// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/sfl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// TODO - should this be moved somewhere more central (testutils, say)?
@file ctlbsclientgetlkpao.cpp
#include "ctlbsclientgetlkpao.h"
#include <lbs.h>
_LIT(KGetLastKnownPosAO, "GetLastKnownPosAO");
* Destructor
CT_LbsClientGetLastKnownPosAO::CT_LbsClientGetLastKnownPosAO(MT_GetLastKnownPosObserver& aCaller) : CActive(EPriorityIdle), iCaller(aCaller)
* Constructor - will not leave
CT_LbsClientGetLastKnownPosAO* CT_LbsClientGetLastKnownPosAO::NewL(MT_GetLastKnownPosObserver& aUser)
* 'public constructor' may leave
CT_LbsClientGetLastKnownPosAO* self = new(ELeave)CT_LbsClientGetLastKnownPosAO(aUser);
return self;
void CT_LbsClientGetLastKnownPosAO::GetLastKnownPosL(RPositioner& aPositioner, TPositionInfo& aPosInfo)
* wrapper for async positioner function GetLastKnownPosition().
* Will panic if there's another outstanding request.
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!IsActive(), User::Panic(KGetLastKnownPosAO, KErrInUse));
iPositioner = aPositioner;
// TO DO: this requestor stuff will be removed when we're using the real Location Server:
User::LeaveIfError(iPositioner.SetRequestor( CRequestor::ERequestorService,
_L("Tom Tom")));
iRequestId = EPositionerGetLastKnownPosition; // required for cancel
// Make async call
aPositioner.GetLastKnownPosition(aPosInfo, iStatus);
// Let the active scheduler know we're waiting (active)
void CT_LbsClientGetLastKnownPosAO::DoCancel()
void CT_LbsClientGetLastKnownPosAO::RunL()
// iStatus will contain error code eg KErrUnknown if no position cached
// async request completed. Notify caller via callback:
TInt CT_LbsClientGetLastKnownPosAO::RunError(TInt aError)
{ // called if RunL leaves. aError contains the error code
return aError;
// EOF