changeset 2 39c28ec933dd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/	Mon May 10 19:54:49 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+# Perl script to dump the ROM root directory
+my $imagefile="ba_001.engbuild.img";
+my $imageoffset=0;
+my $readsortedarrays = 1;
+my $imagetype="none";
+sub usage_and_die
+die "Usage: $0 [-no-sorted-arrays] [imagefile]\n";
+usage_and_die() if (@ARGV>2);
+	{
+	if (uc($_) eq '-NO-SORTED-ARRAYS')
+		{
+		$readsortedarrays = 0;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		$imagefile = $_;
+		}
+	}
+open IMAGE, "<$imagefile" or die "Cannot open $imagefile";
+binmode IMAGE;
+my $imagedata;
+my $errors=0;
+my $romrootdirectory;
+read IMAGE, $imagedata, 20;
+if ($imagedata =~ /^EPOC....ROM/)
+	{
+	$imageoffset -= 256;	# compensate for REPRO header
+	}
+	{
+	# No REPRO header, rewind back to the start
+	seek(IMAGE,0, 0)
+	}
+# identify the image type
+my $coresize=0;
+my $id=readword(0);
+if ($id == 0x53464f52)	# ROFS
+	{
+	$coresize=readword(0x2c);	
+	printf "Core ROFS ROM image: %s\n", $imagefile;
+	$imagetype="ROFS";
+	$romrootdirectory = readword(8);
+	}
+elsif ($id == 0x78464f52) # ROFx
+	{
+	printf "Extension ROFS ROM image: %s\n", $imagefile;
+	$imagetype="ROFx";
+	exit (1);
+	}
+    {
+    printf "Unknown ROM image type: %s\n", $imagefile;
+	exit (1);
+    }
+my @directories;
+push @directories, $romrootdirectory;
+if (seek(IMAGE, $coresize+8, 0))
+	{
+	my $extdir=0;
+	$extdir=readword($coresize+8);
+	if ($extdir) {
+		push @directories, $extdir;
+		printf "Extended ROFS @ %08x\n", $coresize;
+		}
+	}
+my $root;
+foreach $root (@directories)
+    {
+    printf "\n\nDirectory @ 0x%08x:\n", $root;
+    print_directory($root, "");
+    }
+my %seen_before;
+sub print_sortedarrays
+	return if (!$readsortedarrays);
+	my $entry = shift ;
+	my $prefix = shift;
+	my $sortedarrayptr=$entry+4;
+	my $dircount=readshort($entry);
+	my $filecount=readshort($entry+2);
+	printf "%s dirs[%d]=[",$prefix, $dircount;
+	while ($dircount--)
+		{
+		printf "%04x",readshort($sortedarrayptr);
+		printf "," if $dircount;
+		$sortedarrayptr+=2;
+		}
+	print "]\n";
+	printf "%s files[%d]=[",$prefix,$filecount;
+	while ($filecount--)
+		{
+		printf "%04x",readshort($sortedarrayptr);
+		printf ","  if $filecount;
+		$sortedarrayptr+=2;
+		}
+	print "]\n";
+sub print_entry
+	{
+ 	my ($entry, $prefix) = @_;
+	my $size = readshort($entry);
+	my $nameoffset = readbyte(-1);
+	my $attributes = readbyte(-1);
+	my $filesize = readword(-1);
+	my $fileoffset = readword(-1); # fileaddr
+	my $attributesextra = readbyte(-1);
+	my $namelen = readbyte(-1);
+	my $name = readimage($namelen*2, -1);
+	$name =~ s/(.)./$1/g;	# drop high byte of Unicode characters
+	printf "%s %s\t%08x %02x %3d %08x\n", $prefix,$name, $entry, 
+				$attributes, $filesize, $fileoffset;
+	}
+sub print_directory
+    {
+    my ($dir, $prefix) = @_;
+    if ($seen_before{$dir} == 1)
+		{
+		printf "%s ...\n", $prefix;
+		return;
+		}
+    $seen_before{$dir} = 1;
+	my $dirstructsize=readshort($dir);
+	my $firstentryoffset=readbyte($dir+3);
+	my $entry = $dir+$firstentryoffset;
+	my $end = $dir+$dirstructsize;
+	# print the files in this dir
+	#
+	my $fileblockoffset = readword($dir+4);
+	my $fileblocksize	= readword($dir+8);
+	while ($fileblocksize>0)
+		{
+		my $fileentrysize=readshort($fileblockoffset);
+		print_entry($fileblockoffset, "$prefix");
+		$fileblocksize-=$fileentrysize;
+		$fileblockoffset+=$fileentrysize;
+		}
+	# print the sub dirs
+	my $firstentry = $entry;
+    while ($entry < $end)
+		{
+		my $size = readshort($entry);
+		my $nameoffset = readbyte(-1);
+		my $attributes = readbyte(-1);
+		my $filesize = readword(-1);
+		my $fileoffset = readword(-1); # fileaddr
+		my $attributesextra = readbyte(-1);
+		my $namelen = readbyte(-1);
+		my $name = readimage($namelen*2, -1);
+		$name =~ s/(.)./$1/g;	# drop high byte of Unicode characters
+		printf "%s %s\\\t%08x \n", $prefix, $name, $entry;
+		print_directory($fileoffset, "$prefix |");
+		$entry += $size;
+		$entry = ($entry+3)&~3;
+		}
+    }
+# read image subroutines
+sub readimage
+    {
+    my ($length, $linaddr) = @_;
+    my $imagedata;
+	if ($linaddr>=0)
+		{
+		if (!seek(IMAGE, $linaddr-$imageoffset, 0))
+	    	{
+		   	 printf "Can't seek to address 0x%x\n", $linaddr;
+	    	$errors++;
+	    	return "";
+	    	}
+		}
+    read IMAGE, $imagedata, $length;
+    return $imagedata;
+    }
+sub readbyte
+	{
+	my ($linaddr) = @_;
+    return unpack "C", readimage(1, $linaddr);
+    }
+sub readword
+    {
+    my ($linaddr) = @_;
+    return unpack "V", readimage(4, $linaddr);
+    }
+sub readshort
+	{
+	my ($linaddr) = @_;
+	return unpack "v", readimage(2, $linaddr); # unsigned short in little-endian
+	}