changeset 2 39c28ec933dd
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:820b22e13ff1 2:39c28ec933dd
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <!-- 
     3 ============================================================================ 
     4 Name        : relnotes.ant.xml 
     5 Part of     : Helium 
     7 Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     8 All rights reserved.
     9 This component and the accompanying materials are made available
    10 under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
    11 which accompanies this distribution, and is available
    12 at the URL "".
    14 Initial Contributors:
    15 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    17 Contributors:
    19 Description:
    21 ============================================================================
    22 -->
    23 <!--* @package releases -->
    24 <project name="relnotes" default="release-notes" xmlns:hlm="">
    25     <description>
    26     Generates a release note by modifying a template (that you can edit yourself) with
    27     values from the build and Synergy.
    29     * Modifies a RTF template with values from build
    30     * Adds table of errors and warnings
    31     * Generates list of baselines, projects and tasks used
    32     </description>
    34     <!--* @property product.printname
    35     A printable name for a product used in release notes.
    36     @type string
    37     @editable required
    38     @scope public
    39     -->
    41     <!--* @property product.type
    42     Project ID in release notes.
    43     @type string
    44     @editable required
    45     @scope public
    46     -->
    48     <!--* @property relnotes.config.dir
    49     Defines the directory that contains release notes creation configuration files.
    50     @type string
    51     @editable required
    52     @scope public
    53     -->
    55     <!-- Defines the directory that will contain the output of release notes creation.
    56     @type string
    57     @scope private
    58     -->
    59     <property name="releasenotes.output.dir" value="${build.output.dir}/relnotes"/>
    60     <!-- Defines the logo image file which will be used in release notes.
    61     @type string
    62     @scope private
    63     -->
    64     <property name="releasenotes.logo" value="${relnotes.config.dir}/logo.png"/>
    65     <!-- Property file with customer values
    66     @type string
    67     @scope private
    68     -->
    69     <property name="releasenotes.props" value="${relnotes.config.dir}/"/>
    70     <!-- Temp file
    71     @type string
    72     @scope private
    73     -->
    74     <property name="releasenotes.temp.props" value="${}/"/>
    75     <!-- Temp file
    76     @type string
    77     @scope private
    78     -->
    79     <property name="releasenotes.temp.props2" value="${}/"/>
    80     <!-- Defines the name of the release note template used.
    81     @type string
    82     @scope private
    83     -->
    84     <property name="releasenotes.template" value="${relnotes.config.dir}/template.rtf"/>
    85     <!-- Location of output rtf file
    86     @type string
    87     @scope private
    88     -->
    89     <property name="releasenotes.output" value="${releasenotes.output.dir}/${}_relnotes.rtf"/>
    90     <!-- Temp file
    91     @type string
    92     @scope private
    93     -->
    94     <property name="releasenotes.temp.errors" value="${}/errors.csv"/>
    95     <!-- Temp file
    96     @type string
    97     @scope private
    98     -->
    99     <property name="releasenotes.temp.output" value="${}/tempDocument.rtf"/>
   100     <!-- Location of scan2log HTML file
   101     @type string
   102     @scope private
   103     -->
   104     <property name="releasenotes.scan2log" value="${build.log.dir}/${}.${}_scan2.html"/>
   106     <import file="${relnotes.config.dir}/relnotes_properties.ant.xml" optional="true"/>
   108     <!-- @scope private -->
   109     <target name="release-notes-variant-configuration" depends="imaker-merge-rom-xml">
   110         <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
   111 tagnames = ""
   112 for product in project.getProperty("product.list").split(","):
   113     tagnames += "Type%sVariantTableHere\n" %  product 
   114 project.setProperty("variant.product.tagnames", tagnames)
   115         </script>
   116         <replace file="${releasenotes.output}" token="TypeVariantTableHere" value="${variant.product.tagnames}" summary="true"/>
   117         <for list="${product.list}" delimiter="," param="" >
   118             <sequential>            
   119                 <exec executable="python" failonerror="${failonerror}">
   120                     <arg line="-m getVariantConfiguration"/>
   121                     <arg value="@{}"/>
   122                     <arg value="${rombuild.config.file.parsed}"/>
   123                     <arg value="${}/variant_@{}.csv"/>
   124                 </exec>
   125                 <hlm:python>
   126 import ant
   127 import rtfutils
   128 rn = rtfutils.RTFUtils(ant.get_property(r'${releasenotes.output}'))
   129 rn.rtftable(ant.get_property(r'${}/variant_@{}.csv'), ant.get_property(r'${releasenotes.temp.output}'), ant.get_property(r'Type@{}VariantTableHere'))
   130                 </hlm:python>
   132                 <delete file="${releasenotes.output}"/>
   133                 <move file="${releasenotes.temp.output}" tofile="${releasenotes.output}"/>
   134             </sequential>
   135         </for>
   136     </target>
   138     <!-- Create error list in release notes
   139     @scope private    
   140     -->
   141     <target name="release-notes-error-summary">
   142         <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/relnotes/templates/errors.csv.ftl"
   143                      outputfile="${releasenotes.temp.errors}">
   144             <freemarkerLinks expandProperties="yes">
   145                 macro: ${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/macro
   146             </freemarkerLinks>
   147             <data expandProperties="yes">
   148                 dbPath: ${metadata.dbfile}
   149                 ant: antProperties()
   150             </data>
   151         </fmpp>
   152         <hlm:python>
   153 import ant
   154 import rtfutils
   155 rn = rtfutils.RTFUtils(ant.get_property(r'${releasenotes.output}'))
   156 rn.rtftable(ant.get_property(r'${releasenotes.temp.errors}'), ant.get_property(r'${releasenotes.temp.output}'), 'TypeErrorTableSummaryHere')
   157         </hlm:python>
   158         <delete file="${releasenotes.output}"/>
   159         <move file="${releasenotes.temp.output}" tofile="${releasenotes.output}"/>
   160     </target>
   162     <!--  Add logo to release notes. @scope private -->
   163     <target name="release-notes-logo">
   164         <hlm:python>
   165 import ant
   166 import rtfutils
   167 rn = rtfutils.RTFUtils(ant.get_property(r'${releasenotes.output}'))
   168 rn.rtfimage(ant.get_property(r'${releasenotes.logo}'), ant.get_property(r'${releasenotes.temp.output}'), 'AddProductImageHere')
   169         </hlm:python>
   170         <move file="${releasenotes.temp.output}" tofile="${releasenotes.output}"/>
   171     </target>
   173     <!-- Find project and baseline of what is running helium
   174     @scope private    
   175     -->
   176     <target name="release-notes-getcmprojectname">
   177         <if>
   178             <istrue value="${ccm.enabled}" />
   179             <then>
   180                 <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
   181 import ccm.extra
   182 import traceback
   183 import os
   184 import logging
   185 import ccmutil
   187 #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
   188 session = None
   189 try:
   190     database = project.getProperty('ccm.database')
   191     username = project.getProperty('ccm.user.login')
   192     password = project.getProperty('ccm.user.password')
   193     engine = project.getProperty('')
   194     dbpath = project.getProperty('ccm.database.path')     
   195     waroot = project.getProperty('')
   197     session = ccmutil.get_session(database, username, password, engine, dbpath)
   198     cmproject = ccm.extra.get_toplevel_project(session, waroot)
   200     if cmproject == None:
   201         print 'Error: ' + waroot + ' must be a synergy project and still be in database'
   202     else:
   203         project.setProperty("ccm.toplevel.project", str(cmproject))
   204     session.close()
   205 except Exception, ex:
   206     print 'Caught exception: ' + str(ex)
   207     traceback.print_exc()
   208     if session:
   209         session.close()
   210                 </script>
   211                 <hlm:python outputproperty="ccm.toplevel.baseline">
   212 import traceback
   213 import ant
   214 import logging
   215 import ccmutil
   216 logging.disable(logging.INFO)
   217 session = None
   218 try:
   219     database = ant.get_property(r'${ccm.database}')
   220     username = ant.get_property(r'${ccm.user.login}')
   221     password = ant.get_property(r'${ccm.user.password}')
   222     engine = ant.get_property(r'${}')
   223     dbpath = ant.get_property(r'${ccm.database.path}')
   224     session = ccmutil.get_session(database, username, password, engine, dbpath)
   225     cmproject = session.create(ant.get_property(r'${ccm.toplevel.project}'))
   226     print cmproject.baseline
   227     session.close()
   228 except Exception, ex:
   229     print 'Caught exception: ' + str(ex)
   230     traceback.print_exc()
   231     if session:
   232         session.close()
   233                 </hlm:python>
   234             </then>
   235         </if>
   236     </target>
   238     <!--
   239     Look 'startsWith' and find complete CM name
   240     Output property: '{startsWith}.project'.
   242     @scope private
   243     -->
   244     <macrodef name="releaseNotesGetProjectName" uri="">
   245         <attribute name="startsWith" />
   246         <sequential>
   247             <if>
   248                 <available file="${build.log.dir}/${}_bom.xml" />
   249                 <then>
   250                     <hlm:python outputproperty="@{startsWith}.project">
   251 import amara
   252 import ant
   254 bomfile = open(r"${build.log.dir}/${}_bom.xml")
   255 bom = amara.parse(bomfile)
   257 for p in
   258     if (str('@{startsWith}'))):
   259         print str(
   260 bomfile.close()
   261                     </hlm:python>
   262                 </then>
   263             </if>
   264         </sequential>
   265     </macrodef>
   267     <!-- Write projects, baselines and task list for MC and IBUSAL
   268     @scope private    
   269     -->
   270     <target name="release-notes-ccm" depends="get-ccm-password,release-notes-getcmprojectname,create-bom">
   271         <if>
   272             <and>
   273                 <istrue value="${ccm.enabled}" />
   274                 <available file="${build.log.dir}/${}_bom.xml" />
   275             </and>
   276             <then>
   277                 <hlm:python>
   278 import amara
   279 import ant
   280 import bomtofile
   281 import ccmutil
   283 bomfile = open(r"${build.log.dir}/${}_bom.xml")
   284 bom = amara.parse(bomfile)
   285 password = ant.get_property(r'${ccm.user.password}')
   286 session = ccmutil.get_session(ant.get_property(r'${ccm.database}'), ant.get_property(r'${ccm.user.login}'), password, ant.get_property(r'${}'), ant.get_property(r'${ccm.database.path}'))
   287 for p in
   288     if == ant.get_property(r'${ccm.toplevel.project}'):
   289         bomwriter = bomtofile.BOMWriter(session, 'MC', p, ant.get_property(r'${releasenotes.output.dir}'))
   290         bomwriter.writeprojects()
   291         bomwriter.writebaselines()
   292         bomwriter.writetasks()
   294     if (str('IBUSAL')):
   295         bomwriter = bomtofile.BOMWriter(session, 'IBUSAL', p, ant.get_property(r'${releasenotes.output.dir}'))
   296         bomwriter.writeprojects()
   297         bomwriter.writetasks()
   298 session.close()
   299 bomfile.close()
   300                 </hlm:python>
   301             </then>
   302         </if>
   303     </target>
   305     <!-- Read BOM and write ICF list
   306     @scope private
   307     -->
   308     <target name="release-notes-icfs" depends="create-bom">
   309         <exec executable="python" failonerror="${failonerror}">
   310             <arg line="-m icf2txt"/>
   311             <arg value="${}/${}_BOM.xml"/>            
   312             <arg value="${releasenotes.output.dir}/icdicf.txt"/>
   313         </exec>
   314     </target>
   316     <!-- @scope private -->
   317     <target name="release-notes-test" if="hlm.enable.asserts">
   318         <if>
   319             <istrue value="${ccm.enabled}" />
   320             <then>
   321                 <hlm:python>
   322 import ccm
   323 #check for ccm session leaks
   324 assert (len(ccm.running_sessions()) == 0)
   325                 </hlm:python>
   326             </then>
   327         </if>
   328     </target>
   330     <!-- 
   331     Generates a product release note based on a template in config dir
   332     -->
   333     <target name="release-notes" description="Generates a product release note based off a template in config dir">        
   334         <mkdir dir="${releasenotes.output.dir}"/>
   336         <copy file="${releasenotes.props}" tofile="${releasenotes.temp.props}">
   337             <filterchain>
   338                 <expandproperties/>
   339             </filterchain>
   340         </copy>
   342         <hlm:python>
   343 import ant
   344 import rtfutils
   345 rn = rtfutils.RTFUtils(ant.get_property(r'${releasenotes.output}'))
   346 rn.rtfconvert(ant.get_property(r'${releasenotes.temp.props}'), ant.get_property(r'${releasenotes.temp.props2}'))
   347         </hlm:python>
   349         <property file="${releasenotes.temp.props2}"/>                
   350         <copy file="${releasenotes.template}" tofile="${releasenotes.output}" overwrite="true"/>
   352         <antcall target="release-notes-logo" />
   353         <antcall target="release-notes-error-summary" />
   354         <antcall target="release-notes-variant-configuration" />
   356         <delete file="${releasenotes.temp.errors}"/>
   357         <delete file="${releasenotes.temp.output}"/>
   358         <delete file="${releasenotes.temp.props}"/>
   359         <delete file="${releasenotes.temp.props2}"/>
   361         <antcall target="release-notes-ccm"/>
   363         <antcall target="release-notes-icfs"/>
   365         <antcall target="release-notes-replace"/>
   367         <antcall target="release-notes-test"/>
   368     </target>
   370 </project>