changeset 40 68f68128601f
equal deleted inserted replaced
39:fa9d7d89d3d6 40:68f68128601f
     1 # Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 # All rights reserved.
     3 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 # at the URL "".
     7 #
     8 # Initial Contributors:
     9 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 #
    11 # Contributors:
    12 # Mike Kinghan,, for Symbian Foundation
    13 #
    14 # Description:
    15 # e32toolp\e32util\
    16 # Convert an ARMASM assembler source or include file to AS format
    17 # Syntax:
    18 # perl <input> <output>
    19 # 
    20 #
    22 if (scalar(@ARGV)!=2) {
    23 	die "perl <input> <output>\n";
    24 }
    25 my ($infile, $outfile) = @ARGV;
    26 open IN, $infile or die "Can't open $infile for input\n";
    27 my $gccfile;
    28 my @input;
    29 while (<IN>) {
    30 	push @input, $_;
    31 	next if defined($gccfile);
    32 	next if (/^\s*$/);
    33 	if (/^\s*\@/) {
    34 		$gccfile = 1;	# If first non-blank line starts with @, assume already in GCC format
    35 	} else {
    36 		$gccfile = 0;
    37 	}
    38 }
    39 close IN;
    40 my @output;
    41 my $outref = \@output;
    42 if ($gccfile) {
    43 	$outref = \@input;
    44 } else {
    45 	process(\@input, \@output);
    46 }
    47 open OUT, ">$outfile" or die "Can't open $outfile for write\n";
    48 print OUT @$outref;
    49 close OUT;
    53 sub process($$) {
    54 	my $level=0;
    55 	my @block;
    56 	my ($inref, $outref) = @_;
    57 	foreach $line (@$inref) {
    58 		$line=~s/\s*$//;
    59 		my $comment;
    60 		if ($line =~ /\;(.*)$/o) {
    61 			$comment = $1;
    62 			$line =~ s/\;(.*)$//o;
    63 			if ($line =~ /^\s*$/o and $level==0) {
    64 				push @$outref, "$line\@$comment\n";
    65 				next;
    66 			}
    67 			$comment = "\t\@$comment";
    68 		}
    69 		if ($line =~ /^\s+PRESERVE8/) {
    70 			next;
    71 		}
    72 		if ($level == 1) {
    73 			if ($line =~ /^\s+MEND/i) {
    74 				process_macro(\@block, $outref);
    75 				$level = 0;
    76 			} else {
    77 				push @block, $line;
    78 			}
    79 			next;
    80 		} elsif ($level == 0) {
    81 			if ($line =~ /^\s+MACRO\s*$/i) {
    82 				@block = ();
    83 				$level = 1;
    84 				next;
    85 			}
    86 		}
    87 		if ($line =~ /^\s+GBLL\s+(\S+)/i) {
    88 			push @$outref, "\t.set\t$1, 0$comment\n";
    89 			next;
    90 		}
    91 		if ($line =~ /^\s+GBLA\s+(\S+)/i) {
    92 			push @$outref, "\t.set\t$1, 0$comment\n";
    93 			next;
    94 		}
    95 		if ($line =~ /^\s+INCLUDE\s+(\S+)/i) {
    96 			my $arg = $1;
    97 			if ($arg =~ /(\w+)\.inc/io) {
    98 				$arg = $1.'.ginc';
    99 			}
   100 			push @$outref, "\t.include\t\"$arg\"$comment\n";
   101 			next;
   102 		}
   103 		if ($line =~ /^\s+IMPORT\s+(\S+)/i) {
   104 			push @$outref, "\t.extern\t$1$comment\n";
   105 			next;
   106 		}
   107 		if ($line =~ /^\s+EXPORT\s+(\S+)/i) {
   108 			push @$outref, "\\t$1$comment\n";
   109 			next;
   110 		}
   111 		if ($line =~ /^\s+ELSE/i or $line =~ /^\s+\|/i ) {
   112 			push @$outref, "\t.else$comment\n";
   113 			next;
   114 		}
   115 		if ($line =~ /^\s+ENDIF/i or $line =~ /^\s+\]/i) {
   116 			push @$outref, "\t.endif$comment\n";
   117 			next;
   118 		}
   119 		if ($line =~ /^\s+LTORG/i) {
   120 			push @$outref, "\t.ltorg$comment\n";
   121 			next;
   122 		}
   123 		if ($line =~ /^\s+END$/i) {
   124 			next;
   125 		}
   126 		if ($line =~ /^\s+\!\s*(\d+)\,\s*(.*?)$/) {
   127 			my $msg = $2;
   128 			push @$outref, "\t.print $msg\n\t.err$comment\n";
   129 			next;
   130 		}
   131 		if ($line =~ /^\s+INIT_LOGICAL_SYMBOL\s+(\w+)(.*?)$/) {
   132 			process_init_logical_symbol($1, $2, $outref, $comment);
   133 			next;
   134 		}
   135 		if ($line =~ /^\s+INIT_NUMERIC_SYMBOL\s+(\w+)\s*\,\s*(.*?)$/) {
   136 			process_init_numeric_symbol($1, $2, $outref, $comment);
   137 			next;
   138 		}
   139 		if ($line =~ /^\s+AREA\s+(.*?)$/) {
   140 			process_area($1, $outref, $comment);
   141 			next;
   142 		}
   143 		if ($line =~ /^\s+\%\s+(.*?)$/) {
   144 			my $expr = process_numeric_expr($1, $outref);
   145 			push @$outref, "\ $expr$comment\n";
   146 			next;
   147 		}
   148 		if ($line =~ /^\s+ALIGN\s*(.*?)$/) {
   149 			process_align($1, $outref, $comment);
   150 			next;
   151 		}
   153 		# Strip label if there is one
   154 		my $label;
   155 		if ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s*(.*?)$/) {
   156 			$label = $1;
   157 			$line = $2;
   158 		} else {
   159 			$line =~ s/^\s*//;
   160 		}
   161 		if ($line =~ /^SETL\s+(\S+)/i) {
   162 			my $val = $1;
   163 			my $expr = process_logical_expr($val, $outref);
   164 			push @$outref, "\t.set\t$label,$expr$comment\n";
   165 			next;
   166 		}
   167 		if ($line =~ /^SETA\s+(.*?)$/i) {
   168 			my $val = $1;
   169 			my $expr = process_numeric_expr($val, $outref);
   170 			push @$outref, "\t.set\t$label,$expr$comment\n";
   171 			next;
   172 		}
   173 		if ($line =~ /^(EQU|\*)\s+(.*?)$/i) {
   174 			my $val = $2;
   175 			my $expr = process_numeric_expr($val, $outref);
   176 			push @$outref, "\t.equ\t$label,$expr$comment\n";
   177 			next;
   178 		}
   179 		if ($line =~ /^(if|\[)\s+(.*?)$/i) {
   180 			my $cond = $2;
   181 			if ($cond =~ /^\s*(\:LNOT\:)?\s*\:DEF\:\s*(.*?)$/i) {
   182 				my $n = $1;
   183 				my $sym = $2;
   184 				if ($sym =~ /^(\w|\\|\:)+$/) {
   185 					if (uc($n) eq ':LNOT:') {
   186 						push @$outref, "\t.ifndef\t$sym$comment\n";
   187 					} else {
   188 						push @$outref, "\t.ifdef\t$sym$comment\n";
   189 					}
   190 					next;
   191 				}
   192 			}
   193 			my $expr = process_logical_expr($cond, $outref);
   194 			push @$outref, "\t.if $expr$comment\n";
   195 			next;
   196 		}
   197 		if ($line =~ /^(\=|DCB)\s*(.*?)$/) {
   198 			process_dcb($label, $2, $outref, $comment);
   199 			next;
   200 		}
   201 		if ($line =~ /^DCW\s*(.*?)$/) {
   202 			process_dcw($label, $1, $outref, $comment);
   203 			next;
   204 		}
   205 		if ($line =~ /^DCD\s*(.*?)$/) {
   206 			process_dcd($label, $1, $outref, $comment);
   207 			next;
   208 		}
   209 		if ($line =~ /^ROUT\s*$/) {
   210 			$line = '';
   211 		}
   212 		if ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s+\%(\w+)\s*$/o) {
   213 			# ARMASM local label reference
   214 			my $inst = $1;
   215 			my $llab = $2;
   216 			if ($llab =~ /F\w?(\d+)/o) {
   217 				$line = "$inst $1f";
   218 			} elsif ($llab =~ /B\w?(\d+)/o) {
   219 				$line = "$inst $1b";
   220 			} else {
   221 				die "Can't determine local label direction\n";
   222 			}
   223 		}
   224 		if ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\,\s*\%(\w+)\s*$/o) {
   225 			# ARMASM local label reference
   226 			my $inst = $1;
   227 			my $op1 = $2;
   228 			my $llab = $3;
   229 			if ($llab =~ /F\w?(\d+)/o) {
   230 				$line = "$inst $op1\, $1f";
   231 			} elsif ($llab =~ /B\w?(\d+)/o) {
   232 				$line = "$inst $op1\, $1b";
   233 			} else {
   234 				die "Can't determine local label direction\n";
   235 			}
   236 		}
   238 		$line = process_numeric_expr($line, $outref);
   239 		if (defined($label)) {
   240 			push @$outref, "$label\:\t$line$comment\n";
   241 		} else {
   242 			push @$outref, "\t$line$comment\n";
   243 		}
   244 	}
   245 }
   248 sub process_macro($$) {
   249 	my ($inref, $outref) = @_;
   250 	my $line;
   251 	while(1) {
   252 		$line = shift @$inref;
   253 		last if ($line !~ /^\s*$/);
   254 	}
   255 	unless ($line =~ /^\s+(\w+)\s*(.*?)$/) {
   256 		die "Bad macro - no name\n";
   257 	}
   258 	my $macro_name = $1;
   259 	if ($macro_name eq 'INIT_LOGICAL_SYMBOL' or $macro_name eq 'INIT_NUMERIC_SYMBOL') {
   260 		return;
   261 	}
   262 	$line = $2;
   263 	my @args = split ( '\s*,\s*', $line );
   264 	foreach (@args) {
   265 		die "Bad macro argument name\n" unless (/^\$\w+$/);
   266 		s/^\$//;
   267 	}
   268 	my $ev = '';
   269 	foreach $arg (@args) {
   270 		$ev.="s/\\\$$arg(\\W\|\$)/\\\\$arg\$1/go;";
   271 	}
   272 	foreach (@$inref) {
   273 		eval $ev;
   274 	}
   275 	push @$outref, "\t.macro $macro_name ".join(',',@args)."\n";
   276 	process($inref, $outref);
   277 	push @$outref, "\t.endm\n";
   278 }
   281 sub process_logical_expr($$) {
   282 	my ($val, $outref) = @_;
   283 	$val = process_numeric_expr($val, $outref);
   284 	$val =~ s/\<\=/________LE________/g;	# protect <= and >= during expansion of =
   285 	$val =~ s/\>\=/________GE________/g;
   286 	$val =~ s/\=/\=\=/g;					# equality operator is = on ARMASM, == on AS
   287 	$val =~ s/________LE________/\<\=/g;
   288 	$val =~ s/________GE________/\>\=/g;
   289 	$val =~ s/\{TRUE\}/(1)/g;
   290 	$val =~ s/\{FALSE\}/(0)/g;
   292 	my @lops = split( /(\s*\:LAND\:\s*|\s*\:LOR\:\s*|\s*\:LNOT\:\s*|\s*\:DEF\:\s*|\s*\(\s*|\s*\)\s*)/, $val );
   293 	foreach (@lops) {
   294 		s/\s*\:LAND\:\s*/\:LAND\:/go;
   295 		s/\s*\:LOR\:\s*/\:LOR\:/go;
   296 		s/\s*\:LNOT\:\s*/\:LNOT\:/go;
   297 		s/\s*\:DEF\:\s*/\:DEF\:/go;
   298 		s/\s*\(\s*/\(/go;
   299 		s/\s*\)\s*/\)/go;
   300 	}
   301 	my @lops2;
   302 	while (scalar (@lops)) {
   303 		my $x = shift @lops;
   304 		if ($x eq ':DEF:') {
   305 			my $sym = shift @lops;
   306 			$sym =~ s/^\s*//;
   307 			$sym =~ s/\s*$//;
   308 			if ($sym =~ /^(\w|\$|\\)+$/) {
   309 				push @$outref, "\t.ifdef $sym\n\t.set __defined__$sym, 1\n\t.else\n\t.set __defined__$sym, 0\n\t.endif\n";
   310 				push @lops2, " __defined__$sym ";
   311 			} else {
   312 				die "Bad :DEF: operand $sym\n";
   313 			}
   314 		} elsif ($x eq ':LAND:') {
   315 			push @lops2, ' && ';
   316 		} elsif ($x eq ':LOR:') {
   317 			push @lops2, ' || ';
   318 		} else {
   319 			push @lops2, $x;
   320 		}
   321 	}
   322 	my @lops3;
   323 	while (scalar (@lops2)) {
   324 		my $x = shift @lops2;
   325 		if ($x eq ':LNOT:') {
   326 			my $operand = shift @lops2;
   327 			while (@lops2 && $operand =~ /^\s*$/) {
   328 				$operand = shift @lops2;
   329 			}
   330 			if ($operand eq '(') {
   331 				my $balance = 1;
   332 				my $compound = $operand;
   333 				while($balance > 0 && @lops2) {
   334 					$operand = shift @lops2;
   335 					if ($operand eq '(') {
   336 						++$balance;
   337 					}
   338 					elsif ($operand eq ')') {
   339 						--$balance;
   340 					}
   341 					$compound .= $operand;
   342 				}
   343 				push @lops3, "(0==$compound)";
   344 			} 
   345 			else {
   346 				push @lops3, "(0==($operand))";
   347 			}
   348 		} else {
   349 			push @lops3, $x;
   350 		}
   351 	}
   352 	return join('',@lops3);
   353 }
   355 sub process_numeric_expr($$) {
   356 	my ($val, $outref) = @_;
   357 	$val =~ s/\&/0x/g;			# ARMASM accepts hex numbers starting with & or 0x, AS only accepts 0x
   358 	$val =~ s/(\W|^)2_([0|1]+)(\W|$)/$1 0b$2$3/g;	# Binary numbers start with 2_ on ARMASM, 0b on AS
   359 	$val =~ s/\:AND\:/\&/g;
   360 	$val =~ s/\:OR\:/\|/g;
   361 	$val =~ s/\:SHL\:/\<\</g;
   362 	$val =~ s/\:SHR\:/\>\>/g;
   363 	return $val;
   364 }
   366 sub process_init_logical_symbol($$$$) {
   367 	my ($name, $rest, $outref, $comment) = @_;
   368 	my $counter;
   369 	if ($rest =~ /^\s*\,\s*(\w+)\s*$/) {
   370 		$counter = $1;
   371 	} elsif ($rest !~ /^\s*$/) {
   372 		die "Bad INIT_LOGICAL_SYMBOL\n";
   373 	}
   374 	push @$outref, "\t.ifndef $name$comment\n\t.set $name, 0\n\t.else\n\t.set $name, 1\n";
   375 	if ($counter) {
   376 		push @$outref, "\t.set $counter, $counter \+ 1\n";
   377 	}
   378 	push @$outref, "\t.endif\n";
   379 }
   381 sub process_init_numeric_symbol($$$$) {
   382 	my ($name, $value, $outref, $comment) = @_;
   383 	my $expr = process_numeric_expr($value, $outref);
   384 	push @$outref, "\t.ifndef $name$comment\n\t.set $name, $expr\n\t.endif\n";
   385 }
   387 sub process_area($$$) {
   388 	my ($line, $outref, $comment) = @_;
   389 	my @args = split(',',$line);
   390 	my $align = 0;
   391 	foreach (@args) {
   392 		if (/^\s*ALIGN\s*\=\s*(\d+)\s*$/) {
   393 			$align = $1;
   394 		}
   395 	}
   396 	push @$outref, "\t.text$comment\n\t.p2align $align\n";
   397 }
   399 sub process_align($$$) {
   400 	my ($line, $outref, $comment) = @_;
   401 	if ($line =~ /^\s*$/o) {
   402 		push @$outref, "\t.align$comment\n";
   403 	} else {
   404 		push @$outref, "\t.balign $line$comment\n";
   405 	}
   406 }
   408 sub process_dcb($$$$) {
   409 	my ($label, $args, $outref, $comment) = @_;
   410 	if (defined($label)) {
   411 		push @$outref, "$label\:";
   412 	}
   413 	while ($args !~ /^\s*$/) {
   414 		my $arg;
   415 		$args =~ s/^\s*//;
   416 		if ($args =~ /^\"/) {
   417 			$args =~ s/\\\"/________ESCAPED_QUOTE________/go;
   418 			$args =~ /\"(.*?)\"\s*(.*?)$/o or die "Unterminated string literal\n";
   419 			$arg = $1;
   420 			$args = $2;
   421 			$arg =~ s/________ESCAPED_QUOTE________/\\\"/go;
   422 			push @$outref, "\t.ascii \"$arg\"$comment\n";
   423 			undef $comment;
   424 			last if ($args !~ /\s*\,(.*?)$/o);
   425 			$args = $1;
   426 		} else {
   427 			$args =~ /(.*?)\s*(\,|$)(.*?)$/o;
   428 			$arg = $1;
   429 			$args = $3;
   430 			my $expr = process_numeric_expr($arg, $outref);
   431 			push @$outref, "\t.byte $expr$comment\n";
   432 			undef $comment;
   433 		}
   434 	}
   435 }
   437 sub process_dcw($$$$) {
   438 	my ($label, $args, $outref, $comment) = @_;
   439 	if (defined($label)) {
   440 		push @$outref, "$label\:";
   441 	}
   442 	while ($args !~ /^\s*$/) {
   443 		my $arg;
   444 		$args =~ s/^\s*//;
   445 		$args =~ /(.*?)\s*(\,|$)(.*?)$/o;
   446 		$arg = $1;
   447 		$args = $3;
   448 		my $expr = process_numeric_expr($arg, $outref);
   449 		push @$outref, "\t.hword $expr$comment\n";
   450 		undef $comment;
   451 	}
   452 }
   454 sub process_dcd($$$$) {
   455 	my ($label, $args, $outref, $comment) = @_;
   456 	if (defined($label)) {
   457 		push @$outref, "$label\:";
   458 	}
   459 	while ($args !~ /^\s*$/) {
   460 		my $arg;
   461 		$args =~ s/^\s*//;
   462 		$args =~ /(.*?)\s*(\,|$)(.*?)$/o;
   463 		$arg = $1;
   464 		$args = $3;
   465 		my $expr = process_numeric_expr($arg, $outref);
   466 		push @$outref, "\t.word $expr$comment\n";
   467 		undef $comment;
   468 	}
   469 }