// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/sfl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// @file ctlbsportedstepbase.h
#include <w32std.h>
#include <LbsPositionInfo.h>
#include <Lbs.h>
#include <LbsCommon.h>
#include <LbsRequestor.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include "ctlbsstep.h"
#include "ctlbsserver.h"
enum TPosSetupPsyDirective
EPosDisableTheRest = 0
// UID:s for PSY:s
const TInt32 KUidExternalGps = 0x101f7a7d;
const TInt32 KUidManualInput = 0x101f7a7e;
const TInt32 KUidDefault = 0x101f7a7f;
const TInt32 KUidStrategy = 0x101f7a80;
const TInt32 KUidSimulationPsy = 0x101f7a81;
const TInt32 KUidStubPositioner = 0x01000019;
const TInt32 KUidDynDbTestPsy = 0x01000016;
const TInt32 KUidInstallTestPsy = 0x01000015;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsySimulateIsa = 0x01000018;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy1 = 0x01000001;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy2 = 0x01000002;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy3 = 0x01000003;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy4 = 0x01000004;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy5 = 0x01000005;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy6 = 0x01000006;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy7 = 0x01000007;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy8 = 0x01000008;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy9 = 0x01000009;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy10 = 0x01000010;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy11 = 0x01000011;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy12 = 0x01000012;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy13 = 0x01000013;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsy256 = 0x01000017;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsyTp176 = 0x01000176;
const TInt32 KUidMultiPsy = 0x01010176;
const TInt32 KUidTestStatusPsy = 0x01000191;
const TInt32 KUidTestTimerPsy = 0x01000192;
const TInt32 KUidExamplePsy = 0x10001234; // TBD not impl UID
const TInt32 KUidPanicPsy = 0x01010210;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsyPartialUpdate = 0x01000021;
const TInt32 KUidPsySwitching = 0x00000000; // TBD fill in when there ever is a switching psy
const TInt32 KUidTestPsyMaxAge = 0x01000020;
const TInt32 KUidTestRangePsy = 0x01000022;
const TInt32 KUidTestSingPsy = 0x01f0ff23;
const TInt32 KUidTestTrackingPsy = 0x01f0ff24;
const TInt32 KTestProxyPsy1 = 0x01f0e001;
const TInt32 KTestProxyPsy2 = 0x01f0e002;
const TInt32 KTestProxyPsy3 = 0x01f0e003;
const TInt32 KTestProxyPsy4 = 0x01f0e004;
const TInt32 KInstallPsyTp273 = 0x01f0e005;
const TInt32 KUidTestPsyPartialUpdate2 = 0x01000023;
const TInt32 KUidSatInfoPsy = 0x01010177;
const TInt32 KUidBtgPsy = 0x101FE999;
const TInt32 KUidIgPsy = 0x101FE999;
const TInt KEspectedErrorCodePSY1 = KErrNone;
const TInt KEspectedErrorCodePSY2 = KPositionPartialUpdate;
const TInt KEspectedErrorCodePSY3 = KErrPositionBufferOverflow;
const TInt KEspectedErrorCodePSY4 = KErrNone;
// Central repository constants for Default Proxy.
const TUid KCRUidDefaultProxyConfiguration = { 0x101f7a7f };
const TUint32 KDefaultProxyLastWorkingGpsPsy = 0x10000001;
class CT_LbsClientLog;
* The reason to have a new step base is that it is very much possible
* that the all individual test steps have project related common variables
* and members
* and this is the place to define these common variable and members.
class CT_LbsPortedStepBase : public CT_LbsStep
virtual ~CT_LbsPortedStepBase();
CT_LbsPortedStepBase(CT_LbsServer& aParent);
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPreambleL();
virtual TVerdict doTestStepL();
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPostambleL();
//Please add your class members which will be common to all individual test steps:
HBufC8* iReadData;
HBufC8* iWriteData;
public: // New functions
* Starts the test
virtual void StartL() = 0;
public: // Functions from base classes
* Runs the test in the module
* @param aIndex Indicates which internal test to run.
void StartL(TInt aIndex);
protected: // New functions
* Setup privacy and notification override settings
* @param aPsyName the name of the psy
* @param aDirective how to setup the PSY:s
* Enum def in this file.
void SetupPsyL(const TUid aPsyUid,
TPosSetupPsyDirective aDirective = EPosDisableTheRest);
* Initialises the test.
* By default does nothing.
virtual void InitTestL();
* Cleans up after a test.
* Always called, even if the test leaves.
* By default does nothing.
virtual void CloseTest();
* Connect to epos server.
void ConnectL();
* Open a PSY by name.
TInt OpenPositionerByName(const TUid aPsyUid);
* Open default PSY.
TInt OpenPositioner();
* Close PSY by calling "iPositioner.Close()"
void ClosePositioner();
* Close connection with epos server.
void Disconnect();
* Perform a request to epos.
* Use this methods when requesting from
* both a service and another requestor source, ie a Contact
void PerformRequestL(const TDesC& aService,
const TDesC& aContact,
CRequestor::_TRequestorType aServiceIdType,
CRequestor::_TRequestorType aContactIdType,
// Set default values
CRequestor::_TRequestorFormat aServiceFormat = CRequestor::EFormatApplication,
CRequestor::_TRequestorFormat aContactFormat = CRequestor::EFormatTelephone
* Perform a request to epos.
void PerformRequestL(const TDesC& aRequestor,
CRequestor::_TRequestorType aRequestorType,
CRequestor::_TRequestorFormat aRequestorFormat);
* Perform a synchronous request to epos and return errorcode.
* Position info is returned in OUT parameter
TInt PerformSyncRequest(const TDesC& aServiceName,
/* OUT */TPositionInfoBase* aModuleInfo);
* Check the result of a request to epos.
* Leaves if the error code is not the expected one.
* The log file is used to print the result from the request
void CheckRequestResultL(TInt aExpectedErrorCode, TBool aLogFlag = ETrue);
* Leaves if aCondition is false.
* @param aCondition something that should be true
void AssertTrueL(TBool aCondition, const TDesC& aErrorMsg, TInt aErrorCode);
* Leaves if aCondition is false.
* @param aCondition something that should be true
void AssertTrueL(TBool aCondition, const TDesC& aErrorMsg);
* Get the last updated position info from positioner
* Uses GetLastKnownPosition() method.
* @return position info.
TPositionInfo AllocPositionInfoL();
* Verifies that a PSY has been loaded by getting its last reported status.
* Requires that the PSY report active in its constructor.
* @param aUid the PSYs Uid
void VerifyPsyLoadedL(TPositionModuleId aUid);
* Verifies that a PSY has been unloaded by getting its last reported status.
* Requires that the PSY report inactive in its destructor.
* @param aUid the PSYs Uid
void VerifyPsyUnloadedL(TPositionModuleId aUid);
* Request a position from the default psy
void RequestL(TPositionInfo& aPosInfo, const TInt& aRequestIndex,
const TInt& aExpectedErrorCode = 999);
void LogErrorAndLeaveL(const TDesC& aErrorInfo,
const TInt aReason = KErrGeneral);
void SetSimDataFileL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void ResetDefaultPSYLastWorkingExtGPSPSYL();
void VerifyPositionFromL(TPositionInfo& aPosInfo, TPositionModuleId& aModuleId);
void VerifyPositionL(TPositionInfo& aPosInfo, TReal64 aLat,
TReal64 aLong, TReal64 aAlt);
void VerifyRequestTimeLessThanL(TInt aExpectedReqTime);
void ConstructL();
protected: // Data
TInt iNrOfRequests;
TInt iRequestTime;
TInt iModuleId;
TUid iUidExternalGps;
TUid iUidManualInput;
TUid iUidDefault;
TUid iUidStrategy;
TUid iUidSimulationPsy;
TUid iUidStubPositioner;
TUid iUidDynDbTestPsy;
TUid iUidInstallTestPsy;
TUid iUidTestPsySimulateIsa;
TUid iUidTestPsy1;
TUid iUidTestPsy2;
TUid iUidTestPsy3;
TUid iUidTestPsy4;
TUid iUidTestPsy5;
TUid iUidTestPsy6;
TUid iUidTestPsy7;
TUid iUidTestPsy8;
TUid iUidTestPsy9;
TUid iUidTestPsy10;
TUid iUidTestPsy11;
TUid iUidTestPsy12;
TUid iUidTestPsy13;
TUid iUidTestPsy256;
TUid iUidTestPsyTp176;
TUid iUidMultiPsy;
TUid iUidExamplePsy;
TUid iUidTestStatusPsy;
TUid iUidTestTimerPsy;
TUid iUidPsySwitching;
TUid iUidPanicPsy;
TUid iUidTestPsyPartialUpdate;
TUid iUidTestPsyMaxAge;
TUid iUidTestRangePsy;
TUid iUidTestSingPsy;
TUid iUidTestTrackingPsy;
TUid iUidTestProxyPsy1;
TUid iUidTestProxyPsy2;
TUid iUidTestProxyPsy3;
TUid iUidTestProxyPsy4;
TUid iUidInstallPsyTp273;
TUid iUidPartialUpdate2;
TUid iUidSatInfoPsy;
TUid iUidBtgPsy;
TUid iUidIgPsy;
RPositionServer iPosServer;
RPositioner iPositioner;
CActiveScheduler* iScheduler;
TBool iErrors;
RFs iFileServer;
CT_LbsClientLog* iLog;
private: // Data
TRequestStatus iStatus;
TPositionInfo iModuleInfo;