changeset 2 39c28ec933dd
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:820b22e13ff1 2:39c28ec933dd
     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description: 
    15 # This package contains fuctions specific to data drive image generation
    16 #
    19 package datadriveimage;
    21 require Exporter;
    22 @ISA=qw(Exporter);
    23 @EXPORT=qw(
    24 			createDirectory 
    25 			deleteDirectory 
    26 			checkInArray 
    27 			setPath 
    28 			locateStubsisfiles 
    29 			copyFilesToFolders 
    30 			checkForSisFile 
    31 			copyNonSisFiles
    32 			invokeInterpretsis
    33 			invokeReadImage
    34 			compareArrays
    35 			dumpDatadriveObydata
    36 			TraverseDir
    37 			writeDataToFile
    38 			generate_datadriveheader
    39 			checkForWhiteSpace
    40 			reportError
    41 );
    43 use strict;
    44 use File::Path;		# Module to provide functions to remove or create directories in a convenient way.
    45 use File::Copy;		# Module to provide functions to copy file(s) from source to destination.
    47 use Pathutl;
    48 use Cwd;			# Module to provide functions for determining the pathname of the current working directory.
    50 # This fuction is used primiarly to check for whitespace in the location for "zdrive" / "datadrive" folder creation,
    51 # specified by the user, if yes then it returns one, else zero
    52 sub checkForWhiteSpace
    53 {
    54 	my ($dirLoc,$dirName) = @_;
    55 	if( $dirLoc =~ m/ / )
    56 	{
    57 		print "* Warning: $dirLoc contains whitespace, hence $dirName will be created in default location \n";
    58 		return 1;
    59 	}
    60 	else
    61 	{
    62 		return 0;
    63 	}
    64 }
    67 # This function reports the appropriate meassage supplied to it
    68 # and does a exit if and only if keepgoing option is disabled.
    69 sub reportError
    70 {
    71 	my( $message,$keepgoingOpt ) = @_;
    72 	# print the specified meassage.
    73 	print STDERR "$message \n";
    74 	# bail out, if keepgoing option is not set.
    75 	exit(1) if (!$keepgoingOpt);
    76 }
    78 # generate header for final datadrive oby file.
    79 sub generate_datadriveheader
    80 {
    81 	my ($idx,$datadriveimage) = @_;
    82 	my $header;
    83 	$header =  "dataimagename=$$datadriveimage[$idx]{name}.img\n";
    84 	$header .= "dataimagefilesystem=$$datadriveimage[$idx]{fstype}\n";
    86 	# check whether the size of the image has been mentioned
    87 	if(defined($$datadriveimage[$idx]{size}))
    88 	{
    89 		$header .= "dataimagesize=$$datadriveimage[$idx]{size}\n\n";
    90 	}
    91 	return $header;
    92 }
    94 # Create the specified directory by making use of mkpath function 
    95 # from File::Path module.
    96 sub createDirectory
    97 {
    98 	my($dir) = @_;
    99 	if( !-d $dir )
   100 	{
   101 		mkpath($dir);
   102 		if (! -e $dir) 
   103 		{
   104 			print ("ERROR: Couldn't create $dir\n");
   105 		}
   106 	}
   107 }
   109 # check if the given file is a reg file or ctl file or a txt file
   110 # if it is any of these files then return true else false.
   111 # This check is need since these three files or not valid not valid e32 file 
   112 # and hence needs to be placed as an data file inside the image.
   113 sub checkRegCtlFiles
   114 {
   115 	my ($fileName) = @_;
   117 	# check whether the file has "reg","ctl" or "txt" extension.
   118 	if( $fileName =~/\.(reg|ctl|txt)$/i )
   119 	{
   120 		return 1;		
   121 	}
   122 	else
   123 	{
   124 		return 0;
   125 	}
   126 }
   128 # delete the given directory by making use of rmtree function 
   129 # from File::Path module.
   130 sub deleteDirectory
   131 {
   132 	my($dir,$verboseOpt) = @_;
   133 	# check whether the directory exists.
   134 	if( -d $dir )
   135 	{
   136 		print("found $dir directory \n") if($verboseOpt);
   137 		if(rmtree($dir))
   138 		{
   139 			print("$dir directory deleted \n") if($verboseOpt);
   140 			return 0;
   141 		}
   142 		else
   143 		{
   144 			print("$dir directory could'nt be deleted \n") if($verboseOpt);
   145 			return 1;
   146 		}
   147 	}
   148 }
   150 # check for processed data drive image index.
   151 # if there is a match return one else return zero.
   152 # this check is done in order to ensure data drive image index is not repeated.
   153 sub checkInArray
   154 {
   155 	my($array, $value) = @_;
   156 	foreach my $aLine(@$array)
   157 	{
   158 		if( $aLine eq $value )
   159 		{
   160 			return 0;
   161 		}
   162 	}
   163 	return 1;
   164 }
   166 # set the path for the given directory.
   167 sub setPath
   168 {
   169 	my($dirName) = @_;
   170 	# get the working directory.
   171 	my $curWorkingDir = getcwd;
   172 	# substitute slash with double backward slash.
   173 	$curWorkingDir =~ s/\//\\/g;
   174  	#if $curWorkingDir already has trailing '\', don't include it again 
   175  	if( $curWorkingDir =~ /\\$/)
   176  	{
   177  		return $curWorkingDir.$dirName;
   178  	}
   179  	else
   180  	{
   181  		return $curWorkingDir."\\".$dirName;
   182  	}
   183 }
   185 # create directory and copy respective file on to that directory.
   186 # is there is a problem while copying files from source to destination
   187 # then bail out if and only if keep going option is disabled.
   188 sub copyFilesToFolders
   189 {
   190 	my ($source,$dest,$dir,$verboseOpt) = @_;
   191 	$source =~ s/\"//g; # remove double quotes from the string. 
   192 	my $destFileName = "";	# name of the destination file.
   193 	$dest =~ s/\"//g;	# remove double quotes from the string. 
   194 	my $destDirectory = $dest;
   195 	# strip the last substring to get destination file 
   196 	if ($dest=~/.*\\(\S+)/) 
   197 	{
   198 		$destFileName = $1;
   199 	}
   200 	else
   201 	{
   202 		$destFileName = $dest;
   203 	}
   204 	#get the destination directory along with full path
   205 	#when "[" and "]" appear in the file name we need add "\" before "[" or "]"
   206 	#like this: [filename].exe translate to \[filename\].exe 
   207 	if($destFileName =~ /\[|\]/)
   208 	{
   209 		my $tempFileName = $destFileName;
   210 		$tempFileName =~ s/(\[|\])/\\$1/g;
   211 		$destDirectory =~ s/$tempFileName//;
   212 	}
   213 	else
   214 	{	
   215 		$destDirectory =~ s/$destFileName//;
   216 	}
   217 	my $destfile = $dir."\\".$dest;
   218 	my $createdir = $dir."\\".$destDirectory ;
   220 	# create the specified directory.
   221 	&createDirectory($createdir);
   222 	if (!copy($source,$destfile))
   223 	{
   224 		warn "warning : $source file could not found \n";
   225 		return 0;
   226 	}
   227 	else
   228 	{
   229 		print "$source copied to $destfile\n" if($verboseOpt);
   230 		return $destfile;
   231 	}
   232 }
   234 # Make a check for sisfile keyword by reading the specified iby/oby file,
   235 # if sisfile keyword is found then push the respective image on to the respective array 
   236 # and return true.
   237 sub checkForSisFile 
   238 {
   239 	my($obyfile,$sisFileArray,$sisFilePrestent) = @_;
   240 	# open the oby file in read only mode. 
   241 	open (DATA, "< $obyfile") or die("* Can't open $obyfile\n");
   242 	while  (my $line =<DATA>)
   243 	{
   244 		if($line =~ /^\s*sisfile\s*=\s*(\S+)/i )
   245 		{
   246 			# found a sis file.
   247 			$$sisFilePrestent = 1;
   248 			# push sis file on to stack.
   249 			push(@$sisFileArray,$1);
   250 			next;
   251 		}
   252 	}
   253 	close(DATA);
   254 	return $$sisFilePrestent;
   255 }
   257 # Make a check for zdriveimagename keyword by reading the specified iby/oby file,
   258 # if zdriveimagename keyword is found then push the respective image on to the respective array 
   259 # and return true.
   260 sub checkForZDriveImageKeyword 
   261 {
   262 	#$ZDriveImageFilePresent
   263 	my($obyfile,$ZDriveImageKeywordArray,$ImageFilePresent) = @_;
   264 	# open the oby file in read only mode. 
   265 	open (DATA, "< $obyfile") or die("* Can't open $obyfile\n");
   266 	while  (my $line =<DATA>)
   267 	{
   268 		if($line =~ /^\s*zdriveimagename\s*=\s*(\S+)/i )
   269 		{
   270 			# found a Z Drive Image file.
   271 			$$ImageFilePresent = 1;
   272 			# push sis file on to stack.
   273 			push(@$ZDriveImageKeywordArray,$1);
   274 			next;
   275 		}
   276 	}
   277 	close(DATA);
   278 	return $$ImageFilePresent;
   279 }
   281 # copy all non-sis file(s) on to prototype data drive folder 
   282 # which are mentioned under input data drive iby/oby file.
   283 sub copyNonSisFiles
   284 {
   285 	my($dir,$obyfile,$nonsisFileArray,$renameArray,$aliasArray,$hideArray,$verboseOpt,$keepgoingOpt) = @_;
   286 	open (OBEY ,$obyfile) or die($obyfile."\n");
   287 	while(my $line =<OBEY>) 
   288 	{
   289 		if( $line =~ /^(file|data)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)/i )
   290 		{
   291 			my $keyWord=$1;
   292 			my $source=$2;
   293 			my $dest=$3;
   295 			if( $source !~ /(\S+):(\S+)/ )
   296 			{ 
   297 				$source = Path_Drive().$2;
   298 			}
   299 			my $var = &copyFilesToFolders( $source,$dest,$dir,$verboseOpt);
   300 			if($var)
   301 			{
   302 				$var = $keyWord."=".$var;
   303 				$line =~ s/^(\S+)=(\S+)/$var/;
   304 				push(@$nonsisFileArray,$line);
   305 			}
   306 			else
   307 			{
   308 				exit(1)if(!$keepgoingOpt);
   309 			}
   310 		}
   311 		elsif($line =~ /^rename\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/i)
   312 		{
   313 			my $oldFile = $dir.$1;	# existing-file
   314 			my $newFile = $dir.$2;	# destination-file
   315 			print"found rename keyword\nrenaming $oldFile to $newFile\n" if ($verboseOpt);
   316 			if ( rename($oldFile, $newFile) )
   317 			{
   318 				# push the line on to the stack.
   319 				push(@$renameArray,$1."\t".$2."\n");
   320 			}
   321 			else
   322 			{
   323 				&datadriveimage::reportError("* Warning : can't rename $oldFile to $newFile: $!",$keepgoingOpt);
   324 			}
   325 		}
   326 		elsif($line =~ /^alias\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/i)
   327 		{
   328 			my $exFile = $dir.$1;	# existing-file
   329 			my $destFile = $dir.$2;	# destination-file
   330 			print"found alias keyword\n" if ($verboseOpt);
   331 			if(!copy($exFile,$destFile))
   332 			{
   333 				&datadriveimage::reportError("* warning : couldnt create alias of $1 to $2 ",$keepgoingOpt);
   334 			}
   335 			else
   336 			{
   337 				# push the line on to the stack.
   338 				push(@$aliasArray,$1."\t".$2."\n");
   339 			}
   340 		}
   341 		elsif($line =~ /^hide\s+(\S+)/i)
   342 		{
   343 			print"found hide keyword\n" if ($verboseOpt);
   344 			print "$1 is marked as hidden, hence will not be part of the image\n" if($verboseOpt);
   345 			if( unlink($dir.$1) )
   346 			{
   347 				# push the line on to the stack.
   348 				push(@$hideArray,$1);
   349 			}
   350 			else 
   351 			{ 
   352 				&datadriveimage::reportError("* Warning : Can't delete $1: $! ",$keepgoingOpt);
   353 			}
   354 		}
   355 	}
   356 	close(OBEY);
   357 }
   359 # invoke the INTERPRETSIS tool with appropriate parameters.
   360 sub invokeInterpretsis
   361 {
   362 	my($sisFileArray,$dataDrivePath,$verboseOpt,$zDrivePath,$parafile,$keepgoingOpt,$interpretsisOptList) = @_;
   363 	my $sisfile = ""; 
   364 	# default system drive letter is specified since interpretsis doesnt allow overloading of options unless default 
   365 	# options are specified.
   366 	my $basicOption = "-d C: ";	# default system drive letter
   367 	my $command = "interpretsis ";
   368 	my $vOption = "-w info" if ($verboseOpt);
   370 	# do a check if the path has a white space.
   371 	if( $dataDrivePath =~ m/ /)
   372 	{
   373 		$dataDrivePath = '"'.$dataDrivePath.'"';
   374 	}
   376 	# find out size of the array
   377 	my $sisarraysize = scalar(@$sisFileArray);
   378 	for( my $i=0; $i<$sisarraysize; $i++ )
   379 	{
   380 		if($sisfile ne "")
   381 		{
   382 			$sisfile = pop(@$sisFileArray).",".$sisfile;
   383 		}
   384 		else
   385 		{
   386 			$sisfile = pop(@$sisFileArray);
   387 		}
   388 	}
   390 	# check whether the directory exists or not 
   391 	if( -d $zDrivePath )
   392 	{ 
   393 		# do a check if the path has a white space.
   394 		if( $zDrivePath =~ m/ /)
   395 		{
   396 			$zDrivePath = '"'.$zDrivePath.'"';
   397 		}
   398 		$basicOption .= "-z $zDrivePath "; 
   399 	}
   401 	$basicOption .= "-c $dataDrivePath -s $sisfile $vOption";
   403 	# if parameter file is specified then invoke the INTERPRETSIS
   404 	# with the specified parameter file with "-p" option.
   405 	if( defined($parafile) )
   406 	{ 
   407 		# do a check if the path has a white space.
   408 		if( $parafile =~ m/ /)
   409 		{
   410 			$parafile = '"'.$parafile.'"';
   411 		}
   412 		$command .= "-p $parafile "; 
   413 	}
   414 	# else invoke the INTERPRETSIS with default parameter file with "-p" option. 
   415 	else
   416 	{
   417 		# Truncate and open the parameter file for writing..
   418 		open( OPTDATA, "> parameterfile.txt" )  or die "can't open parameterfile.txt";
   419 		print OPTDATA $basicOption."\n";
   420 		close( OPTDATA );
   421 		$command .= "-p parameterfile.txt ";
   422 	}
   424 	if( $interpretsisOptList )
   425 	{
   426 		# find out size of the array
   427 		my $arraysize = scalar( @$interpretsisOptList );
   428 		for( my $i = 0; $i < $arraysize; $i++ )
   429 		{
   430 			$command .= $$interpretsisOptList[$i]." ";
   431 		}
   432 	}
   434 	print "* Executing $command\n" if ( $verboseOpt );
   435 	system ( $command );
   437 	if ($? != 0)
   438 	{
   439 		&datadriveimage::reportError("* ERROR: INTERPRETSIS failed",$keepgoingOpt);
   440 	}
   441 }
   443 # invoke the READIMAGE tool with appropriate parameters.
   444 sub invokeReadImage
   445 {
   446 	my($imageName,$loc,$verboseOpt,$logFile,$keepgoingOpt) = @_;
   447 	my $command = "readimage ";
   448 	# check if log file has been supplied.
   449 	if(defined($logFile))
   450 	{
   451 		if( $logFile =~ m/ /)
   452 		{
   453 			$logFile = '"'.$logFile.'"';
   454 		}
   455 		$command .= "-l $logFile ";
   456 	}
   458 	# do a check if the path has a white space.
   459 	if( $loc =~ m/ /)
   460 	{
   461 		$loc = '"'.$loc.'"';
   462 	}
   463 	$command .= "-z ".$loc." ".$imageName;
   464 	print "* Executing $command\n" if ($verboseOpt);
   465 	system ($command);
   466 	if ($? != 0)
   467 	{
   468 		&datadriveimage::reportError("* ERROR: READIMAGE failed to read the image",$keepgoingOpt);
   469 		return 0;
   470 	}
   471 	return 1;
   472 }
   474 # Each line from the OBY file is read and if any of the line contains "rename"/ "alias" keyword
   475 # then that corresponding line source and line destination is obtained and is passed to this function as one of the parameters.
   476 # This fuction compares given array with non-sis file(s) array, when an given line destination matches with the destination of an
   477 # element in the rename array/alias array(array holding list of file(s) that are renamed / made alias) then,
   478 # that respective element is removed from the rename array and a further check is made to see whether the given
   479 # line source matches with the destination of an element in the rename array/alias array.If a match is found then
   480 # a keyword check is done,if the keyword is "rename" then corresponding element's source and destination file is replaced
   481 # with given line destination file and if the keyword is "alias" then a new element will be added to non sis file array
   482 # with line destination file as the source and destination file.
   483 sub compareArrays
   484 {
   485 	my ( $firstarray,$nonsisArray,$linesource,$linedest,$linekeyword ) = @_;
   486 	# count of array element(s).
   487 	my $firstArrayCount = 0;
   488 	# source file.
   489 	my $linesourceFile;
   490 	# destination file.
   491 	my $linedestFile;
   492 	# get source file.
   494 	# strip first occurrence of back slash
   495 	$linesource =~ s/\\//; 
   497 	# get source file.
   498 	if ($linesource =~ /.*\\(\S+)/ ) 
   499 	{
   500 		$linesourceFile = $1;
   501 	}
   502 	# get destination file.
   503 	if ($linedest =~ /.*\\(\S+)/ )
   504 	{
   505 		$linedestFile = $1;
   506 	}
   507 	# iterate trough all
   508 	foreach my $firstarrayEntry (@$firstarray) 
   509 	{
   510 		if( $firstarrayEntry =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ )
   511 		{
   512 			my $firstarrayEntrydest = $2;
   514 			if( $linedest eq $firstarrayEntrydest )
   515 			{
   516 				# remove the specified element from the array.
   517 				splice(@$firstarray,$firstArrayCount,1);
   518 				# initialize the nonsisFileListCount to zero.
   519 				my $nonsisFileListCount = 0;
   520 				foreach my $nonsisEntry ( @$nonsisArray )
   521 				{
   522 					if( $nonsisEntry =~ /^(\S+)=(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ )
   523 					{
   524 						my $nonsisEntryDest = $3;
   525 						# remove double quotes.
   526 						$nonsisEntryDest =~ s/\"//g;
   527 						my $nonsisEntryDestFile;
   528 						if ($nonsisEntryDest =~ /.*\\(\S+)/ ) 
   529 						{ 
   530 							$nonsisEntryDestFile = $1;
   531 						}
   532 						if( $nonsisEntryDest eq $linesource )
   533 						{
   534 							if($linekeyword eq "rename")
   535 							{
   536 								# remove the specified element from the array.
   537 								splice(@$nonsisArray,$nonsisFileListCount,1);
   538 								$nonsisEntry =~ s/$nonsisEntryDestFile/$linedestFile/g;
   539 								push(@$nonsisArray,$nonsisEntry);
   540 							}
   541 							elsif($linekeyword eq "alias")
   542 							{
   543 								my $newLine = $nonsisEntry;
   544 								$newLine =~ s/$nonsisEntryDestFile/$linedestFile/g;
   545 								push(@$nonsisArray,$newLine);
   546 							}
   547 						}
   548 					 }
   549 					$nonsisFileListCount++;
   550 				 }#end of loop foreach my $newLine ( @nonsisArray )
   551 			}
   552 			$firstArrayCount++;
   553 		}#end of loop foreach my $newLine ( @firstarray) 
   554 	}
   555 }
   557 # Traverse the entire directory and log the folder contents on to a file.
   558 sub dumpDatadriveObydata
   559 {
   560 	#assign a temporary name and extension to the new oby file.
   561 	my $newobyfile = "temp.$$";
   562 	my ($datadir,$oldobyfile,$size,$nonsisFileArray,$renameArray,$aliasArray,
   563 		$hideArray,$sisobyArray,$datadriveArray,$keepgoingOpt,$verboseOpt) = @_;
   564 	# get the working directory.
   565 	my $curWorkingDir = getcwd;
   566 	# traverse the updated data drive directory structure.
   567 	&TraverseDir($datadir,"",$sisobyArray,$datadir);
   568 	# change the directrory to the Working directory.
   569 	chdir($curWorkingDir);
   570 	# copy non-sis file(s) on to prototype data drive folder.
   571 	copyNonSisFiles($datadir,$oldobyfile,$nonsisFileArray,$renameArray,$aliasArray,$hideArray,$verboseOpt,$keepgoingOpt);
   572 	#open the oby file in read-only mode. 
   573 	open (OLDDATA, "< $oldobyfile") or die("* Can't open $oldobyfile\n");
   574 	# Truncate and open the new oby file for writing..
   575 	open(NEWDATA, "> $newobyfile")  or die "can't open $newobyfile";
   576 	while  (my $line =<OLDDATA>)
   577 	{
   578 		if( $line =~ /^hide\s+(\S+)/i)
   579 		{
   580 			my $lineToSearch = $1; 
   581 			my $hideListCount = 0;
   582 			foreach my $newLine ( @$hideArray ) 
   583 			{
   584 				if( $newLine eq $lineToSearch )
   585 				{
   586 					splice(@$hideArray,$hideListCount,1);
   587 					my $nonsisFileListCount = 0;
   588 					foreach my $newLine ( @$nonsisFileArray )
   589 					{
   590 						if( $newLine =~ /^(\S+)=(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ )
   591 						{
   592 							my $newLineKeyword = $1;
   593 							my $newLinesource = $2;
   594 							my $newLinedest = $3;
   595 							$newLinedest =~ s/\"//g;
   596 							$newLinedest = "\\".$newLinedest;
   597 							if( $newLinedest eq $lineToSearch )
   598 							{
   599 								# remove the specified element from the array.
   600 								splice(@$nonsisFileArray,$nonsisFileListCount,1);
   601 							}
   602 						}
   603 						# increment the non sis file list count.
   604 						$nonsisFileListCount++;
   605 					}
   606 				}
   607 				# increment the  hide file list count.
   608 				$hideListCount++;
   609 			}
   610 		}
   611 		elsif( $line =~ /^rename\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/i) 
   612 		{ 
   613 			my $linesource = $1 ;
   614 			my $linedest = $2;
   615 			my $linekeyword = "rename";
   616 			&compareArrays($renameArray,$nonsisFileArray,$linesource,$linedest,$linekeyword);
   617 		}
   618 		elsif( $line =~ /^alias\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/i )
   619 		{
   620 			my $linesource = $1 ;
   621 			my $linedest = $2;
   622 			my $linekeyword = "alias";
   623 			&compareArrays($aliasArray,$nonsisFileArray,$linesource,$linedest,$linekeyword);
   624 		}
   625 		elsif(	$line =~ /^(file|data)\s*=\s*/i || $line =~ /^\s*(zdriveimagename|sisfile)\s*=\s*/i )
   626 		{
   627 			# skip to next line. 
   628 			next;
   629 		}
   630 		else
   631 		{ 
   632 			# push it on to the array.
   633 			unshift(@$datadriveArray,$line); 
   634 		}
   635 		next;
   636 	}
   637 	# close the old oby files.
   638 	close(OLDDATA)or die "can't close $oldobyfile";
   639 	#write the array contents on to the file
   640 	print"* Updating $oldobyfile - final OBY file\n";
   641 	&writeDataToFile( $datadriveArray );
   642 	&writeDataToFile( $sisobyArray );
   643 	&writeDataToFile( $nonsisFileArray );
   644 	# close the new oby file.
   645 	close(NEWDATA)or die "can't close $newobyfile";
   646 	#rename the file.
   647 	rename( $newobyfile, $oldobyfile )or die "can't rename $newobyfile to $oldobyfile: $!";
   648 }
   651 # Traverse the entire given directory 
   652 # push all the folder contents on to an array.
   653 sub  TraverseDir
   654 {
   655 	my($dir,$folderList,$sisFileContent,$rootdir) = @_;
   656 	#check the specified directory
   657 	chdir($dir) || die "Cannot chdir to $dir\n";
   658 	local(*DIR);
   659 	opendir(DIR, ".");#open current directory.
   660 	my $sourcedir;
   661 	my $destdir;
   662 	while (my $entry=readdir(DIR)) 
   663 	{
   664 		#skip, parent directory and current directory.
   665 		next if ($entry eq "." || $entry eq "..");
   666 		#check if it is a file 
   667 		if( -f $entry )
   668 		{
   669 			my $sourcedir = $rootdir."\\".$folderList.$entry;
   670 			my $destdir	= "$folderList".$entry;
   671 			my $sisSource;
   672 			my $sisdestination;
   673 			if(&checkRegCtlFiles($entry))
   674 			{
   675 				# check for any whitespace
   676 				if($sourcedir =~ m/ /)
   677 				{
   678 					# if yes, then append double quotes
   679 					$sisSource = "data="."\"".$sourcedir."\"";
   680 				}
   681 				else
   682 				{
   683 					# else dont append any double quotes for destination
   684 					$sisSource = "data=".$sourcedir;
   685 				}
   686 				# push the line on to the array.
   687 				push(@$sisFileContent,$sisSource."\t".'"'.$destdir.'"');
   688 			}
   689 			else
   690 			{
   691 				# check for any white space
   692 				if($sourcedir =~ m/ /)
   693 				{
   694 					# if yes, then append double quotes
   695 					$sisSource = "file="."\"".$sourcedir."\"";
   696 				}
   697 				else
   698 				{
   699 					# else dont append any double quotes for destination
   700 					$sisSource = "file=".$sourcedir;
   701 				}
   702 				# push the line on to the array.
   703 				push(@$sisFileContent,$sisSource."\t".'"'.$destdir.'"');
   704 			}
   705 		}
   706 		#else it's a directory
   707 		else
   708 		{
   709 			&TraverseDir($entry,$folderList.$entry."\\",$sisFileContent,$rootdir);
   710 		}
   711 	}
   712 	closedir(DIR);
   713 	chdir("..");
   714 }
   716 # write the data in to oby file by accessing appropriate array.
   717 sub writeDataToFile
   718 {
   719 	my ($array) = @_; 
   720 	#get the array size.
   721 	my $arraySize = scalar(@$array);
   722 	for(my $i=0; $i<$arraySize ; $i++ )
   723 	{
   724 		#pop out the element to the respective obey file.
   725 		 print NEWDATA pop(@$array)."\n";
   726 	}
   727 }