// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/sfl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// @file CT_LbsClientStepAssistance.cpp
// This is the class implementation for the LBS Client Step Assistance
//LBS includes.
#include <lbs.h>
#include <lbsnetcommon.h>
#include <lbsnetprotocolbase.h>
// LBS test includes.
#include "ctlbsclientstepassistance.h"
#include "tlbsutils.h"
const TInt KAssistanceDataProviderPluginUidValue = 0x1028225B;
Static Constructor
CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance* CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::New(CT_LbsClientServer& aParent)
// Note the lack of ELeave.
// This means that having insufficient memory will return NULL;
CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance* testStep = new CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance(aParent);
if (testStep)
TInt err = KErrNone;
TRAP(err, testStep->ConstructL());
if (err)
delete testStep;
testStep = NULL;
return testStep;
* Constructor
CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance(CT_LbsClientServer& aParent) : CT_LbsNetSimStep(), iParent(aParent),iLbsAdmin(NULL)
void CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::ConstructL()
// Create the base class objects.
// and the active object wrapper for the notify position update.
iDoPosUpdate = CT_LbsDoPosUpdate::NewL(this);
// create the admin
iLbsAdmin = CLbsAdmin::NewL();
* Destructor
delete iLbsAdmin;
delete iDoPosUpdate;
* @return - TVerdict code
* Override of base class pure virtual
* Our implementation only gets called if the base class doTestStepPreambleL() did
* not leave. That being the case, the current test result value will be EPass.
TVerdict CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::doTestStepL()
// Generic test step used to test the LBS Client Notify position update API with assistant data.
INFO_PRINTF1(_L(">> CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::doTestStepL()"));
if (TestStepResult() == EPass)
// Expected callbacks flags, most test steps require MO-LR.
iFlagsToHaltOn = KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_Connect | // Net Sim callback events.
KLbsCallback_MoLr |
KLbsCallback_Got_NotifyUpdate; // notifypositionupdate completed.
// Carry out unique test actions.
if (GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KTestCaseId, iTestCaseId))
switch (iTestCaseId)
case 16:
// Set 'assisted-if-possible' (EGpsPreferTerminalBased) mode
CLbsAdmin::TGpsMode mode;
User::LeaveIfError(iLbsAdmin->Set(KLbsSettingHomeGpsMode, CLbsAdmin::EGpsPreferTerminalBased));
User::LeaveIfError(iLbsAdmin->Get(KLbsSettingHomeGpsMode, mode));
if(mode != CLbsAdmin::EGpsPreferTerminalBased)
case 18:
// Set 'assisted-if-possible' (EGpsPreferTerminalBased) mode
CLbsAdmin::TGpsMode mode;
User::LeaveIfError(iLbsAdmin->Set(KLbsSettingHomeGpsMode, CLbsAdmin::EGpsPreferTerminalBased));
User::LeaveIfError(iLbsAdmin->Get(KLbsSettingHomeGpsMode, mode));
if(mode != CLbsAdmin::EGpsPreferTerminalBased)
// Test case LBS-NotifyPosUpdate-0020
case 20:
// Set 'assisted-if-possible' (EGpsPreferTerminalBased) mode
CLbsAdmin::TGpsMode mode;
User::LeaveIfError(iLbsAdmin->Set(KLbsSettingHomeGpsMode, CLbsAdmin::EGpsPreferTerminalBased));
User::LeaveIfError(iLbsAdmin->Get(KLbsSettingHomeGpsMode, mode));
// TO DO - ideally we should wait for the admin callback for this change here instead of pausing:
if(mode != CLbsAdmin::EGpsPreferTerminalBased)
User::Panic(KLbsClientStep_Assistance, KErrUnknown);
// Inform the test module of the required test mode - will block.
// TODO remove modDataIn stuff all of it
// utils.NotifyModuleOfConfigChangeL(modDataIn);
// Connect to net sim.
// Setup net sim's assistance data.
// Create reference location. The test step will verify this is returned correctly
// in the netsim callbacks only, it will not be used by the test assistance data provider.
// Location to use.
RPointerArray<TAny>& srcPosInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr;
TPositionInfo* srcPosInfo = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(srcPosInfoArr[0]);
TPosition srcPos;
if (!iNetSim.SetReferenceLocation(srcPos))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, can't set NetSim's reference location."));
return TestStepResult();
// Set plugin to use.
TUid pluginUid = TUid::Uid(KAssistanceDataProviderPluginUidValue);
if (!iNetSim.SetAssistanceDataProvider(pluginUid))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, can't set NetSim's assistance data plugin uid."));
return TestStepResult();
// Kick off the keep alive timer - do last to ensure NetSim is ready otherwise the
// timer callback may start a MO-LR if the NetSim connected to early.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 interval(KLbsKeepAlivePeriod);
// Kick off test.
// Clean up.
return TestStepResult();
/** NetSim callbacks given for a MoLr, which we invoke as a result of the notify position update.
// This method called when a client connects to the gateway API
void CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::Connected()
// Call base implementation.
switch (iTestCaseId)
case 16:
//Configure network simulation to ensure it does not deliver assistance data.
//need to be changed
TBool ret = iNetSim.SetResponseError(KErrNotReady, ETrue);
// All other test cases required a MO-LR.
// Create a posinfo and store in our shared array for later verification.
RPointerArray<TAny>& posInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iCurrentPosInfoArr;
TPositionInfo* posInfo = new(ELeave) TPositionInfo();
T_LbsUtils utils;
utils.ResetAndDestroy_PosInfoArr(posInfoArr); // Clear previous entries before new entry is appended.
// Kick off pos update - this will invoke the assistance data processing
// within the test module. The result of this will be reported back to
// the test step via the module data bus monitor.
// Move to the waiting state.
iState = CT_LbsNetSimStep::EWaiting;
//called when a client disconnects to the gateway API
void CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::Disconnected()
// Call base implementation.
// The data to start MoLr . If this blank then we are starting an MoLr, if not then X3P
void CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr(const TDesC& aData)
// Call base implementation.
// Verify the aData is blank to indicate this is a MOLR.
if (aData != KNullDesC)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, register contains data."));
// The reason the MoLr ended
void CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::NotifyReleaseLcsMoLr(TInt aReason)
// Call base implementation.
if (aReason != KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, bad release reason %d."), aReason);
// A measurement control
void CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::NotifyMeasurementControlLocation(const TPositionInfo& aPosition,
const RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet& aData,
const TLbsNetPosRequestQuality& aQuality)
T_LbsUtils utils;
// Call base implementation.
CT_LbsNetSimStep::NotifyMeasurementControlLocation(aPosition, aData, aQuality);
// Verify the reference position - use the entry in the verify pos info array.
RPointerArray<TAny>& verifyPosInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr;
TPositionInfo* verifyPosInfo = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(verifyPosInfoArr[0]);
if (!utils.Compare_PosInfo(*verifyPosInfo, aPosition, T_LbsUtils::ERoughAccuracy))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, position incorrect."));
// TODO: Check if we can verify aQuality in any way.
void CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::NotifyFacilityLcsMoLrResult(TInt aReason, const TPositionInfo& aPosition)
// Call base implementation.
CT_LbsNetSimStep::NotifyFacilityLcsMoLrResult(aReason, aPosition);
if (aReason != KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, bad release reason %d."), aReason);
// Verify the position returned from the network, this will be the same position
// we sent to the network as the result of the MO-LR, thus use the entry given by
// the test module.
T_LbsUtils utils;
RPointerArray<TAny>& verifyPosInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr;
TPositionInfo* verifyPosInfo = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(verifyPosInfoArr[0]);
if (!utils.Compare_PosInfo(*verifyPosInfo, aPosition, T_LbsUtils::ERoughAccuracy))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, position incorrect."));
void CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::NotifyMeasurementReportLocation(const TPositionInfo& aPosition)
// Call base implementation.
// Verify the position given to the network, this will be the same position
// returned as the result of the MO-LR, thus use the entry given by
// the test module.
T_LbsUtils utils;
RPointerArray<TAny>& verifyPosInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr;
TPositionInfo* verifyPosInfo = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(verifyPosInfoArr[0]);
if (!utils.Compare_PosInfo(*verifyPosInfo, aPosition, T_LbsUtils::ERoughAccuracy))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, position incorrect."));
void CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::NotifyMeasurementReportControlFailure(TInt aReason)
// Call base implementation.
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, got un-expected control failure with reason code = %d."), aReason);
void CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData(const TLbsAssistanceDataGroup& aFilter)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Got - Net Sim Notify Measurement Report Request More Assistance Data - Callback Event."));
// Note that we do NOT set the callback flag here (since it may not be set and the base class does an equivalence test, so we don't test for it)
/** Notify position update callback.
The notify position update as completed. We can mark as done in the callback flags.
void CT_LbsClientStep_Assistance::MT_LbsDoPosUpdateCallback(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Got - Notify Update - Callback Event."));
if (KErrNone != aStatus.Int())
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, pos info request err = %d."), aStatus.Int());
// TODO also we expect this to happen before the last netsim callbacks happen if not
// we can't use current pos in those funcs maybe have to use the verify one not as nice.