changeset 0 37428ad74fc2
child 1 820b22e13ff1
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:37428ad74fc2
     1 # Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
     2 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     3 # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     4 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     5 # at the URL "".
     6 #
     7 # Initial Contributors:
     8 # Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
     9 # Mike Kinghan,
    10 #
    11 # Contributors:
    12 #
    13 # Description:
    14 # This is a Linux makefile for the Symbian build tools components.
    16 epocroot := $(dir $(realpath ../epoc32))
    17 ifneq '$(epocroot)' ''
    18 epocroot := $(patsubst %/,%,$(epocroot))
    19 $(warning WARNING: EPOCROOT not set. Assuming $(epocroot))
    20 export EPOCROOT=$(epocroot)
    21 else
    22 $(error EPOCROOT must be defined as the parent directory of your epoc32 tree)
    23 endif
    25 ifdef EPOCROOT
    26 include $(EPOCROOT)/build/makefiles-garage/
    27 endif
    29 garage = $(EPOCROOT)/build/makefiles-garage
    30 garage_makefiles = $(shell find $(garage) -name Makefile)
    31 targets = $(notdir $(patsubst %/Makefile,%,$(garage_makefiles)))
    32 clean_targets = $(addsuffix -clean,$(targets))
    33 garage_make_dirs = $(patsubst %/Makefile,%,$(garage_makefiles))
    34 make_dirs = $(patsubst $(garage)%,$(EPOCROOT)/build%,$(garage_make_dirs)) 
    35 makefiles = $(patsubst $(garage)/%,$(EPOCROOT)/build/%,$(garage_makefiles))
    36 raptor_linux_binaries = $(EPOCROOT)/build/sbsv2/raptor/linux-*
    37 new_subdirs = $(EPOCROOT)/build/imgtools/romtools/r_t_areaset
    38 subdirs = imgtools e32tools sbsv2 srctools buildframework buildtoolguides bintools
    40 .PHONY: all tools export gen_preinclude clean distclean deploy_makefiles gather_makefiles help \
    41 sbs_comp_list sbs_targ_list list_hacks list_prereqs
    43 all: tools
    45 tools: $(preinclude) $(makefiles)
    46 	for dir in $(subdirs); do $(MAKE) -C $$dir; done
    49 #export: tools
    50 #	for dir in $(subdirs); do $(MAKE) -C $$dir export; done
    52 clean: $(makefiles)
    53 	for dir in $(subdirs); do $(MAKE) -C $$dir clean; done
    55 distclean: clean
    56 	rm -f -r $(makefiles) $($(preinclude) $(linux_gcc_defs_inc) $(raptor_linux_binaries) $(new_subdirs)
    58 help:
    59 	@echo "Build the Symbian build tools by conventional GNU/Linux means."
    60 	@echo "PHONY targets:"
    61 	@echo "" 	
    62 	@echo "  help"
    63 	@echo "  all              - Build all real targets (default)"
    64 	@echo "  clean            - Remove all build object files, libraries and executables"
    65 	@echo "  TARGET-clean     - clean the real target TARGET"
    66 	@echo "  distclean        - Remove everything but the original files"
    67 	@echo "  deploy_makefiles - Copy makefiles from the garage to the locations where they run"
    68 	@echo "  gather_makefiles - Gather any new or updated makefiles from the places where they run into the garage"
    69 	@echo "  export           - TODO: No exports are implemented yet"
    70 	@echo "  what             - TODO: \"What is built?\" not implemented yet"
    71 	@echo "  TARGET-what      - TODO: \"What is built for TARGET?\" not implemented yet" 
    72 	@echo "  sbs_comp_list    - List the components that sbs would find (BLD.INF files)"
    73 	@echo "  sbs_targ_list    - List the targets that sbs would find (MMP files)"
    74 	@echo "  list_prereqs     - List the dependency graph of final targets"
    75 	@echo "  list_hacks       - List the targets and files for which hacks are currently applied."
    76 	@echo "                     The hacks are applied by the make and removed by clean." 
    77 	@echo ""  
    78 	@echo "Real targets in hierarchy:"
    79 	@echo ""
    80 	@for file in $(sort $(garage_makefiles)); do \
    81 		dummy=`grep 'include $$(EPOCROOT)/build/makefiles-garage/' $$file 2> /dev/null`;\
    82 		todo=;\
    83 		file=$${file#$(garage)/};\
    84 		file=$${file%/Makefile};\
    85 		targ=$${file##*/};\
    86 		file=$${file%/*};\
    87 		file=$${file%$${targ}};\
    88 		file=`echo $$file | sed -e 's|/||g' -`;\
    89 		file=$${file//?/-};\
    90 		if [ "$${dummy}" != "" ]; then todo='  ### TODO ###'; fi; \
    91 		echo "  $$file$$targ$$todo";\
    92 	done
    94 $(makefiles): $(EPOCROOT)/build/%: $(garage)/%
    95 	mkdir -p $(dir $@) && cp $< $@
    97 deploy_makefiles: $(makefiles)
    99 gather_makefiles:
   100 	for dir in $(subdirs); do \
   101 		grep --include Makefile -r -e 'include $$(EPOCROOT)/build/makefiles-garage/' $$dir | \
   102 		sed -e 's|:include $$(EPOCROOT)/build/makefiles-garage/||g' -e 's|$(EPOCROOT)/build/||g' - | while read makefile; do \
   103 			if [ ! -f $(garage)/$$makefile ]; then \
   104 				echo "### Garaging new makefile $(garage)/$$makefile ###" ;\
   105 				cp -f --parents $$makefile $(garage); \
   106 			else if [ $(EPOCROOT)/build/$$makefile -nt $(garage)/$$makefile ]; then \
   107 				if [ "`diff $(EPOCROOT)/build/$$makefile $(garage)/$$makefile`" != "" ]; then \
   108 					echo "### Updating garaged makefile $(garage)/$$makefile ###" ;\
   109 					cp -f --parents $$makefile $(garage); \
   110 				fi; \
   111 			fi; \
   112 			fi; \
   113 		done; \
   114 	done
   116 sbs_comp_list:
   117 	@for file in `find . -iname 'bld.inf'`; do echo $${file}; done
   119 sbs_targ_list:
   120 	@for file in `find . -iname '*.mmp'`; do echo $${file}; done
   122 list_hacks: $(makefiles)
   123 	@for make_dir in $(sort $(make_dirs)); do \
   124 		$(MAKE) -s -C $$make_dir query=1 targ=$${make_dir##*/} hacks; \
   125 	done	
   127 list_prereqs: $(makefiles)
   128 	@for make_dir in $(sort $(make_dirs)); do \
   129 		$(MAKE) -s -C $$make_dir query=1 targ=$${make_dir##*/} prereqs; \
   130 	done
   132 $(targets): $(preinclude) $(makefiles)
   133 	garage_makedir=`find $(garage) -name $@`;\
   134 	makedir=$${garage_makedir##$(garage)/};\
   135 	makedir=$(EPOCROOT)/build/$${makedir};\
   136 	$(MAKE) -C $${makedir}
   138 $(clean_targets): $(makefiles)
   139 	targ=$@; \
   140 	targ=$${targ%-clean}; \
   141 	garage_makedir=`find $(garage) -name $${targ}`;\
   142 	echo $$targ; \
   143 	makedir=$${garage_makedir##$(garage)/};\
   144 	makedir=$(EPOCROOT)/build/$${makedir};\
   145 	$(MAKE) -C $${makedir} clean