--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imgtools/buildrom/tools/configpaging.pm Mon May 10 19:54:49 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# changes the paging/unpaged configuration of binaries a generated
+# OBY file according to the list in configpaging.lst
+# use
+# externaltool=configpaging.pm
+# in oby file to enable
+# use
+# tool=configpaging \epoc32\rom\myconfigpaging.lst
+# to change the default configpaging.lst
+package configpaging;
+use strict;
+our @EXPORT=qw(
+ configpaging_info
+ configpaging_initialize
+ configpaging_single
+ configpaging_multiple
+use Exporter;
+our @ISA=qw(Exporter);
+# Initialisation
+use constant CONSTANT_UNPAGED => "unpaged";
+use constant CONSTANT_PAGED => "paged";
+use constant CONSTANT_UNPAGEDCODE => "unpagedcode";
+use constant CONSTANT_PAGEDCODE => "pagedcode";
+use constant CONSTANT_UNPAGEDDATA => "unpageddata";
+use constant CONSTANT_PAGEDDATA => "pageddata";
+use constant CONSTANT_CONFIG_PATH => "epoc32\\rom\\configpaging\\";
+my $epocroot = $ENV{EPOCROOT};
+my $configlist = $epocroot.CONSTANT_CONFIG_PATH."configpaging.cfg";
+# routine to provide information about the tool
+sub configpaging_info ()
+ my %toolinfo;
+ $toolinfo{'name'} = "configpaging";
+ $toolinfo{'invocation'} = "InvocationPoint2";
+ $toolinfo{'initialize'} = \&configpaging_initialize;
+ $toolinfo{'multiple'} = \&configpaging_multiple;
+ $toolinfo{'single'} = \&configpaging_single;
+ return \%toolinfo;
+sub configpaging_initialize
+ {
+ my ($cmdLine) = @_;
+ if (defined ($cmdLine))
+ {
+ print "configpaging.pm: Initializing with $cmdLine\n";
+ $configlist = $epocroot.CONSTANT_CONFIG_PATH.$cmdLine;
+ }
+ }
+# routine to handle multiple invocation
+sub configpaging_multiple
+ my ($line) = @_;
+ my @args=split /[=\s]/, $line;
+ $configlist=$args[2];
+ return "REM configpaging.pm: Using $configlist";
+sub isobystatement
+ my ($li) = @_;
+ if ($li =~ /^\s*data(=|\s+)/i) { return 1;}
+ if ($li =~ /^\s*file(=|\s+)/i) { return 1;}
+ if ($li =~ /^\s*dll(=|\s+)/i) { return 1;}
+ if ($li =~ /^\s*secondary(=|\s+)/i) { return 1;}
+ return 0;
+#codepaging is codepagingoverride setting
+#datapaging is datapagingoverride setting
+#listref is ref to an associated array keyed by <executable regex>,
+#and the value is another associated array keyed (un)?paged(code|data)?
+#the value is 1 if set, undeffed if not.
+sub readConfigFile
+ {
+ my ($codepagingref, $datapagingref, $listref, $configfilename) = @_;
+ my $filecodepaging = "";
+ my $filedatapaging = "";
+ local *FILE; # need a filehandle local to this invocation
+ if(!open FILE, $configfilename)
+ {
+ print ("Configpaging Warning: Can't open $configfilename\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ # parse the configfilename
+ # insert the files listed into the listref and set the paging info accordingly.
+ while (my $line=<FILE>)
+ {
+ if ($line !~ /\S/ ) { next; }
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*#/ ) { next; }
+ chomp $line;
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*(code|data)?pagingoverride=(.*)\s*/i) {
+ if ($1 eq undef) {
+ if (lc($2) eq "defaultpaged") {
+ $$codepagingref = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ $$datapagingref = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ } elsif (lc($2) eq "defaultunpaged") {
+ $$codepagingref = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ $$datapagingref = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ } else {
+ print ("Configpaging Warning: invalid pagingoverride setting:$2\n");
+ }
+ } elsif (lc($1) eq "code") {
+ if (lc($2) eq "defaultpaged") {
+ $$codepagingref = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ } elsif (lc($2) eq "defaultunpaged") {
+ $$codepagingref = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ } else {
+ print ("Configpaging Warning: invalid codepagingoverride setting:$2\n");
+ }
+ } elsif ($1 eq "data") {
+ if (lc($2) eq "defaultpaged") {
+ $$datapagingref = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ } elsif (lc($2) eq "defaultunpaged") {
+ $$datapagingref = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ } else {
+ print ("Configpaging Warning: invalid datapagingoverride setting:$2\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ print ("configpaging Warning: invalid keyword: $1" . "pagingoverride\n");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(un)?paged(code|data)?(\s+(un)?paged(code|data)?)?:/i ) {
+ $filecodepaging = "";
+ $filedatapaging = "";
+ if ($1 eq undef) {
+ if ($2 eq undef) {
+ $filecodepaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ $filedatapaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ }elsif (lc($2) eq "code") {
+ $filecodepaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ } elsif(lc($2) eq "data") {
+ $filedatapaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ } else {
+ print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
+ }
+ } elsif (lc($1) eq "un") {
+ if ($2 eq undef) {
+ $filecodepaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ $filedatapaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ }elsif (lc($2) eq "code") {
+ $filecodepaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ } elsif(lc($2) eq "data") {
+ $filedatapaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ } else {
+ print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
+ }
+ if ($3 ne undef){
+ if ($4 eq undef) {
+ if ($5 eq undef) {
+ $filecodepaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ $filedatapaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ }elsif (lc($5) eq "code") {
+ $filecodepaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ } elsif(lc($5) eq "data") {
+ $filedatapaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ } else {
+ print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
+ }
+ } elsif (lc($4) eq "un") {
+ if ($5 eq undef) {
+ $filecodepaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ $filedatapaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ }elsif (lc($5) eq "code") {
+ $filecodepaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ } elsif(lc($5) eq "data") {
+ $filedatapaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ } else {
+ print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^\s*include\s*\"(.*)\"/i)
+ { readConfigFile($codepagingref, $datapagingref, $listref, $epocroot.CONSTANT_CONFIG_PATH.$1); } # go recursive
+ elsif ($line =~ /\s*(\S+)(\s+(un)?paged(code|data)?(\s+(un)?paged(code|data)?)?)?/i){
+ my %element;
+ $element{code} = $$codepagingref;
+ $element{data} = $$datapagingref;
+ if ($2 eq undef){
+ if ($filecodepaging ne "") {
+ $element{code} = $filecodepaging;
+ }
+ if ($filedatapaging ne "") {
+ $element{data} = $filedatapaging;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($4 eq undef){
+ if ($3 eq undef) {
+ $element{code} = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ $element{data} = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ } elsif (lc($3) eq "un") {
+ $element{code} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ $element{data} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ }
+ } elsif (lc($4) eq "code") {
+ if ($3 eq undef) {
+ $element{code} = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ } elsif (lc($3) eq "un") {
+ $element{code} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ }
+ } elsif (lc($4) eq "data") {
+ if ($3 eq undef) {
+ $element{data} = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ } elsif (lc($3) eq "un") {
+ $element{data} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ }
+ } else {
+ print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized attribute in line: $line\n");
+ }
+ if ($5 ne undef){
+ if ($7 eq undef){
+ if ($6 eq undef) {
+ $element{code} = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ $element{data} = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ } elsif (lc($6) eq "un") {
+ $element{code} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ $element{data} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ }
+ } elsif (lc($7) eq "code") {
+ if ($6 eq undef) {
+ $element{code} = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ } elsif (lc($6) eq "un") {
+ $element{code} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ }
+ } elsif (lc($7) eq "data") {
+ if ($6 eq undef) {
+ $element{data} = CONSTANT_PAGED;
+ } elsif (lc($6) eq "un") {
+ $element{data} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
+ }
+ } else {
+ print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized attribute in line: $line\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $$listref{$1} = \%element;
+ } else {
+ print ("ConfigPaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
+ }
+ }
+ close FILE;
+ }
+# routine to handle single invocation
+sub configpaging_single
+ my $codepaging="";
+ my $datapaging="";
+ my %list;
+ my @keys;
+ my ($oby) = @_;
+ print "configpaging.pm: Modifying demand paging configuration using $configlist\n";
+ readConfigFile(\$codepaging, \$datapaging, \%list, $configlist);
+ # read the oby file that was handed to us
+ # find matches between each oby line and any files in the paged or unpaged list
+ # modify the attributes of the oby line as appropriate
+ my @newlines;
+ my %element;
+ @keys = keys %list;
+ foreach my $line (@$oby)
+ {
+ my $codepagingadd="";
+ my $datapagingadd="";
+ chomp $line;
+ if (isobystatement($line))
+ {
+ my $lcline = lc($line);
+ for(my $index=@keys - 1; $index>=0; $index--) {
+ my $match = $keys[$index];
+ if ($lcline =~ /(\s+|\"|\\|=)$match(\s+|\"|$)/) {
+ %element = %{$list{$match}};
+ if ($element{code} eq CONSTANT_PAGED) {
+ $codepagingadd .= " " . CONSTANT_PAGEDCODE;
+ } elsif ($element{code} eq CONSTANT_UNPAGED) {
+ $codepagingadd .= " " . CONSTANT_UNPAGEDCODE;
+ }
+ if ($element{data} eq CONSTANT_PAGED) {
+ $datapagingadd .= " " . CONSTANT_PAGEDDATA;
+ } elsif ($element{data} eq CONSTANT_UNPAGED) {
+ $datapagingadd .= " " . CONSTANT_UNPAGEDDATA;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$codepagingadd and $codepaging) {
+ $codepagingadd = " " . $codepaging . "code";
+ }
+ if (!$datapagingadd and $datapaging) {
+ $datapagingadd = " " . $datapaging . "data";
+ }
+ if ($codepagingadd and !$datapagingadd){
+ if ($line =~ /\b(un)?paged(data)?\b\s*$/) {
+ $datapagingadd = " " . $1 . "pageddata";
+ }
+ } elsif ($datapagingadd and !$codepagingadd) {
+ if ($line =~ /\b(un)?paged(code)?\b\s*$/) {
+ $codepagingadd = " " . $1 . "pagedcode";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($datapagingadd or $datapagingadd) {
+ $line =~ s/\b(un)?paged(code|data)?\b/ /ig;
+ }
+ }
+ push @newlines, "$line$codepagingadd$datapagingadd\n";
+ }
+ @$oby = @newlines;