changeset 13 c327db0664bb
parent 2 39c28ec933dd
--- a/sbsv2/raptor/lib/flm/test/Makefile	Sun May 16 13:06:27 2010 +0100
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/lib/flm/test/Makefile	Mon May 17 20:20:32 2010 +0100
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
-# Create and check test environment.
-# build all tests.
-## Purpose: Run test makefiles in parallel to ensure that they all work
-## Postconditions: All postconditions for all the makefiles are satisfied
-# Parameters which may be overridden by the environment:
-# Need elf2e32 etc.
-# End of Environment-overridable parameters.
-#Where are flms located?
-.PHONY:: all
-#### Call all the test makefiles ##############
-include $(FLMHOME)/test/
-include $(FLMHOME)/test/
-include $(FLMHOME)/test/
-include $(FLMHOME)/test/
-#include $(FLMHOME)/system.flm
-flmcheck:: flmtoolscheck
-	@ERRCOUNT=0; for i in $(FLMHOME)/*.flm; do \
-		$(FLMHOME)/tools/  $$i; ERRCOUNT=$$[ $$ERRCOUNT + $$?];  done;  \
-		echo "flmcheck issued warnings for $$ERRCOUNT  FLMS.";
-		@true # For the time being this is not a sufficient condition to stop the tests
-# Run through the flmtools tests to make sure thye work
-	make -f ../ STANDALONE_TEST:=1 FLMHOME:=$(FLMHOME) test
-	@echo "<envcheck>"
-	@echo -n "<elf2e32>"; ELF2E32=`which elf2e32`; if [ "$$ELF2E32" == "" ]; then echo -n "elf2e32 not available in the path."; else echo -n "$$ELF2E32"; fi; echo "<elf2e32>"
-	@echo -n "<make>"; make -v | egrep '^.*GNU Make 3.81.*$$' ; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then echo -n "Version of make in the path appears not to be 3.81."; fi; echo "<make>"
-	@echo -n "<tranasm>"; $$TRANASM | egrep 'tranasm' ; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then echo -n "tranasm not found"; fi; echo "<tranasm>"
-	@echo -n "<epocroot>"; if [ ! -d "$$EPOCROOT" ]; then echo -n "EPOCROOT='$$EPOCROOT' directory not found."; else echo -n "$$EPOCROOT"; fi; echo "</epocroot>"
-	@echo -n "<raptorhome>"; if [ ! -d "$$RAPTOR_HOME" ]; then echo -n "RAPTOR_HOME='$$RAPTOR_HOME' directory not found."; else echo -n "$$RAPTOR_HOME"; fi; echo "</raptorhome>"
-	@echo "</envcheck>"
-# END TEST - Check FLMS
+# Create and check test environment.
+# build all tests.
+## Purpose: Run test makefiles in parallel to ensure that they all work
+## Postconditions: All postconditions for all the makefiles are satisfied
+# Parameters which may be overridden by the environment:
+# Need elf2e32 etc.
+# End of Environment-overridable parameters.
+#Where are flms located?
+.PHONY:: all
+#### Call all the test makefiles ##############
+include $(FLMHOME)/test/
+include $(FLMHOME)/test/
+include $(FLMHOME)/test/
+include $(FLMHOME)/test/
+#include $(FLMHOME)/system.flm
+flmcheck:: flmtoolscheck
+	@ERRCOUNT=0; for i in $(FLMHOME)/*.flm; do \
+		$(FLMHOME)/tools/  $$i; ERRCOUNT=$$[ $$ERRCOUNT + $$?];  done;  \
+		echo "flmcheck issued warnings for $$ERRCOUNT  FLMS.";
+		@true # For the time being this is not a sufficient condition to stop the tests
+# Run through the flmtools tests to make sure thye work
+	make -f ../ STANDALONE_TEST:=1 FLMHOME:=$(FLMHOME) test
+	@echo "<envcheck>"
+	@echo -n "<elf2e32>"; ELF2E32=`which elf2e32`; if [ "$$ELF2E32" == "" ]; then echo -n "elf2e32 not available in the path."; else echo -n "$$ELF2E32"; fi; echo "<elf2e32>"
+	@echo -n "<make>"; make -v | egrep '^.*GNU Make 3.81.*$$' ; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then echo -n "Version of make in the path appears not to be 3.81."; fi; echo "<make>"
+	@echo -n "<tranasm>"; $$TRANASM | egrep 'tranasm' ; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then echo -n "tranasm not found"; fi; echo "<tranasm>"
+	@echo -n "<epocroot>"; if [ ! -d "$$EPOCROOT" ]; then echo -n "EPOCROOT='$$EPOCROOT' directory not found."; else echo -n "$$EPOCROOT"; fi; echo "</epocroot>"
+	@echo -n "<raptorhome>"; if [ ! -d "$$RAPTOR_HOME" ]; then echo -n "RAPTOR_HOME='$$RAPTOR_HOME' directory not found."; else echo -n "$$RAPTOR_HOME"; fi; echo "</raptorhome>"
+	@echo "</envcheck>"
+# END TEST - Check FLMS