--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/config/ivy/ivy.xml Mon May 10 19:54:49 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+Name : ivy.xml
+Part of : Helium
+Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+All rights reserved.
+This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+Initial Contributors:
+Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+<ivy-module version="1.0">
+ <info organisation="S60_SAM"
+ module="helium"
+ revision="2.32"
+ status="integration"
+ publication="">
+ <license name="Nokia" url="http://www.my.org/mymodule/mylicense.html"/>
+ <ivyauthor name="Helium team" url="http://helium.nmp.nokia.com/"/>
+ <repository name="Helium" url="http://www.jayasoft.fr/org/ivyrep/" pattern="[organisation]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml" ivys="true" artifacts="false"/>
+ <description homepage="http://www.my.org/mymodule/">
+ </description>
+ </info>
+ <configurations>
+ <conf name="core" description="Core Helium tools from SymSEE."/>
+ <conf name="subcon" extends="core" description="Helium libraries for SF and Nokia."/>
+ <conf name="core_install" extends="subcon" description="Core Helium libraries."/>
+ <conf name="product" extends="core" description="Product build libraries."/>
+ <conf name="ido" extends="core" description="IDO build tools from SymSEE."/>
+ <conf name="sf_install" description="SF build libraries."/>
+ <conf name="ido_install" extends="ido" description="IDO build libraries."/>
+ <conf name="internal" extends="ido" description="Internal libraries."/>
+ </configurations>
+ <publications/>
+ <dependencies defaultconfmapping="core->default;subcon->default;core_install->default;ido_install->default;sf_install->default">
+ <!-- Core dependencies -->
+ <dependency org="SWEPT" name="ant" rev="1.7" conf="core"/>
+ <dependency org="SWEPT" name="java" rev="1.6" conf="core"/>
+ <dependency org="SWEPT" name="perl" rev="5.6.1" conf="core"/>
+ <dependency org="SWEPT" name="python" rev="2.5" conf="core"/>
+ <!-- Dependency for product builds -->
+ <dependency org="SWEPT" name="unzip" rev="5.40" conf="product->default"/>
+ <!-- IDO dependencies -->
+ <dependency org="SWEPT" name="7zip" rev="4" conf="ido->default"/>
+ <dependency org="SWEPT" name="ccm" rev="6.5" conf="ido->default"/>
+ <dependency org="SWEPT" name="codescanner" rev="[2.0,2.1]" conf="ido->default"/>
+ <dependency org="SWEPT" name="java13" rev="1.3.1" conf="ido->default"/>
+ <dependency org="SWEPT" name="sbs" rev="2.4" conf="ido->default"/>
+ <dependency org="SWEPT" name="ctc" rev="6.3" conf="ido->default"/>
+ <!-- These dependencies are not in Ibiblio Maven2 so they need to be referenced explicitly by url -->
+ <dependency org="python" name="eggs_subcon" rev="1.0" conf="subcon"/>
+ <dependency org="java" name="jars_subcon" rev="1.0" conf="subcon"/>
+ <dependency org="python" name="eggs" rev="1.0" conf="core_install"/>
+ <dependency org="java" name="jars" rev="1.0" conf="core_install"/>
+ <!-- Dependencies in Ibiblio Maven2 -->
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="commons-collections" name="commons-collections" rev="3.2" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="commons-configuration" name="commons-configuration" rev="1.5" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" rev="2.4" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="commons-logging" name="commons-logging" rev="1.1.1" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="ant-contrib" name="ant-contrib" rev="1.0b2" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="bsf" name="bsf" rev="2.4.0" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Dom4j -->
+ <dependency org="dom4j" name="dom4j" rev="1.6.1" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: BSD and CDDL -->
+ <dependency org="org.freemarker" name="freemarker" rev="2.3.13" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 1.1 and BSD -->
+ <dependency org="net.sourceforge.fmpp" name="fmpp" rev="0.9.13" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="commons-codec" name="commons-codec" rev="1.3" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 1.1 -->
+ <dependency org="commons-discovery" name="commons-discovery" rev="0.2" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="commons-httpclient" name="commons-httpclient" rev="3.1" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="commons-io" name="commons-io" rev="1.4" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="commons-jxpath" name="commons-jxpath" rev="1.2" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="org.apache.ant" name="ant-antunit" rev="1.0" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: BSD -->
+ <dependency org="asm" name="asm" rev="2.2.1" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: BSD -->
+ <dependency org="jsch" name="jsch" rev="0.1.29" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="log4j" name="log4j" rev="1.2.9" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 1.1 -->
+ <dependency org="oro" name="oro" rev="2.0.8" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Common Public License Version 1.0 -->
+ <dependency org="wsdl4j" name="wsdl4j" rev="1.5.1" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <dependency org="jaxen" name="jaxen" rev="1.1.1" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: BSD -->
+ <dependency org="xmlunit" name="xmlunit" rev="1.2" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: BSD, CDDL -->
+ <dependency org="javax.mail" name="mail" rev="1.4.1" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 1.1 -->
+ <dependency org="velocity" name="velocity-dep" rev="1.3.1" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Common Public License Version 1.0 -->
+ <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.5" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="xalan" name="xalan" rev="2.7.1" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="xalan" name="serializer" rev="2.7.1" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Common Public License Version 1.0 -->
+ <dependency org="emma" name="emma" rev="2.0.5312" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Common Public License Version 1.0 -->
+ <dependency org="emma" name="emma_ant" rev="2.0.5312" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="org.apache.maven.scm" name="maven-scm-api" rev="1.1" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="org.apache.maven.scm" name="maven-scm-provider-hg" rev="1.1" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: Apache 2.0 -->
+ <dependency org="org.codehaus.plexus" name="plexus-utils" rev="1.5.6" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <dependency org="asm" name="asm-tree" rev="2.2.1" transitive="false" conf="core_install"/>
+ <dependency org="axis" name="axis" rev="latest.integration" transitive="false" conf="core_install"/>
+ <dependency org="xml-apis" name="xml-apis" rev="latest.integration" transitive="false" conf="core_install"/>
+ <dependency org="javax.xml" name="jaxrpc" rev="latest.integration" transitive="false" conf="core_install"/>
+ <dependency org="checkstyle" name="checkstyle" rev="4.4" conf="internal"/>
+ <!-- License: BSD -->
+ <dependency org="javax.xml.soap" name="saaj-api" rev="1.3" transitive="false" conf="core_install"/>
+ <!--
+ sun.mail
+ <dependency org="" name="dsn" rev="latest.integration" transitive="false" conf="core_install"/>
+ <dependency org="" name="smtp" rev="latest.integration" transitive="false" conf="core_install"/>
+ -->
+ <!-- Installed using installer -->
+ <!-- License: MIT -->
+ <dependency org="java" name="jep" rev="2.3-java6" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- License: LGPL, W3C -->
+ <dependency org="java" name="xincluder" rev="1.0d11" transitive="false" conf="subcon"/>
+ <!-- IDO continous integration package -->
+ <dependency org="java" name="cruisecontrol" rev="2.8.2" conf="ido_install"/>
+ <dependency org="java" name="cruisecontrol" rev="2.8.2" conf="sf_install"/>
+ </dependencies>