--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imgtools/buildrom/tools/featuremanager.pm Mon May 10 19:54:49 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# This package contains routines to read the information from the Feature manager XML file.
+package featuremanager; # Derived class for the feature manager xml parser
+ @ISA = qw(featureparser); # Derived from featuerParser
+ require featureparser;
+use constant STRICTCASE=>1; # To suppress the case conversion in genericparser routine
+# Parse the featuredatabase XML file and generate the maps and counts
+# {namespace}<namespace> - optional
+# {ibyname}<ibyname> - optional
+# {hfilename}<hfilename> - optional
+# {hfileheader}<fileheader> - optional
+# {interfacestatus}<interfacestatus> -optional
+# {interfacevisibility}<interfacevisibility> - optional
+# {feature_list}<nameuidmap>
+# {feature} {<uid1>}{statusflags}<statusflag>
+# {name}<name>
+# {userdata}<userdata> - optional
+# {includemacro}<macro>
+# {excludemacro}<macro>
+# {infeaturesetiby}<yes/no> - optional
+# {comment}<comment> - optional
+# {<uid2>}{statusflags}<statusflag>
+# {name}<name>
+# {userdata}<userdata> - optional
+# {includemacro}<macro>
+# {excludemacro}<macro>
+# {infeaturesetiby}<yes/no> - optional
+# {comment}<comment>
+# Class constructor
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $object = $class->SUPER::new();
+ # Class members
+ $object->{_OBJNAME} = "FeatureManager"; # Name of the object
+ $object->{_FEAT_SET_LIST} = []; # Array of <featureset> hash maps
+ $object->{_FEAT_LIST} = {}; # Hash map of all feature name with uid
+ $object->{_ALIAS_FEAT_LIST} = {}; # Hash map of all alias feature name with uid
+ return $object;
+# Private methods
+# Private method to Get/Set the _FEAT_SET_LIST member value of this class
+# @param : reference to the array of <featureset> hash maps (optional for GET)
+my $featuresetList = sub
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"featuresetList"));
+ if (@_)
+ {
+ $object->{_FEAT_SET_LIST} = shift;
+ }
+ return $object->{_FEAT_SET_LIST};
+# Private method to Get/Set the _FEAT_LIST member value of this class
+# @param : reference to the fash map of feature name with uid (optional for GET)
+my $featureList = sub
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"featureList"));
+ if (@_)
+ {
+ $object->{_FEAT_LIST} = shift;
+ }
+ return $object->{_FEAT_LIST};
+# Private method ot Get/Set the _ALIAS_FEAT_LIST member value of this class
+# @param: reference to the hash map of alias feature name with uid
+my $aliasfeatureList = sub
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object, "aliasfeatureList"));
+ if(@_)
+ {
+ $object->{_ALIAS_FEAT_LIST} = shift;
+ }
+ return $object->{_ALIAS_FEAT_LIST};
+# Read the attributes of <featureset> element
+# @param : reference to the featureset
+# @param : reference to the attributemap
+my $fillFeatureSetAttributes = sub
+ my $node = shift;
+ my $map = shift;
+ $map->{ibyname} = &featureparser::getattrValue($node, "ibyname", STRICTCASE);
+ $map->{hfilename} = &featureparser::getattrValue($node, "hfilename", STRICTCASE);
+ $map->{namespace} = &featureparser::getattrValue($node, "namespace", STRICTCASE);
+# Read the attributes of <hfileheader> element
+# @param : reference to the featureset
+# @param : reference to the attributemap
+my $fillFileHeaderAttributes = sub
+ my $node = shift;
+ my $map = shift;
+ my @attribSet = &featureparser::getnodefromTree($node, "hfileheader");
+ foreach my $att_node (@attribSet)
+ {
+ $map->{interfacestatus} = &featureparser::getattrValue($att_node, "interfacestatus",STRICTCASE);
+ $map->{interfacevisibility} = &featureparser::getattrValue($att_node, "interfacevisibility",STRICTCASE);
+ $map->{hfileheader} = &featureparser::getelementValue($att_node,STRICTCASE);
+ }
+# Read the attributes of <feature> element
+# @param : reference to the featureset
+# @param : reference to the attributemap
+my $fillFeatureAttributes = sub
+ my $node = shift; my $map = shift;
+ my @attribSet = &featureparser::getnodefromTree($node, "feature");
+ my %nameUidMap = ();
+ foreach my $att_node (@attribSet)
+ {
+ my ($uid_value, $feat_name, $attval);
+ my (@macroSet, @commentSet);
+ my %featureHash = ();
+ #Read the feature name and its other attributes
+ $feat_name = &featureparser::getattrValue($att_node, "name",STRICTCASE);
+ # Validate Name
+ if(!$feat_name) {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("Feature name attribute is empty");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(exists $nameUidMap{lc($feat_name)}) {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("Feature entry \"".$feat_name."\" already exists");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ #Read the uid value
+ $uid_value = &featureparser::getattrValue($att_node, "uid");
+ if(!&featureparser::IsValidNum($uid_value)) {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("Valid hexadecimal or decimal value expected in UID entry for \"$feat_name\"");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $uid_value = &featureparser::ConvertHexToDecimal($uid_value);
+ if((defined $map->{feature}) && (exists $map->{feature}{$uid_value})) {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("UID entry for \"".$feat_name."\" already exists");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $attval = &featureparser::getattrValue($att_node, "statusflags");
+ if(!&featureparser::IsValidNum($attval)) {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("Valid hexadecimal or decimal value expected in STATUS_FLAGS entry for \"$feat_name\"");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $featureHash{statusflags} = $attval;
+ $attval = &featureparser::getattrValue($att_node, "userdata");
+ if(defined $attval) {
+ if(!&featureparser::IsValidNum($attval)) {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("Valid hexadecimal or decimal value expected in USER_DATA entry for \"$feat_name\"");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $featureHash{name} = $feat_name;
+ $featureHash{userdata} = $attval;
+ #Read the attributes of <hrhmacro> element
+ @macroSet = &featureparser::getnodefromTree($att_node, "hrhmacro");
+ foreach my $nodeMac (@macroSet) {
+ $featureHash{includemacro} = &featureparser::getattrValue($nodeMac,"include",STRICTCASE);
+ $featureHash{excludemacro} = &featureparser::getattrValue($nodeMac,"exclude",STRICTCASE);
+ #Read the attribute infeaturesetiby
+ $attval = &featureparser::getattrValue($nodeMac,"infeaturesetiby");
+ if(($attval eq undef) or (lc($attval) eq "yes")) {
+ $featureHash{infeaturesetiby} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif(lc($attval) eq "no") {
+ $featureHash{infeaturesetiby} = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("(yes|no) value expected in infeaturesetiby attribute for \"$feat_name\"");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ #Read the <comment> element value
+ @commentSet = &featureparser::getnodefromTree($att_node, "comment");
+ foreach my $nodeCmt (@commentSet) {
+ $featureHash{comment} = &featureparser::getelementValue($nodeCmt,STRICTCASE);
+ }
+ #Add an entry to name->uid map for this feature
+ $nameUidMap{lc($feat_name)} = $uid_value;
+ #Add an entry to the global hash map with all the attributes of this feature
+ $map->{feature}{$uid_value} = \%featureHash;
+ }
+ $map->{feature_list} = \%nameUidMap;
+ return 1;
+my $fillAliasAttributes = sub
+ my $node = shift;
+ my $map = shift;
+ my %aliasnameUidMap = ();
+ my $featureList = $map->{feature_list};
+ my @attribSet = &featureparser::getnodefromTree($node, "featureoverride");
+ foreach my $att_node (@attribSet)
+ {
+ my ($uid_value, $alias_name, $feat_name, $attval);
+ my (@macroSet, @commentSet);
+ my %featureHash = ();
+ #read the alias name
+ $alias_name = &featureparser::getattrValue($att_node, "name", STRICTCASE);
+ if(!$alias_name)
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("Featureoverride name attribute is empty");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(exists $featureList->{lc($alias_name)})
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("Can't override <feature> \"".sprintf("0x%08x", $featureList->{lc($alias_name)})."\" in the same <featureset>");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(exists $aliasnameUidMap{lc($alias_name)})
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("Can't override <featureoverride> \"".sprintf("0x%08x", $aliasnameUidMap{lc($alias_name)})."\" in the same <featureset>");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $uid_value = &featureparser::getattrValue($att_node, "uid");
+ if(!&featureparser::IsValidNum($uid_value))
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("Valid hexadecimal or decimal value expected in UID entry for \"$alias_name\"");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $uid_value = &featureparser::ConvertHexToDecimal($uid_value);
+ if((defined $map->{alias_feature}) && (exists $map->{alias_feature}{$uid_value}))
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("Can't override <featureoverride> \"".sprintf("0x%08x", $uid_value)."\" in the same <featureset>");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if((defined $map->{feature}) && (exists $map->{feature}{$uid_value}))
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("Can't override <feature> \"".sprintf("0x%08x", $uid_value)."\" in the same <featureset>");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $attval = &featureparser::getattrValue($att_node, "statusflags");
+ if(defined $attval)
+ {
+ if(!&featureparser::IsValidNum($attval))
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("Valid hexadecimal or decimal value expected in STATUS_FLAGS entry for \"$alias_name\"");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $featureHash{statusflags} = $attval;
+ $attval = &featureparser::getattrValue($att_node, "userdata");
+ if(defined $attval)
+ {
+ if(!&featureparser::IsValidNum($attval))
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("Valid hexadecimal or decimal value expected in USER_DATA entry for \"$alias_name\"");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $featureHash{uid} = $uid_value;
+ $featureHash{name} = $alias_name;
+ $featureHash{userdata} = $attval;
+ #read the attributes of <hrhmacro> element
+ @macroSet = &featureparser::getnodefromTree($att_node,"hrhmacro");
+ foreach my $nodeMac (@macroSet)
+ {
+ $featureHash{includemacro} = &featureparser::getattrValue($nodeMac, "include", STRICTCASE);
+ $featureHash{excludemacro} = &featureparser::getattrValue($nodeMac, "exclude", STRICTCASE);
+ #read the attribute infeaturesetiby
+ $attval = &featureparser::getattrValue($nodeMac, "infeaturesetiby");
+ if(($attval eq undef) or (lc($attval) eq "yes"))
+ {
+ $featureHash{infeaturesetiby} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif(lc($attval) eq "no")
+ {
+ $featureHash{infeaturesetiby} = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("(yes|no) value expected in infeaturesetiby attribute for \"$feat_name\"");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ #read the <comment> element value
+ @commentSet = &featureparser::getnodefromTree($att_node, "comment");
+ foreach my $nodeCmt (@commentSet)
+ {
+ $featureHash{comment} = &featureparser::getelementValue($nodeCmt, STRICTCASE);
+ }
+ #add an entry to alias->uid map for this feature
+ $aliasnameUidMap{lc($alias_name)} = $uid_value;
+ #add an entry to the global hash map with all the attributes of this alias feature
+ $map->{alias_feature}{$uid_value} = \%featureHash;
+ }
+ $map->{alias_feature_list} = \%aliasnameUidMap;
+ return 1;
+# Public methods
+sub getAliasFeatureList
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"getAliasFeatureList"));
+ my $aliasfeatlist = $object->$aliasfeatureList();
+ return $aliasfeatlist;
+# To get the status flag attribute value of the given feature
+# @param : feature name
+sub getStatusFlag
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"getStausFlag"));
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $namespace = shift;
+ my $uid = $object->getFeatureUID($name, $namespace);
+ if($uid)
+ {
+ my $feature = $object->getFeatureInfo($uid, $namespace);
+ return ($feature->{statusflags}) if(exists $feature->{statusflags});
+ }
+ return undef;
+# To get the user data attribute value of the given feature
+# @param : feature name
+sub getUserData
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"getUserData"));
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $namespace = shift;
+ my $uid = $object->getFeatureUID($name, $namespace);
+ if($uid)
+ {
+ my $feature = $object->getFeatureInfo($uid, $namespace);
+ return ($feature->{userdata}) if(exists $feature->{userdata});
+ }
+ return undef;
+# To get the include macro attribute value of the given feature
+# @param : feature name
+sub getIncludeMacro
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"getIncludeMacro"));
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $uid = $object->getfeatureUID($name);
+ if($uid)
+ {
+ my $feature = $object->getfeatureInfo($uid);
+ return $feature->{includemacro};
+ }
+ return undef;
+# To get the exclude macro attribute value of the given feature
+# @param : feature name
+sub getExcludeMacro
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"getExcludeMacro"));
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $uid = $object->getfeatureUID($name);
+ if($uid)
+ {
+ my $feature = $object->getfeatureInfo($uid);
+ return $feature->{excludemacro};
+ }
+ return undef;
+# Return the feature uid for the given feature name.
+# @param : Feature Name
+# @param : namespace of the featureset (optional)
+sub getFeatureUID
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"getFeatureUID"));
+ my $feature = shift;
+ my $namespace = shift;
+ my $featuresetList = $object->$featuresetList;
+ $feature = lc($feature);
+ if($namespace eq undef) {
+ if(exists $$featuresetList[0]->{feature_list}{$feature}) {
+ return $$featuresetList[0]->{feature_list}{$feature};
+ }
+ if(exists $$featuresetList[0]->{alias_feature_list}{$feature}) {
+ return $$featuresetList[0]->{alias_feature_list}{$feature};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $node (@$featuresetList)
+ {
+ if((lc($node->{namespace}) eq lc($namespace)) && ((exists $node->{feature_list}{$feature})||(exists $node->{alias_feature_list}{$feature}))) {
+ return $node->{feature_list}{$feature} if (exists $node->{feature_list}{$feature});
+ return $node->{alias_feature_list}{$feature} if (exists $node->{alias_feature_list}{$feature});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $node (@$featuresetList) {
+ return $node->{feature_list}{$feature} if(exists $node->{feature_list}{$feature});
+ return $node->{alias_feature_list}{$feature} if(exists $node->{alias_feature_list}{$feature});
+ }
+ return undef;
+# Get the details of feature with given featureuid and other parameters
+# This function only consider the feature UID only and that UID should be in decimal
+# @param : Feature UID
+# @param : namespace of the featureset (optional)
+sub getFeatureInfo
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"getFeatureInfo"));
+ my $uid = shift;
+ my $namespace = shift;
+ my $featuresetList = $object->$featuresetList;
+ if($namespace eq undef) {
+ foreach my $node (@$featuresetList) {
+ return $node->{alias_feature}{$uid} if(exists $node->{alias_feature}{$uid});
+ }
+ if(exists $$featuresetList[0]->{feature}{$uid}) {
+ return $$featuresetList[0]->{feature}{$uid};
+ }
+ if(exists $$featuresetList[0]->{alias_feature}{$uid}) {
+ return $$featuresetList[0]->{alias_feature}{$uid};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $node (@$featuresetList)
+ {
+ if((lc($node->{namespace}) eq lc($namespace)) && ((exists $node->{feature}{$uid})||(exists $node->{alias_feature}{$uid}))) {
+ return $node->{feature}{$uid} if (exists $node->{feature}{$uid});
+ return $node->{alias_feature}{$uid} if (exists $node->{alias_feature}{$uid});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $node (@$featuresetList) {
+ return $node->{feature}{$uid} if(exists $node->{feature}{$uid});
+ }
+ return undef;
+# Get the Feature set info as a hash
+# @param: namespace of the featureset
+sub getFeaturesetInfo
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"getFeaturesetInfo"));
+ my $namespace = shift;
+ my $featuresetList = $object->$featuresetList;
+ if($namespace eq undef) {
+ if(exists $$featuresetList[0]) {
+ return $$featuresetList[0];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $node (@$featuresetList)
+ {
+ if((lc($node->{namespace}) eq lc($namespace))) {
+ return $node;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+# Get the Featureset namespaces as an array
+sub getFeatureset
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"getFeatureset"));
+ my @featureSet=();
+ my $featuresetList = $object->$featuresetList;
+ foreach my $node (@$featuresetList) {
+ push @featureSet, $node;
+ }
+ return \@featureSet;
+# Add feature registry object contents to feature manager object
+# @param : feature registry object
+sub addFeatureRegistry
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"addFeatureRegistry"));
+ my $registryobj = shift;
+ my %attribHash = ();
+ my $nameuidmap;
+ my $newRangeList;
+ my $rangeList;
+ # Adding default range list
+ $newRangeList = $registryobj->defaultRangeList();
+ $rangeList = $object->defaultRangeList();
+ foreach my $newnode (@$newRangeList) {
+ my $include = 1;
+ foreach my $node (@$rangeList) { #Check if the range is already exists
+ if(($node->{min} == $newnode->{min}) && ($node->{max} == $newnode->{max})
+ && ($node->{support} eq $newnode->{support})) {
+ $include = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if($include) { # Add it if it is new range
+ push @$rangeList, $newnode;
+ $object->defaultIncludeCount($object->defaultIncludeCount()+1) if(lc($newnode->{support}) eq "include");
+ $object->defaultExcludeCount($object->defaultExcludeCount()+1) if(lc($newnode->{support}) eq "exclude");
+ }
+ }
+ # Adding feature list
+ $nameuidmap = $registryobj->featureNameUidMap();
+ $attribHash{namespace} = undef;
+ $attribHash{feature_list} = $nameuidmap;
+ foreach my $name (keys %$nameuidmap) {
+ my $uid = $nameuidmap->{$name};
+ my %featureinfo = ();
+ $featureinfo{name} = $name;
+ # Default values for statusflags and userdata
+ $featureinfo{statusflags} = "0x00000001";
+ $featureinfo{userdata} = "0x00000000";
+ $attribHash{feature}{$uid} = \%featureinfo;
+ }
+ # add the featureset into the feature manager object
+ return 0 if(! &addFeatureSet($object, \%attribHash));
+ return 1;
+# Utility functions
+# Add the featureset into the hash map
+# @param : reference to the atrribute hash map of featureset
+sub addFeatureSet
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"addFeatureSet"));
+ my $newSet = shift;
+ my $featSetList = $object->$featuresetList();
+ my $newfeatList = $newSet->{feature_list};
+ my $newaliasfeatList = $newSet->{alias_feature_list};
+ # Check for the duplicate featue names in the existing list
+ foreach my $name (keys %$newfeatList)
+ {
+ if(exists $object->$featureList()->{$name})
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("\(".$object->fileName()."\) Feature \"".uc($name)."\" already exists");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $uid = $newfeatList->{$name};
+ $object->$featureList()->{$name} = $uid; #Add it to global featue name list
+ }
+ }
+ # Check for the duplicate UIDs in the existing list
+ if(@$featSetList)
+ {
+ foreach my $set (@$featSetList)
+ {
+ foreach my $name (keys %$newfeatList)
+ {
+ my $uid = $newfeatList->{$name};
+ if(exists $set->{feature}{$uid})
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("\(".$object->fileName()."\) UID \"".sprintf("0x%08x",$uid)."\" for the feature \"".uc($name)."\" already exists");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #check for the duplicate alias feature names in the existing list
+ foreach my $alias_name (keys %$newaliasfeatList)
+ {
+ if(exists $object->$featureList()->{$alias_name})
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("\(".$object->fileName."\) Can't override <feature> \"".sprintf("0x%08x", $newaliasfeatList->{$alias_name})."\" with the same feature name ".$alias_name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(exists $object->$aliasfeatureList()->{$alias_name})
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("\(".$object->fileName."\) Can't override <featureoverride> \"".sprintf("0x%08x", $newaliasfeatList->{$alias_name})."\" with the same feature name ".$alias_name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $uid = $newaliasfeatList->{$alias_name};
+ # add it to global alias feature name list
+ $object->$aliasfeatureList()->{$alias_name} = $uid;
+ }
+ }
+ #check if the original feature has existed in other feature set.
+ foreach my $alias_name (keys %$newaliasfeatList)
+ {
+ my $featHash;
+ my $uid = $newaliasfeatList->{$alias_name};
+ foreach my $set (@$featSetList)
+ {
+ if(exists $set->{feature}{$uid})
+ {
+ $featHash = $set->{feature}{$uid};
+ last;
+ }
+ if(exists $set->{alias_feature}{$uid})
+ {
+ $featHash = $set->{alias_feature}{$uid};
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$featHash)
+ {
+ &featureparser::ERROR("original feature definition does not exist.");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $aliasfeatHash = $newSet->{alias_feature}{$uid};
+ if(($aliasfeatHash->{includemacro}) || ($aliasfeatHash->{excludemacro}))
+ {
+ if(($featHash->{includemacro}) || ($featHash->{excludemacro}))
+ {
+ &featureparser::WARN("the value of attribute hrhmacro has been overrided in ogrinal feature ".sprintf("0x%08x", $uid));
+ undef $featHash->{includemacro};
+ undef $featHash->{excludemacro};
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($featHash->{includemacro} || $featHash->{excludemacro})
+ {
+ &featureparser::WARN("the original value of attribute hrhmacro will be used for featureoverride ".sprintf("0x%08x", $uid));
+ $aliasfeatHash->{includemacro} = $featHash->{includemacro};
+ $aliasfeatHash->{excludemacro} = $featHash->{excludemacro};
+ }
+ if($aliasfeatHash->{statusflags})
+ {
+ if(($featHash->{statusflags}) && !($aliasfeatHash->{statusflags} eq $featHash->{statusflags}))
+ {
+ &featureparser::WARN("the value of attribute statusflags has been overrided in ogrinal feature ".sprintf("0x%08x", $uid));
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($featHash->{statusflags})
+ {
+ $aliasfeatHash->{statusflags} = $featHash->{statusflags};
+ &featureparser::WARN("the original value of attribute statusflags will be used for featureoverride ".sprintf("0x%08x", $uid));
+ }
+ if($aliasfeatHash->{userdata})
+ {
+ if(($featHash->{userdata}) && !($aliasfeatHash->{userdata} eq $featHash->{userdata}))
+ {
+ &featureparser::WARN("the value of attribute userdata has been overrided in ogrinal feature ".sprintf("0x%08x", $uid));
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($featHash->{userdata})
+ {
+ $aliasfeatHash->{userdata} = $featHash->{userdata};
+ &featureparser::WARN("the original value of attribute userdata will be used for featureoverride ".sprintf("0x%08x", $uid));
+ }
+ if($aliasfeatHash->{infeaturesetiby})
+ {
+ if(($featHash->{infeaturesetiby}) && ($aliasfeatHash->{infeaturesetiby} != $featHash->{infeaturesetiby}))
+ {
+ &featureparser::WARN("the value of attribute infeautresetiby has been overrided in ogrinal feature ".sprintf("0x%08x", $uid));
+ }
+ }
+ elsif(defined($featHash->{infeaturesetiby}))
+ {
+ $aliasfeatHash->{infeaturesetiby} = $featHash->{infeaturesetiby};
+ &featureparser::WARN("the original value of attribute infewaturesetiby will be used for featureoverride ".sprintf("0x%08x", $uid));
+ }
+ }
+ # Add the unique featureset into the list
+ push @$featSetList, $newSet;
+ return 1;
+# Read the <featureset> element
+sub createFeatureMap
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"createFeatureMap"));
+ # Return error if the rootelement reference is NULL
+ return 0 if($object->rootElement() < 0);
+ # Get all the <featureset> elements
+ my @attrSet = &featureparser::getnodefromTree($object->rootElement(), "featureset");
+ if(@attrSet)
+ {
+ foreach my $currNode (@attrSet)
+ {
+ my %attrHashMap = ();
+ # Get the <featureset> attributes
+ $fillFeatureSetAttributes->($currNode,\%attrHashMap);
+ # Get the <hfileheader> attributes
+ $fillFileHeaderAttributes->($currNode,\%attrHashMap);
+ # Get the <feature> attributes
+ return 0 if( !($fillFeatureAttributes->($currNode,\%attrHashMap)) );
+ # Get the <alias> attributes
+ return 0 if( !($fillAliasAttributes->($currNode, \%attrHashMap)) );
+ # Add the featureset into the object
+ if(! &addFeatureSet($object,\%attrHashMap))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+# Read the <defaultfeaturerange> element
+sub createDefaultRangeMap
+ my $object = shift;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"createDefaultRangeMap"));
+ # Return error if the rootelement reference is NULL
+ return 0 if($object->rootElement() < 0);
+ # Get all the <defaultfeaturerange> elements
+ my @attrSet = &featureparser::getnodefromTree($object->rootElement(), "defaultfeaturerange");
+ # Add the defaultfeaturerange elements into the object
+ return &featureparser::createDefaultRangeMap($object,@attrSet);
+# Read the attributes of the <defaultfeaturerange> element
+# @param - <defaultfeaturerange> node reference
+# @param - reference to the range attributes
+sub readRangeAttributes
+ my ($object, $currNode, $range) = @_;
+ my @commentSet;
+ return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"readRangeAttributes"));
+ #Get the lower and higher uids
+ $range->{min} = &featureparser::getattrValue($currNode, "loweruid");
+ $range->{max} = &featureparser::getattrValue($currNode, "higheruid");
+ #Always supported/included for FM. Keep this value for compatible with FR
+ $range->{support} = "include";
+ #Read the <comment> element
+ @commentSet = &featureparser::getnodefromTree($currNode, "comment");
+ foreach my $node (@commentSet) {
+ $range->{comment} = &featureparser::getelementValue($node,STRICTCASE);
+ }