1 <#-- |
2 ============================================================================ |
3 Name : |
4 Part of : Helium |
5 |
6 Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
7 All rights reserved. |
8 This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
9 under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
10 which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
11 at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
12 |
13 Initial Contributors: |
14 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
15 |
16 Contributors: |
17 |
18 Description: |
19 |
20 ============================================================================ |
21 --> |
22 |
23 strict digraph G { |
24 compound=true; |
25 subgraph cluster_0 { |
26 node [style=filled]; |
27 <#if !(ant?keys?seq_contains("sf"))> |
28 Ant -> "Quick Guide"[dir=none]; |
29 "Quick Guide" -> "Setting up Helium at Nokia"[dir=none]; |
30 "Setting up Helium at Nokia" -> "Running Helium"[dir=none]; |
31 "Running Helium" -> "Feature List"[dir=none]; |
32 "Feature List" -> Diamonds[dir=none]; |
33 Diamonds -> "Helium Wiki"[dir=none]; |
34 "Helium Wiki" -> "Helium Forum"[dir=none]; |
35 <#else> |
36 Ant -> "Quick Guide"[dir=none]; |
37 "Quick Guide" -> "Setting up Helium"[dir=none]; |
38 "Setting up Helium" -> "Running Helium"[dir=none]; |
39 "Running Helium" -> "Feature List"[dir=none]; |
40 </#if> |
41 label = "Beginners"; |
42 } |
43 |
44 subgraph cluster_1 { |
45 node [style=filled]; |
46 <#if !(ant?keys?seq_contains("sf"))> |
47 "Configure Helium" -> IDO[dir=none]; |
48 "Configure Helium" -> TeamCI[dir=none]; |
49 "Configure Helium" -> MCL[dir=none]; |
50 <#else> |
51 "Configure Helium"; |
52 </#if> |
53 label = "Intermediate"; |
54 } |
55 |
56 subgraph cluster_2 { |
57 node [style=filled]; |
58 "ROM Image" -> "Helium Stages"[dir=none]; |
59 <#if !(ant?keys?seq_contains("sf"))> |
60 "Helium Stages" -> "Helium Nokia Stages"[dir=none]; |
61 </#if> |
62 label = "Advanced"; |
63 } |
64 |
65 |
66 subgraph cluster_4 { |
67 node [style=filled]; |
68 <#if !(ant?keys?seq_contains("sf"))> |
69 "Helium Developer Guide" -> "Coding Convention"[dir=none]; |
70 "Coding Convention" -> "Helium Test Plan"[dir=none]; |
71 "Helium Test Plan" -> Python[dir=none]; |
72 Python -> Java[dir=none]; |
73 Java -> FMPP[dir=none]; |
74 FMPP -> "DOS Scripting"[dir=none]; |
75 <#else> |
76 "Helium Developer Guide" -> "Coding Convention"[dir=none]; |
77 "Coding Convention" -> Python[dir=none]; |
78 Python -> Java[dir=none]; |
79 Java -> FMPP[dir=none]; |
80 FMPP -> "DOS Scripting"[dir=none]; |
81 </#if> |
82 label = "Helium Developer"; |
83 } |
84 |
85 <#if !(ant?keys?seq_contains("sf"))> |
86 subgraph cluster_2_1{ |
87 node [style=filled, rankdir=LR]; |
88 EBS [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://s60wiki.nokia.com/S60Wiki/EBS"]; |
89 Raptor [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://s60wiki.nokia.com/S60Wiki/Raptor"]; |
90 "Electric Cloud" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://www.connecting.nokia.com/nmp/tpm/nmpglosw.nsf/document/ES21T6K9FM4?OpenDocument"]; |
91 ATS [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="manual/stages.html#stage-ats3-stif-and-eunit"]; |
92 } |
93 </#if> |
94 |
95 subgraph cluster_4_1 { |
96 node [style=filled, rankdir=LR]; |
97 ANTUnit [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://ant.apache.org/antlibs/antunit/"]; |
98 NOSE [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://ivory.idyll.org/articles/nose-intro.html"]; |
99 JUnit [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://helium.nmp.nokia.com/trac/wiki/JUnit"]; |
100 } |
101 |
102 Start -> Ant [lhead=cluster_0]; |
103 Start -> "Configure Helium" [lhead=cluster_1]; |
104 Start -> "ROM Image" [lhead=cluster_2]; |
105 Start -> "Helium Developer Guide" [lhead=cluster_4]; |
106 <#if !(ant?keys?seq_contains("sf"))> |
107 "Helium Nokia Stages" -> "Electric Cloud"[dir=none, lhead=cluster_2_1, ltail=cluster_2]; |
108 </#if> |
109 "DOS Scripting" -> NOSE[dir=none, lhead=cluster_4_1, ltail=cluster_4]; |
110 |
111 |
112 Start [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,style=filled,href="introduction.html"]; |
113 |
114 Ant [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://ant.apache.org/manual/"]; |
115 "Quick Guide" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="quick_start_guide.html"]; |
116 "Running Helium" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="manual/running.html"]; |
117 |
118 <#if (ant?keys?seq_contains("sf"))> |
119 "Setting up Helium" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="sf.html"]; |
120 </#if> |
121 |
122 "Feature List" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="feature_list.html"]; |
123 "Configure Helium" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="manual/configuring.html"]; |
124 "Helium Stages" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="manual/stages.html"]; |
125 |
126 "ROM Image" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="tutorials/rom_image.html"]; |
127 |
128 <#if !(ant?keys?seq_contains("sf"))> |
129 "Setting up Helium at Nokia" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="nokia/nokia.html"]; |
130 "Helium Nokia Stages" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="nokia/nokiastages.html"]; |
131 Diamonds [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://diamonds.nmp.nokia.com/diamonds/"]; |
132 "Helium Wiki" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://delivery.nmp.nokia.com/trac/helium/wiki"]; |
133 "Helium Forum" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://forums.connecting.nokia.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=262"]; |
134 MCL [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://s60wiki.nokia.com/S60Wiki/S60_Software_Asset_Management/Organization/Delivery_Services/Howto_build_DFS70.91.91_/_S60.MCL_with_Helium"]; |
135 IDO [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="ido/index.html"]; |
136 TeamCI [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="teamci/index.html"]; |
137 "Helium Test Plan" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="nokia/testing.html"]; |
138 </#if> |
139 |
140 "Helium Developer Guide" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="developer_guide.html"]; |
141 "Coding Convention" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="coding_conventions.html"]; |
142 Python [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://www.python.org/"]; |
143 Java [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/"]; |
144 FMPP [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://fmpp.sourceforge.net/"]; |
145 "DOS Scripting" [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batch_script"]; |
146 ANTUnit [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://ant.apache.org/antlibs/antunit/"]; |
147 NOSE [fontcolor=navyblue,fontsize=12,shape=box,href="http://ivory.idyll.org/articles/nose-intro.html"]; |
148 } |