYMTestStatus 	Implemented
   202    @SYMTestActions	The test creates a CApaSystemControlList and checks the value of (short)caption
   203    					by creating a CApaSystemControl from index 0 of CApaSystemControlList
   205    @SYMTestExpectedResults	The (short)caption is set to a value not null (length is not zero)
   206  */	
   207 void CT_CaptionStep::TestCApaSystemControlListL()
   208 	{
   209 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing CApaSystemControlList... "));
   210 	CApaSystemControlList* list=NULL;
   211 	User::LeaveIfError(FbsStartup());
   212 	RFbsSession fbs;
   213 	User::LeaveIfError(fbs.Connect());
   214 	TRAPD(ret, list=CApaSystemControlList::NewL(iFs));
   215 	TEST(ret==KErrNone);
   216 	CApaSystemControl* control=list->Control(0);
   217 	TPtrC testShortCap=control->ShortCaption();
   218 	TEST(testShortCap.Length()>0);
   219 	TPtrC testCap=control->Caption();
   220 	TEST(testCap.Length()>0);
   221 	}
   224 /**
   225    @SYMTestCaseID	t_caption_TestTApaAppInfoL
   227    @SYMPREQ			0
   229    @SYMTestCaseDesc Check appInfo contains the right (short)caption for the current test language.
   231    @SYMTestPriority High
   233    @SYMTestStatus 	Implemented
   235    @SYMTestActions	The test searches for KUidTestApp by calling GetNextApp until the UIDs match. 
   236    					Once the right app is found, it retrieves its details by calling GetAppInfo().
   237    					The (short)caption is check to ensure it matches the expected result.
   239    @SYMTestExpectedResults	The (short)caption matches the one specified for the application, with the
   240    							american one being the default one.
   241  */	
   242 void CT_CaptionStep::TestTApaAppInfoL()
   243 	{
   244 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing GetAppInfo()... "));
   246 	// go through the list of apps until it finds KUidTestApp
   247 	TApaAppInfo appInfo;
   248 	TInt ret = iLs.GetAllApps();
   249 	TEST(ret==KErrNone);
   250 	FOREVER
   251 		{
   252 		TApaAppInfo info;
   253 		ret=iLs.GetNextApp(info);
   254 		TEST(ret==KErrNone);
   255 		if (info.iUid==KUidTestApp)
   256 			{
   257 			iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, info.iUid);
   258 			break;
   259 			}
   260 		}
   262 	switch (User::Language())
   263 		{
   264 		case ELangEnglish:
   265 			TEST(appInfo.iCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionEnglish);
   266 			TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionEnglish);
   267 			break;
   268 		case ELangFrench:
   269 			TEST(appInfo.iCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionFrench);
   270 			TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionFrench);
   271 			break;
   272 		case ELangGerman:
   273 			TEST(appInfo.iCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionGerman);
   274 			TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionGerman);
   275 			break;
   276 		case ELangSpanish:
   277 			TEST(appInfo.iCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionSpanish);
   278 			TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionSpanish);
   279 			break;
   280 		case ELangItalian:
   281 			TEST(appInfo.iCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionItalian);
   282 			TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionItalian);
   283 			break;
   284 		case ELangAmerican:
   285 			TEST(appInfo.iCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionDefault);
   286 			TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionDefault);
   287 			break;
   288 		default:
   289 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   290 			break;
   291 		};
   292 	}
   295 /**
   296    @SYMTestCaseID	t_caption_TestCApaDoorL
   298    @SYMPREQ			0
   300    @SYMTestCaseDesc	Check the caption returned by a CApaDoor (a wrapper for an embedded document).
   302    @SYMTestPriority High
   304    @SYMTestStatus 	Implemented
   306    @SYMTestActions	The test starts by creating an active scheduler.
   307    					A CApaProcess is created, and a new CApaDocument is added to it using the specified 
   308    					application factory. This document is then used to create a CApaDoor object which 
   309    					is used to retrieve the test app caption.
   311    @SYMTestExpectedResults	The (short)caption matches the one specified for the application, with the
   312    							american one being the default one.
   313  */	
   314 void CT_CaptionStep::TestCApaDoorL()
   315 	{
   316 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing CApaDoor... "));
   318 	// create an active scheduler
   319 	CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
   320 	CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
   321 	CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
   323 	CApaProcess* process=NULL;
   324 	TRAPD(ret,process = CApaProcess::NewL(iFs));
   325 	TEST(ret==KErrNone);
   327 	CleanupStack::PushL(process);
   329 	CApaDocument* doc=NULL;
   330 	TApaApplicationFactory appFact(KUidTestApp);
   331 	TRAP(ret,doc=process->AddNewDocumentL(appFact));
   332 	TEST(ret==KErrNone);
   334 	CApaDoor* door = NULL;
   335 	TRAP(ret,door=CApaDoor::NewL(iFs,*doc,TSize(400,400)));
   336 	TEST(ret==KErrNone);
   338 	switch (User::Language())
   339 		{
   340 		case ELangEnglish:
   341 			TEST(*door->Caption()==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionEnglish);
   342 			break;
   343 		case ELangFrench:
   344 			TEST(*door->Caption()==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionFrench);
   345 			break;
   346 		case ELangGerman:
   347 			TEST(*door->Caption()==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionGerman);
   348 			break;
   349 		case ELangSpanish:
   350 			TEST(*door->Caption()==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionSpanish);
   351 			break;
   352 		case ELangItalian:
   353 			TEST(*door->Caption()==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionItalian);
   354 			break;
   355 		case ELangAmerican:
   356 			TEST(*door->Caption()==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionDefault);
   357 			break;
   358 		default:
   359 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   360 			break;
   361 		};
   362 	process->DestroyDocument(doc);
   363 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //process,scheduler
   364 	}
   367 /**
   368    @SYMTestCaseID	t_caption_TestTApaAppInfoStreamsL
   370    @SYMPREQ			0
   372    @SYMTestCaseDesc Check TApaAppInfo streaming works as expected
   374    @SYMTestPriority High
   376    @SYMTestStatus 	Implemented
   378    @SYMTestActions	Create and TApaAppInfo object with the KUidTestApp test app.
   379    					Also, create a temporal file, associates the file with a write stream, 
   380    					and prepares the stream for writing. 
   381    					When the object is externalized to the streem, we open a file containing a 
   382    					read stream and prepares the stream for reading.
   384    @SYMTestExpectedResults	The test case is completed without any errors or panics
   385  */	
   386 void CT_CaptionStep::TestTApaAppInfoStreamsL()
   387 	{
   388 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing TApaAppInfo streams... "));
   390 	TApaAppInfo appInfoShort(KUidTestApp, _L("z:\\sys\\bin\\tstapp.exe"), _L("TstCap UK"),_L("TC UK"));
   391 	TEST(appInfoShort.iShortCaption.Compare(_L("TC UK"))==0);
   393 	TFileName tempFile=_L("c:\\system\\test\\TC_temp.txt");
   394 	TInt ret = iFs.MkDirAll(tempFile);
   395 	if (ret != KErrNone && ret != KErrAlreadyExists)
   396 		User::LeaveIfError(ret);
   398 	TApaAppInfo appInfo;
   400 	RFileWriteStream writer;
   401 	writer.PushL();
   402 	User::LeaveIfError(writer.Replace(iFs,tempFile,EFileWrite));
   403 	TRAP(ret, appInfo.ExternalizeL(writer));
   404 	TEST(ret==KErrNone);
   405 	writer.CommitL();
   406 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&writer);
   408 	RFileReadStream reader;
   409 	reader.PushL();
   410 	User::LeaveIfError(reader.Open(iFs,tempFile,EFileRead));
   411 	TRAP(ret, appInfo.InternalizeL(reader));
   412 	TEST(ret==KErrNone);
   414 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&reader);
   416 	User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Delete(tempFile));
   417 	}
   421 /**
   426    @SYMTestCaseDesc Test the RApaLsSession::SetAppShortCaption function, used to set the app's short caption.
   428    @SYMTestPriority High
   430    @SYMTestStatus Implemented
   432    @SYMTestActions Call SetAppShortCaption() to set the caption and read it back using the GetApaAppInfo().
   434    @SYMTestExpectedResults The returned short caption must match the one set by the SetAppShortCaption function.
   435  */	
   436 void CT_CaptionStep::DoShortCaptionTestL()
   437 	{
   438 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing SetAppShortCaptionL() for short caption changes... "));
   440 	_LIT(KShortCaption1, "SC1");
   441 	_LIT(KShortCaption2, "SC2");
   442 	_LIT(KShortCaption3, "SC3");
   443 	_LIT(KShortCaption4, "SC4");
   444 	_LIT(KShortCaption5, "SC5");
   446 	// keep a copy of the current language, and set it to a known one
   447 	TLanguage language = User::Language();
   448 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangEnglish);
   449 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangEnglish);
   451 	// Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
   452 	RPointerArray<TDesC> dummy;
   453 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   455 	// SetAppShortCaption should return KErrNotFound if it could not find the app
   456 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption for an unknown app"));
   457 	TInt err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption1, ELangNone, TUid::Uid(0xFFF34556));
   458 	TEST(err == KErrNotFound);
   460 	// Set the NULL short caption i.e. "", should return KErrArgument,
   461 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting an empty short caption"));
   462 	err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KNullDesC, ELangNone, KUidTestApp);
   463 	TEST(err == KErrArgument);
   465 	// SetAppShortCaption should return KErrArgument if short caption > KApaMaxAppCaption
   466 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption of more then KApaMaxAppCaption length"));
   467 	HBufC* longCaption = HBufC::NewL(KApaMaxAppCaption+1);
   468 	longCaption->Des().SetLength(KApaMaxAppCaption+1);
   469 	err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(*longCaption, ELangNone, KUidTestApp);
   470 	TEST(err == KErrArgument);
   471 	delete longCaption;
   473 	// SetAppShortCaption should return KErrNone if short caption == KApaMaxAppCaption
   474 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption of same size as KApaMaxAppCaption"));
   475 	longCaption = HBufC::NewL(KApaMaxAppCaption);
   476 	longCaption->Des().SetLength(KApaMaxAppCaption);
   477 	err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(*longCaption, ELangCatalan, KUidTestApp);	// just testing the arg length, not actual values
   478 	TEST(err == KErrNone);
   479 	delete longCaption;
   481 	// Set short caption of an app for the current locale language (ELangEnglish so far)
   482 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption of an app for the current locale language"));
   483 	err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption1, ELangEnglish, KUidTestApp);
   484 	TEST(err == KErrNone);
   485 	TApaAppInfo appInfo;
   486 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   487 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1);
   489 	// Check short caption remains updated after a refresh of the applist
   490 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....checking short caption remains updated after a refresh of the applist"));
   491 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   492 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   493 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1);
   495 	// Check short caption remains updated after a locale change
   496 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....checking short caption remains updated after a locale change"));
   497 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangJapanese);
   498 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangJapanese);	// Japanese locale exists in epoc32 tree but not defined in test app
   499 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   500 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangEnglish);				// back to English to see what happened in between
   501 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangEnglish);
   502 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   503 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   504 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1);
   506 	// Set short caption of an app for a language which is not the current one (ELangFrench, for example)
   507 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption of an app for a language which is not the current one"));
   508 	err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption2, ELangFrench, KUidTestApp);
   509 	TEST(err == KErrNone);
   510 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   511 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1);	// English, the current app language, doesn't change...
   512 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangFrench);
   513 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangFrench);
   514 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   515 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   516 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption2);	
   518 	// Set short caption of an app for a language which the app does not include (ELangAmerican)
   519 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption of an app for a language which the app does not include"));
   520 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangAmerican);
   521 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangAmerican);
   522 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   523 	err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption2, ELangAmerican, KUidTestApp);
   524 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   525 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1);	// American takes the default...so English...which has just been updated.
   527 	// Set short caption of an app for all languages with ELangNone
   528 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption for all languages with ELangNone"));
   529 	err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption3, ELangNone, KUidTestApp);
   530 	TEST(err == KErrNone);
   531 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   532 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1);	// American takes the default...so English...which has just been updated.
   533 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangEnglish);
   534 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangEnglish);
   535 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   536 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   537 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1);	// English set individually ===> not updated by ELangNone
   538 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangFrench);
   539 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangFrench);
   540 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   541 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   542 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption2);	// French set individually ===> not updated by ELangNone
   543 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangGerman);
   544 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangGerman);
   545 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   546 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   547 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption3);	// German takes the one set by  ELangNone
   548 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangItalian);
   549 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangItalian);
   550 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   551 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   552 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption3);	// Italian takes the one set by ELangNone
   553 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangSpanish);
   554 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangSpanish);
   555 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   556 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   557 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption3);	// Spanish takes the one set by ELangNone
   559 	// Set short caption of an app for a language which was set by the previous ELangNone
   560 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption of an app which was set by the previous ELangNone"));
   561 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangItalian);
   562 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangItalian);
   563 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   564 	err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption4, ELangItalian, KUidTestApp);
   565 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   566 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption4);
   568 	// Repeat set short caption of an app for all languages with ELangNone
   569 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....repeat setting short caption for all languages with ELangNone"));
   570 	err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption5, ELangNone, KUidTestApp);
   571 	TEST(err == KErrNone);
   572 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   573 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption4);	// Italian set individually ===> not updated by ELangNone
   574 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangEnglish);
   575 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangEnglish);
   576 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   577 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   578 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1);	// English set individually ===> not updated by ELangNone
   579 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangFrench);
   580 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangFrench);
   581 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   582 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   583 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption2);	// French set individually ===> not updated by ELangNone
   584 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangGerman);
   585 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangGerman);
   586 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   587 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   588 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption5);	// German takes the one set by  ELangNone
   589 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangSpanish);
   590 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangSpanish);
   591 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   592 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   593 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption5);	// Spanish takes the one set by ELangNone
   594 	ChangeLocaleL(ELangAmerican);
   595 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangAmerican);
   596 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   597 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
   598 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1);	// American takes the default...so English...which has just been updated.
   600 	// restore original settings....
   601 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....restoring original settings"));
   602 	ChangeLocaleL(language);
   603 	TEST(User::Language() == language);
   604 	// restore original short captions for all langs....(h4 doesn't perform reboots between tests)
   605 	TEST(iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionEnglish, ELangEnglish, KUidTestApp) == KErrNone);
   606 	TEST(iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionFrench, ELangFrench, KUidTestApp) == KErrNone);
   607 	TEST(iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionGerman, ELangGerman, KUidTestApp) == KErrNone);
   608 	TEST(iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionItalian, ELangItalian, KUidTestApp) == KErrNone);
   609 	TEST(iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionSpanish, ELangSpanish, KUidTestApp) == KErrNone);
   610 	}
   613 CT_CaptionStep::~CT_CaptionStep()
   614 	{
   615 	iFs.Close();
   616 	iLs.Close();
   617 	}
   619 CT_CaptionStep::CT_CaptionStep()
   620 	{
   621 	SetTestStepName(KT_CaptionStep);
   622 	}
   624 /**
   625 @SYMTestCaseID 				APPFWK-APPARC-0087
   626 @SYMPREQ 					CR1787
   627 @SYMREQ						REQ9167
   628 @SYMTestCaseDesc			Tests whether the captions, icon configuration details have been retrieved properly from
   629 							the central repository settings and has the precedence over its resource file information.
   630 @SYMTestType				CIT
   631 @SYMTestPriority			Critical
   632 @SYMTestActions				A test application with its captions, icon details defined in a test central repository file
   633 							as well as resource file (suitable field values have been given for both cenrep and resource
   634 							configurations to identify it clearly).
   635 							Gets the information about the test application by passing its UID.
   636 							Check the given configuration details matches with central repository entries.
   637 @SYMTestExpectedResults 	The given configuration details should match with central repository entries.
   638 */
   640 void CT_CaptionStep::TestIconCaptionOverridesL()
   641 	{
   642 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0087:TestIconCaptionOverridesL started..."));
   644 	//Change the system language to English before starting the tests
   645 	TRAPD(ret,ChangeLocaleL(ELangEnglish));
   646 	TEST(ret == KErrNone);
   648 	TApaAppInfo appInfo;
   649 	//Get test app's information
   650 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
   652 	RFile file;
   653 	TBuf<KTextSize> fileName;
   654 	//Get test app's icon information
   655 	iLs.GetAppIcon(KUidTestIconCapOverride,file);
   656 	file.FullName(fileName);
   658 	//compare the captions, icon with values in CenRep file.
   659 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Caption with value in CenRep..."));
   660 	TBuf<KTextSize> cencap(KCenRepCaption);
   662 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected caption==>%S"), &cencap);
   663 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iCaption);
   664 	TEST(appInfo.iCaption == KCenRepCaption);
   665 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares ShortCaption with the value in CenRep..."));
   666 	cencap.Zero();
   667 	cencap.Copy(KCenRepShortCaption);
   669 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected short caption==>%S"), &cencap);
   670 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved short caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iShortCaption);
   671 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KCenRepShortCaption);
   673 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Icon file with the value in CenRep..."));
   674 	cencap.Zero();
   675 	cencap.Copy(KCenRepIconFilename);
   676 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected icon filename==>%S"), &cencap);
   677 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved icon filename==>%S"), &fileName);
   678 	TEST(fileName.Compare(KCenRepIconFilename)==0);
   680 	file.Close();
   681 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0087:TestIconCaptionOverridesL finished..."));
   682 	}	
   684 /**
   685 @SYMTestCaseID 				APPFWK-APPARC-0088
   686 @SYMPREQ 					CR1787
   687 @SYMREQ						REQ9167
   688 @SYMTestCaseDesc			Tests whether the shortcaption is set through the API has got the precedence over central
   689 							repository and resource file customisation.
   690 @SYMTestType				CIT	
   691 @SYMTestPriority			Critical
   692 @SYMTestActions				A test application with its short caption defined in central repository as well as in resource file.
   693 							Update the test application's short caption through API.
   694 							Gets the information about the test application by passing its UID.
   695 							Check whether the provided short caption matches with the one which has already been set through the API.
   696 @SYMTestExpectedResults 	It should retrieve the short caption set through the API and match with the given short caption value.
   697 */
   699 void CT_CaptionStep::TestApiPrecedenceOverCenRepConfigInfoL()
   700 	{
   701 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0088:TestApiPrecedenceOverCenRepConfigInfoL started..."));
   702 	_LIT(KTApiShortCaption,"APITC UK");
   704 	TInt err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KTApiShortCaption, ELangEnglish, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
   705 	TEST(err == KErrNone);
   707 	TApaAppInfo appInfo;
   708 	//Get test app's information
   709 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
   711 	TBuf<KTextSize> shortCaption(KTApiShortCaption);
   713 	//compares the short caption with the value which has been set through API.
   714 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares short caption with the value that has been set through API..."));
   715 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected short caption==>%S"), &shortCaption);
   716 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved short caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iShortCaption);
   717 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KTApiShortCaption);
   719 	//Sets the short caption back to the actual one
   720 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Sets the short caption back to the actual one through API..."));
   721 	err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KCenRepShortCaption, ELangEnglish, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
   722 	TEST(err == KErrNone);
   724 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0088:TestApiPrecedenceOverCenRepConfigInfoL finished..."));
   725 	}
   727 /**
   728 @SYMTestCaseID 				APPFWK-APPARC-0089
   729 @SYMPREQ 					CR1787
   730 @SYMREQ						REQ9167
   731 @SYMTestCaseDesc			Tests whether the changes made in central repository is notified by the central repository
   732 							observer (CApaIconCaptionCenrepObserver), which watches for changes in the Central Repository
   733 							and updates the overrides when they occur.
   734 @SYMTestType				CIT	
   735 @SYMTestPriority			Critical
   736 @SYMTestActions				A test application with its caption, icon configuration details defined in central repository file.
   737 							Access the central repository.
   738 							Update the test application short caption's value in the settings.
   739 							Get the information about the test application by passing its UID.
   740 							Check the short caption value retrieved from the central repository matches with the given information.
   741 @SYMTestExpectedResults 	The given new short caption value should match with the central repository entry.
   742 */
   743 void CT_CaptionStep::TestCenRepChangeNotificationL()
   744 	{
   745 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0089:TestCenRepChangeNotificationL started..."));
   747 	//access central repository
   748 	CRepository* cenRep = CRepository::NewL(KUidIconCaptionRepository);
   749 	CleanupStack::PushL(cenRep);
   751 	_LIT(KCenRepSC,"CRNTC UK");	
   752 	TUint32 shortCapKey = 0x00000001;  // for English
   754 	//update the short caption value in central repository.
   755 	TInt error = cenRep->Set(shortCapKey,KCenRepSC);
   757 	//tests whether the process with WriteDeviceData capability can update the configuration settings.
   758 	TEST(error == KErrNone);
   760 	// Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
   761 	RPointerArray<TDesC> dummy;
   762 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   764 	TApaAppInfo appInfo;
   765 	//Get test app's information
   766 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
   768 	//compare the short caption with the updated value in central repository
   769 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares short caption with the updated value in CenRep..."));
   770 	TBuf<KTextSize> shortCaption(KCenRepSC);
   772 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected short caption==>%S"), &shortCaption);
   773 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved shortcaption==>%S"), &appInfo.iShortCaption);
   774 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KCenRepSC);
   776 	//sets the short caption back to the actual for other tests to work
   777 	error = cenRep->Set(shortCapKey,KCenRepShortCaption);
   779 	// Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
   780 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   782 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cenRep); //cenRep object
   783 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0089:TestCenRepChangeNotificationL finished..."));
   784 	}
   786 /**
   787 @SYMTestCaseID 				APPFWK-APPARC-0090
   788 @SYMPREQ 					CR1787
   789 @SYMREQ						REQ9167
   790 @SYMTestCaseDesc			Tests whether the caption, icon configuration details have been retrieved properly from the
   791 							Central Repository with respect to change in system language.
   792 							Tests if the particular language entry is not there in the central repository file, it will
   793 							then try to get the information from the resource file.
   794 @SYMTestType				CIT	
   795 @SYMTestPriority			Critical
   796 @SYMTestActions				A multilingual test application with its caption, icon configuration details defined in central repository file.
   797 							Change the system language to French.
   798 							Gets the information about the test application by passing its UID.
   799 							Checks the retrieved captions, icon from Central Repository are in French.
   800 							Change the system language to German (the settings are not there for German in Central Repository).
   801 							Again gets the information about the test application by passing its UID.
   802 							Checks the retrieved captions, icon from the Resource file are in German.
   803 							Restores the system language to English.
   804 							Again gets the information about the test application by passing its UID.
   805 							Checks the retrieved captions, icon from Central Repository are in English.
   806 @SYMTestExpectedResults 	All the retrieved Central Repository configuration details should match with the given details by changing
   807 							system language.
   808 */
   810 void CT_CaptionStep::TestIconCaptionOverridesWithChangeLangL()
   811 	{
   812 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0090:TestIconCaptionOverridesWithChangeLangL started..."));
   814 	TInt ret = 0;
   815 	//French
   816 	_LIT(KCaptionFrench, "CRTstCap FR");
   817 	_LIT(KShortCaptionFrench, "CRTC FR");
   818 	_LIT(KIconFilenameFrench, "Z:\\resource\\apps\\svg_icon.svg");
   820 	//German
   821 	_LIT(KCaptionGerman, "TstCap GE");
   822 	_LIT(KShortCaptionGerman, "TC GE");
   823 	_LIT(KIconFilenameGerman, "Z:\\resource\\apps\\ticoncapoverride.mbm");
   825 	TApaAppInfo appInfo;
   826 	RFile file;
   827 	TBuf<KTextSize> fileName;
   829 	// Change the locale to French
   830 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Change the locale to French..."));
   831 	TRAP(ret,ChangeLocaleL(ELangFrench));
   832 	TEST(ret == KErrNone);
   833 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----System Language==>%d"), User::Language());
   835 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangFrench);//check language is set to French.
   837 	// Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
   838 	RPointerArray<TDesC> dummy;
   839 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   841 	//Get test app's information
   842 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
   844 	//Get test app's icon information
   845 	iLs.GetAppIcon(KUidTestIconCapOverride,file);
   846 	file.FullName(fileName);
   848 	TBuf<KTextSize> printString(KCaptionFrench);
   850 	//compare the captions, icon in French with the value in central repository
   851 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Caption with value in CenRep..."));
   852 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Exepcted Caption in French==>%S"), &printString);
   853 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved Caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iCaption);	
   854 	TEST(appInfo.iCaption == KCaptionFrench);
   856 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Short Caption with value in CenRep..."));
   857 	printString.Zero();
   858 	printString.Copy(KShortCaptionFrench);
   859 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected short caption in French==>%S"), &printString);
   860 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved short caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iShortCaption);
   861 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaptionFrench);
   863 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Icon filename with value in CenRep..."));
   864 	printString.Zero();
   865 	printString.Copy(KIconFilenameFrench);
   866 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected icon filename in French==>%S"), &printString);
   867 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved icon filename==>%S"), &fileName);
   868 	TEST(fileName.Compare(KIconFilenameFrench)==0);
   870 	//Change the locale to German.
   871 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Change the locale to German..."));
   872 	TRAP(ret,ChangeLocaleL(ELangGerman));
   873 	TEST(ret == KErrNone);
   874 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----System Language==>%d"), User::Language());
   875 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangGerman);//check language is set to German.
   877 	// Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
   878 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   880 	//Get test app's information
   881 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
   883 	file.Close();
   884 	//Get test app's icon information
   885 	iLs.GetAppIcon(KUidTestIconCapOverride,file);
   887 	fileName.Zero();
   888 	file.FullName(fileName);
   890 	// The entry for language German is not there in Central repository so it compares
   891 	// the captions, icon in this language with the values in resource file.
   892 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Caption with value in Resource file..."));
   893 	printString.Zero();
   894 	printString.Copy(KCaptionGerman);
   895 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected caption in German==>%S"), &printString);
   896 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iCaption);
   897 	TEST(appInfo.iCaption == KCaptionGerman);
   899 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares short caption with value in Resource file..."));
   900 	printString.Zero();
   901 	printString.Copy(KShortCaptionGerman);
   902 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected short caption in German==>%S"), &printString);
   903 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved short caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iShortCaption);
   904 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaptionGerman);
   906 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares icon filename with value in Resource file..."));
   907 	printString.Zero();
   908 	printString.Copy(KIconFilenameGerman);
   909 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected icon filename in German==>%S"), &printString);
   910 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved icon filename==>%S"), &fileName);
   911 	TEST(fileName.Compare(KIconFilenameGerman)==0);
   913 	// Change the locale to English for changing the settings back to the original
   914 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Change the locale back to English..."));
   915 	TRAP(ret,ChangeLocaleL(ELangEnglish));
   916 	TEST(ret == KErrNone);
   917 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----System Language==>%d"), User::Language());
   919 	TEST(User::Language() == ELangEnglish);//check language is set to English.
   921 	// Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
   922 	User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
   924 	//Get test app's information
   925 	iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
   927 	file.Close();
   928 	//Get test app's icon information
   929 	iLs.GetAppIcon(KUidTestIconCapOverride,file);
   931 	fileName.Zero();
   932 	file.FullName(fileName);
   934 	//compare the captions, icon in English with the value in central repository
   935 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Caption with value in CenRep..."));
   936 	printString.Zero();
   937 	printString.Copy(KCenRepCaption);
   938 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected caption in English==>%S"), &printString);
   939 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iCaption);
   940 	TEST(appInfo.iCaption == KCenRepCaption);
   942 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares short caption with value in CenRep..."));
   943 	printString.Zero();
   944 	printString.Copy(KCenRepShortCaption);
   945 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected short caption==>%S"), &printString);
   946 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved short caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iShortCaption);
   948 	TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KCenRepShortCaption);
   949 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares icon filename with value in CenRep..."));
   950 	printString.Zero();
   951 	printString.Copy(KCenRepIconFilename);
   952 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected icon filename==>%S"), &printString);
   953 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved icon filename==>%S"), &fileName);
   954 	TEST(fileName.Compare(KCenRepIconFilename)==0);
   956 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0090:TestIconCaptionOverridesWithChangeLangL finished..."));
   957 	}
   959 /**
   960 @SYMTestCaseID 				APPFWK-APPARC-0091
   961 @SYMPREQ 					CR1787
   962 @SYMREQ						REQ9167
   963 @SYMDEF						DEF125262
   964 @SYMTestCaseDesc			Checks there is no memory leaks when CApaIconCaptionOverridesForApp & CApaIconCaptionCenrepObserver
   965 							objects are created and destroyed.
   966 @SYMTestType				CIT	
   967 @SYMTestPriority			Critical
   968 @SYMTestActions				Marks the Heap memory
   969 							Invokes the static method 'TestIconCaptionOverridesL()' defined in 'ticonloaderandiconarrayforleaks.dll',
   970 							that creates objects of CApaIconCaptionOverridesForApp, CApaIconCaptionCenrepObserver and deletes those.
   971 							And then tests, there is no memory leak from the creation to destruction of those objects.
   972 @SYMTestExpectedResults 	There should be no memory leaks.
   973 */
   975 void CT_CaptionStep::TestIconCaptionOverridesMemoryLeaksL()
   976 	{
   977 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0091:TestIconCaptionOverridesMemoryLeaksL started..."));
   978 	__UHEAP_MARK;
   979 	TIconLoaderAndIconArrayForLeaks::TestIconCaptionOverridesL();
   980 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
   981 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0091:TestIconCaptionOverridesMemoryLeaksL finished..."));
   982 	}
   984 void CT_CaptionStep::DoIconCaptionOverridesTestL()
   985 	{
   986 	TestIconCaptionOverridesL();
   987 	TestIconCaptionOverridesWithChangeLangL();
   988 	TestCenRepChangeNotificationL();
   989 	TestIconCaptionOverridesMemoryLeaksL();
   990 	TestApiPrecedenceOverCenRepConfigInfoL();
   991 	}
   993 TVerdict CT_CaptionStep::doTestStepL()
   994 	{
   995 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test T_Caption step started....\n"));
   997 	// Connect to Servers
   998 	TEST(iFs.Connect() == KErrNone);
   999 	TEST(iLs.Connect() == KErrNone);
  1001 	// run language tests for the test caption
  1002 	TRAPD(r, DoLanguageTestL());
  1003 	TEST(r==KErrNone);
  1004 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoLanguageTestL() finished with value '%d'\n"), r);
  1006 	// run icon caption overrides tests
  1007 /*	TRAP(r, DoIconCaptionOverridesTestL());
  1008 	TEST(r==KErrNone);
  1009 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoIconCaptionOverridesTestL() finished with value '%d'\n"), r); */
  1011 	// run shortcaption setting tests
  1012 /*	TRAP(r, DoShortCaptionTestL());
  1013 	TEST(r==KErrNone);
  1014 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoShortCaptionTestL() finished with value '%d'\n"), r); */
  1017 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....test T_Caption step finished!"));
  1018 	return TestStepResult();
  1019 	}