changeset 2 39c28ec933dd
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:820b22e13ff1 2:39c28ec933dd
     1 // Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32tools/e32image/e32image.cpp
    15 // Basic operations on E32Image files which are used by ROMBUILD.
    16 // These are independent of the original file format from which the
    17 // E32Image file was derived.
    18 // 
    19 //
    21 #include <time.h>
    22 #include <malloc.h>
    23 #include <string.h>
    24 #include <stdlib.h>
    25 #include "h_utl.h"
    28 #if defined (__MSVCDOTNET__) || defined(__TOOLS2__)
    29 #include <fstream>
    30 #else //!__MSVCDOTNET__
    31 #include <fstream.h>
    32 #endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
    34 #include <assert.h>
    35 #ifndef __LINUX__
    36   #include <io.h>
    37 #endif
    38 #include "h_ver.h"
    40 // get E32ImageHeader class...
    42 #define RETURN_FAILURE(_r) return (fprintf(stderr, "line %d\n", __LINE__),_r)
    43 //#define E32IMAGEHEADER_TRACE(_t) printf _t
    44 #include "e32image.h"
    45 #include "byte_pair.h"
    47 void DeflateCompress(char* bytes, TInt size, ostream& os);
    48 void InflateUnCompress(unsigned char* source, int sourcesize, unsigned char* dest, int destsize);
    49 void CompressPages(TUint8 * bytes, TInt size, ostream &os, CBytePair *aBPE);
    50 int  DecompressPages(TUint8 * bytes, istream& is, CBytePair *aBPE);
    52 // needed by E32ImageHeaderV::ValidateHeader...
    53 void Mem::Crc32(TUint32& aCrc, const TAny* aPtr, TInt aLength)
    54 	{
    55 	HMem::Crc32(aCrc, aPtr, aLength);
    56 	}
    58 //
    59 // E32 Image files
    60 //
    61 E32ImageFile::E32ImageFile()
    62 	: iData(NULL), iSize(0), iOrigHdr(NULL), iHdr(NULL), iFileName(NULL)
    63 #ifndef __LINUX__
    64 	  , iWideFileName(NULL)
    65 #endif
    66 , iError(0), iSource(EE32Image), iOrigHdrOffsetAdj(0), iExportBitMap(0)
    67 	{}
    69 E32ImageFile::~E32ImageFile()
    70 	{
    72 	free(iData);
    73 	delete [] iFileName;
    74 #ifndef __LINUX__
    75 	delete [] iWideFileName;
    76 #endif
    77 	if (iHdr && iHdr != iOrigHdr)
    78 		delete iHdr;
    79 	free(iExportBitMap);
    80 	}
    82 // dummy implementation
    83 TBool E32ImageFile::Translate(const char*, TUint, TBool, TBool)
    84 	{
    85 	return EFalse;
    86 	}
    88 Int64 timeToInt64(TInt aTime)
    89 	{
    90 	aTime-=(30*365*24*60*60+7*24*60*60);	// seconds since midnight Jan 1st, 2000
    91 	Int64 daysTo2000AD=730497;
    92 	Int64 t=daysTo2000AD*24*3600+aTime;	// seconds since 0000
    93 	t=t+3600;								// BST (?)
    94 	return t*1000000;						// milliseconds
    95 	}
    97 class TE32ImageUids : public TCheckedUid
    98 	{
    99 public:
   100 	TE32ImageUids(TUint32 aUid1, TUint32 aUid2, TUint32 aUid3) : TCheckedUid(TUidType(TUid::Uid(aUid1), TUid::Uid(aUid2), TUid::Uid(aUid3))) {}
   101 	TUint Check() { return TCheckedUid::Check(); }
   102 	};
   104 void E32ImageFile::SetDefaultHeader()
   105 	{
   106 	iHdr = (E32ImageHeaderV*)iOrigHdr;
   107 	iHdr->iUid1 = 0;
   108 	iHdr->iUid2 = 0;
   109 	iHdr->iUid3 = 0;
   110 	iHdr->iHeaderCrc = 0;
   111 	iHdr->iSignature = 0x434f5045u;
   112 	iHdr->iModuleVersion = 0x00010000u;
   113 	iHdr->iCompressionType = 0;
   114 	iHdr->iToolsVersion = TVersion(MajorVersion, MinorVersion, Build);
   115 	Int64 time1(timeToInt64(time(0))); 
   116 	iHdr->iTimeLo=(TUint32)time1;
   117 	iHdr->iTimeHi=(TUint32)(time1>>32);
   118 	iHdr->iFlags = KImageHdrFmt_V;
   119 	iHdr->iCodeSize = 0;
   120 	iHdr->iDataSize = 0;
   121 	iHdr->iHeapSizeMin = 0;
   122 	iHdr->iHeapSizeMax = 0;
   123 	iHdr->iStackSize = 0;
   124 	iHdr->iBssSize = 0;
   125 	iHdr->iEntryPoint = 0;
   126 	iHdr->iCodeBase = 0;
   127 	iHdr->iDataBase = 0;
   128 	iHdr->iDllRefTableCount = 0;
   129 	iHdr->iExportDirOffset = 0;
   130 	iHdr->iExportDirCount = 0;
   131 	iHdr->iTextSize = 0;
   132 	iHdr->iCodeOffset = 0;
   133 	iHdr->iDataOffset = 0;
   134 	iHdr->iImportOffset = 0;
   135 	iHdr->iCodeRelocOffset = 0;
   136 	iHdr->iDataRelocOffset = 0;
   137 	iHdr->iProcessPriority = (TUint16)EPriorityForeground;
   138 	iHdr->iUncompressedSize = 0;
   139 	iHdr->iS.iSecureId = 0;
   140 	iHdr->iS.iVendorId = 0;
   141 	iHdr->iExceptionDescriptor = 0;
   142 	iHdr->iSpare2 = 0;
   144 	iHdr->iExportDescSize = 0;
   145 	iHdr->iExportDescType = KImageHdr_ExpD_NoHoles;
   146 	iHdr->iExportDesc[0] = 0;
   147 	}
   149 void E32ImageFile::SetCallEntryPoints(TInt aBool)
   150 	{
   152 	if (aBool)
   153 		iHdr->iFlags&=~KImageNoCallEntryPoint;
   154 	else
   155 		iHdr->iFlags|=KImageNoCallEntryPoint;
   156 	}
   158 void E32ImageFile::SetFixedAddress(TInt aBool)
   159 	{
   161 	if (aBool)
   162 		iHdr->iFlags|=KImageFixedAddressExe;
   163 	else
   164 		iHdr->iFlags&=~KImageFixedAddressExe;
   165 	}
   167 void E32ImageFile::SetPriority(TProcessPriority aPri)
   168 	{
   170 	iHdr->iProcessPriority = (TUint16)aPri;
   171 	}
   173 void E32ImageFile::SetCapability(SCapabilitySet& aCapabilities)
   174 	{
   175 	iHdr->iS.iCaps = aCapabilities;
   176 	}
   178 void E32ImageFile::SetFPU(unsigned int aFPU)
   179 	{
   180 	iHdr->iFlags &=~ KImageHWFloatMask;
   182 	if (aFPU == 1)
   183 		iHdr->iFlags |= KImageHWFloat_VFPv2;
   184 	}
   186 void E32ImageFile::Adjust(TInt aSize, TBool aAllowShrink)
   187 //
   188 // Adjust the size of allocated data and fix the member data
   189 //
   190 	{
   192 	TInt asize = ALIGN4(aSize);
   193 	if (asize == iSize)
   194 		return;
   195 	if (iSize == 0)
   196 		{
   197 		iSize = asize;
   198 		iData = (char*)malloc(iSize);
   199 		memset(iData, 0, iSize);
   200 		}
   201 	else if (aAllowShrink || asize > iSize)
   202 		{
   203 		TInt oldsize = iSize;
   204 		iSize = asize;
   205 		iData = (char*)realloc(iData, iSize);
   206 		if (iSize > oldsize)
   207 			memset(iData+oldsize, 0, iSize-oldsize);
   208 		}
   209 	if (!iData)
   210 		iSize = 0;
   211 	if (iHdr && iHdr == iOrigHdr)
   212 		iHdr = (E32ImageHeaderV*)iData;
   213 	iOrigHdr = (E32ImageHeader*)iData;
   214 	}
   216 TInt E32ImageFile::ReadHeader(ifstream& is)
   217 	{
   218 	Adjust(sizeof(E32ImageHeader), EFalse);
   219 	is.read(iData, sizeof(E32ImageHeader));
   220 	TInt hdrsz = iOrigHdr->TotalSize();
   221 	if (hdrsz > 0x10000 || hdrsz <= 0)
   222 		return KErrCorrupt;	// sanity check
   223 	if (hdrsz > (TInt)sizeof(E32ImageHeader))
   224 		{
   225 		Adjust(hdrsz, EFalse);
   226 		is.read(iData+sizeof(E32ImageHeader), hdrsz-sizeof(E32ImageHeader));
   227 		}
   228 	TUint32 uncompressedSize;
   229 	TInt r = iOrigHdr->ValidateHeader(iFileSize,uncompressedSize);
   230 	if (r != KErrNone)
   231 		{
   232 		fprintf(stderr, "Integrity check failed %d\n", r);
   233 		return r;
   234 		}
   235 	iHdr = (E32ImageHeaderV*)iOrigHdr;
   236 	return KErrNone;
   237 	}
   239 void E32ImageFile::SetStackSize(TInt aSize)
   240 	{
   241 	iHdr->iStackSize=aSize;
   242 	}
   244 void E32ImageFile::SetHeapSizeMin(TInt aSize)
   245 	{
   246 	iHdr->iHeapSizeMin=aSize;
   247 	}
   249 void E32ImageFile::SetHeapSizeMax(TInt aSize)
   250 	{
   251 	iHdr->iHeapSizeMax=aSize;
   252 	}
   254 TUint E32ImageFile::TextOffset()
   255 //
   256 // Return the offset of the text section
   257 //
   258 	{
   259 	return 0;
   260 	}
   262 TUint E32ImageFile::DataOffset()
   263 //
   264 // return the offset of the initialised data
   265 //
   266 	{
   267 	return iHdr->iCodeSize;
   268 	}
   270 TUint E32ImageFile::BssOffset()
   271 //
   272 // return the offset from the start of code where the bss is linked
   273 //
   274 	{
   275 	return DataOffset()+iHdr->iDataSize;
   276 	}
   279 TInt E32ImageFile::IsDll()
   280 //
   281 //
   282 //
   283 	{
   284 	return iHdr->iFlags&KImageDll;
   285 	}
   288 void E32ImageFile::RelocateSection(char* aPtr, char* aRelocs, TUint aCodeDelta, TUint aDataDelta, char* aImagePtr, TLinAddr** aIATRefs, TBool keepIAT)
   289 //
   290 // Relocates the section data at aPtr
   291 //	
   292 	{
   294 	TUint codeStart=iHdr->iCodeBase;
   295 	TUint codeFinish=codeStart+iHdr->iCodeSize;
   296 	TUint iatStart = aIATRefs ? codeStart+iHdr->iTextSize : 0;
   297 	TUint iatFinish = aIATRefs ? iatStart+NumberOfImports()*sizeof(TUint) : 0;
   298 //	Print(ELog,"IAT: %x->%x\n",iatStart,iatFinish);
   299 	char* relocs=aRelocs;
   300 	TUint page=0;
   301 	TInt size=0;
   302 	TInt i=((E32RelocSection *)relocs)->iNumberOfRelocs;
   303 	relocs+=sizeof(E32RelocSection);
   304 	while (i>0)
   305 		{
   306 		if (size>0)
   307 			{
   308 			TUint offset=*(TUint16 *)relocs;
   309 			relocs+=2;
   310 			if (offset!=0)
   311 				{ // its a reloc
   312 				TUint va=page+(offset&0x0fff);
   313 				TUint relocType=offset&0xf000;
   314 				TUint *dataptr=(TUint *)(aPtr+va);
   315 				assert((char *)dataptr < aRelocs);
   316 				TUint data=*dataptr;
   317 //				Print(ELog,"data %x\n",data);
   318 				if (relocType == KTextRelocType) 
   319 					*dataptr=data+aCodeDelta; // points to text/rdata section
   320 				else if (relocType == KDataRelocType)
   321 					*dataptr=data+aDataDelta;
   322 				else 
   323 					{
   324 					if (relocType != KInferredRelocType)
   325 						Print(EError,"Unrecognized relocation type %x\n",relocType);
   327 					if (data>=iatStart && data<iatFinish)
   328 						{
   330 						TUint iatNum = (data-iatStart)/sizeof(TLinAddr);
   332 						// If "keepIAT" is used then the importing instruction must import through the IAT entry,
   333 						// but otherwise we change the IAT entry to point to the bit of code doing the importing
   334 						// and do the real fix-up later on in TRomBuilderEntry::FixupImports.
   335 						// NB: We always want to do this for X86 or data exports dont work.
   336 						if (keepIAT || (iHdr->iCpuIdentifier & 0x1000) /*denotes X86*/) 
   337 							*dataptr=data+aCodeDelta; 
   338 						else 
   339 							{
   340 							if ((TUint)aIATRefs[iatNum]>65535)
   341 								Print(EWarning, "Multiple relocations for IAT entry %d (0x%x, 0x%x)\n",
   342 										iatNum, aIATRefs[iatNum], dataptr);
   343 							else
   344 								aIATRefs[iatNum] = (TLinAddr*)(aImagePtr+va);	// ROM image address of importing pointer					
   345 							}
   346 						}
   347 					else if (data>=codeStart && data<codeFinish)
   348 						*dataptr=data+aCodeDelta; // points to text/rdata section
   349 					else
   350 						*dataptr=data+aDataDelta; // points to data section
   351 					}
   352 				--i;
   353 				}
   354 			size-=2;
   355 			}
   356 		else
   357 			{ // next page of relocs
   358 			page=*(TUint *)relocs;
   359 			relocs+=4;
   360 			size=*(TUint *)relocs;
   361 			relocs+=4;
   362 			size-=8;
   363 			}
   364 		}
   365 	}
   367 void E32ImageFile::SetUids(TUid aUid1, TUid aUid2, TUid aUid3)
   368 	{
   369 	iHdr->iUid1=aUid1.iUid;
   370 	iHdr->iUid2=aUid2.iUid;
   371 	iHdr->iUid3=aUid3.iUid;
   372 	}
   374 void E32ImageFile::SetSecureId(TUint32 aId)
   375 	{
   376 	((E32ImageHeaderV*)iHdr)->iS.iSecureId = aId;
   377 	}
   379 void E32ImageFile::SetVendorId(TUint32 aId)
   380 	{
   381 	((E32ImageHeaderV*)iHdr)->iS.iVendorId = aId;
   382 	}
   384 void E32ImageFile::UpdateHeaderCrc()
   385 	{
   386 	TE32ImageUids u(iHdr->iUid1, iHdr->iUid2, iHdr->iUid3);
   387 	iHdr->iUidChecksum = u.Check();
   388 	TInt hdrsz = iHdr->TotalSize();
   389 	TInt orighdrsz = iOrigHdr->TotalSize();
   390 	iHdr->iUncompressedSize = iSize - orighdrsz;
   391 	iHdr->iHeaderCrc = KImageCrcInitialiser;
   392 	TUint32 crc = 0;
   393 	HMem::Crc32(crc, iHdr, hdrsz);
   394 	iHdr->iHeaderCrc = crc;
   395 	}
   397 TInt E32ImageFile::NumberOfImports()
   398 //
   399 // Return the number of imports made by this image
   400 //
   401 	{
   403 	if (iHdr->iDllRefTableCount==0 || iHdr->iImportOffset==0)
   404 		return 0;
   406 	TUint impfmt = iHdr->ImportFormat();
   407 	const E32ImportSection* isection = (const E32ImportSection*)(iData + iOrigHdr->iImportOffset);
   408 	TInt d;
   409 	TInt nImports = 0;
   410 	const E32ImportBlock* b = (const E32ImportBlock*)(isection+1);
   411 	for (d=0; d<iHdr->iDllRefTableCount; d++)
   412 		{
   413 		nImports += b->iNumberOfImports;
   414 		b = b->NextBlock(impfmt);
   415 		}
   417 	if (impfmt==KImageImpFmt_PE || impfmt==KImageImpFmt_PE2)
   418 		{
   419 		TUint *imports=(TUint *)(iData + iOrigHdr->iCodeOffset + iHdr->iTextSize);
   420 		TInt i=0;
   421 		while (*imports++)
   422 			i++;
   423 		assert(i==nImports);
   424 		}
   426 	return nImports;
   427 	}
   429 // Work out which exports are missing from the export directory
   430 void E32ImageFile::CreateExportBitMap()
   431 	{
   432 	TInt nexp = iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount;
   433 	TInt memsz = (nexp + 7) >> 3;
   434 	iExportBitMap = (TUint8*)malloc(memsz);
   435 	memset(iExportBitMap, 0xff, memsz);
   436 	TUint* exports = (TUint*)(iData + iOrigHdr->iExportDirOffset);
   437 	TUint absoluteEntryPoint = iOrigHdr->iEntryPoint + iOrigHdr->iCodeBase;
   438 	TUint impfmt = iOrigHdr->ImportFormat();
   439 	TUint hdrfmt = iOrigHdr->HeaderFormat();
   440 	TUint absentVal = (impfmt == KImageImpFmt_ELF) ? absoluteEntryPoint : iOrigHdr->iEntryPoint;
   441 	TInt i;
   442 	iMissingExports = 0;
   443 	for (i=0; i<nexp; ++i)
   444 		{
   445 		if (exports[i] == absentVal)
   446 			{
   447 			iExportBitMap[i>>3] &= ~(1u << (i & 7));
   448 			++iMissingExports;
   449 			}
   450 		}
   451 	if (hdrfmt < KImageHdrFmt_V && iMissingExports)
   452 		{
   453 		fprintf(stderr, "Bad exports\n");
   454 		exit(999);
   455 		}
   456 	}
   458 // Append an export description to the E32ImageHeader if necessary
   459 void E32ImageFile::AddExportDescription()
   460 	{
   461 	if (iMissingExports == 0)
   462 		return;	// nothing to do
   463 	TInt nexp = iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount;
   464 	TInt memsz = (nexp + 7) >> 3;	// size of complete bitmap
   465 	TInt mbs = (memsz + 7) >> 3;	// size of meta-bitmap
   466 	TInt nbytes = 0;
   467 	TInt i;
   468 	for (i=0; i<memsz; ++i)
   469 		if (iExportBitMap[i] != 0xff)
   470 			++nbytes;				// number of groups of 8
   471 	TUint8 edt = KImageHdr_ExpD_FullBitmap;
   472 	TInt extra_space = memsz - 1;
   473 	if (mbs + nbytes < memsz)
   474 		{
   475 		edt = KImageHdr_ExpD_SparseBitmap8;
   476 		extra_space = mbs + nbytes - 1;
   477 		}
   478 	extra_space = (extra_space + sizeof(TUint) - 1) &~ (sizeof(TUint) - 1);
   479 	TInt hdrsz = sizeof(E32ImageHeaderV) + extra_space;
   480 	iHdr = (E32ImageHeaderV*)malloc(hdrsz);
   481 	memcpy(iHdr, iOrigHdr, sizeof(E32ImageHeaderV));
   482 	iHdr->iExportDescType = edt;
   483 	if (edt == KImageHdr_ExpD_FullBitmap)
   484 		{
   485 		iHdr->iExportDescSize = (TUint16)memsz;
   486 		memcpy(iHdr->iExportDesc, iExportBitMap, memsz);
   487 		}
   488 	else
   489 		{
   490 		iHdr->iExportDescSize = (TUint16)(mbs + nbytes);
   491 		memset(iHdr->iExportDesc, 0, extra_space + 1);
   492 		TUint8* mptr = iHdr->iExportDesc;
   493 		TUint8* gptr = mptr + mbs;
   494 		for (i=0; i<memsz; ++i)
   495 			{
   496 			if (iExportBitMap[i] != 0xff)
   497 				{
   498 				mptr[i>>3] |= (1u << (i&7));
   499 				*gptr++ = iExportBitMap[i];
   500 				}
   501 			}
   502 		}
   503 	iHdr->iCodeOffset += extra_space;
   504 	if (iHdr->iDataOffset)
   505 		iHdr->iDataOffset += extra_space;
   506 	if (iHdr->iCodeRelocOffset)
   507 		iHdr->iCodeRelocOffset += extra_space;
   508 	if (iHdr->iDataRelocOffset)
   509 		iHdr->iDataRelocOffset += extra_space;
   510 	if (iHdr->iImportOffset)
   511 		iHdr->iImportOffset += extra_space;
   512 	if (iHdr->iExportDirOffset)
   513 		iHdr->iExportDirOffset += extra_space;
   514 	}
   516 // Check the export description is consistent with the export directory
   517 TInt E32ImageFile::CheckExportDescription()
   518 	{
   519 	TUint hdrfmt = iOrigHdr->HeaderFormat();
   520 	if (hdrfmt < KImageHdrFmt_V && iMissingExports)
   521 		return KErrCorrupt;
   522 	if (iHdr->iExportDescType == KImageHdr_ExpD_NoHoles)
   523 		{
   524 		return iMissingExports ? KErrCorrupt : KErrNone;
   525 		}
   526 	TInt nexp = iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount;
   527 	TInt memsz = (nexp + 7) >> 3;	// size of complete bitmap
   528 	TInt mbs = (memsz + 7) >> 3;	// size of meta-bitmap
   529 	TInt eds = iHdr->iExportDescSize;
   530 	if (iHdr->iExportDescType == KImageHdr_ExpD_FullBitmap)
   531 		{
   532 		if (eds != memsz)
   533 			return KErrCorrupt;
   534 		if (memcmp(iHdr->iExportDesc, iExportBitMap, eds) == 0)
   535 			return KErrNone;
   536 		return KErrCorrupt;
   537 		}
   538 	if (iHdr->iExportDescType != KImageHdr_ExpD_SparseBitmap8)
   539 		return KErrNotSupported;
   540 	TInt nbytes = 0;
   541 	TInt i;
   542 	for (i=0; i<memsz; ++i)
   543 		if (iExportBitMap[i] != 0xff)
   544 			++nbytes;				// number of groups of 8
   545 	TInt exp_extra = mbs + nbytes;
   546 	if (eds != exp_extra)
   547 		return KErrCorrupt;
   548 	const TUint8* mptr = iHdr->iExportDesc;
   549 	const TUint8* gptr = mptr + mbs;
   550 	for (i=0; i<memsz; ++i)
   551 		{
   552 		TUint mbit = mptr[i>>3] & (1u << (i&7));
   553 		if (iExportBitMap[i] != 0xff)
   554 			{
   555 			if (!mbit || *gptr++ != iExportBitMap[i])
   556 				return KErrCorrupt;
   557 			}
   558 		else if (mbit)
   559 			return KErrCorrupt;
   560 		}
   561 	return KErrNone;
   562 	}
   565 TInt E32ImageFile::Validate()
   566 	{
   567 	TInt orighdrsz = iOrigHdr->TotalSize();
   568 	TInt r = iHdr->ValidateWholeImage(iData+orighdrsz,iSize-orighdrsz);
   569 	if(r!=KErrNone)
   570 		return r;
   571 	return r;
   572 	}
   575 ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const E32ImageFile& aImage)
   576 //
   577 // Output an E32ImageFile
   578 //
   579 	{
   580             CBytePair bpe(EFalse);
   581 	E32ImageHeaderV* h = aImage.iHdr;
   582 	TUint hdrfmt = h->HeaderFormat();
   583 	if (hdrfmt != KImageHdrFmt_V)
   584 		return os;	// don't generate old binary formats
   585 	TInt hdrsz = h->TotalSize();
   586 	TInt orighdrsz = aImage.iOrigHdr->TotalSize();
   588 	os.write((const char*)aImage.iHdr, hdrsz);
   590 	TUint compression = h->CompressionType();
   591 	if (compression == KUidCompressionDeflate)
   592 		{
   593 		int srcsize = aImage.iSize - orighdrsz;
   594 		DeflateCompress(aImage.iData + orighdrsz, srcsize, os);
   595 		}
   596 	else if (compression == KUidCompressionBytePair)
   597 		{
   598 		// Compress and write out code part
   599 		int srcStart = orighdrsz;
   600 		CompressPages( (TUint8*)aImage.iData + srcStart, aImage.iOrigHdr->iCodeSize, os, &bpe);
   603 		// Compress and write out data part
   604 		srcStart += aImage.iOrigHdr->iCodeSize;
   605 		int srcLen = aImage.iSize - srcStart;
   606 		//Print(EWarning," Data part start:0x%08x, len:%d (0x%08x)\n", srcStart, aImage.iOrigHdr->iDataSize, aImage.iOrigHdr->iDataSize);
   607 		//CompressPages((TUint8*)aImage.iData + srcStart, aImage.iOrigHdr->iDataSize, os);		
   609 		CompressPages((TUint8*)aImage.iData + srcStart, srcLen, os, &bpe);		
   611 		}
   612 	else if (compression == KFormatNotCompressed)
   613 		{
   614 		int srcsize = aImage.iSize - orighdrsz;
   615 		os.write(aImage.iData + orighdrsz, srcsize); // image not to be compressed
   616 		}
   617 	return os;
   618 	}
   620 ifstream& operator>>(ifstream& is, E32ImageFile& aImage)
   621 //
   622 // Input an E32ImageFile
   623 //
   624 	{
   625             CBytePair bpe(EFalse);
   626 	aImage.iError = aImage.ReadHeader(is);
   627 	if (aImage.iError != KErrNone)
   628 		return is;
   629 	E32ImageHeader* oh = aImage.iOrigHdr;
   630 	TInt orighdrsz = oh->TotalSize();
   631 	int remainder = aImage.iSize - orighdrsz;
   632 	TUint compression = oh->CompressionType();
   633 	if (compression == 0)
   634 		{
   635 		is.read(aImage.iData + orighdrsz, remainder);
   636 		}
   637 	else if (compression == KUidCompressionDeflate)
   638 		{ //Uncompress
   639 		aImage.iError = KErrNoMemory;
   640 		unsigned int uncompsize = ((E32ImageHeaderComp*)aImage.iOrigHdr)->iUncompressedSize;
   641 		aImage.Adjust(uncompsize + orighdrsz);
   642 		if (aImage.iData==NULL)
   643 			return is;
   644 		oh = aImage.iOrigHdr;
   645 		unsigned char* compressedData = new unsigned char[remainder];
   646 		if (compressedData==NULL)
   647 			return is;
   648 		is.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(compressedData), remainder);
   649 		unsigned int destsize = uncompsize;
   650 		InflateUnCompress( compressedData, remainder, (unsigned char*)(aImage.iData + orighdrsz), destsize);
   651 		if (destsize != uncompsize)
   652 			Print(EWarning, "Inconsistent sizes discovered during uncompression.\n");
   653 		delete [] compressedData;
   654 		if ((TUint)orighdrsz > oh->iCodeOffset)
   655 			{
   656 			// need to adjust code offsets in original
   657 			aImage.iOrigHdrOffsetAdj = (TUint)orighdrsz - oh->iCodeOffset;
   658 			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iCodeOffset);
   659 			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iDataOffset);
   660 			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iCodeRelocOffset);
   661 			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iDataRelocOffset);
   662 			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iImportOffset);
   663 			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iExportDirOffset);
   664 			}
   665 		aImage.iError = KErrNone;
   666 		}
   667 	else if(compression == KUidCompressionBytePair)
   668 	{ // Uncompress
   669 		aImage.iError = KErrNoMemory;
   670 		unsigned int uncompsize = ((E32ImageHeaderComp*)aImage.iOrigHdr)->iUncompressedSize;
   671 		aImage.Adjust(uncompsize + orighdrsz);
   672 		if (aImage.iData==NULL)
   673 			return is;
   674 		oh = aImage.iOrigHdr;
   676 		// Read and decompress code part of the image
   678 		unsigned int uncompressedCodeSize = DecompressPages((TUint8 *) (aImage.iData + orighdrsz), is, &bpe);
   681 		// Read and decompress data part of the image
   683 		unsigned int uncompressedDataSize = DecompressPages((TUint8 *) (aImage.iData + orighdrsz + uncompressedCodeSize), is, &bpe);
   685 		if (uncompressedCodeSize + uncompressedDataSize != uncompsize)
   686 			Print(EWarning, "Inconsistent sizes discovered during uncompression.\n");
   688 		if ((TUint)orighdrsz > oh->iCodeOffset)
   689 			{
   690 			// need to adjust code offsets in original
   691 			aImage.iOrigHdrOffsetAdj = (TUint)orighdrsz - oh->iCodeOffset;
   692 			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iCodeOffset);
   693 			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iDataOffset);
   694 			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iCodeRelocOffset);
   695 			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iDataRelocOffset);
   696 			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iImportOffset);
   697 			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iExportDirOffset);
   698 			}
   699 		aImage.iError = KErrNone;
   700 	}
   701 	aImage.CreateExportBitMap();
   702 	return is;
   703 	}
   705 TInt E32ImageFile::IsE32ImageFile(char *aFileName)
   706 	{
   708 #ifdef __LINUX__
   709 	E32ImageFile f;
   710 	struct stat buf;
   711 	if (stat(aFileName, &buf) < 0) 
   712 		{
   713 		return FALSE;
   714 		}
   715 	f.iFileSize = buf.st_size;
   716 #else
   717 	_finddata_t fileinfo;
   718 	int ret=_findfirst((char *)aFileName,&fileinfo);
   719 	if (ret==-1) 
   720 		return FALSE;
   721 	E32ImageFile f;
   722 	f.iFileSize = fileinfo.size;
   723 #endif
   724 	ifstream ifile(aFileName, ios::in | ios::binary);
   725 	if(!ifile.is_open())
   726 		return FALSE;
   727 	TInt r = f.ReadHeader(ifile);
   728 	ifile.close();
   729 	return (r == KErrNone);
   730 	}
   732 TInt E32ImageFile::IsValid()
   733 	{
   734 	return (iError == KErrNone);
   735 	}
   737 TInt E32ImageFile::Open(const char* aFileName)
   738 //
   739 // Open an E32 Image file
   740 //
   741 	{
   742 #ifdef __LINUX__
   743 	struct stat buf;
   744 	if (stat(aFileName, &buf) < 0) 
   745 		{
   746 		Print(EError,"Cannot open %s for input.\n",aFileName);
   747 		return 1;
   748 		}
   749 	iFileSize = buf.st_size;
   750 #else
   751 	_finddata_t fileinfo;
   752 	int ret=_findfirst((char *)aFileName,&fileinfo);
   753 	if (ret==-1) 
   754 		{
   755 		Print(EError,"Cannot open %s for input.\n",aFileName);
   756 		return 1;
   757 		}
   758 	iFileSize = fileinfo.size;
   759 #endif
   760 	Adjust(iFileSize);
   761 	ifstream ifile((char *)aFileName, ios::in | ios::binary);
   762 	if(!ifile.is_open())
   763 		{
   764 		Print(EError,"Cannot open %s for input.\n",aFileName);
   765 		return 1;
   766 		}
   767 	ifile >> *this;
   768 	ifile.close();
   769 	if (iError != KErrNone)
   770 		return iError;
   771 	iFileName=strdup((char *)aFileName);
   772 	if (iFileName==NULL)
   773 		return KErrNoMemory;
   774 	return KErrNone;
   775 	}
   777 #ifndef __LINUX__
   778 TInt E32ImageFile::Open(const wchar_t* aFileName)
   779 //
   780 // Open an E32 Image file
   781 //
   782 	{
   783 	_wfinddata_t fileinfo;
   784 	int ret=_wfindfirst(aFileName,&fileinfo);
   785 	if (ret==-1) 
   786 		{
   787 		Print(EError,"Cannot open %ls for input.\n",aFileName);
   788 		return 1;
   789 		}
   790 	iFileSize = fileinfo.size;
   791 	Adjust(iFileSize);
   793 	FILE* file = _wfopen(aFileName, L"rb");
   795 	if(!file)
   796 		{
   797 		Print(EError,"Cannot open %ls for input.\n",aFileName);
   798 		return 1;
   799 		}
   801 	#ifdef __TOOLS2__
   802 	char *tmp;  				// Convert wide character name to char *, then open a file.
   803 	wcstombs(tmp,aFileName,100);
   804 	ifstream ifile(tmp, ios::in | ios::binary);
   805 	#else
   806 	ifstream ifile(fileno(file));
   807 	#endif
   809 	if(!ifile.is_open())
   810 		{
   811 		Print(EError,"Cannot open %ls for input,\n",aFileName);
   812 		return 1;
   813 		}
   815 	ifile >> *this;
   816 	ifile.close();
   817 	fclose(file);
   818 	if (iError != KErrNone)
   819 		return iError;
   820 	iWideFileName=wcsdup(aFileName);
   821 	if (iWideFileName==NULL)
   822 		return KErrNoMemory;
   823 	return KErrNone;
   824 	}
   825 #endif
   827 TUint E32ImageFile::VaOfOrdinal(TUint aOrdinal)
   828 // return the offset of the exported symbol
   829 	{
   830 	TUint* exportdir = (TUint*)(iData + iOrigHdr->iExportDirOffset);
   831 	return exportdir[aOrdinal-KOrdinalBase];
   832 	}
   834 // Determine the type of entry point in this module and set the flags
   835 // in the E32Image header accordingly.
   836 TInt E32ImageFile::DetermineEntryPointType()
   837 	{
   838 	TUint cpu = iHdr->CpuIdentifier();
   839 	if (cpu != ECpuArmV4 && cpu != ECpuArmV5)
   840 		return KErrNone;	// if not ARM, leave EPT as 0
   841 	TUint epOffset = iHdr->iEntryPoint;
   842 	if (epOffset & 3)
   843 		return KErrNone;	// if entry point not 4 byte aligned, must be old style
   844 	TUint fileOffset = epOffset + iHdr->iCodeOffset;
   845 	if (fileOffset+4 > (TUint)iSize)
   846 		return KErrCorrupt;	// entry point is past the end of the file??
   847 	TInt ept = 0;			// old style if first instruction not recognised
   848 	unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)iData + fileOffset + 4;
   849 	TUint32 x = *--p;
   850 	x<<=8;
   851 	x|=*--p;
   852 	x<<=8;
   853 	x|=*--p;
   854 	x<<=8;
   855 	x|=*--p;
   856 	if ((x & 0xffffff00) == 0xe31f0000)
   857 		{
   858 		// starts with tst pc, #n - new entry point
   859 		ept = (x & 0xff) + 1;
   860 		}
   861 	if (ept>7)
   862 		return KErrNotSupported;
   863 	iHdr->iFlags |= (ept<<KImageEptShift);
   864 	return KErrNone;
   865 	}