--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/tools/preparation/preparation.ant.xml Mon May 10 19:54:49 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+Name : preparation.ant.xml
+Part of : Helium
+Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+All rights reserved.
+This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+Initial Contributors:
+Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+<!--* @package preparation -->
+<project name="preparation" xmlns:hlm="http://www.nokia.com/helium">
+ <description>Preparation of a build area and other build initialization.</description>
+ <!--* @property prep.config.file
+ Defines configuration file used in prep-copy target. The file defines how files are copied and extracted into build area.
+ @type string
+ @editable required
+ @scope public
+ -->
+ <!-- includes all necessary stuff -->
+ <!-- To check which ccmgetinput helium will be use
+ @type string
+ -->
+ <property name="ccmgetinput" value="ccmgetinput" />
+ <import file="bom/bom.ant.xml" />
+ <import file="password.ant.xml" />
+ <import file="ido-prep.ant.xml" />
+ <import file="synergy/ccmgetinput.ant.xml" />
+ <import file="synergy/buildmanagement.ant.xml" />
+ <import file="ivy/dependencies.ant.xml"/>
+ <!--
+ Gets a release from GRACE.
+ TODO: Improve interface with customer configuration, getenv_options should be replaced by set of properties.
+ -->
+ <target name="preparation-getenv" if="base_release.path" depends="init-build-area">
+ <!-- Making sure we have nothing to pass -->
+ <property name="base_release.path" value=""/>
+ <property name="base_release.getenv_options" value=""/>
+ <!-- Using the cleaned version of getenv.pl -->
+ <!-- Defines the location of the getenv.pl script.
+ @type string
+ @scope private
+ -->
+ <property name="getenv.tool.location" location="${helium.dir}/tools/preparation/getenv.pl"/>
+ <hlm:tempRecordStartMacro name="${build.id}_getenv.log"/>
+ <trycatch>
+ <try>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${base_release.getenv_options}" arg2="" />
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <exec executable="perl" dir="${build.drive}/" failonerror="true">
+ <arg value="${getenv.tool.location}"/>
+ <arg value="-start"/>
+ <arg value="-nosoap"/>
+ <arg value="-path"/>
+ <arg value="${base_release.path}"/>
+ <arg line="${base_release.getenv_options}"/>
+ </exec>
+ </then>
+ <else>
+ <exec executable="perl" dir="${build.drive}/" failonerror="true">
+ <arg value="${getenv.tool.location}"/>
+ <arg value="-start"/>
+ <arg value="-nosoap"/>
+ <arg value="-path"/>
+ <arg value="${base_release.path}"/>
+ </exec>
+ </else>
+ </if>
+ </try>
+ <catch>
+ <echo message="Error: getenv failed"/>
+ </catch>
+ </trycatch>
+ <hlm:tempRecordStopMacro name="${build.id}_getenv.log" filterref="filterset.getenv" phase="prep"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Removes an older build area from a machine, based on a count of
+ how many build areas to maintain at a time.
+ -->
+ <target name="delete-old-build-area" if="build.area.limit">
+ <dirset id="build.area.dirs" dir="${prep.root.dir}" includes="${build.name}*"/>
+ <resourcecount property="build.area.count">
+ <dirset refid="build.area.dirs"/>
+ </resourcecount>
+ <if>
+ <scriptcondition language="jython">
+ <![CDATA[
+if project.getProperty("build.area.count") > project.getProperty("build.area.limit"):
+ self.value = True
+ ]]>
+ </scriptcondition>
+ <then>
+ <math result="num.to.delete" operand1="${build.area.count}" operation="-" operand2="${build.area.limit}" datatype="int"/>
+ <pathconvert property="build.area">
+ <first count="${num.to.delete}">
+ <sort xmlns:rcmp="antlib:org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.comparators">
+ <rcmp:date/>
+ <dirset refid="build.area.dirs"/>
+ </sort>
+ </first>
+ </pathconvert>
+ <echo>${build.area}</echo>
+ <shellscript shell="cmd.exe" tmpsuffix=".bat" dir="${prep.root.dir}">
+ <arg value="/c"/>
+ <arg value="call"/>
+ rmdir /s/q ${build.area}
+ </shellscript>
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Defines the start of a build from logging point of view. -->
+ <target name="log-build-start">
+ <tstamp>
+ <format property="log.build.start_time" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" />
+ </tstamp>
+ <!-- Used in ROM configuration files for version date. -->
+ <tstamp>
+ <format property="today" pattern="dd-MM-yyyy" />
+ </tstamp>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Prepares the Synergy configuration input for processing.
+ This inserts Ant properties to the config file. -->
+ <target name="ccm-prepare-input" if="prep.delivery.file">
+ <property name="prep.delivery.conf.parsed" location="${build.cache.dir}/delivery.xml.parsed" />
+ <copy file="${prep.delivery.file}" tofile="${prep.delivery.conf.parsed}" overwrite="true">
+ <filterchain>
+ <expandproperties />
+ </filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Checks the build drive is available. -->
+ <target name="check-env-build-drive">
+ <available file="${build.drive}/" property="build.drive.available" />
+ <fail unless="build.drive.available" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- Macro to check enough disk space available or not. Notify build manager
+ in case of insufficient disk space. -->
+ <macrodef name="diskspaceMacro" uri="http://www.nokia.com/helium">
+ <attribute name="drive"/>
+ <attribute name="space"/>
+ <sequential>
+ <trycatch>
+ <try>
+ <exec executable="python" failonerror="true">
+ <arg value="-m" />
+ <arg value="freedisk" />
+ <arg value="--drive" />
+ <arg value="@{drive}" />
+ <arg value="--space" />
+ <arg value="@{space}" />
+ </exec>
+ </try>
+ <catch>
+ <hlm:notifyMacro message="${env.COMPUTERNAME} has insufficient disk space on drive @{drive} for ${build.id}. Build will continue..."/>
+ </catch>
+ </trycatch>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- Checks there is sufficient disk space on the local machine and on the network. -->
+ <target name="check-free-space">
+ <if>
+ <isset property="local.free.space"/>
+ <then>
+ <echo message="drive: ${build.drive}"/>
+ <echo message="Required Space: ${local.free.space}MB"/>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <hasfreespace partition="${build.drive}" needed="${local.free.space}M"/>
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <hlm:notifyMacro message="${env.COMPUTERNAME} has insufficient disk space on drive ${build.drive} for ${build.id}. Build will continue..."/>
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <if>
+ <isset property="network.free.space"/>
+ <then>
+ <hlm:diskspaceMacro drive="${network.drive}" space="${network.free.space}"/>
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Checks that filedisk is on the machine.
+ TODO: do we still need this if filedisk is in /external? Also should handle
+ tools dependencies in more structured way.
+ -->
+ <target name="check-env-filedisk" depends="check-env-build-drive">
+ <available file="${env.SystemRoot}/system32/filedisk.exe" property="filedisk.available" />
+ <fail unless="filedisk.available" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- Gets the ARM compiler license text. -->
+ <target name="get-arm-license">
+ <exec executable="armcc" outputproperty="arm.compiler.version.text" failonerror="${failonerror}">
+ <arg value="--vsn" />
+ </exec>
+ <echo message="ARM compiler version text: ${arm.compiler.version.text}" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- Checks if there was any error getting the ARM license information. -->
+ <target name="check-env-arm-license" depends="get-arm-license">
+ <!-- Fail if the compiler version string contains error text. -->
+ <fail message="Error with ARM compiler configuration.">
+ <condition>
+ <contains string="${arm.compiler.version.text}" substring="Error" />
+ </condition>
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Sets the ARM compiler version to a property so it can be set in the environment
+ during compilation. -->
+ <target name="set-arm-version" depends="check-env-arm-license" unless="not.using.rvct">
+ <loadresource property="arm.compiler.version">
+ <propertyresource name="arm.compiler.version.text"/>
+ <filterchain>
+ <linecontainsregexp>
+ <regexp pattern="ARM.* C/C\+\+ Compiler" />
+ </linecontainsregexp>
+ </filterchain>
+ </loadresource>
+ <echo message="ARM compiler version: ${arm.compiler.version}" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- Prepares the preparation configuration by inserting Ant properties. -->
+ <target name="prep-prepare-input" if="prep.config.file">
+ <property name="prep.config.file.parsed" location="${build.output.dir}/prep.xml.parsed" />
+ <copy file="${prep.config.file}" tofile="${prep.config.file.parsed}" overwrite="true">
+ <filterchain>
+ <expandproperties />
+ </filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Obsolete. Left as placeholder.
+ Earlier: Checks that all the build area inputs are available. -->
+ <target name="check-env-prep" depends="prep-prepare-input">
+ </target>
+ <!-- Generates a starting XML file for the build summary. -->
+ <target name="build-info" depends="start-ant-log,log-build-start">
+ <dirname file="${build.summary.file}" property="build.summary.file.dir"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.summary.file.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${prep.log.dir}"/>
+ <xmltask dest="${build.log.dir}/${build.id}_info.log.xml">
+ <insert path="/">
+ <![CDATA[
+ <info>
+ <id>${build.id}</id>
+ <number>${build.number}</number>
+ <startTime>${log.build.start_time}</startTime>
+ <machine>${env.COMPUTERNAME}</machine>
+ <publish>
+ <status>${is.published}</status>
+ <location>${publish.dir}</location>
+ </publish>
+ </info>
+ ]]>
+ </insert>
+ </xmltask>
+ </target>
+ <propertyset id="password.list.ref">
+ <propertyref name="ccm.password.rc" />
+ <propertyref name="ccm.user.password" />
+ <propertyref name="release.grace.password" />
+ <propertyref name="unix.password" />
+ <propertyref name="release.notes.password" />
+ <propertyref name="nwiki.password" />
+ <propertyref name="noe.password" />
+ <propertyref name="ats3.password" />
+ <propertyref name="hydra.password" />
+ </propertyset>
+ <!-- Logs the Ant property build environment. -->
+ <target name="log-build-env">
+ <echoproperties destfile="${build.log.dir}/${build.id}_ant_env.log">
+ <!-- Do not log passwords... -->
+ <propertyset negate="true">
+ <propertyset refid="password.list.ref"/>
+ </propertyset>
+ </echoproperties>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Create a free substed drive for running the build on.
+ Helium can now subst/unsubst build drive automatically. If you don't define the property "build.drive" then helium will search the next available build drive and assign it to in "build.drive" property.
+ To unsubst the build drive after the build use property "unsubst.after.build=yes", the value "no" will let the drive still in subst.
+ This target will:
+ * Rename the prep directory if it exists and we don't have prep.build.dir.keep defined.
+ * Create a new directory for prepping the build area.
+ * Subst that directory to the build drive.
+ -->
+ <target name="prep-drive">
+ <!-- Just un-subst the drive if build.drive is predefined. -->
+ <propertyregex property="prep.build.dir.drive" input="${prep.build.dir}" regexp="^([^:]*:\\).*" select="\1" />
+ <fail message="${prep.build.dir.drive} could not be located">
+ <condition>
+ <and>
+ <os family='windows'/>
+ <not>
+ <available file="${prep.build.dir.drive}"/>
+ </not>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ </fail>
+ <if>
+ <and>
+ <not>
+ <isset property="env.HLM_SUBCON"/>
+ </not>
+ <isset property="use.dragonfly"/>
+ </and>
+ <then>
+ <antcall target="dragonfly-prep-drive"/>
+ </then>
+ <else>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <isset property="build.drive.notdefined"/>
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <echo>Unsubsting any existing path substed to ${build.drive}.
+If this fails, it is because there was no substed drive.</echo>
+ <hlm:unsubst drive="${build.drive}" failonerror="${failonerror}"/>
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <tstamp>
+ <format property="old.prep.dir.timestamp" pattern="yyyyMMdd'_'HHmmss" />
+ </tstamp>
+ <if>
+ <not>
+ <isset property="prep.build.dir.keep"/>
+ </not>
+ <then>
+ <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
+from java.io import *
+import time
+prep_build_dir_str = project.getProperty('prep.build.dir')
+prep_build_dir = File(prep_build_dir_str)
+print prep_build_dir
+if prep_build_dir.exists():
+ timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.localtime(time.time()))
+ renamed_prep_build_dir = File('%s.%s' % (prep_build_dir_str, timestamp))
+ print renamed_prep_build_dir
+ result = prep_build_dir.renameTo(renamed_prep_build_dir)
+ if result:
+ print 'Dir rename successful.'
+ else:
+ print 'Dir rename failed!'
+ raise Exception('Could not rename prep dir')
+ </script>
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <!-- Create a new directory for the build and subst it to a drive. -->
+ <mkdir dir="${prep.build.dir}" />
+ <exec osfamily="windows" executable="subst.exe" failonerror="false">
+ <arg value="${build.drive}" />
+ <arg value="${prep.build.dir}" />
+ </exec>
+ <antcall target="backup-subst-drives"/>
+ </else>
+ </if>
+ </target>
+ <!-- To initialization prep-drive-->
+ <target name="init-drive" depends="prep-drive"/>
+ <!-- To initialization substituted drive-->
+ <target name="restore-subst-drives">
+ <if>
+ <available file="${cache.dir}/hlmsubsteddrives.bat" type="file"/>
+ <then>
+ <exec dir="${cache.dir}" executable="${cache.dir}/hlmsubsteddrives.bat" osfamily="windows" failonerror="false"/>
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Creates several initial directories in a new build area. -->
+ <target name="init-build-area" depends="check-env-build-drive">
+ <mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${prep.log.dir}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${temp.build.dir}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${diamonds.build.output.dir}" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- Basic initialization for a build, including starting the main ant_build log.
+ It also copies the additional logs from the temp directory into the build area. -->
+ <target name="init" depends="get-ccm-password">
+ <runtarget target="build-number"/>
+ <runtarget target="init-build-area"/>
+ <runtarget target="build-info"/>
+ <echo>Copying temp logs from ${build.cache.log.dir} into the build area.</echo>
+ <copy todir="${prep.log.dir}" verbose="true" failonerror="false">
+ <fileset dir="${build.cache.log.dir}">
+ <include name="*.log"/>
+ <include name="*.xml"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ </target>
+ <!-- This target exists as a trigger for initiating the Diamonds logger. If
+ it is not included in the build sequence, the build will not be logged to
+ Diamonds. Also build.property.cache.file will be there contains all the diamonds related properties
+ -->
+ <target name="diamonds">
+ <mkdir dir="${diamonds.build.output.dir}" />
+ <var name="diamonds.build.url" value="http://${diamonds.host}:${diamonds.port}${diamonds.build.id}"/>
+ <echoproperties destfile="${build.property.cache.file}">
+ <propertyset>
+ <propertyref prefix="diamonds.build.url"/>
+ <propertyref prefix="diamonds.host"/>
+ <propertyref prefix="diamonds.port"/>
+ <propertyref prefix="diamonds.build.id"/>
+ </propertyset>
+ </echoproperties>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Used to prep the build area, now only a placeholder target for the customer -->
+ <target name="prep-copy" />
+ <condition property="run.ccm">
+ <and>
+ <not>
+ <equals arg1="${ccm.enabled}" arg2="false" casesensitive="true"/>
+ </not>
+ <isset property="ccm.enabled"/>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <!-- Wrapper target to call prep-work-area during the build.
+ log will get recorded under the log directory.
+ Property ccm.enabled has to be set to 'true' to enable that step!
+ prep-work-area-check-errors is also run so it emits a signal in case of errors.
+ -->
+ <target name="do-prep-work-area" depends="find-files-pre">
+ <runtarget target="prep-work-area"/>
+ <runtarget target="find-files-post"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Wrapper target to call start-remote-builds during the build.
+ log will get recorded under the log directory.
+ Property remote.builds.enabled has to be defined to enable that step!
+ -->
+ <target name="do-start-remote-builds" if="remote.builds.enabled">
+ <runtarget target="start-remote-builds"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- check-env-prep has to be called after getting the delivery else it doesn't works for the first build. -->
+ <target name="do-prep" depends="check-tool-dependencies,check-free-space,do-prep-work-area,
+ do-start-remote-builds,check-env-prep,diamonds,create-bom,log-build-env,prep-copy,
+ set-arm-version" />
+ <!-- Macro to notify user by email/sms -->
+ <macrodef name="notifyMacro" uri="http://www.nokia.com/helium">
+ <attribute name="message"/>
+ <sequential>
+ <runtarget target="lookup-email" />
+ <tstamp>
+ <format property="time.failure" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd_HH.mm.ss" />
+ </tstamp>
+ <preset.mail tolist="${email.from}" subject="${env.COMPUTERNAME} prep stage problem!" message="@{message}" />
+ <!-- Get the first part of email address to use with SMS gateway -->
+ <propertyregex property="email.from.name" input="${email.from}" regexp="(.*?)@" select="\1" />
+ <preset.mail tolist="${email.from.name}@${sms.server}" subject="" message="@{message}" />
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <!-- Fails the build if prep did not succeed. -->
+ <target name="prep-fail">
+ <if>
+ <available file="${build.log}"/>
+ <then>
+ <record name="${build.log}" action="stop" append="true"/>
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <hlm:metadatarecord database="${metadata.dbfile}">
+ <hlm:antmetadatainput>
+ <fileset casesensitive="false" file="${build.log.dir}/${build.id}_main.ant.log" />
+ <metadatafilterset refid="filterset.ant.output" />
+ </hlm:antmetadatainput>
+ </hlm:metadatarecord>
+ <hlm:generateBuildStatus file="${build.id}_main.ant.log" />
+ <!-- Todo: metadata: insert assertions for metadata parsing here -->
+ </target>
+ <!-- Set properties for track full build event. -->
+ <target name="set-fullbuild-properties">
+ <!-- Enables logging of the start and end of individual targets.
+ @type string
+ -->
+ <property name="log.target" value="yes"/>
+ <!-- Ensures the cleanup-all target is called when the build finishes.
+ @type string
+ -->
+ <property name="call.cleanup" value="no"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Top-level target for preparing the build area. -->
+ <target name="prep" depends="set-fullbuild-properties,init-drive,init">
+ <trycatch property="build.exception">
+ <try>
+ <runtarget target="do-prep" />
+ </try>
+ <catch>
+ <echo message="Build has failed during prep: ${build.exception}" />
+ <runtarget target="prep-fail" />
+ <fail />
+ </catch>
+ </trycatch>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Can be used to unsubst the drive . -->
+ <target name="remove-drive">
+ <if>
+ <os family="windows"/>
+ <then>
+ <hlm:unsubst drive="${build.drive}"/>
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </target>