changeset 13 c327db0664bb
parent 2 39c28ec933dd
--- a/sbsv2/raptor/python/	Sun May 16 13:06:27 2010 +0100
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/python/	Mon May 17 20:20:32 2010 +0100
@@ -1,249 +1,254 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
-# Classes, methods and regex available for use in log filters
-import re
-# General log structure
-logTag = re.compile('</?(?P<name>\?xml|buildlog|info|warning|error|recipe|whatlog|build|export|archive|member|bitmap|resource|stringtable|bmconvcmdfile)[>| ]')
-logHeader = re.compile('<buildlog sbs_version=[\'|\"](?P<version>.+)[\'|\"] xmlns=[\'|\"](?P<xmlns>.+)[\'|\"] xmlns:xsi=[\'|\"](?P<xsdi>.+)[\'|\"] xsi:schemaLocation=[\'|\"](?P<schemaLocation>.+)[\'|\"]>')
-clean = re.compile('.*<rm(dir)? (files|dirs)=[\'|\"](?P<removals>.+)[\'|\"] />')
-exports = re.compile('<info>(Copied|Unzipped (?P<unpacked>\d+) files from) (?P<source>.+) to (?P<destination>.+)</info>')
-# Tool errors and warnings
-mwError = re.compile('(.+:\d+:(?! (note|warning):) .+|mw(ld|cc)sym2(.exe)?:(?! (note|warning):) .+ \'.+\' .+)')
-mwWarning = re.compile('.+:\d+: warning: .+|mw(ld|cc)sym2(.exe)?: warning: .+')
-class AutoFlushedStream(file):
-	""" Wrapper for STDOUT/STDERR streams to ensure that a flush is performed
-	after write methods.
-	Use to avoid buffering when log output in real time is required."""
-	def __init__(self, aStream):
-		self.__stream = aStream
-	def write(self, aText):
-		self.__stream.write(aText)
-		self.__stream.flush()
-	def writelines(self, aTextList):
-		self.__stream.writelines(aTextList)
-		self.__stream.flush()
-class RecipeFactory(object):
-	"Factory class to ease creation of appropriately specialised Recipe objects."
-	def newRecipe(self, aLine=None, aCustomIgnore=None):
-		""" Creates objects of base type Recipe depending on the name
-		of the recipe being processed."""
-		name = ""
-		header = None
-		if aLine:
-			header = Recipe.header.match(aLine)
-		if header:
-			name ="name")	
-		if name.startswith("win32"):
-			return Win32Recipe(aLine, aCustomIgnore)
-		else:
-			return Recipe(aLine, aCustomIgnore)
-class Recipe(object):
-	""" Recipe base class.
-	Provides a means to get hold of recipe content in a generic way.
-	Includes a basic understanding of errors and warnings - sub-classes can
-	override output, error and warning methods to specialise."""
-	# Flags to normalise client access, mapping directly to regex groups
-	name		= "name"
-	target		= "target"
-	host		= "host"
-	layer		= "layer"
-	component	= "component"
-	bldinf		= "bldinf"
-	mmp			= "mmp"
-	config		= "config"
-	platform	= "platform"
-	phase		= "phase"
-	source		= "source"
-	start		= "start"
-	elapsed		= "elapsed"
-	exit		= "exit"
-	code		= "code"
-	attempts	= "attempts"
-	# Basic errors/warnings
-	error = re.compile('Error: ')
-	warning = re.compile('Warning: ')
-	# Recipe metadata
-	header  = re.compile('<recipe\s+name=[\'|\"](?P<name>.+)[\'|\"]\s+target=[\'|\"](?P<target>.+)[\'|\"]\s+host=[\'|\"](?P<host>.+)[\'|\"]\s+layer=[\'|\"](?P<layer>.*)[\'|\"]\s+component=[\'|\"](?P<component>.*)[\'|\"]\s+bldinf=[\'|\"](?P<bldinf>.+)[\'|\"]\s+mmp=[\'|\"](?P<mmp>.*)[\'|\"]\s+config=[\'|\"](?P<config>.+)[\'|\"]\s+platform=[\'|\"](?P<platform>.*)[\'|\"]\s+phase=[\'|\"](?P<phase>.+)[\'|\"]\s+source=[\'|\"](?P<source>.*)[\'|\"]\s*>')
-	call    = re.compile('^\+ (?P<call>.+)$')
-	status  = re.compile('\<status\s+exit=[\'|\"](?P<exit>(ok|failed|retry))[\'|\"](\s+code=[\'|\"](?P<code>\d+)[\'|\"])?\s+attempt=[\'|\"](?P<attempts>\d+)[\'|\"]\s*\/>')
-	ignore  = re.compile('<!\[CDATA\[')
-	time    = re.compile(']]><time\s+start=[\'|\"](?P<start>\d+\.\d+)[\'|\"]\s+elapsed=[\'|\"](?P<elapsed>\d+.\d+)[\'|\"]\s*/>$')
-	footer  = re.compile('</recipe>$')
-	def __init__(self, aLine=None, aCustomIgnore=None):
-		"""
-		@param aLine			Optional first line of a recipe (typically the recipe header)
-		@param aCustomIgnore	Optional compiled regular expression object listing additional
-								lines to be ignored in this recipe's output.
-		"""				
-		self.__customIgnore = aCustomIgnore	
-		self.__detail = {
-		:"",
-	:"",
-		:"",
-						Recipe.layer	:"",
-						Recipe.component:"",
-						Recipe.bldinf	:"",
-						Recipe.mmp		:"",
-						Recipe.config	:"",
-						Recipe.platform	:"",
-						Recipe.phase	:"",
-						Recipe.source	:"",
-						Recipe.start	:"",
-						Recipe.elapsed	:0.0,
-						Recipe.exit		:"",
-						Recipe.code		:0,
-						Recipe.attempts	:0
-						}
-		self.__calls = []
-		self.__lines = []
-		self.__complete = False
-		if aLine:
-			self.addLine(aLine)
-	def isComplete(self):
-		"""Signifies that the recipe footer has been reached, the
-		recipe is complete and so is in a fit state to be queried."""
-		return self.__complete
-	def __storeDetail(self, aMatchObject):
-		for key in aMatchObject.groupdict().keys():
-			value =
-			if value:
-				if (key in [Recipe.code,Recipe.attempts]):
-					value = int(value)
-				elif key == Recipe.elapsed:
-					value = float(value)
-				self.__detail[key] = value
-	def addLine(self, aLine):
-		"""Add a log line to an existing recipe object, processing anything
-		that can be examined at this point in time directly."""
-		if Recipe.ignore.match(aLine) or (self.__customIgnore and self.__customIgnore.match(aLine)):
-			return
-		header = Recipe.header.match(aLine)
-		if header:
-			self.__storeDetail(header)
-			return
-		call =
-		if call:
-			self.__calls.append("call"))
-			return
-		time = Recipe.time.match(aLine)
-		if time:
-			self.__storeDetail(time)
-			return
-		status = Recipe.status.match(aLine)
-		if status:
-			self.__storeDetail(status)
-			return
-		if Recipe.footer.match(aLine):
-			self.__complete = True
-			return
-		self.__lines.append(aLine)
-	def getDetail(self, aItem):
-		"""Retrieve attribute detail from recipe tags.
-		Class data flags provide known items e.g. getDetail(Recipe.source)"""
-		if self.__detail.has_key(aItem):
-			return self.__detail[aItem]
-	def getCalls(self):
-		"Return a list of all '+' prefixed tool calls from this recipe."
-		return self.__calls
-	def isError(self, aLine):
-		"""Convenience matcher for basic errors.
-		Override in sub-classes to specialise."""
-		return True if Recipe.error.match(aLine) else False
-	def isWarning(self, aLine):
-		"""Convenience matcher for basic warnings.
-		Override in sub-classes to specialise."""
-		return True if Recipe.warning.match(aLine) else False
-	def getOutput(self):
-		""""Return a list of all output that isn't an error or a warning.
-		Override in sub-classes to specialise."""
-		output = []
-		for line in self.__lines:
-			if not self.isError(line) and not self.isWarning(line):
-				output.append(line)
-		return output
-	def getErrors(self):
-		""""Return a list of all output identified as an error.
-		Override in sub-classes to specialise."""
-		errors = []
-		for line in self.__lines:
-			if self.isError(line):
-				errors.append(line)
-		return errors
-	def getWarnings(self):
-		""""Return a list of all output identified as a warning.
-		Override in sub-classes to specialise."""
-		warnings = []
-		for line in self.__lines:
-			if self.isWarning(line):
-				warnings.append(line)
-		return warnings
-	def isSuccess(self):
-		"Convenience method to get overall recipe status."
-		return True if self.getDetail(Recipe.exit) == "ok" else False
-class Win32Recipe(Recipe):
-	"Win32 tailored recipe class."
-	def isError(self, aLine):
-		return True if mwError.match(aLine) else False
-	def isWarning(self, aLine):
-		return True if mwWarning.match(aLine) else False
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+# Classes, methods and regex available for use in log filters
+import re
+# General log structure
+logTag = re.compile('</?(?P<name>\?xml|buildlog|info|warning|error|recipe|whatlog|build|export|archive|member|bitmap|resource|stringtable|bmconvcmdfile)[>| ]')
+logHeader = re.compile('<buildlog sbs_version=[\'|\"](?P<version>.+)[\'|\"] xmlns=[\'|\"](?P<xmlns>.+)[\'|\"] xmlns:xsi=[\'|\"](?P<xsdi>.+)[\'|\"] xsi:schemaLocation=[\'|\"](?P<schemaLocation>.+)[\'|\"]>')
+clean = re.compile('.*<rm(dir)? (files|dirs)=[\'|\"](?P<removals>.+)[\'|\"] />')
+exports = re.compile('<info>(Copied|Unzipped (?P<unpacked>\d+) files from) (?P<source>.+) to (?P<destination>.+)</info>')
+# Tool errors and warnings
+mwError = re.compile('(.+:\d+:(?! (note|warning):) .+|mw(ld|cc)sym2(.exe)?:(?! (note|warning):) .+ \'.+\' .+)')
+mwWarning = re.compile('.+:\d+: warning: .+|mw(ld|cc)sym2(.exe)?: warning: .+')
+class AutoFlushedStream(file):
+	""" Wrapper for STDOUT/STDERR streams to ensure that a flush is performed
+	after write methods.
+	Use to avoid buffering when log output in real time is required."""
+	def __init__(self, aStream):
+		self.__stream = aStream
+	def write(self, aText):
+		self.__stream.write(aText)
+		self.__stream.flush()
+	def writelines(self, aTextList):
+		self.__stream.writelines(aTextList)
+		self.__stream.flush()
+class RecipeFactory(object):
+	"Factory class to ease creation of appropriately specialised Recipe objects."
+	def newRecipe(self, aLine=None, aCustomIgnore=None):
+		""" Creates objects of base type Recipe depending on the name
+		of the recipe being processed."""
+		name = ""
+		header = None
+		if aLine:
+			header = Recipe.header.match(aLine)
+		if header:
+			name ="name")	
+		if name.startswith("win32"):
+			return Win32Recipe(aLine, aCustomIgnore)
+		else:
+			return Recipe(aLine, aCustomIgnore)
+class Recipe(object):
+	""" Recipe base class.
+	Provides a means to get hold of recipe content in a generic way.
+	Includes a basic understanding of errors and warnings - sub-classes can
+	override output, error and warning methods to specialise."""
+	# Flags to normalise client access, mapping directly to regex groups
+	name		= "name"
+	target		= "target"
+	host		= "host"
+	layer		= "layer"
+	component	= "component"
+	bldinf		= "bldinf"
+	mmp			= "mmp"
+	config		= "config"
+	platform	= "platform"
+	phase		= "phase"
+	source		= "source"
+	start		= "start"
+	elapsed		= "elapsed"
+	exit		= "exit"
+	code		= "code"
+	attempts	= "attempts"
+	# Basic errors/warnings
+	error = re.compile('Error: ')
+	warning = re.compile('Warning: ')
+	# Recipe metadata
+	header  = re.compile('<recipe\s+name=[\'|\"](?P<name>.+)[\'|\"]\s+target=[\'|\"](?P<target>.+)[\'|\"]\s+host=[\'|\"](?P<host>.+)[\'|\"]\s+layer=[\'|\"](?P<layer>.*)[\'|\"]\s+component=[\'|\"](?P<component>.*)[\'|\"]\s+bldinf=[\'|\"](?P<bldinf>.+)[\'|\"]\s+mmp=[\'|\"](?P<mmp>.*)[\'|\"]\s+config=[\'|\"](?P<config>.+)[\'|\"]\s+platform=[\'|\"](?P<platform>.*)[\'|\"]\s+phase=[\'|\"](?P<phase>.+)[\'|\"]\s+source=[\'|\"](?P<source>.*)[\'|\"]\s*>')
+	call    = re.compile('^\+ (?P<call>.+)$')
+	status  = re.compile('\<status\s+exit=[\'|\"](?P<exit>(ok|failed|retry))[\'|\"](\s+code=[\'|\"](?P<code>\d+)[\'|\"])?\s+attempt=[\'|\"](?P<attempts>\d+)[\'|\"]\s*\/>')
+	ignore  = re.compile('<!\[CDATA\[')
+	time    = re.compile(']]><time\s+start=[\'|\"](?P<start>\d+\.\d+)[\'|\"]\s+elapsed=[\'|\"](?P<elapsed>\d+.\d+)[\'|\"]\s*/>$')
+	footer  = re.compile('</recipe>$')
+	def __init__(self, aLine=None, aCustomIgnore=None):
+		"""
+		@param aLine			Optional first line of a recipe (typically the recipe header)
+		@param aCustomIgnore	Optional compiled regular expression object listing additional
+								lines to be ignored in this recipe's output.
+		"""				
+		self.__customIgnore = aCustomIgnore	
+		self.__detail = {
+		:"",
+	:"",
+		:"",
+						Recipe.layer	:"",
+						Recipe.component:"",
+						Recipe.bldinf	:"",
+						Recipe.mmp		:"",
+						Recipe.config	:"",
+						Recipe.platform	:"",
+						Recipe.phase	:"",
+						Recipe.source	:"",
+						Recipe.start	:"",
+						Recipe.elapsed	:0.0,
+						Recipe.exit		:"",
+						Recipe.code		:0,
+						Recipe.attempts	:0
+						}
+		self.__calls = []
+		self.__lines = []
+		self.__complete = False
+		if aLine:
+			self.addLine(aLine)
+	def isComplete(self):
+		"""Signifies that the recipe footer has been reached, the
+		recipe is complete and so is in a fit state to be queried."""
+		return self.__complete
+	def __storeDetail(self, aMatchObject):
+		for key in aMatchObject.groupdict().keys():
+			value =
+			if value:
+				if (key in [Recipe.code,Recipe.attempts]):
+					value = int(value)
+				elif key == Recipe.elapsed:
+					value = float(value)
+				self.__detail[key] = value
+	def addLine(self, aLine):
+		"""Add a log line to an existing recipe object, processing anything
+		that can be examined at this point in time directly."""
+		if Recipe.ignore.match(aLine) or (self.__customIgnore and self.__customIgnore.match(aLine)):
+			return
+		header = Recipe.header.match(aLine)
+		if header:
+			self.__storeDetail(header)
+			return
+		call =
+		if call:
+			self.__calls.append("call"))
+			return
+		time = Recipe.time.match(aLine)
+		if time:
+			self.__storeDetail(time)
+			return
+		status = Recipe.status.match(aLine)
+		if status:
+			self.__storeDetail(status)
+			return
+		if Recipe.footer.match(aLine):
+			self.__complete = True
+			return
+		self.__lines.append(aLine)
+	def getDetail(self, aItem):
+		"""Retrieve attribute detail from recipe tags.
+		Class data flags provide known items e.g. getDetail(Recipe.source)"""
+		if self.__detail.has_key(aItem):
+			return self.__detail[aItem]
+	def getCalls(self):
+		"Return a list of all '+' prefixed tool calls from this recipe."
+		return self.__calls
+	def isError(self, aLine):
+		"""Convenience matcher for basic errors.
+		Override in sub-classes to specialise."""
+		if Recipe.error.match(aLine):
+			return True
+		return False
+	def isWarning(self, aLine):
+		"""Convenience matcher for basic warnings.
+		Override in sub-classes to specialise."""
+		if Recipe.warning.match(aLine):
+			return True
+		return False
+	def getOutput(self):
+		""""Return a list of all output that isn't an error or a warning.
+		Override in sub-classes to specialise."""
+		output = []
+		for line in self.__lines:
+			if not self.isError(line) and not self.isWarning(line):
+				output.append(line)
+		return output
+	def getErrors(self):
+		""""Return a list of all output identified as an error.
+		Override in sub-classes to specialise."""
+		errors = []
+		for line in self.__lines:
+			if self.isError(line):
+				errors.append(line)
+		return errors
+	def getWarnings(self):
+		""""Return a list of all output identified as a warning.
+		Override in sub-classes to specialise."""
+		warnings = []
+		for line in self.__lines:
+			if self.isWarning(line):
+				warnings.append(line)
+		return warnings
+	def isSuccess(self):
+		"Convenience method to get overall recipe status."
+		return (self.getDetail(Recipe.exit) == "ok")
+class Win32Recipe(Recipe):
+	"Win32 tailored recipe class."
+	def isError(self, aLine):
+		if mwError.match(aLine):
+			return True
+		return False
+	def isWarning(self, aLine):
+		if mwWarning.match(aLine):
+			return True
+		return False