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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 * This class is used to log and/or display the error, warning and status
    16 * messages. This is a sigleton class.
    17 *
    18 */
    21 /**
    22  @file
    23  @internalComponent
    24  @released
    25 */
    27 #include "exceptionimplementation.h"
    29 enum MessageArraySize{MAX=42};
    31 /**
    32 Message objects are created and these objects holds the error, warning and status
    33 message required by imgcheck tool.
    35 @internalComponent
    36 @released
    37 */
    38 struct Messages MessageArray[MAX]=
    39 {
    40 	{UNKNOWNIMAGETYPE, "Error: Image Type Unknown: '%s'"},
    41 	{UNKNOWNPREFIX,"Error: Option has Un-Known Prefix: '%s'"},
    42 	{VALUEEXPECTED,"Error: Value expected for option: '%s'"},
    43 	{VALUENOTEXPECTED,"Error: Value not expected for option: '%s'"},
    44 	{UNKNOWNOPTION,"Error: Unknown option: '%s'"},
    45 	{QUIETMODESELECTED,"Error: Quiet mode selected while not generating XML report"},
    46 	{NOIMAGE,"Error: No images specified in the input"},
    47 	{NOROMIMAGE,"Warning: ROM image not passed"},
    48 	{XMLOPTION,"Warning: XML file name specified while not generating XML report"},
    49 	{NOMEMORY,"Error:%s:%d: Insuffient program memory"},
    50 	{FILENAMETOOBIG,"Error:'%s':%d: Improper File Name Size"},
    51 	{XMLNAMENOTVALID,"Error: Not a valid Xml File name"},
    52 	{REPORTTYPEINVALID,"Error: Not a valid report type"},
    53 	{FILEOPENFAIL,"Error:%s:%d: Cannot Open file: '%s'"},
    54 	{XSLCREATIONFAILED,"Warning:%s:%d: Unable to Create XSL file: '%s'"},
    55 	{UNEXPECTEDNUMBEROFVALUE, "Error: Unexpected number of values received for option: '%s'"},
    56 	{INVALIDVIDVALUE, "Error: Invalid VID value: '%s'"},
    57 	{UNKNOWNSUPPRESSVAL, "Error: Unknown suppress value: '%s'"},
    58 	{ALLCHECKSSUPPRESSED, "Error: All Validations suppressed"},
    59 	{SUPPRESSCOMBINEDWITHVIDVAL, "Warning: VID values received but VID validation suppressed"},
    60 	{SIDALLCOMBINEDWITHSID, "Warning: --sidall option received but SID validation suppressed"},
    61 	{DATAOVERFLOW, "Overflow: Input value '%s'"},
    62 	{VALIDIMAGE, "Success: Image(s) are valid"},
    63 	{IMAGENAMEALREADYRECEIVED, "Warning: Image '%s' passed in multiple times, first one is considered and rest are ignored."},
    64 	{UNKNOWNDBGVALUE , "Error: Invalid value is passed to --dbg, expected values are TRUE or FALSE."},
    65 	{ONLYSINGLEDIRECTORYEXPECTED , "Error: Only single directory should be passed as input when E32Input is enabled."},
    66 	{INVALIDDIRECTORY , "Error: Invalid directory or E32 file received as E32Input."},
    67 	{INCORRECTVALUES , "Warning: The status reported for Dependency and SID check may not be correct in E32 input mode."},
    68 	{NOVALIDATIONSENABLED , "Error: No validations are enabled."},
    69 	{NOEXEPRESENT, "Error: No valid executables are present"},
    70 	{E32INPUTNOTEXIST, "Error: Invalid E32 input '%s'"},
    71 	{VALIDE32INPUT, "Success: E32 executable(s) are validated"},
    72 	// Add the New Error and warning messages above this line
    73 	{GATHERINGDEPENDENCIES,"Gathering dependencies for '%s'"},
    74 	{WRITINGINTOREPORTER,"'%s' Checker writing data into Reporter"},
    75 	{COLLECTDEPDATA,"Collecting dependency data for '%s'"},
    76 	{NOOFEXECUTABLES,"No of executables in '%s': %d"},
    77 	{NOOFHEXECUTABLES,"No of hidden executables in '%s': %d"},
    78 	{READINGIMAGE,"Reading image: '%s'"},
    79 	{GATHERINGIDDATA,"Gathering %s data for '%s'"},
    80 	{GENERATINGREPORT,"Generating '%s' Report"},
    81 	{REPORTGENERATION,"Report generation %s"},
    82 	//Add the new status informations below this line
    83 	{NODISKSPACE,"Error: No enough disk space for %s"}
    84 };
    86 /**
    87 Static variables used to construct singleton class are initialized
    89 @internalComponent
    90 @released
    91 */
    92 unsigned int ExceptionImplementation::iCmdFlag = 0;
    93 ExceptionImplementation* ExceptionImplementation::iInstance = KNull;
    95 /**
    96 Static function provides the way to get the instance of ExceptionImplementation
    97 class. It takes aCmdFlag as argument, this argument contains the specified 
    98 commandline options and this flag is used to display the status information to 
    99 standard output upon receiving verbose mode flag.
   101 @internalComponent
   102 @released
   104 @param aCmdFlag - has all the options received in commandline.
   106 @return - returns the instance
   107 */
   108 ExceptionImplementation* ExceptionImplementation::Instance(unsigned int aCmdFlag)
   109 {
   110 	if(iInstance == KNull)
   111 	{
   112 		iCmdFlag = aCmdFlag;
   113 		iInstance = new ExceptionImplementation();
   114 	}
   115 	return iInstance;
   116 }
   118 /**
   119 Static function to delete the instance.
   121 @internalComponent
   122 @released
   123 */
   124 void ExceptionImplementation::DeleteInstance()
   125 {
   126 	DELETE(iInstance);
   127 }
   129 /**
   130 Constructor opens the output stream and traverses through MessageArray objects to 
   131 initialize iMessage map. This map is used later to log the messages.
   133 @internalComponent
   134 @released
   135 */
   136 ExceptionImplementation::ExceptionImplementation()
   137 :iMsgIndex(0)
   138 {
   140 	int i;
   141 	for(i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
   142 	{
   143 		iMessage.insert(std::make_pair(MessageArray[i].iIndex,MessageArray[i].iMessage));
   144 	}
   145 }
   147 /**
   148 Destructor closes the output stream opened during construction.
   150 @internalComponent
   151 @released
   152 */
   153 ExceptionImplementation::~ExceptionImplementation()
   154 {
   155 	iLogStream.close();
   156 }
   158 /**
   159 Function returns the message equivalent to the recived enum value.
   161 @internalComponent
   162 @released
   164 @param aMsgIndex - enum value
   165 */
   166 String& ExceptionImplementation::Message(const int aMsgIndex)
   167 {
   168 	iMsgIndex = aMsgIndex;
   169 	return iMessage[aMsgIndex];
   170 }
   172 /**
   173 Function to log the error, warning and status information.
   174 Irrespective of the messgae type all the messages are logged into the imgcheck 
   175 logfile. The warning and error messages are needed to be displayed on the command
   176 prompt always. But the status information is displayed at standard output only if
   177 the verbose mode is selected by the user.
   179 @internalComponent
   180 @released
   182 @param aMsgIndex - enum value
   183 */
   184 void ExceptionImplementation::Log(const String aMsg)
   185 {
   186 	iLogStream <<  aMsg.c_str() << "\n";
   188 	if(iCmdFlag & KVerbose)
   189 	{
   190 		std::cout << aMsg.c_str() << std::endl;
   191 	}
   192 }
   194 /**
   195 Function to report the error and warning information.
   196 Irrespective of the messgae type all the messages are logged into the imgcheck 
   197 logfile. The warning and error messages are needed to be displayed on the command
   198 prompt always. 
   200 @internalComponent
   201 @released
   203 @param aMsgIndex - enum value
   204 */
   205 void ExceptionImplementation::Report(const String aMsg)
   206 {
   207 	iLogStream <<  aMsg.c_str() << "\n";
   208 	if(aMsg.find("Success") != String::npos)
   209 	{
   210 		std::cout << aMsg.c_str() << std::endl;
   211 	}
   212 	else
   213 	{
   214 		std::cerr << aMsg.c_str() << std::endl;
   215 	}
   216 }