author Maciej Seroka <>
Fri, 05 Mar 2010 11:15:10 +0000
changeset 18 147b85a37c23
parent 6 c108117318cb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed Email Smoke Test

// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// [TestStep Name]
// ComparePopSettings
// [Paramaters]
// PopAccountName		:		Name of the Pop account
// ConfigFileName		:		Config file from which the Pop account settings are read 
// ComparePopSettings is intended to compare the Pop account settings.

 @file cexppop3mailinfo.h

// User includes
#include "T_ComparePopSettings.h"
#include <t_utilsconfigfileparserutility.h>
#include <t_utilsreademailsettingsfromconfigfile.h>
#include <t_utilscentralrepository.h>

// Epoc includes
#include <cemailaccounts.h>
#include <iapprefs.h>
#include <pop3set.h>
#include <smtpset.h>

// Literals Used

Constructor - Initializes the data members.

@param aSharedDataPOP
Data shared across the POP test steps. Ex. Session
CT_MsgComparePopSettings::CT_MsgComparePopSettings(CT_MsgSharedDataPop& aSharedDataPOP)
:	CT_MsgSyncStepPOP(aSharedDataPOP) 


Reads the Pop account name and config file name from the ini file
Compares the settings of the Imap account.
Returns the test step result
TVerdict CT_MsgComparePopSettings::doTestStepL()
	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Step : ComparePopSettings"));
	// Read the POP account name from the ini file
	TPtrC popAccountName;
	if(!GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KPopAccountName, popAccountName))
		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("PopAccount Name is not specified"));
		// Retrieving the Pop service Id for the given Pop account
		TMsvId popServiceId = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
		TRAPD(err,popServiceId = CT_MsgUtilsCentralRepository::GetPopServiceIdL((TDes&)popAccountName));
		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Pop service id is %d"),popServiceId);
		TBool matchExpected = ETrue;
		GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KMatchExpected, matchExpected);
		TVerdict result = EPass;
		TPtrC configFileName;
		if(popServiceId == KMsvNullIndexEntryId)
			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid POP account name is specified"));
			result = EFail;	
			if(!GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KPopConfigFileName, configFileName))
				ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Configuration file path is not specified"));
				CEmailAccounts* emailAccounts = CEmailAccounts::NewLC();

				// Creating the first set of settings objects
				CImPop3Settings* popSettings1 = new(ELeave) CImPop3Settings();
				CImIAPPreferences* popIapPrefs1 = CImIAPPreferences::NewLC();
				CImSmtpSettings* smtpSettings1 = new(ELeave) CImSmtpSettings();

				CImIAPPreferences* smtpIapPrefs1 = CImIAPPreferences::NewLC();
				// Creating the second set of settings objects	
				CImPop3Settings* popSettings2= new(ELeave) CImPop3Settings();
				CImIAPPreferences* popIapPrefs2 = CImIAPPreferences::NewLC();
				CImSmtpSettings* smtpSettings2 = new(ELeave) CImSmtpSettings();

				CImIAPPreferences* smtpIapPrefs2 = CImIAPPreferences::NewLC();
				emailAccounts->PopulateDefaultPopSettingsL(*popSettings2, *popIapPrefs2);
				emailAccounts->PopulateDefaultSmtpSettingsL(*smtpSettings2, *smtpIapPrefs2);
				TPopAccount popAccount;
				emailAccounts->	GetPopAccountL(popServiceId, popAccount);
				TRAPD(error1, LoadAccountSettingsL(*emailAccounts,popAccount,
				if(error1 != KErrNone)
					ERR_PRINTF2(_L("LoadPOPPSettingsL Failed with error code %d"), error1);
					result = EFail;
					if(configFileName.CompareF(_L("none")) != 0)
						TRAPD(err, CT_MsgUtilsReadEmailSettingsFromConfigFile::ReadPopSettingsFromConfigurationFileL(configFileName, *popSettings2, *popIapPrefs2));
							ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failure while setting the Pop setting parameters, failed with error %d"), err);
							TRAPD(error, CT_MsgUtilsReadEmailSettingsFromConfigFile::ReadSmtpSettingsFromConfigurationFileL(configFileName, *smtpSettings2, *smtpIapPrefs2));
								ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failure while setting the SMTP setting parameters, failed with error %d"), error);
					if(TestStepResult() == EPass)
						result = CompareSettings(*popSettings1 , *popSettings2 ,

		// if the parameters did not match and we expected them to then fail the test
		if(result == EPass && matchExpected)
			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*********Passed As Expected*******"));
		else if(result == EFail && !matchExpected)
			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*******Failed as Expected********"));
			SetTestStepResult(EPass); // This is required as some checks where it will fail, at that pt teststep might have been set to fail
			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Pop settings Comparison Failed"));
		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ComparePopSettings completed"));
	return TestStepResult();
Compares the two sets of POP settings, IAPPrefernces, and SMTP settings.
@param aPopSettings1
An object of type CImPop3Settings

@param aPopSettings2
An object of type CImPop3Settings

@param aPopIapPrefs1
An object of type CImIAPPreferences

@param aPopIapPrefs2
An object of type CImIAPPreferences

@param aSmtpIapPrefs1
An object of type CImIAPPreferences

@param aSmtpIapPrefs2
An object of type CImIAPPreferences

@param aSmtpSettings
An object of type CImSmtpSettings

@param aSmtpIapSettings
An object of type CImIAPPreferences

Returns EPass if exactly the same for all values in the two sets of parameters.
Returns EFail if any value is different between the two sets of parameters.
TVerdict CT_MsgComparePopSettings::CompareSettings(CImPop3Settings& aPopSettings1, CImPop3Settings& aPopSettings2,
						 CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings1,CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings2, CImIAPPreferences& aPopIapPrefs1,
							CImIAPPreferences& aPopIapPrefs2, CImIAPPreferences& aSmtpIapPrefs1, CImIAPPreferences& aSmtpIapPrefs2)
	TVerdict result = EPass;
	if (!(aPopSettings1 == aPopSettings2))   
		// failed
		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Pop3 Settings objects do not match !"));
		result = EFail;
	else if (!(aSmtpSettings1 == aSmtpSettings2))
		// failed
		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("SMTP Settings objects do not match !"));
		result = EFail;
	else if (!CT_MsgUtilsReadEmailSettingsFromConfigFile::CompareIapPrefs(aPopIapPrefs1, aPopIapPrefs2))
		// failed
		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Pop3 IAP Preference objects do not match !"));
		result = EFail;
	else if (!CT_MsgUtilsReadEmailSettingsFromConfigFile::CompareIapPrefs(aSmtpIapPrefs1, aSmtpIapPrefs2))
		// failed
		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("SMTP IAP Preference objects do not match !"));
		result = EFail;
	return result;
This function loads the IMAP and SMTP settings object from the IMAP account given

@param aEmailAccount
An object of type CEmailAccounts

@param aAccount
An object of type TPopAccount

@param aPopSettings
An object of type CImPop3Settings

@param aPopIapSettings
An object of type CImIAPPreferences

@param aSmtpSettings
An object of type CImSmtpSettings

@param aSmtpIapSettings
An object of type CImIAPPreferences

@return : void
void CT_MsgComparePopSettings::LoadAccountSettingsL(CEmailAccounts& aEmailAccount, const TPopAccount& aAccount, CImPop3Settings& aPopSettings, 
		CImIAPPreferences& aPopIapSettings,CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings, CImIAPPreferences& aSmtpIapSettings)
	aEmailAccount.LoadPopSettingsL(aAccount, aPopSettings);
	aEmailAccount.LoadPopIapSettingsL(aAccount, aPopIapSettings);
	TSmtpAccount smtpAccount;
	aEmailAccount.GetSmtpAccountL(aAccount.iSmtpService, smtpAccount);
	aEmailAccount.LoadSmtpSettingsL(smtpAccount, aSmtpSettings);
	aEmailAccount.LoadSmtpIapSettingsL(smtpAccount, aSmtpIapSettings);