--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imgtools/imgcheck/src/exceptionimplementation.cpp Mon May 10 19:54:49 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* This class is used to log and/or display the error, warning and status
+* messages. This is a sigleton class.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+#include "exceptionimplementation.h"
+enum MessageArraySize{MAX=42};
+Message objects are created and these objects holds the error, warning and status
+message required by imgcheck tool.
+struct Messages MessageArray[MAX]=
+ {UNKNOWNIMAGETYPE, "Error: Image Type Unknown: '%s'"},
+ {UNKNOWNPREFIX,"Error: Option has Un-Known Prefix: '%s'"},
+ {VALUEEXPECTED,"Error: Value expected for option: '%s'"},
+ {VALUENOTEXPECTED,"Error: Value not expected for option: '%s'"},
+ {UNKNOWNOPTION,"Error: Unknown option: '%s'"},
+ {QUIETMODESELECTED,"Error: Quiet mode selected while not generating XML report"},
+ {NOIMAGE,"Error: No images specified in the input"},
+ {NOROMIMAGE,"Warning: ROM image not passed"},
+ {XMLOPTION,"Warning: XML file name specified while not generating XML report"},
+ {NOMEMORY,"Error:%s:%d: Insuffient program memory"},
+ {FILENAMETOOBIG,"Error:'%s':%d: Improper File Name Size"},
+ {XMLNAMENOTVALID,"Error: Not a valid Xml File name"},
+ {REPORTTYPEINVALID,"Error: Not a valid report type"},
+ {FILEOPENFAIL,"Error:%s:%d: Cannot Open file: '%s'"},
+ {XSLCREATIONFAILED,"Warning:%s:%d: Unable to Create XSL file: '%s'"},
+ {UNEXPECTEDNUMBEROFVALUE, "Error: Unexpected number of values received for option: '%s'"},
+ {INVALIDVIDVALUE, "Error: Invalid VID value: '%s'"},
+ {UNKNOWNSUPPRESSVAL, "Error: Unknown suppress value: '%s'"},
+ {ALLCHECKSSUPPRESSED, "Error: All Validations suppressed"},
+ {SUPPRESSCOMBINEDWITHVIDVAL, "Warning: VID values received but VID validation suppressed"},
+ {SIDALLCOMBINEDWITHSID, "Warning: --sidall option received but SID validation suppressed"},
+ {DATAOVERFLOW, "Overflow: Input value '%s'"},
+ {VALIDIMAGE, "Success: Image(s) are valid"},
+ {IMAGENAMEALREADYRECEIVED, "Warning: Image '%s' passed in multiple times, first one is considered and rest are ignored."},
+ {UNKNOWNDBGVALUE , "Error: Invalid value is passed to --dbg, expected values are TRUE or FALSE."},
+ {ONLYSINGLEDIRECTORYEXPECTED , "Error: Only single directory should be passed as input when E32Input is enabled."},
+ {INVALIDDIRECTORY , "Error: Invalid directory or E32 file received as E32Input."},
+ {INCORRECTVALUES , "Warning: The status reported for Dependency and SID check may not be correct in E32 input mode."},
+ {NOVALIDATIONSENABLED , "Error: No validations are enabled."},
+ {NOEXEPRESENT, "Error: No valid executables are present"},
+ {E32INPUTNOTEXIST, "Error: Invalid E32 input '%s'"},
+ {VALIDE32INPUT, "Success: E32 executable(s) are validated"},
+ // Add the New Error and warning messages above this line
+ {GATHERINGDEPENDENCIES,"Gathering dependencies for '%s'"},
+ {WRITINGINTOREPORTER,"'%s' Checker writing data into Reporter"},
+ {COLLECTDEPDATA,"Collecting dependency data for '%s'"},
+ {NOOFEXECUTABLES,"No of executables in '%s': %d"},
+ {NOOFHEXECUTABLES,"No of hidden executables in '%s': %d"},
+ {READINGIMAGE,"Reading image: '%s'"},
+ {GATHERINGIDDATA,"Gathering %s data for '%s'"},
+ {GENERATINGREPORT,"Generating '%s' Report"},
+ {REPORTGENERATION,"Report generation %s"},
+ //Add the new status informations below this line
+ {NODISKSPACE,"Error: No enough disk space for %s"}
+Static variables used to construct singleton class are initialized
+unsigned int ExceptionImplementation::iCmdFlag = 0;
+ExceptionImplementation* ExceptionImplementation::iInstance = KNull;
+Static function provides the way to get the instance of ExceptionImplementation
+class. It takes aCmdFlag as argument, this argument contains the specified
+commandline options and this flag is used to display the status information to
+standard output upon receiving verbose mode flag.
+@param aCmdFlag - has all the options received in commandline.
+@return - returns the instance
+ExceptionImplementation* ExceptionImplementation::Instance(unsigned int aCmdFlag)
+ if(iInstance == KNull)
+ {
+ iCmdFlag = aCmdFlag;
+ iInstance = new ExceptionImplementation();
+ }
+ return iInstance;
+Static function to delete the instance.
+void ExceptionImplementation::DeleteInstance()
+ DELETE(iInstance);
+Constructor opens the output stream and traverses through MessageArray objects to
+initialize iMessage map. This map is used later to log the messages.
+ iLogStream.open(gLogFileName.c_str(),Ios::out);
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
+ {
+ iMessage.insert(std::make_pair(MessageArray[i].iIndex,MessageArray[i].iMessage));
+ }
+Destructor closes the output stream opened during construction.
+ iLogStream.close();
+Function returns the message equivalent to the recived enum value.
+@param aMsgIndex - enum value
+String& ExceptionImplementation::Message(const int aMsgIndex)
+ iMsgIndex = aMsgIndex;
+ return iMessage[aMsgIndex];
+Function to log the error, warning and status information.
+Irrespective of the messgae type all the messages are logged into the imgcheck
+logfile. The warning and error messages are needed to be displayed on the command
+prompt always. But the status information is displayed at standard output only if
+the verbose mode is selected by the user.
+@param aMsgIndex - enum value
+void ExceptionImplementation::Log(const String aMsg)
+ iLogStream << aMsg.c_str() << "\n";
+ if(iCmdFlag & KVerbose)
+ {
+ std::cout << aMsg.c_str() << std::endl;
+ }
+Function to report the error and warning information.
+Irrespective of the messgae type all the messages are logged into the imgcheck
+logfile. The warning and error messages are needed to be displayed on the command
+prompt always.
+@param aMsgIndex - enum value
+void ExceptionImplementation::Report(const String aMsg)
+ iLogStream << aMsg.c_str() << "\n";
+ if(aMsg.find("Success") != String::npos)
+ {
+ std::cout << aMsg.c_str() << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cerr << aMsg.c_str() << std::endl;
+ }