changeset 0 37428ad74fc2
child 1 820b22e13ff1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/makefiles-garage/e32tools/elf2e32/Makefile	Mon Nov 16 10:04:44 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
+# Mike Kinghan,
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# This is a Linux makefile for elf2e32.
+include $(EPOCROOT)/build/makefiles-garage/
+$(error EPOCROOT must be defined as the parent directory of your epoc32 tree)
+cpp_inc_paths = -I source -I include -I $(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/include/tools -include ext/hash_map
+lib_opts =
+exe = elf2e32
+CPPFLAGS = $(cpp_inc_paths) $(global_cpp_flags)
+LDFLAGS = $(lib_opts) $(global_ld_flags)
+srcs = source/deffile.cpp  source/deflatecompress.cpp  source/dll_fb_target.cpp  source/dll_rebuild_target.cpp  \
+source/e32exporttable.cpp source/filedump.cpp  source/e32imagefile.cpp source/elf2e32.cpp  source/elffilesupplied.cpp \
+source/errorhandler.cpp source/exetarget.cpp source/exexp_fb_target.cpp source/exexp_rebuild_target.cpp \
+source/export_type_fb_target.cpp  source/export_type_rebuild_target.cpp  source/export_type_target.cpp  source/h_utl.cpp \
+source/huffman.cpp  source/imgdump.cpp  source/inflate.cpp  source/librarytarget.cpp  source/main.cpp \
+source/messagehandler.cpp  source/messageimplementation.cpp source/parameterlistinterface.cpp  source/parametermanager.cpp \
+source/pl_common.cpp  source/pl_dllsymbol.cpp source/pl_dso_handler.cpp  source/pl_elfconsumer.cpp \
+source/pl_elfexecutable.cpp  source/pl_elfexports.cpp  source/pl_elfimportrelocation.cpp  source/pl_elfimports.cpp \
+source/pl_elflocalrelocation.cpp  source/pl_elfproducer.cpp source/pl_elfrelocation.cpp source/pl_elfrelocations.cpp  \
+source/pl_symbol.cpp source/polydll_fb_target.cpp source/polydll_rebuild_target.cpp  source/usecasebase.cpp \
+source/byte_pair.cpp source/pagedcompress.cpp source/checksum.cpp source/stdexe_target.cpp
+fixfiles = source/pl_elfexecutable.h source/e32imagefile.cpp source/elffilesupplied.cpp source/parametermanager.cpp
+fixbackups = $(addsuffix .original,$(fixfiles)) 
+.PHONY: all clean fixes remove_fixes
+all: $(exe)
+$(srcs): fixes
+bases = $(basename $(srcs))
+objs = $(addsuffix .o,$(bases))
+$(exe): $(objs)
+	$(CC) -o $@ $(objs) $(LDFLAGS)
+clean: remove_fixes
+	rm -f $(objs) $(exe)
+fixes: $(fixbackups)
+	cp $(basename $@) $@ && \
+	sed -e 's|using std::hash_map;|using __gnu_cxx::hash_map;|g' -i $(basename $@)
+	cp $(basename $@) $@ && \
+	sed	-e 's|memcpy(iImportSection, aImportSection\.begin(), aImportSectionSize);|memcpy(iImportSection, \&*aImportSection.begin(), aImportSectionSize);|g' \
+		-e 's|memcpy(aInfo+aPos, iSymAddrTab\.begin(),|memcpy(aInfo+aPos, \&*iSymAddrTab.begin(),|g' \
+		-e 's|memcpy( ((void\*)(aInfo+aPos)), ((void\*)Iter), aOffLen);|memcpy( ((void*)(aInfo+aPos)), ((void*)\&*Iter), aOffLen);|g' \
+		-e 's|memcpy(aInfo+aPos, iSymbolNames\.begin(), iSymbolNames\.size());|memcpy(aInfo+aPos, \&*iSymbolNames.begin(), iSymbolNames.size());|g' \
+		-i $(basename $@)
+	cp $(basename $@) $@ && \
+	sed -e 's|using namespace std;|using namespace std; using __gnu_cxx::hash_set; using __gnu_cxx::hash;|g' -i $(basename $@)
+	cp $(basename $@) $@ && \
+	sed -e 's|ParseCapability1(b, e, aCapabilities, invert);|ParseCapability1(\&*b, \&*e, aCapabilities, invert);|g' \
+		-e 's|memcpy(symbol, p, len);|memcpy(symbol, \&*p, len);|g'  -i $(basename $@)
+	for file in $(fixbackups); do if [ -f $$file ]; then mv -f $$file $${file%original}; fi; done