// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/sfl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <apfmimecontentpolicy.h>
#include <f32file.h> // RFs
#include <barsread.h>
#include <barsc.h>
#include <apfmimecontentpolicy.rsg>
#include <caf/content.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <apgcli.h> // For RApaLsSession
// Resource file name.
_LIT(KCEResourceFile, "z:\\resource\\apps\\apfmimecontentpolicy.rsc");
// This is needed for resource reading.
const TInt KCCMask(0x00000fff);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl) : public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
static CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl* NewL();
static CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl* NewL(RFs& aFs);
public: // New functions
TBool IsClosedType(const TDesC& aMimeType) const;
TBool IsClosedExtension(const TDesC& aFileExtension) const;
TBool IsClosedFileL(const TDesC& aFileName) const;
TBool IsDRMEnvelopeL(const TDesC& aFileName) const;
TBool IsClosedFileL(RFile& aFileHandle) const;
TBool IsDRMEnvelopeL(RFile& aFileHandle) const;
void ConstructL();
void ConstructL(RFs& aFs);
TBool IsClosedFileL(RFile& aFileHandle, const TDesC& aFileName) const;
void ReadResourcesL(RFs& aFs);
CDesCArrayFlat* iCcl; // Closed content list.
CDesCArrayFlat* iExtList; // Closed extensions list.
RApaLsSession iLs; // A session to the Application Architecture server.
mutable RFs iFs; // File session
TBool iFsConnected; // ETrue if connected to file server, else EFalse
// class CApfMimeContentPolicy
C++ default constructor.
// Nothing to do here.
By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void CApfMimeContentPolicy::ConstructL()
iImpl = CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::NewL();
By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
@param aFs A handle to a shared file server session.
void CApfMimeContentPolicy::ConstructL(RFs& aFs)
iImpl = CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::NewL(aFs);
Creates a new Mime Content Policy object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
@return The new Mime Content Policy object.
EXPORT_C CApfMimeContentPolicy* CApfMimeContentPolicy::NewLC()
CApfMimeContentPolicy* self = new (ELeave) CApfMimeContentPolicy();
return self;
Creates a new Mime Content Policy object, and puts a pointer to it onto the cleanup stack.
@param aFs A handle to a shared file server session.
@return The new Mime Content Policy object.
EXPORT_C CApfMimeContentPolicy* CApfMimeContentPolicy::NewLC(RFs& aFs)
CApfMimeContentPolicy* self = new (ELeave) CApfMimeContentPolicy();
return self;
Creates a new Mime Content Policy object.
@return The new Mime Content Policy object.
EXPORT_C CApfMimeContentPolicy* CApfMimeContentPolicy::NewL()
CApfMimeContentPolicy* self = NewLC();
return self;
Creates a new Mime Content Policy object.
@param aFs A handle to a shared file server session.
@return The new Mime Content Policy object.
EXPORT_C CApfMimeContentPolicy* CApfMimeContentPolicy::NewL(RFs& aFs)
CApfMimeContentPolicy* self = NewLC(aFs);
return self;
EXPORT_C CApfMimeContentPolicy::~CApfMimeContentPolicy()
delete iImpl;
Checks if given MIME type is included in closed content list.
@param aMimeType The mime type to be checked.
@return ETrue if given MIME type is in closed content list else returns EFalse.
EXPORT_C TBool CApfMimeContentPolicy::IsClosedType(const TDesC& aMimeType)
return iImpl->IsClosedType(aMimeType);
Checks the extension of given file against list of closed file extensions.
@param aFileExtension File extension to be checked.
@return ETrue if extension of given file name is in closed extensions list else returns EFalse.
EXPORT_C TBool CApfMimeContentPolicy::IsClosedExtension(const TDesC& aFileExtension)
return iImpl->IsClosedExtension(aFileExtension);
Checks if given file is Closed or not.
This method checks for forward lock and superdistribution statuses of the file, in addition to IsClosedExtension
and IsClosedType checks.
@param aFileName A file to be checked
@return ETrue if given file is closed else returns EFalse.
@leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
EXPORT_C TBool CApfMimeContentPolicy::IsClosedFileL(const TDesC& aFileName)
return iImpl->IsClosedFileL(aFileName);
Checks if given file is a DRM envelope. Can leave if file handling fails.
@param aFileName A file to be checked.
@return ETrue if file is DRM envelope else returns EFalse.
@leave KErrCANotSupported if the requested attribute does not exist.
KErrPermissionDenied if the access to the protected content is not permitted
by the CAF Agent. Otherwise one of the other CAF error codes defined in
caferr.h or one of the other system-wide error codes for any other errors.
EXPORT_C TBool CApfMimeContentPolicy::IsDRMEnvelopeL(const TDesC& aFileName)
return iImpl->IsDRMEnvelopeL(aFileName);
Checks if given file is Closed or not. This method checks for forward lock and
superdistribution statuses of the file, in addition to IsClosedExtension and IsClosedType checks.
Remember to make a file handle sharable. When a file handle is shared, the RFs handle has to be shared too.
@param aFileHandle Handle to the file to be checked.
@return ETrue if given file is closed else returns EFalse.
@leave KErrNone, if successful; KErrBadHandle if an invalid handle has been passed as a parameter.
otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
EXPORT_C TBool CApfMimeContentPolicy::IsClosedFileL(RFile& aFileHandle)
return iImpl->IsClosedFileL(aFileHandle);
Checks if given file is a DRM envelope. Can leave if file handling fails.
@param aFileHandle Handle to the file to be checked.
@return ETrue if file is DRM envelope else returns EFalse.
@leave KErrCANotSupported if the requested attribute does not exist.
KErrPermissionDenied if the access to the protected content is not permitted
by the CAF Agent. Otherwise one of the other CAF error codes defined in
caferr.h or one of the other system-wide error codes for any other errors.
EXPORT_C TBool CApfMimeContentPolicy::IsDRMEnvelopeL(RFile& aFileHandle)
return iImpl->IsDRMEnvelopeL(aFileHandle);
// class CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl
C++ default constructor.
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::ConstructL()
// Resource reading is done without coe & eikon env.
iFsConnected = ETrue;
By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
@param aFs A handle to a shared file server session.
void CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::ConstructL(RFs& aFs)
iFsConnected = EFalse;
iFs = aFs;
Two-phased constructor.
CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl* CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::NewL()
CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl* self = new (ELeave) CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl();
return self;
Two-phased constructor.
CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl* CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::NewL(RFs& aFs)
CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl* self = new (ELeave) CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl();
return self;
delete iCcl;
delete iExtList;
Checks if given MIME type is included in closed content list.
@param aMimeType The mime type to be checked.
@return ETrue if given MIME type is in closed content list else returns EFalse.
TBool CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::IsClosedType(const TDesC& aMimeType) const
TInt dummy = 0;
// Check if given descriptor is in closed content list.
// Find() returns 0 if found from array, non-zero if not.
const TBool found = (iCcl->FindIsq(aMimeType, dummy) == 0);
return found;
Checks the extension of given file against list of closed file extensions.
@param aFileExtension File extension to be checked.
@return ETrue if extension of given file name is in closed extensions list else returns EFalse.
TBool CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::IsClosedExtension(const TDesC& aFileExtension) const
TInt dummy = 0;
// Check if given descriptor is in closed content list.
// Find() returns 0 if found from array, non-zero if not.
const TBool found = (iExtList->FindIsq(aFileExtension, dummy) == 0);
return found;
Checks if given file is Closed or not. This method checks for forward lock and superdistribution statuses
of the file, in addition to IsClosedExtension and IsClosedType checks.
@param aFileName A file to be checked.
@return ETrue if given file is closed else returns EFalse.
@leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
TBool CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::IsClosedFileL(const TDesC& aFileName) const
RFile file;
TInt protectionError;
// open file to be checked for protection
protectionError = file.Open(iFs, aFileName, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly);
// If the file is already opened using EFileShareAny (which is against best practices), we have to use it also.
if (protectionError == KErrInUse)
protectionError = file.Open(iFs, aFileName, EFileRead | EFileShareAny);
const TBool retVal = IsClosedFileL(file, aFileName);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // file
return retVal;
Checks if given file is Closed or not. This method checks for forward lock and superdistribution statuses
of the file, in addition to IsClosedExtension and IsClosedType checks.
@param aFileHandle Handle to the file to be checked.
@return ETrue if given file is closed else returns EFalse.
@leave KErrNone, if successful; KErrBadHandle if an invalid handle has been passed as a parameter.
otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
TBool CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::IsClosedFileL(RFile& aFileHandle) const
if (aFileHandle.SubSessionHandle())
TFileName name;
return IsClosedFileL(aFileHandle, name);
return EFalse; // to keep compiler happy
Checks if given file is Closed or not.
@param aFileHandle Handle to the file to be checked.
@param aFileName File to be checked.
@return ETrue if given file is closed else returns EFalse.
@leave KErrNone, if successful; KErrBadHandle if an invalid handle has been passed as a parameter.
otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
TBool CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::IsClosedFileL(RFile& aFileHandle, const TDesC& aFileName) const
TInt value = 0;
// allocate a content object
ContentAccess::CContent* content = ContentAccess::CContent::NewL(aFileHandle);
// Check if file is protected
// If the file type can not be determined just forget it.
if (content->GetAttribute(ContentAccess::EIsProtected, value) == KErrNone)
if (value)
// File is DRM protected
value = 0;
// Check if file is forwardable
if (content->GetAttribute(ContentAccess::EIsForwardable, value) == KErrNone)
delete content;
if (!value)
// EIsProtected == ETrue && EIsForwardable == EFalse => EForwardLocked
// If forwardlocked, sending never allowed, so return without further ado.
return ETrue;
// EIsProtected == ETrue && EIsForwardable == ETrue => ESuperDistributable
// No need to check extension or mime type for files that are superdistributable,
// they must not be blocked in any case.
return EFalse;
delete content;
content = NULL;
// Check file extension.
TParse parser;
parser.Set(aFileName, NULL, NULL);
if (IsClosedExtension(parser.Ext()))
return ETrue;
// Recognize and check MIME type.
TDataType recData;
TUid uid;
const TInt err(iLs.AppForDocument(aFileHandle, uid, recData));
return IsClosedType(recData.Des()); // Check MIME type.
Checks if given file is a DRM envelope. Can leave if file handling fails.
@param aFileName A file to be checked.
@return ETrue if file is DRM envelope else returns EFalse.
@leave KErrCANotSupported if the requested attribute does not exist.
KErrPermissionDenied if the access to the protected content is not permitted
by the CAF Agent. Otherwise one of the other CAF error codes defined in
caferr.h or one of the other system-wide error codes for any other errors.
TBool CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::IsDRMEnvelopeL(const TDesC& aFileName) const
// allocate a content object
ContentAccess::CContent* content = ContentAccess::CContent::NewLC(aFileName, ContentAccess::EContentShareReadOnly);
TInt value = 0;
User::LeaveIfError(content->GetAttribute(ContentAccess::EIsProtected, value));
return (value != 0); // File is DRM protected if value != 0
Checks if given file is a DRM envelope. Can leave if file handling fails.
@param aFileHandle Handle to the file to be checked.
@return ETrue if file is DRM envelope else returns EFalse.
@leave KErrCANotSupported if the requested attribute does not exist.
KErrPermissionDenied if the access to the protected content is not permitted
by the CAF Agent. Otherwise one of the other CAF error codes defined in
caferr.h or one of the other system-wide error codes for any other errors.
TBool CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::IsDRMEnvelopeL(RFile& aFileHandle) const
// allocate a content object
ContentAccess::CContent* content = ContentAccess::CContent::NewLC(aFileHandle);
TInt value = 0;
User::LeaveIfError(content->GetAttribute(ContentAccess::EIsProtected, value));
return (value != 0); // File is DRM protected if value != 0
Reads closed content list and closed extensions list. Connects to RApaLsSession.
Called by constructor.
@param aFs A handle to a shared file server session.
void CApfMimeContentPolicyImpl::ReadResourcesL(RFs& aFs)
TResourceReader reader;
// Resource reading is done without coe & eikon env.
RResourceFile rsFile;
rsFile.OpenL(aFs, KCEResourceFile);
// Read closed content list.
// Remove offset from id
HBufC8* rBuffer = rsFile.AllocReadLC(R_COMMONENG_CLOSED_CONTENT_LIST & KCCMask);
iCcl = reader.ReadDesCArrayL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rBuffer); // rBuffer
// Read closed extensions list.
// Remove offset from id
iExtList = reader.ReadDesCArrayL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // rBuffer, rsFile
// Sort lists to enable binary find
// Connect RApaLsSession and leave it open for the whole
// lifetime of the object.